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Policy Manual

Policy Manual

Unless otherwise stated herein, all policies in this Policy Manual were approved by the William & Mary Board of Visitors (“Board”) on November 20, 2015 and updated by President Debbie Sydow on January 11, 2017 with delegated authority authorized by the Board.

A “Policy History” can be found at the end of each policy, showing the date of approval, as well as the dates of updates and/or revisions. Each policy was assigned a number on July 1, 2020. The assignation of a number to each policy is not recorded in the Policy History as an update or revision to the policy.

Within this Policy Manual, an “update” to a policy refers to minor changes, such as updates to numbering within the policy, minor rearrangements of policy sections, and updates to contact personnel information. Within this Policy Manual, “revision” of a policy refers to any changes to a policy more substantive than an “update.”

Regarding any inconsistencies between the body of this Policy Manual and another RBC policy, the body of this Policy Manual shall control. This Policy Manual supersedes all previous policies with the same subject matter or that are inconsistent with this Policy Manual.

The policies in this Policy Manual may be revised at any time upon the approval of the William & Mary Board of Visitors or the Richard Bland College President pursuant to authority granted by the Board of Visitors.

If after following proper procedures pursuant to law and policy, it is determined that you have failed to comply with any of the policies within this policy manual or any other state or Richard Bland College policies, you may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment, or if a student, expulsion from college.


Welcome to Richard Bland College. As an employee, you are integral to fulfilling Richard Bland College’s mission and honoring its promise to provide an exceptional student experience leading to 100% student success to all who enroll. We count on you as an employee, whatever your title, to work in support of the College’s mission and vision, and to act in accordance with the College’s values and Code of Ethics. And, as an employee, it is your responsibility and a condition of your employment to adhere to all policies set forth or referenced in the Richard Bland College Policy Manual, as well as all other pertinent policies.

The Policy Manual is managed by department heads who are responsible for ensuring compliance within their respective areas of responsibility. Department heads are also responsible for developing effective policy-related procedures and protocols to guide day-to-day business processes.

Recommendations for updates or policy changes should be submitted to the appropriate RBC senior administrator for consideration. It is the responsibility of these senior managers to continuously review and update policies to align with the College’s mission and strategic goals, and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Policy approval and interpretation resides with the President of the College and the William & Mary Board of Visitors, unless otherwise specified.

0100 Ethics Policy

Code of Ethics of Richard Bland College

Policy Number: 0100

The Board adopted this revised Code of Ethics for Richard Bland College on September 27, 2019:

At Richard Bland College (“College” or “RBC”), we are committed to ethical and lawful behavior in all College activities. Likewise, every member of the College community—employees, students, volunteers, contractors, and agents—is expected to obey all applicable laws, regulations, and policies, and to report any illegal or unethical action so that the College can investigate and take corrective steps as appropriate.

All members of the Richard Bland College community are expected to embrace the principles of our Code and:

  1.  Perform work responsibly and well for our students and other stakeholders.
  2.  Treat all people with dignity and respect.
  3.  Act with integrity in all interactions on campus and when representing the College off campus.
  4.  Ensure ethics in our business activities, safeguarding confidential information, avoiding conflicts of interest, and safeguarding College resources.
  5.  Accurately represent the mission, values, and accredited status of the College at all times.


Policy History
Approved September 28, 2018
Revised September 27, 2019

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0200 Free Speech Notification

Free Speech Notification

Policy Number: 0200

Pursuant to Virginia Code § 23.1-401.1, Richard Bland College (“RBC”) hereby notifies the RBC Campus Community regarding the policies RBC has in place to ensure that everyone’s free speech rights are guaranteed, limited only to the extent authorized by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The relevant policies can be found as follows: Freedom of Speech and Assembly on Campus (Policy Number 5080), ; the Social Media Policy and Proper Placement of Postings, .These policies are located on the RBC website and in the Student Handbook. All student orientation programs also shall include these policies.

Report any disruptions regarding constitutionally protected speech to RBC’s Director of Campus Safety and Police at or 804-862-6111.

Policy History

Approved November 27, 2018

Updated January 22, 2020

Reviewed August 15, 2023

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1000 Human Resources Policies

1010 Rights and Responsibilities to Preserve Citizenship

Policy Number: 1010
Policy Name: Rights and Responsibilities to Preserve Citizenship
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement 
    Richard Bland College is committed to fostering a culture that demonstrates the principles of civility, diversity, inclusion, and equity. Each member of the College community enjoys all rights of citizenship and has a responsibility to fulfill the obligations incumbent on all citizens. Additionally, there are special rights and responsibilities inherent in membership in an academic society. Each member of the College community has a responsibility, based upon the special mission of an institution of higher education, to respect the rights of others with a community focus on establishing and preserving an optimal environment for educating students and supporting their success. Members of the College community also have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards in the performance of their duties and to respect the rights of their associates.The responsibility to respect rights includes, but is not limited to:

