RBC Hits the Road

Traveling to all corners of Virginia, Richard Bland College’s admissions team reveals all the school has to offer. Opportunities are opened for students to access a lifetime of endless potential.
Richard Bland College is one of Virginia’s hidden gems. Just south of Richmond, VA, and located in the city of Petersburg, the college campus springs forth. Hundred-year-old pecan trees tower over bustling students as they walk the brick paths to class. The two-year school is a cross between a community college and a four-year and is best known as William and Mary’s junior college.
Kyle Dobry, Associate Director of Admissions at RBC, travels across the state to reveal RBC’s existence to high school students. Through technology, Dobry takes prospective students on a campus tour from remote locations and explains the school’s offerings. A four-year is not always the best fit, but a junior college like RBC allows students to live on campus and benefit from a college experience unmatched by a community college.
Dobry says, “Reaching out to schools across Virginia allows me to spread awareness about the college and work alongside high school counselors to find students who would benefit most from a two-year.” His role is to meet students and help them decide whether RBC is a good fit. In addition, Dobry assists students through the admissions process, which involves tracking down documents and helping them remember important dates.
Speaking on behalf of RBC, the Director of Admissions, Justin May says, “The more students see us at schools, the more they learn about how RBC can help them reach their educational goals.” RBC has the benefits of small class sizes, good staff and faculty support, numerous transfer agreements, and cost-effective tuition.
To get the word out, admissions targets sections of VA over one-week periods, sending Dobry out as a messenger. Dobry finds students who are interested in attending RBC and passes their information on to the back office to follow up. Usually, the admissions team attends 2-3 college fairs per week, in addition to the high schools Dobry visits.
Sometimes, representatives from RBC programs like the Global Student Success Program or the Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME) program join Dobry on his trips. RBC seeks to provide students with as much information as possible to ease the decision process, giving them a “white glove” experience, as Dobry calls it,
As an admissions counselor, Dobry looks for students who act with “grit and determination.” RBC is more concerned with a student’s will to learn and succeed than they are interested in the looks of their academic transcript. “If a student bombs the first part of their senior year but continually follows up with me to prove their upwards trajectory, they’ve got a chance,” says Dobry.
The admissions team helps students access a “lifetime of endless potential.” While many RBC students are local, Dobry’s travels extend this opportunity to students all over Virginia. One of Virginia’s best-kept secrets is out!