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Promise Scholars


Building on RBC’s historic partnership with William & Mary, the Promise Scholar program is designed to ease transfer from Richard Bland College to William & Mary for 15 high-ability Virginia residents who are eligible for a Pell Grant.

The Promise Scholar Program provides W&M courses for RBC students, guaranteed RBC housing, peer-to-peer support, and mentorship to eligible students who have committed to transferring to W&M. Promise Scholars are also guaranteed on-campus housing for their first year at W&M.

All Promise Scholars are also Honors students at RBC, so they receive the same benefits and opportunities as other Honors students. However, Promise Scholars also receive a significantly higher financial aid package, guaranteed admission to W&M, and W&M courses for RBC students.

To maintain status as a Promise Scholar, students must also meet all expectations of the Honors Program, which include:

  • Complete 15 credit hours each semester
  • Maintain a 3.25 RBC GPA. If a student’s GPA falls below the 3.25 GPA, the student will have one semester to return to a 3.25.
  • Participate in all required program meetings, presentations and service activities.

To learn more email honors@rbc.edu

Program Requirements

  • Desire to attend William & Mary
  • 3.5+ high-school GPA or 3.25 college GPA (exceptions are made for extraordinary circumstances)
  • Virginia resident
  • Commitment to live on campus at RBC
  • Accepted for general admission to RBC
  • Promise Scholars application submitted (see application process below)



  • FAFSA results in eligibility for Pell Grant (FAFSA application must be completed each year)
  • Two full years of coursework completed at RBC and graduate with an Associate’s Degree (regardless of the number of transfer credits brought to RBC)
  • Promise Scholars (provisional and accepted) must meet academic benchmarks and fulfill Honors Program requirements
  • Financial Support

    • Importantly, Promise Scholars also receive significant financial support at both RBC and W&M. While completing their Associate’s Degree at RBC, Promise Scholars receive grants and scholarships equivalent to at least 80% of all direct costs (tuition, fees, room, and meal plan).

      At W&M, Promise Scholars are guaranteed grants and scholarships to cover 100% of all direct costs (tuition, fees, room, and meal plan) above the estimated family contribution. As part of the transfer process to W&M, Promise Scholars must complete the FAFSA and CSS profile. For more information about financial support at W&M, please contact the W&M Financial Aid Office.

      At Richard Bland College:

      Direct Cost Per Year
      (Tuition, Fees, Room, & Meals)
      Promise Scholars are assured to receive 80% of direct cost. 80% of Direct Cost is based on 15 credit hours per semester, basic housing, and basic meal plan.
      Financial Aid Award Example
      (Based on $1,000 Estimated Family Contribution from FAFSA)
      $18,139$2,000 Promise Scholarship
      $16,139$1,000 Honors Scholarship
      $15,139$4,970 Federal Pell Grant
      $10,169$6,541 Grants & RBC Scholarships
      $3,628 (20% of direct cost remaining)$14,511 Total Awarded in Grants/Scholarships (80% of direct cost)
      Note: RBC will also award $5,500 in loans for freshman students to assist with the additional 20% of direct cost.

      At William & Mary:

      As part of the transfer process to W&M, Promise Scholars must complete the FASFA and CSS PROFILE. For more information about financial support, please visit this site.

      Cost of AttendanceAid Package Example
      $39,555$1,000 Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)
      $38,555$3,000 Promise Scholars Award
      $35,555$4,970 Federal Pell Grant
      $30,585$30,585 W&M Need Grant
      $0$1,000 Federal Student Loan
      $39,555 in Total Aid
  • Application Process

    • Promise Scholar Admission Guidelines

      • Commitment to attend William & Mary upon graduation from RBC
      • Virginia Resident
      • Pell Grant-eligible (as determined by the FAFSA; FAFSA must be completed each year.)
      • GPA Requirement:
        • First-Year Freshmen: 3.50 High School GPA
        • Transfer or current RBC students: 3.25 College GPA

      Promise Scholar Application Process

      After you have been admitted to RBC as a full-time student, you may apply for the Promise Scholars Program. Applications for the Promise Scholars Program will be accepted through April 18. Virtual interviews will be scheduled between April 21 and the end of April, with admissions decisions made before May 1. Applications received after April 18 will only be reviewed on a space-available basis. Transfer or current RBC students may apply to be a Promise Scholar, provided that they are able to fulfill the admission guidelines above.

      Promise Scholar Application


      By April 18, you need to have provided RBC with the following:

  • Coursework @RBC

    • All Promise Scholars are Honors students and are required to complete honors coursework during their time at RBC. In addition, the Promise Scholars will take a minimum of 2 courses at W&M during their time at RBC.

William and Mary


Promise Scholars will be guaranteed housing their first year at W&M. Focused attention will be provided to assist their academic and social success on campus via faculty advisors, a career center, and residential counselors. Financial support and college work-study will alleviate the stress associated with cost.

William & Mary has an excellent track record of academic rigor, strong alumni relations, and career preparation. Students attending W&M are focused on scholarship and professional success. If this describes young people you know, please refer them to Richard Bland College of William & Mary.

The Promise Scholars program is one of three opportunities to experience W&M at RBC. Other options include:

  • Guaranteed admission pathway for transfer students with a 3.25+ GPA and meeting all conditions of the agreement
  • Bridge program for qualified students to take courses at W&M and pay RBC tuition

Additionally, RBC Promise Scholars/Honors program provides extra opportunities for high-achieving students with goals of university transfer. Promise/Honors students can expect networking with faculty and community leaders in their chosen fields, research projects, and presentation experiences and fairs and conferences.

Ann Ifekwunigwe

Ann Ifekwunigwe

Director, The University Center-Promise/Honors Coordinator
124 McNeer Hall
(804) 862-6100 x6246

Ben Thoreson

Ben Thoreson

Director of Student SuccessPromise/Honors Coordinator
Library Room 104
(804) 862-6100, Ext. 9041

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