    1. The right of the student to be evaluated entirely on the basis of academic performance and to discuss freely, inquire, and express opinions inside the classroom. The student has a responsibility to maintain standards of academic performance as set by the College and his/her professors, provided, however, that the student shall have means for redress against arbitrary, unreasonable, or prejudicial standards of evaluation.
    2. The right to pursue normal academic and administrative activities, including the freedom of movement in the performance of such activities, as long as such activities do not violate any laws, regulations, or state or RBC policies.
    3. The right to hear and study unpopular and controversial views on intellectual and public issues.
    4. The right of the student to expect that information about his/her views, beliefs, and political associations regarding which an instructor or other RBC employee obtains in the course of his/her work as a teacher, advisor, or counselor of the student be held in confidence to the extent permitted by law.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The full enjoyment of rights guaranteed to every citizen cannot be achieved unless certain concurrent responsibilities are accepted. Members of the college community (students, faculty, and administrators) have an obligation, therefore, to fulfill the responsibilities incumbent on all citizens as well as the responsibilities inherent in their particular roles within the academic community.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All RBC employees and students shall abide by this policy. (Note: DHRM Policy 2.35 “Civility in the Workplace” is applicable only to RBC employees.)
  4. Related Documents
    Richard Bland College Student Handbook
    DHRM Policy 2.35, Civility in the Workplace
  5. Contacts
Office TitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Civility in the Workplace – DHRM Policy 2.35
    • This DHRM policy is applicable only to employees of RBC.
    • RBC employees wishing to file a complaint based upon DHRM Policy 2.35 may do so by emailing the Director of Human Resources.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019

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1020 General Personnel Information

Policy Number: 1020
Policy Name: General Personnel Information
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    1. PAY DATES  By law, no RBC employee, whether faculty or staff, shall receive payment for work not performed unless authorized by law, such as paid holidays, vacation days, sick days, etc.
      1. Pay Dates – All full-time employees are paid twice a month. Payday is usually the first and sixteenth of each month. When the first or sixteenth is a Saturday or Sunday, payday is normally the previous Friday. Payday at the end of September, December, and March is the last working day of the month.
      2. Direct Deposit – Pay will be deposited into an account at the financial institution (bank, credit union, savings and loan association, etc.) of your choice. Information and applications are available from the Office of Human Resources. All new employees are required to use direct deposit.
      3. Holidays – Twelve paid holidays are authorized by the Commonwealth. The College observes the following: Independence Day, Labor Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday following, and six days during Christmas, including New Year’s Day.
      1. Federal and State Income Taxes are withheld in accordance with a set formula based on the number of exemptions claimed. For Federal and State, employees may request additional withholding or claim fewer exemptions on forms available from the Office of Human Resources.
      2. Social Security is withheld in accordance with Social Security
        Administration requirements.
    3. BENEFITS PROVIDED BY THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA/RBC (please contact the Office of Human Resources for additional information):
      1. The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) is a State-funded retirement plan for all full-time personnel designed to supplement the retirement, disability, health, and survivor benefits provided by Social Security. To learn more about the VRS retirement plans, review the following website: lieu of VRS, full-time faculty and administrators may choose instead to enroll in one of the following optional retirement plans: TIAA, DCP, or Fidelity Investments. To learn more, review the following website:
      2. Group life insurance is a mandatory state-funded plan for all full-time personnel at no cost to the employee. The face value (death benefit) is equal to the annual gross salary rounded to the next highest thousand dollars, then doubled. For accidental death, the basic death benefit is doubled again. Loss of one or more limbs or eyesight is covered. No medical examination is required.
      3. For those who opt out of the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP), full-time faculty and administrators at Richard Bland College who have been employed by the College for at least one year are eligible to enroll in William and Mary’s Long-Term Disability Insurance. If elected, the College pays 60% of the premium and the employee pays 40%. No medical examination is required.
      1. Medical Insurance – All full-time personnel may enroll a spouse and dependents under age twenty-six or apply for employee-only coverage.
      2. Flexible Benefits Program – Premium Conversion allows the pre-tax deduction of the health insurance premium; and Reimbursement Accounts allow the pre-tax deduction of amounts towards predictable medical, dental, and vision care expenses not covered by the health benefits plan and day care expenses for dependents.
      3. Supplemental insurance plans, such as Cancer, Accident, Hospitalization, Short-Term Disability, and Term Life Insurance are available through AFLAC. The rates vary according to the plan selected, and deductions are made through payroll deduction.
      4. Optional Life Insurance – In addition to the state-funded life insurance detailed in subsection C(2) above, an active, insured employee is eligible for optional life insurance for natural and accidental death and for dismemberment up to four times his/her salary, not to exceed $375,000. Term insurance can also be elected for spouse and dependent children.
      5. Credit Union Deductions – Employees are eligible to participate in the Virginia Credit Union. Deposits or loan payments may be made through payroll deduction.
      6. United States Saving Bonds may be purchased by payroll deduction through the Office of Human Resources.
      7. Supplemental Retirement Annuities (SRA’s/403(b)’s) and Tax-Sheltered Annuities through payroll deduction are funded with pre-tax dollars. Contracts are available with TIAA-CREF.
      8. The 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan is a voluntary contributory Retirement plan. Employees participate in the plan through payroll deduction. Contributions and earnings, if any, are tax-deferred until withdrawn, usually at retirement. The plan is administered by the Commonwealth.
      9. The Group Legal Care Plan, administered by Legal Resources, provides comprehensive legal coverage on a broad range of services for an affordable low monthly rate, through payroll deduction.
      10. The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign is the only solicitation approved for all employees. The campaign is scheduled each October, and payroll deduction is provided.
      11. The Richard Bland College Foundation supports a number of student scholarships. Employees may elect to contribute to the Foundation through payroll deduction.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy provides information regarding employee benefits.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy describes benefits available to employees. Whether some or all of these benefits are available to a particular employee will depend upon his/her employment classification. See the Office of Human Resources for specific information.
  4. Related Website
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Procedures
    Information, choices, and application forms are available from the Office of Human Resources.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017

