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4000 Communications Policies

4010 Social Media Policy

Policy Number: 4010
Policy Name: Social Media Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

  1. Policy Statement
    Official Use of Social Media
    Unless specifically authorized by Campus Communications, with authority from the RBC President, no Richard Bland College staff, faculty, or student may create an “official” Richard Bland College presence on any form of website or social media now in existence, or created in the future, or represent themselves as a spokesperson or authorized representative of Richard Bland College. This includes the use of the College name or logos in any manner that suggests a College connection or oversight.Some staff or faculty of Richard Bland College may be required to use social media as part of their employment and/or academic responsibilities.If so, such status shall be clearly stated and shall be approved in writing in advance by Campus Communications, with authority from the RBC President.Campus Communications may utilize social media to present information and content to the public and receive feedback from the public and the College community.Content and information released on social media is equivalent to content and information released to the media and the public in any other format, including news releases, letters, etc. Care must be taken that content and information released to the public over social media is accurate, does not violate applicable laws (including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, privacy, and defamation laws), or Richard Bland College policies.Official Richard Bland College social media may allow members of the public to comment or react to posted content and information. Individuals, including staff, faculty, and students of Richard Bland College acting in their personal capacity, may post or comment as long as they identify themselves. Anonymous postings are unauthorized.In general, the College invites discussion of important ideas and issues through social media. However, Richard Bland College reserves the right to remove posts or comments that are obscene, defamatory, threatening, abusive, spam, advertisements, private information, or unrelated to the content or information. Richard Bland College also reserves the right to remove posts or comments that violate applicable laws including, but not limited to, copyright and trademark, or those that violate the use policies promulgated by the applicable social media provider.Richard Bland College’s use of social media is governed by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides a safe harbor for internet service providers and websites for activity that takes place on said sites, provided that the site or domain takes certain actions when legally required. RBC also complies with the “Use of Electronic Communications and Social Media” policy.
  2. Reasons for Policy
    Richard Bland College encourages the appropriate use of all social media as a method for communicating ideas and information, and as part of the educational mission of the College. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that College social media usage is authorized.
  3. Application of the Policy
    This policy governs all RBC staff, faculty, and students. This policy governs behavior of individuals as they utilize all social media technologies for College purposes and is not limited to any specific media format.
  4. Related Laws and Policies
    Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S.C § 230.
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
CommunicationsChief Marketing & Communications Officer(804) 862-6214communications@rbc.edu
  1. Definitions
    “Social media” means those Internet or Mobile digital tools and systems used to share and/or receive information, including any social media outlets in which an individual or group of individuals might post information anonymously. The term is limited to those social media accounts that are utilized by the College for its purposes.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Updated August 15, 2023

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4020 Proper Placement of Postings

Policy Number: 4020
Policy Name: Proper Placement of Postings
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

  1. Policy Statement
    Consistent with Richard Bland College’s Facilities Master Plan, postings are not allowed to be placed directly on windows, doors, display cases, stair rails, walls of public corridors, or other surfaces. The College will make appropriate devices available for standard communications (e.g., bulletin boards, insert sleeves, cork boards, digital screens, etc.).The walls inside faculty offices as well as faculty office doors and common areas within office suites, considered an extension of classroom communication tools, are exempt from this policy.
  2. Reasons for Policy
    The posting policy is necessary to maintain a safe, comfortable physical environment that is non-threatening and conducive to learning, to promote a positive image of the College, and to avoid residual adhesive that damages surfaces.
  3. Application of the Policy
    This policy applies to the entire College community and visitors.
  4. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
CommunicationsChief Marketing & Communications Officer(804) 862-6214communications@rbc.edu
  1. Definitions
    “Postings” include but are not limited to: flyers, signs, paper cutouts, handouts, advertisements, notices, manuals, artwork, booklets, brochures, circulars, folders, leaflets, pamphlets, and instructions.

