Two doses of live vaccine are required after 12 months of age (dates prior to 1968 are not considered live). The second dose is to be given at least one (1) month after the first dose. Copies of immune titers are required if vaccine is not given. If you were born before 1957, you are considered immune (an MMR is not required)
Tetanus / Diphtheria
Documentation of Primary (DPT) immunization series, including month/day/year of each dose, is requested. Tetanus/diphtheria booster (Td) (month/day/year) within the past 10 years is required.
Tuberculosis Screening
Tuberculosis screening is required of all entering students, regardless of enrollment status. Not all students will require placement of the TB skin test, however if so, the test must be performed within six months of entering.
Meningococcal vaccine
Vaccine or signed waiver required.
Hepatitis B
Given as a series of three vaccines. Vaccine or signed waiver required.
(1) Primary immunization with a total of three [3] doses of OPV (oral Sabin) or
(2) Primary immunization with a total of four [4] doses of IPV (injected Salk).
Note: Documentation of prior vaccination against polio, including month/day/year of each dose, is requested. However, if documentation is impossible, it is not recommended that the student complete the primary polio series unless the student is younger than 18 years or is planning travel to an area endemic or epidemic for polio.
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Given as one vaccine or a series of two vaccines, depending on age. Recommended if no history of disease.
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