1030 Administrative & Professional Leave Policy

Policy Number: 1030
Policy Name: Administrative & Professional Leave Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to describe leave benefits for Administrative & Professional (AP) employees (“Administrators”).
  2. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to full-time Administrative & Professional (AP) employees. Administrators are covered either by the Virginia Sickness and Disability Plan (VSDP) or the Colleges’ Sick Leave Plan. The choice of leave plans is directly linked to the retirement plan chosen upon hire. If an AP employee chooses the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), he or she will automatically be enrolled in the College plan. However, if the Virginia Retirement System Hybrid Plan is chosen, the AP employee will have the choice between the College Plan and VSDP.
  3. Definitions
    1. Family Member: Child under 18 (biological, step, or adopted), spouse, or parent.
    2. Leave Year: Period of January 10 – January 9
    3. Maximum Carry-over: The unused accrued annual leave balance an employee may carry from one leave year into the next.
    4. Maximum Payment: The unused accrued annual leave for which the employee may receive payment upon separation.
    5. College Sick Leave Plan: Administrators who (i) elect VRS, but do not elect to be covered by VSDP, or who elect ORP and (ii) who hold regular, unrestricted appointments are eligible for paid sick/short-term disability leave and family care leave.
    6. Virginia Sickness & Disability Program (VSDP): Provides participating employees with supplemental replacement income during periods of partial or total disability for both non-occupational and occupational disabilities. It also provides employees with sick and family and personal leave.
    7. Workers Compensation Leave: Leave granted to an employee for a certified job-related illness or injury.
  4. Leave Programs
    1. College Sick Leave Plan
      AP employees who opt out of the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program or who elect the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) will be enrolled in the College’s Sick Leave Plan. This plan provides coverage for personal illness, illness of a family member, short-term disability, long-term disability, and bereavement.Personal Short-Term Illness: Participants may use sick leave to cover absences related to their own illnesses, injuries, or medical appointments. Each leave year (January 10 – January 9), participants in the College Sick Leave Plan will have access to 80 hours (10 days) of sick leave for this purpose.Illness of Family Member: Participants in the College Sick Leave Plan may use the balance of their 120 calendar days of disability and sick leave for qualifying family and dependent care leave. After five (5) consecutive absences related to illness of a family member, use of this leave must run concurrently with FMLA. This means the employee must be approved for FMLA in order to continue use of sick leave to cover the absence related to the illness of a family member. Otherwise, annual leave must be used or the employee can be placed on unpaid leave if annual leave is not available. Up to five (5) non-consecutive workdays of sick leave can be used each leave year for absences related to illness of a family member.Short-Term Disability: Participants in the College Sick Leave Plan have up to 120 calendar days of short‐term disability in the event that they have a qualifying illness or injury and cannot work. This leave is paid at 100% of the pre‐disability salary and runs concurrently with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This means the employee must be approved for FMLA in order to qualify for short-term disability. There is no waiting period before an employee may begin using this leave. If the illness or injury is such that return to work is impossible beyond the 120 days of short‐term disability, the employee may apply for long‐term disability. An employee in the College plan is eligible for long‐term disability following one year of continuous employment.Long-Term Disability: Under the College Sick Leave Plan, you must complete a long‐term disability application following an 180‐day elimination period during which you have not worked due to illness or injury. The application is then reviewed by The Standard Insurance Company. The long‐term disability application is available at, once completed, must be returned to the Office of Human Resources for certification and submission to The Standard. If the application is approved, you receive 60% of your pre‐disability salary up to a maximum of $6,000 per month.Bereavement: AP employees enrolled in the College Sick Leave Plan may use up to six (6) workdays of sick leave for use in the event of the death of a family member. After six days of sick leave have been used in single leave year for this purpose, College Sick Leave Plan participants must use annual leave to cover the absence.
    2. Virginia Sickness & Disability Program: AP employees who have opted to participate in the VSDP are provided sick leave and family/personal leave each calendar year. This leave cannot be carried over from year to year. In the event of an extended illness or serious injury, VSDP also provides for short-term and long-term disability benefits at 100%, 80%, or 60% of the employee’s salary, depending on the length of service. The following chart reflects the rates for sick leave and family/personal leave according to months of state service:

Sick Leave: Under VSDP, participants may use sick leave for only their own illnesses or medical appointments. Each leave year, participants will be credited on January 10th with sick leave based on the chart above. Previous unused sick leave does not roll over to the next year.

Family Personal Leave: Under VSDP, family personal leave is used if a family member is ill, injured or has a doctor’s appointment. It can also be used for any reason including vacation, death of a family member, or to cover insufficient balances of another leave type. Family and personal leave is allotted each January 10th and the number of hours allotted is based on the length of state service as outlined in the chart above. Previous unused family and personal leave does not roll over to the next year.

Short-Term Disability: Participants in VSDP receive income protection if he or she has a qualifying illness or injury and cannot work. The amount of income protection is based on the length of State service and is illustrated in the table below. To be eligible, employees must have worked in a benefit‐eligible position for at least 12 consecutive months. Income protection begins after the first seven days of absence due to the illness or injury. These first seven days can be covered using the employee’s available leave. The income protection lasts up to 125 workdays. If the illness or injury is such that return to work is impossible, the employee may apply for long‐term disability.

