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FALL 2020 Campus Reopening Plan
This plan has been reviewed by the State Council of Higher Education and has been found to be compliant in containing the required components of the "Higher Education Reopening Guidance," which was developed in consultation with the Virginia Department of Health.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will the fall 2020 semester start as scheduled and are there any adjustments?

    • Yes, the fall 2020 semester will start as scheduled. There will be no fall break. Please see adjustments on the academic calendar for fall 2020.

  • Are schedules available for spring and summer semesters?

    • Schedules for the spring and summer semesters are not available at this time.

  • What health and safety precautions will RBC implement?

  • Will the RBC provide students, staff and faculty with PPE supplies?

    • Yes. At the beginning of the fall semester, the College will distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) kits that will include washable face coverings, hand sanitizer and safety information. Sneeze guards, plexiglass barriers, hand sanitizer stations, directional and safety signage will be installed throughout campus.

  • Are students required to be tested for COVID-19 prior to coming to campus for the fall 2020 semester?

    • No. All residential students will be required to provide a health assessment prior to move-in day (assessment forms will be sent to students from the residential life team).

  • Will RBC provide COVID-19 testing for students?

    • No. The College will track all students reporting CDC COVID symptoms, highly recommend that those students be tested for COVID and share all positive COVID cases with the Virginia Department of Health. RBC will refer symptomatic students, staff and faculty to the following fixed testing sites in the Petersburg area:

      • Central Virginia Health Services
        (FQHC – FREE)
        321C Poplar Drive, Petersburg
        Monday morning: 10-noon and Thursday afternoon: 1:30-3:30pm
        804-733-5591 to Register – Drive thru
      • Pathways
        1200 West Washington St.,Petersburg
        Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30pm   
        804-863-1652 Option 1 to register (FREE) – Drive thru
  • I’m not feeling well—what should I do if I think I may have Covid-19?

    • If you’re sick with any illness, please stay home or in your room and call Residence Life. They will help you with next steps over the phone. If you are a commuter student, please stay at home and contact your physician. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:

      Fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea.

  • What is the difference between isolation, quarantine, and self-observation?

    • Isolation: People sick with COVID-19 or those who tested positive for COVID-19, but did not have any symptoms.
      Quarantine: People with no symptoms and who were in close contact with someone sick with COVID-19.
      Self-Observation: People who don’t have symptoms, but want to monitor their daily health.

  • I’m feeling stressed about the ongoing situation. Where can I get help?

    • The RBC team understands that some are concerned and that this is a stressful time. If you would like to talk with someone, support is available through campus counseling services at:

      You can help prevent the spread of COVID-19, colds and other viral ailments by doing the following:

      • If you’re sick, stay home
      • Social distance by staying 6 ft. from people who don’t live with you
      • Wear a mask outside your home or room
      • Keep your hands away from your face
      • Practice vigilant hand hygiene
      • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
      • Get a flu shot if recommended by your physician
  • Are Student Health Services Available? Where and when?

    • RBC has agreements with the Virginia Department of Health, the Crater Health District located in Petersburg, Patient First and Southside Regional Medical Center to provide COVID-19 related health services. See Health & Safety section for details.

  • Are there resources available to help with stigmatization and bias related to COVID-19?

    • RBC is a diverse campus. Diversity creates self-awareness, expands knowledge base, promotes creative thinking, encourages global career paths, and enhances social development and collaboration. The RBC team is concerned about what students may be experiencing, including possible stigmatization or discrimination based on racial bias or appearances. Please help others understand that the risk of COVID-19 is NOT connected with race, ethnicity or nationality. Help the college share accurate information to keep misinformation from spreading.

      If you know of incidents of bias related to COVID-19, please report the incident to: safeandsecure@rbc.edu.


The RBC Safe & Secure team encourages you to review all current information available for Health & Safety, Students & Families, Faculty & Staff, Alumni & Friends, and Frequently Asked Questions. Guidelines and recommendations are changing, so please visit this site often to view updated information. If you have questions, please click the box below to submit.

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