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III. Agencies Of Faculty Self-Governance

A. Academic Departments

Each department is an administrative unit composed of related academic disciplines structured to facilitate coordination of faculty efforts and to promote interdisciplinary activity. Academic disciplines at Richard Bland College are grouped under three departments: Natural Science and Mathematics, Language and Humanities, and Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Composition of the groupings is as follows:

  1. Natural Science & Mathematics: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Health, Physical Education, Physics, and Mathematics;
  2. Language and Humanities: Composition, Foreign Languages, Geography, Government, Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Speech, and Theater; and
  3. Social and Behavioral Sciences: Art, Business, Economics, History, Logistics, Music, Project Management, Psychology, and Sociology.

The composition of academic departments periodically will be assessed and adjusted in support of the College mission and goals.

Current job descriptions for department chairs are available on the College website. On or before April 15 of each year, all full-time faculty from the respective departments are eligible to vote for a candidate for recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer and President, who then make the appointment.

Department chairs are subject to annual review by the Chief Academic Officer and President, and serve two (2)-year terms, and no more than two (2) terms consecutively. They teach a reduced load of classes while serving the College, as determined by the Chief Academic Officer.

B. The Faculty Assembly

  1. Purpose and Scope
    The purpose of the Faculty Assembly is to advise the Chief Academic Officer and the President on matters affecting the welfare of the College, and to ensure effective faculty participation in College governance.

    1. The Faculty Assembly will achieve this purpose by facilitating communication and collaboration between faculty and administration, and by promoting the welfare of students, faculty, and members of the College community in general. This includes, but is not limited to, studying issues, and recommending policies to the administration. It involves participating in the development of educational, curricular, research, and service components of the work of the College.
    2. The Faculty Assembly shall have access to the agendas of the Board of Visitors that pertain to Richard Bland College, strategic planning for Richard Bland College, and reports of all college-wide committees.
  1. Membership
    1. The membership shall consist of regular (voting) members.
    2. Regular members shall be all full-time Richard Bland College faculty, with the addition of one (1) elected adjunct-faculty member from each of the three (3) academic departments.
  1. Structure
    1. The chair of the Faculty Assembly shall, as a rule, preside at Faculty Assembly meetings, although this role may on occasion be taken by the College President, or in the case of illness or incapacitation of the chair, by the vice-chair. The agendas for Faculty Assembly meetings will be prepared by the chair of the Faculty Assembly, with the aid of the vice-chair and Faculty Assembly secretary, and with input from the membership. The chair and vice-chair will be elected by a vote of all full-time teaching faculty during the last Faculty Assembly meeting of the academic year in even-numbered years. All full-time faculty members are eligible to serve as chair or vice-chair. The chair and vice-chair will serve for terms of two (2) years, with the possibility of one (1) consecutive re-election. The administrative assistant from the Office of the Chief Academic Officer will serve as secretary for the Faculty Assembly;
    2. As a general rule, the Faculty Assembly will meet once a Meetings are open to the entire College community. Adjunct faculty are encouraged to participate, and are represented in decision-making upon electing a representative to vote on their behalf. Their contributions to discussion are always welcome. Meetings shall be guided by the protocol established in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. They shall be recorded by the Faculty Assembly secretary, with recordings archived and maintained by him/her.
    3. Preparation of minutes and agendas for meetings will be the responsibility of the chair of the Faculty Assembly, in conjunction with the Faculty Assembly Agendas for a meeting will be presented at least five (5) business days in advance of that meeting, whenever possible, and minutes will be disseminated no later than five (5) business days following it. Both will be distributed to the College community by email. A record of agendas and corrected minutes will be maintained by the secretary.

C. The Academic Council

Department chairs, along with associate dean(s) and the Chief Academic Officer, comprise the Academic Council. The Academic Council meets regularly to ensure the business of academic departments (curriculum, instruction, and assessment) moves forward, and that lines of communication remain open and transparent. Members of the Academic Council will also serve on the President’s Council.

D. Faculty Committees and College Committees

The following are standing and ad hoc committees of Richard Bland College, including their membership, duties, and reporting line. Each committee receives reports on the status of its action items from the appropriate member of the President’s Council so as to ensure clear lines of communication and effective implementation. Committees receive charges at the beginning of each academic year from the appropriate President’s Council member, and will report their activities and progress regularly to that member, to the Faculty Assembly, to the College community, and to the President. Committees may also initiate new business or take up matters brought to their attention by department chairs, faculty, staff, or administrators.

Committee chairs, unless otherwise specified, will be elected by the appropriate committee’s members for a term of one (1) year (subsequent terms of service may not exceed three [3] consecutive years) at the first committee meeting of the academic year. Meetings shall be guided by the protocol established in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Agendas for all meetings should be distributed to faculty five (5) business days prior to the meeting. Minutes of committee meetings shall be distributed to members of the faculty via email within five (5) business days following the meeting. Minutes shall be subsequently archived and maintained by the Administrative Assistant to the Provost.