Long-Term Disability: Under VSDP, once an employee has exhausted all 125 workdays of short‐ term disability, the VSDP third‐party administrator will automatically initiate a long‐term disability claim for review. If an employee’s long‐term disability claim is approved, then he or she will receive 60{5b2ffe48c25fcf1af74449cb013cf6cb1d7085e045a358d699fdbf39f60480b9} of his or her pre‐disability salary. If the disability is due to a catastrophic condition, the income protection will be increased to 80{5b2ffe48c25fcf1af74449cb013cf6cb1d7085e045a358d699fdbf39f60480b9}. Once an employee transitions to long‐term disability, he or she ceases to be an employee of the College and will receive his or her monthly disability payment from either the Virginia Retirement System or long‐term disability carrier. Long‐term disability will end if the employee later returns to work or retires.

Bereavement: VSDP participants may use family personal leave in the event of the death of a family member. If there isn’t enough family personal leave available to cover the absence, VSDP participants must use annual leave to cover the absence.

  1. Additional Leave TypesThe leave types specified below are available to AP employees regardless of which sick leave plan they have chosen.
    1. Parental Leave: Administrators with at least one year of service at RBC are eligible for paid Parental Leave benefits for childbearing and child-rearing. Parental Leave must be taken within 6 months of the birth, adoption, or placement of a child, and is taken, at a minimum, in one-week increments. (Workload and scheduling must be reviewed and approved in advance.) To the extent it qualifies, leave granted under this category runs concurrently with coverage under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.There are three types of Parental Leave:
      1. Maternity leave is a medically approved absence due to childbearing and is covered under the college’s short-term disability benefit. It is typically six to eight weeks long, as directed by the medical provider. At the conclusion of the short-term disability “maternity leave” coverage period (when the employee is medically cleared and no longer under medical care), parental leave provides additional paid time off for eligible individuals in order to bond with their child(ren.) The short-term disability period and maternity leave period may combine for up to a total of 12 weeks of paid leave.For example, if an employee with two years of RBC service is on short-term disability for six weeks of maternity leave (to recover from childbirth), she may also be awarded up to six weeks of paid parental leave to bond with her child at the conclusion of her short-term disability period. The maximum amount of paid parental leave in the case of maternity is 12 weeks.
      2. Paid time off of up to six weeks is provided for the second parent for caregiving and bonding.
      3. Paid time off of up to six weeks is provided for either or both parent(s) for adoption, surrogacy, or foster care.Parental leave at 100{5b2ffe48c25fcf1af74449cb013cf6cb1d7085e045a358d699fdbf39f60480b9} pay for up to six weeks may be granted. Leave runs concurrently with FMLA, if applicable. Any additional time (covered by FMLA) must be covered using the individual’s paid time off or leave without pay. If both parents are RBC employees, the maximum amount of paid leave that will be granted is 12 weeks.Parents may decide to take leave immediately after the child’s birth or at a later date. If, for example, it is beneficial for the parent to take leave when the child is three months old because it will allow for childcare at a time when the employee would otherwise not have it, the employee may take the leave at this time. Parental leave must be used within 12 months of the birth, adoption, or placement of a child.To use this benefit, the employee must complete the following steps.
        • Notify manager, Department Head, and Human Resources about the intention to take Parental Leave. (This applies to parents of biological, surrogate, adopted, or foster children.)
        • Complete the RBC Parental Leave Request Form.
          • (An employee who gives birth and is medically cleared and no longer under medical care and short-term disability, should complete a Parental Leave Request Form to request Parental Leave for paid leave to cover the remainder of the possible 12-week period. She may submit this form at the same time she requests short-term disability in order to express her intent to use Parental Leave.)
        • Complete FMLA Medical Forms and return to Human Resources
        • Manager approves leave. The employee is notified of approval and the expected return to work date.
    2. Administrative Leave: Administrators are eligible for administrative leave to serve on a jury or appear in court as a witness under subpoena, to resolve work-related conflicts, to participate in the resolution of complaints of employment discrimination, to attend administrative hearings or for other reasons approved in advance by the supervisor. Such leave may be paid or unpaid, depending on the circumstances.
    3. Annual Leave: Full-time AP employees accrue twenty-four days of annual leave per year. Annual leave is earned at the rate of eight (8) hours per semi-monthly pay period and is available to use after the end of each pay period. The maximum amount of annual leave that may be carried over to the next leave year is 240 hours. On January 9 of each calendar year, Human Resources purges unused annual leave balances that exceed the carry-over limit. Upon separation, annual leave will be paid or transferred as follows
AP to AP AP to Classified
AP Employee Transfers To Another VA Agency or CollegeIf the AP Employee is transferring into another AP position, the leave balance at separation will transfer to the new agency, if the new agency will accept the balances. Otherwise, the leave balance at separation will be paid, not to exceed a maximum payout of 240 hours.If the AP Employee is transferring into a classified position, the leave balance at separation will be paid, not to exceed a maximum payout of 240 hours. An exception can be made if the new agency agrees in writing to accept the leave balances.
AP Employee Does Not Transfer To Another VA Agency or CollegeIf an AP employee separates and does not transfer to another VA agency or College, the leave balance at separation will be paid, not to exceed a maximum payout of 240 hours. If an AP employee separates and does not transfer to another VA agency or College, the leave balance at separation will be paid, not to exceed a maximum payout of 240 hours.
    1. Community Service Leave: This leave provides professionals with up to sixteen (16) hours paid leave each calendar year to participate in volunteer community service organizations, to meet with public or private school officials about their children, to attend school functions in which their children are participating, and to perform school-approved volunteer work in a public school. An additional eight (8) hours per year of community service leave is available for employees serving as volunteer firefighters or rescue service members. Unused leave in this category does not carry over at calendar year-end.
    2. Compensatory Leave: Compensatory leave is earned hour‐for‐hour when an employee is required to work on a scheduled holiday or when Richard Bland College is officially closed due to inclement weather. In these instances, the employee is paid for the hours worked plus he or she receives one hour of compensatory leave for each hour worked. Compensatory leave is recorded on the employee’s timesheet at the time that it is earned. It may be used in lieu of annual or sick leave and must be used within 12 months of the date it is earned or it will lapse.
    3. Holiday Leave: The College typically observes twelve (12) paid holidays per year. The calendar dates on which these holidays fall are set annually. They include:
      • New Year’s Day
      • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
      • Memorial Day
      • Independence Day
      • Labor Day
      • Thanksgiving
      • The day after Thanksgiving
      • Christmas Day

