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Budget Planning Hearing

The Board of Visitors of the College of William & Mary will host a public hearing on the proposed 2019-2020 budget and finances for Richard Bland College on March 21, 2019, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in SSHE 107 (Ernst Hall). The proposed budget freezes tuition for the coming fiscal year. “Dollar for dollar, Richard Bland College delivers to students and their families an exceptional value in higher education,” said President Debbie L. Sydow. “This tuition freeze illustrates the College’s longstanding commitment to student access and affordability.”

The hearing will include a presentation by members of the RBC administration and time for comments from the general public. It comes in advance of the April 26 meeting of the Board of Visitors to approve the 2019-2020 budget for Richard Bland College. Richard Bland is governed by the William & Mary Board of Visitors.

Section 23.1-307 (D) of the Code of Virginia requires that 30 days prior to approval of each year’s tuition and mandatory fees, the Board of Visitors of Virginia’s higher education institutions announce the range of increase under consideration and the proposed use of any incremental revenue.

The April meeting of the Board of Visitors will be held in the Board Room on the third floor of Blow Memorial Hall, located at 262 Richmond Road, Williamsburg, Virginia. The agenda for the Board meeting will be released in April in accordance with the university’s normal schedule of announcing public meetings.




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