1.Standing and Ad Hoc Faculty Committees [Members to be Chosen at the Beginning of Fall Semester]

    • Peer Review Committee
      1. (1) Purpose and Scope
        This committee is convened to evaluate faculty involved in the pre-tenure process, multi-year contract review, or who are applying for tenure or promotion.
      2. (2) Membership
        At least one faculty member shall be elected from each academic department, for a minimum complement of three (3) members serving at one time, with, ideally, greater representation from departments with faculty members undergoing evaluation. Committee members will be selected in March, for service in the upcoming academic year. The committee will be chaired by a department chair from a department in which no faculty members will be up for evaluation, promotion, or tenure. If all departments have candidates under review, then the Chief Academic Officer will appoint a chair. The committee reports to the Chief Academic Officer.
    • Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee (IPCC)
      1. (1) Purpose and Scope
        1. (a) To research degree requirements of area colleges and universities, as well as national curriculum trends;
        2. (b) To review, propose, and consider recommendations to modify, add to, or delete components of degree requirements and curricula in support of the College’s Strategic Plan;
        3. (c) To interface with members of academic disciplines before recommending policy changes, policies, or programs to the Faculty Assembly and the Chief Academic Officer; and
        4. (d) To review and recommend to the Faculty Assembly and the Chief Academic Officer modifications, deletions, and/or additions to policies, programs, and/or course descriptions.
      2. (2) Membership
        Two (2) faculty members shall be elected from each academic department for a total of six (6), ensuring a complement of six (6) members representing teaching faculty. Furthermore, a seventh member may be appointed by College administration from the Registrar’s Office or Athletics, and one (1) student may be appointed by the Student Assembly as a non-voting member. Members serve for a two (2)-year period, and may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. This body reports to the Faculty Assembly through its chair or an appointed designee, and to the Chief Academic Officer.
    • Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC)
      1. (1) Purpose and Scope
        1. (a) To study faculty concerns with regard to welfare in areas such as salary, fringe benefits, and working conditions;
        2. (b) To propose programs and policies for faculty development in areas such as in-service activities, continuing education, promotion, and tenure;
        3. (c) To review, propose, and consider recommendations made to the Faculty Assembly and the Chief Academic Officer concerning modifications of, additions to, or deletions from the Faculty Handbook to support the College’s Strategic Plan, and
        4. (d) To advise the College concerning faculty recruitment.
      2. (2) Membership
      3. Two (2) faculty members shall be elected from each academic department for a total of six (6), ensuring a complement of six (6) members representing teaching faculty. Furthermore, a seventh member may be appointed by College administration from Finance, Enrollment Services, or Human Resources. Members serve for a two (2)-year period, and may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. This body reports to the Faculty Assembly through its chair or an appointed designee, and to the Chief Academic Officer.
    • Academic Standards and Appeals Committee (ASAC)
      1. (1) Purpose and Scope
        1. (a) To develop recommendations consistent with the College’s Strategic Plan concerning admissions standards and policies, and the Honors Program;
        2. (b) To develop recommendations and review academic standards and policies, including those involving dual-enrollment, online/distance, and remedial education, to ensure they align with the College Mission of providing a rigorous quality education;
        3. (c) To review and determine the academic status of students in cases not clearly covered by established standards;
        4. (d) To designate representatives to serve on an academic appeals team each semester;
        5. (e) To hear and decide, subject to right of appeal, pleas concerning individual exceptions and/or appeals in areas such as admissions, academic status, adjustment of academic records, and/or waiver of degree requirements;
        6. (f) To review overall campus academic assessments; and
        7. (g) To certify degree candidates to the Registrar.
      2. (2) Membership
      3. Two (2) faculty member shall be elected from each academic department for a total of six (6), ensuring a complement of six (6) members representing teaching faculty. Furthermore, a seventh member may be appointed by College administration from the Registrar’s Office or Athletics, and one (1) student may be appointed by the Student Assembly as a non-voting member. Members serve for a two (2)-year period, and may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. This body reports to the Faculty Assembly through its chair or an appointed designee, and to the Chief Academic Officer.
    • College Faculty Appeals and Grievance Committee (CFAGC)
      • (1) Purpose and Scope
        1. (a) To investigate a grievance, and
        2. (b) To recommend to the Chief Academic Officer (or President, as dictated by the nature of the filing) a recommended resolution.

(2) Membership
Five (5) active and five (5) back-up members as designated in the grievance section below.

f.  Online Education Committee (OEC)

(1)Purpose and Scope
(a)  to review the practices and effectiveness of online education;
(b) to develop recommendations concerning standards and policies for online educational programs
(synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid);
(c) to determine whether or not a new online course is ready to be offered based on its fulfillment of all Richard Bland College
standards as set forth in the RBC Procedures and Guidelines for Online Education;
(d) to recommend emendations to the Procedures and Guidelines for Online Education; and
(e) to facilitate dissemination of innovative approaches and best practices related to online education, online delivery modes,
online tools, and online student experience.