      The remaining four holidays are state holidays that the College does not observe on the actual date: Lee-Jackson Day; Presidents Day; Columbus Day; and Veterans Day. These four state holidays are observed during the December holiday break.

      Note: In order to be paid for a holiday, an employee must work or be on paid leave the day before and the day after the holiday. Any employee who is on leave without pay the day before and/or the day after the holiday will not be paid for that holiday.

    4. Military Leave: In accordance with 44-93 of the Virginia Code, Administrators who are called to perform military service are eligible to take up to 15 workdays in a federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30), except that no employee shall receive more than 15 workdays of paid leave per federally funded tour of active military duty. A copy of the orders or other documentation proving the military service must be provided to Human Resources in order to receive military paid leave.
    5. Organ or Bone Marrow Donation: AP employees may receive up to 30 days of leave to donate an organ or bone marrow. Medical certification is required for approval. This leave is not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP).
  1. Family Medical Leave Act
    The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) offers unpaid job protection for up to 12 weeks when an employee cannot work due to illness or injury or when he or she is caring for a newborn or newly adopted child or for an ill or injured family member (child under 18, spouse, or parent). To be eligible, employees must have worked for Richard Bland College, or another Virginia state agency from which the employee directly transferred to Richard Bland College without a break in service, for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the previous 12 months. During FMLA, paid sick and disability leave runs concurrently with FMLA. Medical certification is required. To determine your eligibility or for more information on FMLA, please contact Human Resources at If it is determined that you are eligible, you must inform your supervisor of your intent to utilize FMLA whether paid or unpaid. If the employee is caring for a family member who is a current service member, then he or she is eligible for up to 26 weeks of unpaid job protection.
  2. Related Policy & Documents
  3. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Revised August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020


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1040 Equal Employment Opportunity

Policy Number: 1040
Policy Name: Equal Employment Opportunity
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement 
    Richard Bland College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, which encourages applications from qualified females, minority groups, veterans, and disabled individuals. Richard Bland College will comply fully with the equal opportunity provisions of all applicable laws, regulations, and policies and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of gender, gender identity, disability, race, color, age, religion, national origin, or veteran status.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Richard Bland College complies with all federal and state equal employment opportunity laws.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all College employees and applicants.
  4. Related Documents
    DHRM Policy 2.05.
    Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Procedures 
    Equal opportunity extends to all aspects of employment including but not limited to hiring, transfers, promotions, training, corrective actions, termination, working conditions, compensation, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. Richard Bland College complies with federal and state equal employment opportunity laws and strives to keep the workplace free from all forms of unlawful discrimination, including harassment and retaliation.Any employee may file a discrimination claim or grievance, if applicable, with the Director of Human Resources. If the issue remains unresolved, the procedures provided in the RBC Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy may be utilized.While employees are encouraged to seek to resolve disputes and claims of discrimination internally, current or former employees and applicants may file a charge or charges of discrimination with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC investigates employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40 or older) disability, or genetic information.Policy History
    Approved November 20, 2015
    Updated January 11, 2017
    Updated July 1, 2020

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1050 Drug and Alcohol Policy - Employees

Policy Number: 1050
Policy Name: Drug and Alcohol Policy – Employees
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement 
    No employee will report to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Also, the possession, use, distribution, or sale of any alcoholic beverages (except when authorized by the RBC President for special events) or illicit drugs on College-owned or controlled property or at College activities is prohibited. Unless authorized by state law, the purchase, possession, or consumption of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited regardless of the event.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Richard Bland College endeavors to maintain a workplace free from the adverse effects of alcohol and illegal substances.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all employees and visitors to the College campus.
  4. Related Laws and Policies
    Virginia Code § 4.1-305.
    DHRM Policy 1.05 Alcohol and Other Drugs
    The Student Handbook, Appendix 1, Drug and Alcohol Policy
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions
    Illegal Drugs: any drug regarding which possession is prohibited by law, including but not necessarily limited to: marijuana, hashish, amphetamines, LSD compounds, mescaline, psilocybin, DMT, narcotics, opiates, and other hallucinogens including Spice, K2, and synthetic marijuana, except when taken under a physician’s prescription in accordance with law.DHRM: Virginia Department of Human Resource Management.
  2. Procedures 
    Employees must notify their supervisors in writing within five days if they are convicted of violating any criminal drug law, either within or outside the workplace, or convicted of violating any alcohol beverage control or driving-while-intoxicated laws, based on conduct occurring in the workplace.Because of the nature of the work, the College may require drug testing before a final employment offer is made. Some positions may also require ongoing random drug testing and/or as-needed drug or alcohol testing.Violation of policies related to these matters may result in serious disciplinary action, including termination. The Richard Bland College Department of Campus Safety and Police will enforce drug- and alcohol-related laws.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017

