Due to inclimate weather conditions Richard Bland College will be closed on Thursday February 20, 2025. Essential personnel will be notified.

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“Protection of Human Subjects Committee” and “Institutional Review Board”

Protection of Human Subjects Committee (PHSC)/Institutional Review Board (IRB)


The Protection of Human Subjects Committee (PHSC) serves as Richard Bland College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). As such, it is responsible for the review and approval of all research involving human subjects at Richard Bland College in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations provided the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


Further information on the policies and guidelines pertaining to RBC’s PHSC can be found in policy 8090:  8090 Protection of Human Subjects Committee (PHSC)

Submitting Proposals for Review: Research Proposal 

If you would like to submit a proposal for review by the committee, instructions and requirements for this can be found in the Guidelines and Procedures for the Richard Bland College Protection of Human Subjects Committee (PHSC).

Our current protocols do not require a specific template for research proposals.   However, you are welcome to use the template provided above and to modify it as needed for your project. Please make sure that copies of all instruments being used for data collection and informed consent forms are included with the proposal submission.  If your project has IRB approval from another institution, please include the approval letter from them as well.  Proposals should be submitted via email to the Chair of the PHSC/IRB.

Please reach out to Dr. Jena D. Zarling, Chair of the PHSC/IRB, with any questions.

Current Members

Dr. Jena D. Zarling

Dr. Jena D. Zarling

Associate Professor of Psychology and Sociology
Ernst Hall 132
(804) 862-6255

Dr. Tiffany Birdsong

Dr. Tiffany Birdsong

Chief Academic Officer
Ernst Hall 126
(804) 862-6100 ext. 6267

Dr. Barbara M. Morgan

Dr. Barbara M. Morgan

Professor of Psychology
Ernst Hall 128
(804) 862-6100, ext. 6204

Dr. David McCarthy

Dr. David McCarthy

Associate Professor of History
Ernst Hall 137
(804) 862-6100, ext. 6496

Dr. Katie Heffernan

Dr. Katie Heffernan

Assistant Professor of Biology
McNeer Hall, Room 221
804-861-6100, ext. 8613

David E. Majewski

David E. Majewski

Professor of Communication & Theatre
McNeer Hall, Room 229
(804) 862-6100, ext. 6122

Dr. Jennifer Van Schoick

Dr. Jennifer Van Schoick

Research Psychologist
Academic Innovation Center

Dr. Salomé Brañas Gonzalez

Dr. Salomé Brañas Gonzalez

District Behavior Analyst, Fort Lee Board of Education
231 Main St 3rd Floor, Fort Lee, NJ 07024

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