Policy History
Approved March 15, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Updated August 15, 2023

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4030 Official Student Email Policy

Policy Number: 4030
Policy Name: Official Student Email Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

I. Policy Statement

The College provides students with an email account upon matriculation to the institution. This account is free of charge and remains available at minimum while the student is enrolled or is active in their degree program.

The College-assigned student email account is the College’s official means of communication with all students. The College has the right to expect that such communications will be received and read in a timely fashion.   Students are responsible for all official information sent to their College-assigned RBC email account. If a student chooses to forward messages to another account, the student is still responsible for all information, including attachments.

II. Reason for Policy

Email is the primary method of communication between students and the College. It is imperative that students understand that information will be communicated to them via their College-assigned RBC email account while they are students. New students are informed that their College-assigned RBC email account is the primary means of communication from the College community and that they will be held responsible for the information in the email.

III. Applicability of the Policy

This policy is intended to ensure quick and efficient communication of RBC-related information. Faculty will determine how electronic forms of communication (e.g., email) will be used in their classes, and will specify their requirements in the course syllabus.  This “Official Student Email Policy” will ensure that all students will be able to comply with email-based course requirements specified by faculty.  Faculty can therefore make the assumption that students’ official @rbc.edu accounts are being accessed, and faculty can use email for their classes accordingly.

IV. Related Documents
RBC Student Handbook

V. Contacts

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Academic and Student DevelopmentProvost(804) 862-6210office.academics@rbc.edu

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2020

4040 Filming and Photography on Campus

Policy Number: 4040
Policy Name: Filming and Photography on Campus
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

1. Policy Statement 

 The College allows the use of some of its facilities and parts of its campus for filming and photography.  Filming and photography covered by this policy must be approved by the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises, must occur subject to a written agreement, and generally requires payment of location fees.  Everyone involved with filming and photography on property owned, leased, or rented by Richard Bland College must comply with all applicable policies found in the College’s Policy Manual, including but not limited to the Weapons on Campus Policy and the Open Flames Policy.

II. Reason for Policy

Richard Bland College encourages the appropriate use of the College as a method for professional photographers and videographers to capture the beauty of the grounds and buildings.  This policy ensures that the photographers/videographers and their subjects are authorized to be on campus.

III. Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all filming and photography on the campus of the Richard Bland College of William & Mary, except for:

  • Non-commercial academic filming and photography, such as activities or projects done by Richard Bland College students or faculty in the context of a course of study. These activities may be subject to student policies, including the Use of Campus Facilities.  Filming and photography by non-Richard Bland College students or faculty are covered by this policy, even if academic in nature.
  • Casual, unobtrusive filming and photography for personal (non-commercial) use only, such as a tourist taking photographs or home videos.
  • News filming and photography, which is coordinated by the Communications Department at 804-862-6210 / rdeutsch@rbc.edu.

VI. Related Documents
Filming and Photography Request Form
Filming and Photography Permit Application and Fees
Professional Photography Application

V. Contacts

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
CommunicationsAssociate Director of Communications(804) 862-8516communications@rbc.edu

VI. Definitions

The following terms shall be used in the context and for the purposes of this Policy only:

Filming: the capturing of moving or still images of Richard Bland College property by any means on any media now known or that may be invented in the future including, but not limited to, film, videotape, digital disk, or any electronic transmission to another medium or to the Internet.

Photography: the capturing of still images onto any compatible medium, or posting to the Internet, by any means or devices now known or that may be invented in the future including, but not limited to, film cameras, digital cameras, electronic devices such as personal computers (PC), mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), etc.

VII. Procedures

  1. Prior Approval Required – Making Requests.  All requests for filming and photography must be submitted to the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises.  In addition, written agreements relating to filming/videotaping/photography must be signed by both parties in advance of activity.  Requests must be submitted in writing, along with a script and/or shot list indicating in detail the subject of the project and how that subject will be handled.  Please use the online form, or send your written inquiries to:  events@rbc.edu (preferred) or,

Richard Bland College of William & Mary
Office of Communications
Attn: Filming Request
11301 Johnson Rd
Prince George, VA 23805

The filming request and script should be submitted no fewer than 15 business days in advance of the desired shooting dates.  Allow a minimum of two full weeks for review of the request.  Additional time may be required for script review.  Photography requests require 72-hours advance notice.