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1060 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy

Policy Number: 1060
Policy Name: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College does not discriminate on the basis of a disability in the administration of its educational programs and activities, including admission and employment practices, access to, or treatment in its programs and services. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and their rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator who arranges services for students at the College.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The College is committed to acting in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title II states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination” in programs or activities sponsored by a public entity.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All College employees, students, and applicants.
  4. Related Documents
    Current text of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 incorporating the changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008
    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    Student Handbook
    Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, Human Resources
ext. 6208rbchr@rbc.eduext.
    1. Definitions
      ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
      Disability: A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or a record of a physical or mental impairment that substantially limited a major life activity; or a perceived impairment that is not both transitory (less than six months actual or expected duration) and minor.
      Physical or Mental Impairment: Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more body systems, or any mental or psychological disorder.
      Substantial Limitation: An individualized assessment, construed broadly, that a person is unable or substantially limited in performing a major life activity as compared to most people in the general population.
      Major Life Activity: May include, but is not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, sitting, reading, thinking, communicating, and operation of major bodily functions.Obtaining Accommodative Services

      1. Employees seeking accommodations or modifications must contact the ADA coordinator for an appointment at
      2. Employees must submit to the ADA Coordinator valid and relevant documentation completed by a medical provider verifying the disability and need for an accommodation. This documentation is required before proper accommodations can be determined.
      3. Employees must make specific requests for accommodations. This will begin the interactive process to find an effective and reasonable accommodation. The ADA Coordinator may suggest alternative effective reasonable accommodations.
      4. The College may provide reasonable accommodations to employees on a case-by-case basis. By law, accommodations that place an undue hardship on the College are not required to be approved.
      5. Only the ADA Coordinator may grant or deny an employee accommodation. Questions regarding accommodation implementation should be directed to the ADA Coordinator.
      6. A document cannot be verified if it fails to identify a specific disability or verify the need for requested services. Employees are responsible for submitting all documentation to the ADA Coordinator in a timely manner.
      7. Requests for accommodation shall, whenever possible, be kept confidential in accordance with applicable College and Commonwealth policies.

    2. Complaint Procedures
      If an employee disagrees with a decision made by the ADA Coordinator regarding an accommodation, the employee may file a complaint pursuant to the RBC Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation Policy.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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1070 Employee Reasonable Accommodation Policy & Procedure

Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources
(Approved by President Sydow July 1, 2018)

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College (RBC) is committed to providing individuals with disabilities equal opportunities in all phases of employment. RBC will, in good faith, provide reasonable accommodations for its qualified applicants and employees as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (the “ADA”) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and their implementing regulations, and consistent with College, Commonwealth, and federal anti-discrimination policies. Retaliation against an individual with a disability for requesting an accommodation is prohibited.
  2. Applicability of Policy
    This policy and procedure apply to all qualified employees of Richard Bland College and applicants with a disability.
  3. Definitions
    These definitions summarize terms defined by regulations implementing the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act.Accommodation: A modification, change or adjustment to an individual’s job, work conditions or work environment, or to the job application process for an applicant. An accommodation can be a change to the way job functions are typically performed, made in order to allow a qualified individual with a disability to perform the job.Applicant: An individual pursuing employment with the college by submitting appropriate application materials for a specific, vacant position.Disability: A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of an individual’s major life activities; or a record of a physical or mental impairment that substantially limited a major life activity; or a perceived impairment that is not both transitory (less than six months actual or expected duration) and minor. Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working. A major life activity also includes the operation of a major bodily function, including but not limited to, functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions. The College’s determination of whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity will be made without regard to the ameliorative effects of mitigating measures such as medication, medical supplies, equipment, appliances, or prosthetics, except for ordinary contact lenses and eyeglasses.Employee: Any College employee including instructional faculty, administrative and professional employees, classified staff, adjuncts, and wage employees.Qualified: An employee or applicant is qualified if he or she is able to complete the essential functions of his or her job with or without reasonable accommodation. An applicant must also satisfy the minimum qualifications for the job for which he or she is applying in order to be considered qualified.
  4. Reasonable Accommodations
    1. Employees and applicants must identify themselves in writing as having a disability and request reasonable accommodation, as described in Section V below. The College has no duty to seek out and determine the need for an accommodation absent a specific request in writing from an employee or applicant.< /li>
    2. Employees and applicants must be qualified (as defined in Section III) in order to be eligible to receive accommodations.
    3. The College is not required to eliminate an essential job function as an accommodation for a disability. “Essential job function” is a fundamental function of the position. The ADA provides that “consideration shall be given to the employer’s judgment as to what functions of a job are essential, and if an employer has prepared a written description before advertising or interviewing applicants for the job, this description shall be considered evidence of the essential functions of the job.”
    4. The College is not required to lower performance standards – whether qualitative or quantitative. The College may, however, have to provide reasonable accommodation to enable an employee with a disability to meet a performance standard.
    5. Cost or other impact of a requested accommodation may be measured against the accommodation’s efficacy in determining whether it is reasonable.
    6. No change or modification is required if it would cause undue hardship to the College. Undue hardship refers not only to financial difficulty, but to accommodations that are unduly extensive, substantial, or disruptive, or those that would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the College’s work.
    7. The College will attempt to provide the reasonable accommodation requested, but may choose among reasonable accommodations as long as the chosen accommodation is effective. Through an interactive process, the College may offer alternative suggestions for reasonable accommodations and discuss their effectiveness in removing the workplace barrier that is impeding the individual with a disability.
    8. The College has no duty to provide personal items needed to accomplish daily activities both during and outside of working time. This includes items such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, and prosthetic limbs.
  5. Procedure to Request a Reasonable Accommodation
    Employees and applicants are responsible for requesting reasonable accommodation, and providing adequate documentation of their disability and the need for accommodation, as needed.

