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VDOE Committee Approves RBC/PCPS Lab School Proposal

For Immediate Release: May 8, 2024

Contact: Jesse Vaughan, Chief Communications & Marketing Officer/jvaughan@rbc.edu


On May 6, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) College Partnership Laboratory School Committee unanimously approved the Richard Bland College of William & Mary (RBC)/Petersburg City Public Schools (PCPS) laboratory school proposal. The proposed Globe Academy intends to build STEM efficacy for underserved students and will build on existing dual enrollment partnerships. The proposal is tentatively set to go before the Virginia Board of Education on May 21.

“The Globe Academy at Richard Bland College of W&M will deliver an innovative learning environment and guided exploration of STEAM-H careers that address regional workforce needs, and we are excited about our partnerships that will begin with Petersburg schools and continue with school divisions in our rural areas,” RBC Vice President Dr. Kimberly Boyd said. “The mission is to engage and excite underserved students whose representation, particularly in STEM careers, remains relatively low.

“Every Globe Academy student will enjoy a personalized learning experience that is designed to optimize learning outcomes and build the confidence needed to pursue STEAM-H careers.”

For more information about the VDOE lab school initiative, click here.




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