13th Annual RBC Student Film Festival
@ SSHE Auditorium
A Conversation with SAG actor, SHAYNE ANDERSON – How to Survive As An Actor in Hollywood!
Grand Prize for best original work (film, animation, music video, or slideshow) by an RBC Student!
Category Contests – Don’t have an original work of your own? Bring in a scene from any movie on DVD or WWW link (e.g., Youtube) & compete for the Best/ Worst scene in the following categories: (Super-)Hero or Villain, Chase or Fight, Single line of Dialogue, Scene to Music, Trailer or Credits; & Overall Funniest scene.
And/or Come in Costume as a Character from Anime, Film, or Manga/ Comics and compete in our Cos-play Competition!
Even if you don’t submit anything, come join us for the fun and FREE FOOD, and to vote for your favorites!
Official Rules & Submission Guidelines
All students interested in submitting an original work should consult the official rules and guidelines for entries and RSVP Daniel Zelinski at dzelinski@rbc.edu.
- Original work includes homemade films, music videos, Powerpoint presentations, animation, video recorded presentations, and digital slideshows.
- All original work must be that of the person submitting it.
- Original Works must be submitted & approved by the Festival Committee prior to the Festival – they must be no more than 10minutes in length & contain no sexually explicit or obscene content.
- Late submissions may be accepted, but priority will be given to entries submitted via email to dzelinski@rbc.edu with “Film Festival Submission” in the Subject Line & your name & the title of the film in the body of the email.
- Students may enter the Cos-play competition simply by attending the Festival “as” a character. Winners will be based on the authenticity of the costume (and overall appearance), along with the originality and effort involved.
- Submissions for Non-original categories include a scene (of no more than 3 minutes) from a live-action or animated film on a DVD or accessible on the internet. The categories are:
Best (or Worst): - (Super-)Hero or Villain
- Chase or Fight
- Single line of Dialogue
- Scene to Music/ Dance
- Trailer/ Preview or Credits
- Funniest Scene (Intentionally or Unintentionally)
If necessary, these categories may be combined or eliminated, at the discretion of the Festival Committee.
All awards will be based on a vote of all those in attendance.
Dates & location of the festival may be changed at the discretion of the Festival Committee.