    1. Applicants
      Modifications to Application Process or Requirements: Applicants may request accommodations in the hiring process or application itself – such as a modification in the manner in which an application is filed. Applicants are responsible for making specific requests so that the College can provide reasonable accommodations; the College will not ask applicants whether they have a disability or need an accommodation (unless the applicant indicates that he or she needs an accommodation). Applicants must make these requests in advance; the College will not make retroactive accommodations. Applicant requests for reasonable accommodation in the hiring process may be made to the hiring manager or the Office of Human Resources; any supervisor or other personnel receiving the request for accommodation must contact the Office of Human Resources for guidance.Discussing Disability and Accommodations during the Hiring Process: The College will not ask applicants whether they have a disability or ask any questions regarding a disability disclosed by the applicant, but may ask applicants whether they are able to perform the essential functions of the job being applied for – with or without accommodation. If an applicant indicates that he or she can perform the essential functions with accommodation, the College may inquire about the accommodation needed. Accommodation requests will be referred to the Office of Human Resources.
    2. Current Employees
      Employees requesting accommodation should be referred to the Office Human Resources to complete a Reasonable Accommodation Request form. The employee must indicate the specific way in which his or her disability limits his or her ability to perform the essential functions of his or her job. This shows the College why an accommodation is needed. The employee must also offer or request a reasonable accommodation. The Office may request additional information, including medical (1) documentation of the individual’s functional limitations verifying the disability, which can include a second and even third opinion, and (2) prognosis of a particular, demonstrated, or known symptom of the employee’s disability occurring, when relevant to the duties of the job.The Director of Human Resources will consult with the employee and the supervisor or department head as needed to determine the essential functions of the job, identify possible accommodations, and assess the possible accommodation’s reasonableness and efficacy in assisting the employee. The Director of Human Resources will make an accommodation determination and provide an accommodation approval letter, if appropriate. An employee disagreeing with a determination may appeal it; see Section VII below.

    After receiving the accommodation approval, an employee should contact the Office of Human Resources if:

    1. A supervisor or other College employee is not implementing or recognizing an approved accommodation, or if they have other problems implementing the accommodation; or
    2. The approved accommodation, whether because of changes in the employee’s disability, work conditions, or otherwise, proves to be or becomes ineffective.
  6. Confidentiality
    Inquiries about and information regarding requests for accommodation shall, whenever possible, be kept confidential in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations and College and Commonwealth policies. Supervisors and managers may be informed regarding necessary restrictions on the work or duties of the employee and necessary accommodations.
  7. Appeals/Grievance Procedures
    An employee may seek review of a disability decision under this procedure by contacting the Deputy ADA Coordinator. The Deputy Coordinator will review the accommodation determination and make any other investigation needed, including consideration of any records or information provided by the employee. The Deputy Coordinator may require the employee to provide additional information or documentation as necessary. The Deputy Coordinator will report his or her findings to the Provost. The Provost will provide a letter of determination to the employee and any other necessary parties. The Provost’s determination may agree with the original determination or may direct some change to be made. The review and determination will be made within 30 days of the review being sought, unless the deadline is extended for good cause.The Provost’s determination is final; there is no further appeal provided under this procedure. Employees also may have a grievance right under separate state or College policy, however. AP employees, classified staff, and wage employees may contact the state Department of Human Resources for further information. Instructional Faculty should look to the Grievance Resolution steps outlined in the Faculty Handbook.The College encourages employees to use these procedures before pursuing remedies outside the College, but employees have the right to file a complaint directly with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
  8. Interpretation and Compliance; ADA/Rehabilitation Act Coordinator
    Questions about this procedure or rights and responsibilities concerning discriminatory behavior, including the application of the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act, may be brought to the Director of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources serves as the College’s ADA/Rehabilitation Act Coordinator and has the primary responsibility for coordinating the College’s efforts to comply with the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act. These responsibilities include monitoring compliance with related policies and procedures.
  9. Related Documents
    • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
    • RBC Americans with Disabilities Act Policy
    • Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
    • Reasonable Accommodation Request Form
    • Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
    • Code of Ethics
  10. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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1080 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Policy Number: 1080
Policy Name:  Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College will comply with the FMLA and provide eligible employees up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period of unpaid family and medical leave because of their own serious health condition or the serious health condition of an eligible family member, or up to 26 weeks in a single 12-month period of unpaid leave to care for a covered military service member with a serious injury or illness if the employee is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of the service member.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The College is committed to complying with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All eligible positions covered under the Virginia Personnel Act, including full-time and part-time classified, restricted, and wage employees.
  4. Related Documents
    Virginia Personnel Act, Virginia Code §§ 2.2-900-2905
    DHRM Policy 4.20:
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Procedures
    An employee should submit a written request for family and medical leave at least 30 calendar days prior to the anticipated leave begin date or as soon as practicable in unforeseen circumstances. If an employee is not able to provide notice because of an illness or injury, notice may be given by a family member or a spokesperson as soon as practicable.

