Statesman Scholar Solomon Asare

As a first-generation college student, Solomon Asare is fulfilling life-long dreams shared by him and his Ghanaian parents by earning his associate degree at Richard Bland College next year and then transfering to William and Mary.
“I feel really proud for myself and my parents for the opportunity they’ve provided me to earn an education in the United States,” Asare explains. “My parents came to America and sacrificed what they had for me. When they left Ghana, they had to start all over again. My dad said he wanted to travel and see what America was like and give a good life to all his kids.”
After graduating from Clover Hill High School in Midlothian, Asare enrolled at RBC as a part of the inaugural Promise Scholars Program. Having a guaranteed pathway to William and Mary is one of the main reasons why Asare stayed in Virginia when his parents moved back to Ghana in early 2019 to care for a relative in poor health.
“It was a tough decision. I’ve been in America all my life. I am way more American than African, and I didn’t want to go to a completely different country to finish my education,” Asare says. “Ever since I was a kid, I knew I wanted to go to a prestigious college. I convinced my parents to let me stay, and RBC is making my educational dreams possible.”
In addition to the Promise Scholars Program, Richard Bland has enabled Asare unique opportunities to have a close relationship with William and Mary before his intended transfer next fall. He was selected to be the student representative to the William and Mary Board of Visitors for the 2019-20 academic year. Representatives are chosen for their leadership and commitment to the College, attributes of which Asare exemplifies.
“It is a great honor to have been chosen as BOV representative,” he says. “To me, it means I will be given the great opportunity to show the Board of Visitors how wonderful the RBC experience truly is.”
Asare augments his commitments as a Promise Scholar with being a member of the Honors Program and president of the Musical Statesmen, which is the College’s acapella group. He also works as a tutor, is the public relations officer for the Student Assembly and has a campus job in Residence Life.
After he graduates from RBC as a business major, Asare has set his sights on a finance and marketing degree from William and Mary. He is still exploring career options but hopes to one day be the chief executive officer for a company.
Though Asare has had to make tough decisions regarding his family and his education, he is reminded of the goals set by himself and by the example set by his parents. At RBC, he has found a family to support him through all of his endeavors, and could not be more grateful for the support system he has.
“RBC has given a lot to me,” he says. “There are so many fantastic administrators and professors here. I’m so happy I chose to attend RBC. I live on campus and have met a lot of great people. They have all been very supportive, and it’s been amazing how kind people at RBC are.”