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Library Arts & Crafts: Collages


Need to take a study break? Come to the Library on Tuesday, March 20th from 5:30 - 7:30 to make a collage!

Retro Video Game Night at the Library


Do you miss the days of split screen multiplayer or just want to play a classic game you can't find on newer consoles anymore? Come to the Library's gaming lounge on Tuesday the 25th! We will have classic PS2 and Xbox 360 games for you and your friends to play on the TVs

Transfer Visit


Interested in transferring to Shenandoah University? Come out to learn about SU and transferring there!

Board Games at the Library


Come to the library to play some games from our collection, including Codenames, Catan and Apples to Apples! If you have a board game you want to play (that lasts a reasonable amount of time) please bring it and be prepared to explain the rules.