(2) Membership

Two (2) faculty members shall be elected from each academic department for a total of six (6), ensuring a complement of six (6) members representing teaching faculty.  Furthermore, a seventh member may be appointed by College administration from the Office of Online and Continuing Education, Registrar’s Office, Enrollment Services, Libra1y , or other stakeholders in online education .

Faculty members serve for a two (2)-year period and may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. This body reports to the Faculty Assembly through its chair or an appointed designee, and to the Chief Academic Officer.

g.  Ad Hoc Committees
Faculty members can be assigned or volunteer to serve on ad hoc committees as they are created. These committees report to the Faculty Assembly or to the administrator convening the committee.

2. College Committees

      1. Student Experience and Success Committee (SESC)
        1. (1) Purpose and Scope
          1. (a) To receive regular financial budget information from the Student Assembly;
          2. (b) To support and monitor priorities established in the Strategic Plan, as well as progress relative to:
              1. Goals established in the SEM plan;
              2. Goals established in the Residential and Student Life Plan;
              3. Goals established for the One-Stop Enrollment Center;
              4. Goals established for student retention and success; and
              5. Goals established for student development.

          3. (c) To monitor College policies for alignment with a positive student experience;
          4. (d) To monitor and support compliance with all pertinent SACSCOC standards, including but not limited to, sections1, 2.5, 2.9, 2.10, 3.3, 3.9, 4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, and 4.9;
          5. (e) To review proposals for new (or modifications to existing) student enrollment and development initiatives of cross-institutional significance, and to provide recommendations to the President’s Council based on needs data, pertinent input from stakeholders, cost-benefit analysis, and the College’s strategic goals;
          6. (f) To review analysis of persistence and attrition data with a view to proposing modifications to admissions and enrollment criteria, policies, and student-development services;
          7. (g) To review annual summary data regarding judicial and student complaints, and to develop recommendations for continuous improvement;
          8. (h) To review annual summary assessment data regarding student advisement participation, processes, outcomes, and student satisfaction, and to recommend amendments to practices and procedures with a view to ensuring continuous improvement; and
          9. (i) To facilitate dissemination of innovative approaches and best practices related to strategic enrollment management, delivery modes, student development, and student life.
        2. (2) Membership
          The committee will be comprised of thirteen (13) members, including representatives from the Office of Residence Life; Student Success; Athletics; Financial Aid; the Registrar’s Office; the Business Office; Communications; and Admissions. One (1) faculty member shall be elected from each academic department for a total of three (3), and two (2) student representatives will also serve. The committee will be co-chaired by the Dean of Enrollment Services and the Associate Dean of Residential and Student Life. The committee reports to the President’s Council through the Dean of Enrollment Services or the Associate Dean of Residential and Student Life.
      2. Operations and Finance Committee (OFC)
        1. (1) Purpose and Scope
          1. (a) To facilitate review of budget proposals in support of the College’s Strategic Plan;
          2. (b) To review non-academic grant proposals;
          3. (c) To inform the development of a transparent College budget;
          4. (d) To communicate with stakeholders regarding financial issues; and
          5. (e) To monitor compliance with pertinent SACSCOC standards.
        2. (2) Membership
          The committee will be comprised of one (1) faculty member elected from each academic department for a total of three (3), in addition to representatives from Enrollment Services, Finance, and Facilities. The committee reports to the President’s Council through the College Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

    1. Institutional Effectiveness (IE)
      1. (1) Purpose and Scope
        1. (a) To link institutional assessment efforts to College- wide strategic planning;
        2. (b) To create a strong feedback loop between research and assessment data on the one hand, and the planning, development, and modification of existing programs and academic support services on the This arrangement is intended to facilitate innovation and the achievement of standards of excellence in programs and services;
        3. (c) To advance a collaborative, integrated approach to institutional planning and assessment that maximizes communication and transparency among College constituents;
        4. (d) To serve as a recommending body to the President’s Council regarding institutional planning and assessment practices;
        5. (e) To monitor and support compliance with all pertinent SACSCOC Standards, including but not limited to, sections1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.12, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.8, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, and 4.9;
        6. (f) To facilitate dissemination of innovative approaches and best practices to members of the College community;
        7. (g) To inform development of an institution-wide, evidence-based institutional effectiveness plan, and assess existing planning and practices at the College related to academics, student services, and administrative functions. The goal is integrated, meaningful, and sustained improvement;
        8. (h) To inform the President’s Council of progress toward achieving the College’s Mission and goals as defined in the Strategic Plan through systematic review and monitoring of academic departments, administrative departments, programs, and student outcomes-assessment plans and activities;
        9. (i) To recommend emendations to the institution’s Strategic Plan; and
        10. (j) To communicate results of institutional- effectiveness efforts to appropriate on-campus and external stakeholders with a view to promoting accountability and transparency.
      2. (2) Membership
        The committee will be comprised of one (1) faculty member from each academic department for a total of three (3), three (3) administrative members selected by the President, one (1) staff representative selected by the President, and one (1) non-voting student representative recommended by the Student Assembly. It will be co-chaired by the Chief Academic Officer and the Chief Information, Strategy, and Innovation Officer. The committee reports to the President’s Council.

Faculty Handbook

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