Before a shoot is confirmed, the production company must decide on specific dates and locations.

  1. Processing Requests. Projects regarded as educational or documentary in nature receive priority, but Richard Bland College reviews all proposed projects in detail to determine if they are compatible with the College’s mission and purpose and other scheduled College activities.  Confirmation is also dependent on the consent of the RBC official responsible for each desired location, availability of parking space and security or police personnel, and the schedule of College events.
  2. Location Fees and Contractual Requirements.

Location fees apply for filming and photography at Richard Bland College. See the current permit and fees sheet.

A shoot date will be considered confirmed when a contract is signed and a permit has been issued. This must occur a minimum of three (3) business days prior to the filming date.

  1. Additional and Special Requirements; Exceptions. 

Projects identifying the grounds as that of Richard Bland College of William & Mary and/or including words, names, symbols, or imagery associated with RBC require additional approval.

Certain requirements of this policy may be waived for specific projects at the sole discretion of the College.

Permit and Fees:

The College requires authorization to perform any professional portrait photography and/or video services on the campus grounds.  Permit requests must be submitted a minimum of 72 hours in advance of a photography session date. Portrait sessions may be booked online via the Professional Photography Application.

Two levels of photography permits are available:

Commercial Shoot – professional photography for graduation, wedding, engagement, homecoming, family sessions, or other portrait photos ($30 per two-hour session).

Commercial Photography Annual Pass – Available for professional photographers: allows unlimited bookings for 1 calendar year.  Individual booking dates must be scheduled through the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises at events@rbc.edu ($300).

Amateur photography process:

Non-commercial shoot – amateur photographers filming family or friends must wait until a professional photography or video session has cleared an area prior to entering the area unless they have scheduled their session in advance to be approved and placed on the photography calendar.  The photography calendar generally is as follows, though exceptions may be pre-approved by the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises:

10am-7pm, April-September
10am-5pm, October-March
No weekend sessions booked from April-October. Limited weekend sessions available November-March, which must be booked no more than one month in advance.

Policy History
Approved March 30, 2018
Updated July 1, 2020

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4050 Privacy Statement

Policy Number: 4050
Policy Name: Privacy Statement
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Richard Bland College (RBC) that personal information about citizens will be collected only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; that only appropriate information will be collected; that the citizen shall understand the reason the information is collected and be able to examine any personal record maintained by a public body. As a public college of the Commonwealth of Virginia, RBC adheres to this policy.

Though personal information may be required either by law or in order for RBC to provide a requested service, in doing so the agency is subject to the requirements for administering information systems as established in the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act of Virginia (Code of Virginia, §§ 2.2-3800 through 2.2-3809).

This website:

Collects information, including email addresses, only when additional information is requested. This information is used solely to provide the information of services requested and is not shared with other organizations or used in any other way.

Does not require that any personal information be supplied to download publicly available files or reports.

Uses “cookies” only in specific applications that allow for registering for programs or requesting additional information about programs or courses. These are temporary cookies, designed to enhance the user’s experience, are automatically removed when you exit the site and do not remain on your computer. None of this information is associated with you as an individual and is used strictly for statistical reporting purposes to assess demands and usage for planning purposes.

Collects no personal information without the knowledge and consent of the visitor. Any information collected will be used only for the purpose indicated and will not be shared with any other organization without consent.

The IP address, pages browsed, and date and time of your visit is collected for internal statistical purposes only.

This web site includes links to other websites which are governed by their own policies and procedures.


Policy History
Approved March 8, 2022
Updated March 8, 2022

Policy Manual

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