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Library Services

  • For Students
  • For Faculty/Staff

For Students

Conducting Research at the RBC Library

After selecting your topic for research, finding sources for your paper is as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Search the catalog to find books and ebooks on your topic.
  2. Search the databases to find articles.
  3. If you haven’t found enough sources, search WorldCat and request items from other academic libraries in Virginia by using Interlibrary Loan.

See the research guides for help with specific assignments.

Printing and Scanning

Students are given 75 free prints per semester.  Once the 75 free prints are used, they are charged ten cents per page. The copier also allows you to scan documents or photos.

Circulation Policies

The policies below apply to all Richard Bland College students enrolled full-time or part-time with the school. Dual Enrollment students may check out materials from the library according to this chart except for Videos & DVDs.

Materials Loan Period Renewals Fines Number of Items
Books 4 weeks 1 $.10/day Total of 5 items
Audio Recordings 4 weeks 1 $.10/day
Videos & DVDs 7 days 0 $1/day 2
Periodicals On-site N/A N/A N/A
Reserves Varies 0 $1/day 1
Interlibrary Loans Determined by loaning library N/A $1/day 5
  • All lost or damaged materials are charged at a $50 standard fee per item. The only exceptions are entertainment DVDs (which are assessed a $25 standard fee per item) and Interlibrary Loan materials. The replacement fee for a lost or damaged Interlibrary Loan item will be determined by the respective lending library and may exceed $50.
  • Patrons who have $5 or more in fines will not be allowed to check out any materials from the library until the fine is paid.
  • Return of materials in a timely fashion is the responsibility of the borrower. Overdue notices are sent out as a courtesy.
  • Any item that is 150 days overdue is assumed to be lost and the patron will be put on the Virginia Debt Set-Off program. Items subsequently returned will be assessed the $25 per item overdue fee.
  • Borrowing records are confidential and are protected by Virginia state law which prohibits release of information pertaining to specific materials that a patron has borrowed. The USA Patriot Act did expand the investigative powers of law enforcement.

For Faculty/Staff

Listed below are the services that the RBC Library provides for faculty and staff. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or assistance with your courses or research!

Keep updated with the trends in higher education! The Library sends out daily emails from the Chronicle of Higher Education. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please let us know. (Note: The links to the articles require a password, which the library has but cannot give out. Let us know what article you want, and we will email it to you).

Classroom Support

  • Library Instruction Sessions – Library instruction sessions and tours are available for both small and large groups. Librarians provide instruction in the use of print and electronic materials. We can hold classes upstairs in the Library, in the Virginia Room or come to your classroom. Classes may be of an introductory nature or content-specific. Faculty are encouraged to schedule class groups well in advance of desired instruction dates. Contact us at library@rbc.edu to schedule a session.
  • Assignment Design Services – If you are concerned about whether or not the library has the resources to support your assignment, the library staff can work collaboratively with you to design assignments that will ensure student success in their research.
  • Reserves – To place items on reserve, please send an email to library@rbc.edu. Before the start of each semester, please let the staff know if you need materials to be placed on reserve. Materials may include personal items, library materials, videos, DVDs, and photocopies. Reserves may be designated as library-use-only, overnight, 3-day or a time period you request.
  • Laminating – The library staff can laminate materials for you. Please allow at least a week for completion.
  • Request Items for Purchase – We encourage faculty to review library holdings in the areas of their expertise and instruction. We solicit recommendations for materials that will support and strengthen our holdings in relation to what’s taught here at Richard Bland. Any faculty member can email us with requests.

Research Support

  • Circulation – Listed below are the circulation policies for faculty and staff. As a courtesy, faculty and staff are not charged overdue fines. However, if an item is lost, they are required to pay the replacement fee or purchase an identical copy. (Replacement fees are $25 for entertainment DVDs and $50 for all other items).
    Materials Loan Period Renewals Fines Number of Items
    Books 1 semester 1 N/A unlimited
    Audio Recordings 1 semester 1 N/A unlimited
    DVDs 7 days 0 N/A 8
    Videos 7 days 1 N/A unlimited
    Periodicals On-site N/A N/A N/A
    Interlibrary Loans Determined by loaning library N/A N/A N/A
  • Interlibrary Loan – Books, articles, videos, and DVDs not available in the Richard Bland College Library may be borrowed from another library. After searching the catalog, you can request items that we don’t have using WorldCat. The RBC Library requests ILL items from any college or university library in the state of Virginia. Requests for journal articles are sent electronically.
  • Research Help – The library staff is available to assist you with your research needs. If you are having difficulty finding information on a particular topic in the catalog or the databases, send us an email! We’d be glad to do some deeper searching to see if we can get what you need through Interlibrary Loan.




Please Note:


Contact Info

11301 Johnson Rd
South Prince George, VA 23805
(804) 862-6226

Email the Library



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