Statesman Scholar Destiny Grubbs

When people learn about my background and the life I lead, they often wonder how I’m able to be a Statesman Scholar and balance a hectic schedule. My days consist of school, working two jobs, duties in the U.S. Army Reserves, and helping to take care of my family.
After graduating from Prince George High School, I enrolled in eight months of military training. College was in my future, but I chose to work at the Amazon Factory first to earn money for tuition and help pay bills at home.
A family friend encouraged me to go to college and offered to pay the tuition. But I turned down the help. I’m a very independent person. Despite being out of school for two years and being apprehensive about college, I was going to do it on my own terms. Richard Bland College offered the best curriculum and flexibility for my schedule, so I started my higher ed journey at RBC.
Once school started, my life became really hard and exhausting. The academics were challenging. Working the night shift at Amazon from 5:30pm to 4:00am left little time for studying and sleep. I also needed more money, so I starting working in the IT Department. My weekends were filled with military commitments. I was busy!
How did I succeed? I used every spare moment to study and squeezed in power naps! Professors and administrators helped me balance school, my jobs and family responsibilities.
RBC has made me a stronger person. I’ve grown up fast and learned that nothing in life comes easily or can be taken for granted. You have to sacrifice to be successful. I will graduate from RBC in May as an honor student. I am happy and appreciative that RBC has been a partner in my challenging journey.