Homeschoolers Become Statesmen

Upcoming program offers homeschoolers dual enrollment through a connection with HEAV, allowing them to earn an associate’s degree and a high school diploma.
By Amy Lacey
The coronavirus pandemic and the move to distance learning changed the face of education for families across the country, including Virginia. A number of students have not gone back to traditional schooling, choosing instead to have more control over the curriculum at home.
“Out-of-the-box learning is what homeschooling is all about, especially at the high school level,’’ said Yvonne Bunn, director of Homeschool Support and Government Affairs at the Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV).
Richard Bland College identified a need for additional advanced homeschool learning opportunities for the growing number of homeschoolers in Virginia. RBC is working on a dual enrollment program that would allow them to earn an associate’s degree while completing their state educational requirements.
“Every student should have a chance to earn college credit while in high school,” said Justin May, RBC director of admissions. “This program will be a way to offer them accelerated learning and look for means of education beside a crammed classroom.”
To develop the program, RBC connected with HEAV, which has worked with the Virginia Department of Education (VDE), legislators and families since 1983 to promote and protect home education.
“RBC gives homeschoolers the ability to work at their own pace and considers their own style of learning,” May explained. “A student coming out of a homeschool scenario moving to a school like Virginia Tech, for example, with up to 40,000 students can be intimidating. It can be a stepping stone or a launching pad to a four-year school.”