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Chromebook Loan Program

Chromebook Loan Program

This program allows eligible students to borrow Chromebooks acquired by the College to bridge the Digital Divide regarding full-time RBC students on campus, who have graduated from high school or equivalent as determined solely by Richard Bland College, and are in a degree-granting program at the College. Students who borrow a Chromebook must comply fully with the Chromebook Loan Agreement, which they must sign prior to taking possession of the device.

Richard Bland College is committed to providing students with an excellent learning environment regardless of their socioeconomic status. An essential element for fulfilling this commitment is bridging the Digital Divide by loaning eligible students the computer tools necessary to help maximize their opportunities to learn.


“Digital Divide” means the gulf between those who have ready access to computers and the Internet and those who do not.

“STAC” means Statesman Technical Assistance Center.

Chromebook Loan Program


The Richard Bland College maintains an inventory of Chromebooks available for short-term loan. The Chromebooks are the property of Richard Bland College. The Chromebooks are for College business only and may be checked out for a maximum timeframe of one academic year. The Chromebooks are from one to four years old and run the Chrome operating system with the standard software package including links to access Office 365. Only students who are full time, have graduated from high school or equivalent as determined solely by Richard Bland College, and are in a degree-granting program at the College are eligible to participate in this program. All students participating in this program must comply with this policy and the Chromebook Loan Agreement.

How do I reserve a Chromebook?

Come to STAC to check availability and reserve a Chromebook. You must show your Richard Bland College ID when reserving and when checking out a Chromebook.

Where do I pick up and return the Chromebook?

The Chromebooks are available through STAC. The Chromebook Loan Agreement must be completed and signed prior to checking out the Chromebook. In addition to the Chromebook Loan Agreement, you must log on to the Chromebook while connected to the Richard Bland College network to build your profile before it will work off campus.

How long can I keep a borrowed Chromebook?

To maintain maximum availability, we allow Chromebooks to be checked out no longer than one academic year. All Chromebooks must be returned in good condition on or before the last day of final exams for the academic year in which the Chromebook is borrowed or three days prior to a student’s withdrawal or other termination from Richard Bland College. Chromebooks not returned by the due date will have processes initiated to apply a $400 charge to the student’s account.

What happens if the Chromebook is lost, stolen, or damaged while I have it?

You will be responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing the Chromebook regardless of fault. Normal wear and tear may be authorized at the sole discretion of the Richard Bland College Information Technology Services Department. Costs may be as high as $400 for full replacement. Any costs not paid by the end of a semester will result in a hold placed on your grades and transcript. Such costs also may be forwarded to collections for appropriate action.

What happens if the Chromebook experiences a hardware failure while I have it that is not due to any avoidable damage to the Chromebook?

Information and Technology Services (STAC, McNeer Hall 110, (804) 862-6401) will be responsible for all repairs when the Chromebook is returned.

Can specialized software be installed on the Chromebook?

No. These computers are only licensed for the standard image.

RBC Responsibilities:

Statesman Technical Assistance Center “STAC”

  1. STAC will support/service Chromebooks during normal operating hours.
  2. All STAC support requests will be documented in Service Desk tickets.

STAC – Chromebook checkout processing

  1. Student wishing a Chromebook for long term checkout goes to STAC;
  2. Student shows the STAC agent his/her ID to initiate the reservation process;
  3. STAC agent retrieves a Chromebook providing the same to the student;
  4. STAC agent conducts the checkout process using the library’s tracking system scanning the bar code applied to the Chromebook; The Chromebook checkout automatically generates a Chromebook hold on the student’s account.
  5. Student verifies Chromebook access while in STAC (this activity builds the student’s profile so it will work off campus).

STAC (device return processing)

  1. Student goes to STAC to return the Chromebook;
  2. STAC creates a Service Desk ticket to document a Chromebook return.
    1. This Service Desk ticket specifies the Student’s R# and the Chromebook Library identification.
  3. STAC will assess the device’s condition:
    1. Satisfactory Chromebooks:
      1. Chromebook will be returned to the Chromebook Checkout inventory in STAC.
      2. The Chromebook hold is released from the student’s account.
    2. Unsatisfactory Chromebooks:
      1. STAC will determine if the unsatisfactory Chromebook can be repaired for return to the Chromebook Checkout inventory.
        1. Repaired Chromebooks will be re-imaged as needed.
        2. Repaired Chromebook will be returned to the Chromebook Checkout inventory in STAC.
        3. The Chromebook hold is released from the student’s account.
      2. Chromebooks that cannot be repaired:
        1. Will be removed from STAC’s Chromebook tracking system.
        2. STAC updates the Service Desk ticket to document an unsatisfactory Chromebook return.
        3. STAC assigns the Service Desk ticket to the Library.

RBC Library

  1. Library assesses the Service Desk ticket created by STAC to document the returned Chromebook.
    1. If the returned Chromebook is unsatisfactory and cannot be repaired:
      1. RBC Library initiates steps necessary to remove the non-repairable Chromebook from the library collection.
      2. The drafts and sends the Business Office an email to create a Chromebook charge on the student’s account.
    2. RBC Library closes the Service Desk ticket.

STAC (device support processing)

  1. Device soft issue (e.g. network connectivity / browser not working)
    1. STAC checks in the original Chromebook releasing the Banner hold.
    2. STAC checks out a replacement Chromebook and creates a new Banner hold
  2. Device damage issue (e.g. cracked screen, keyboard damage, etc.).
    1. Device to be assessed by STAC.
    2. Pending STAC evaluation, the student may receive a replacement Chromebook and/or will be charged the amount specified in the Banner hold for the Chromebook.


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