Note: An employee must comply with agency leave request procedures, absent unusual circumstances. Failure to do so may be grounds for delaying or denying an employee’s request for FMLA qualifying leave. Enforcement actions under FMLA can be brought by either the United States Department of Labor or individual employees.

For additional procedures, please refer to DHRM Policy 4.20 at

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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1090 Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation

Policy Number: 1090
Policy Name: Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

A. Policy Statement
Richard Bland College (RBC or College) is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from harassment and discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, against otherwise qualified persons with disabilities, or based on any other status protected by law.

Such an environment is necessary to a healthy learning, working, and living atmosphere because discrimination and harassment undermine human dignity and the positive connection among everyone on campus. In pursuit of this goal, any question of impermissible discrimination on these bases will be addressed with efficiency and energy and in accordance with this policy. This policy also addresses complaints or reports of retaliation against those who have opposed practices prohibited by this policy, those who have filed complaints or reports under this policy, and those who have testified or otherwise participated in enforcement of this policy.

RBC does not discriminate in admission, employment, or any other activity on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, veteran status, political affiliation, or any other status protected by law.

RBC, an Equal Opportunity Employer, is fully committed to access and opportunity for all persons.

B. Reason for Policy

Our community of trust requires that its members treat one another with respect, dignity, and fairness. This policy is designed to ensure a safe environment for the members of the Richard Bland College community.

This policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of age, color, race, disability, marital status, national and ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, family medical or genetic information, as well as other forms of sex discrimination not covered by the Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence.

Additionally this policy is based on federal and state law and policy, including Executive Order 11246, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, the Virginia Human Rights Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, as well as state policy, including the Governor’s Executive Order One, the Commonwealth’s Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) Policy 1.60 – Standards of Conduct, DHRM Policy 2.05 – Equal Employment Opportunity, and DHRM Policy 2.30 – Workplace Harassment.  Additionally, this policy helps RBC comply with federal and state laws which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (including sexual violence) in education programs or activities. It also helps RBC comply with the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), which amended the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act), the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and the Higher Education Opportunity ACT (HEOA) relating to military and veterans issues.

C. Definitions

  1. Complaint: Allegation(s) of discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation, filed in good faith and in accordance with this policy.
  2. Discrimination: Inequitable treatment of a person based on one or more of that person’s protected characteristics or statuses, excepting any treatment permitted or required by law. — that excludes an individual from participation in, denies the individual the benefits of, treats the individual differently or otherwise adversely affects a term or condition of an individual’s employment, education, living environment or participation in an educational program or activity. This includes failing to provide reasonable accommodation, consistent with state and federal law, to persons with disabilities.
  3. Protected Characteristics/Statuses: Age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family medical or genetic information.
  4. Harassment: Unwelcome conduct directed against a person based on one or more of that person’s protected characteristics or statuses, which conduct is so severe or pervasive that it interferes with an individual’s employment, academic performance or participation in University programs or activities, and creates a working, learning, program or activity environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive.
  5. Supervisor: Any person who has authority to undertake or recommend tangible employment decisions affecting an employee or academic decisions affecting a student; or to direct an employee’s work activities or a student’s academic activities. Examples include faculty members to whom work-study students report and team lead workers who, from time to time, monitor other employees’ performance or direct their work.
  6. Retaliation – Retaliation is intimidation, threats, harassment, and other adverse action taken or threatened against (1) any Reporting Party or person reporting or filing a complaint alleging Prohibited Conduct or (2) any person cooperating in the investigation of an allegation of Prohibited Conduct including testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation pursuant to this policy.  Action is generally deemed adverse if it would deter a reasonable person in the same circumstances from opposing practices prohibited by this policy.  Retaliation may result in disciplinary or other action independent of the sanctions or interim measures imposed in response to the underlying allegations of Prohibited Conduct.
  7. Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination based on sex. It is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature including but not limited to: verbal (e.g., specific demands for sexual favors, sexual innuendoes, sexually suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, or sexual threats); nonverbal (e.g., sexually suggestive emails, other writings, articles or documents, objects or pictures, graphic commentaries, suggestive or insulting sounds or gestures, leering, whistling, or obscene gestures); physical (e.g. touching, pinching, brushing the body, any unwelcome or coerced sexual activity including sexual assault).  Sexual harassment, including sexual assault, can involve persons of the same or different sexes.  Sexual harassment also may include sex-based harassment directed towards stereotypical notions of what is female/feminine versus male/masculine or a failure to conform to those gender stereotypes.
  8. Hostile environment: A hostile environment may be created by oral, written, graphic, or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive and objectively offensive that it interferes with, limits, or denies the ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from educational programs, services, opportunities, or activities or the individual’s employment access, benefits, or opportunities. Mere subjective offensiveness is not enough to create a hostile environment. In determining whether conduct is severe, persistent, or pervasive, and thus creates a hostile environment.
  9. Sexual misconduct: Prohibited conduct includes sexual violence, sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

D. Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to on-campus conduct involving students, employees, faculty and staff, visitors to campus (including, but not limited to, students participating in camp programs, non-degree seeking students, exchange students, and other students taking courses or participating in programs at Richard Bland College), and contractors working on campus who are not Richard Bland College employees, and to students, visiting students, employees, faculty, and staff participating in Richard Bland College-sponsored activities off-campus. This policy is applicable to any conduct that occurs off campus that has continuing effects that create a hostile environment on campus. This policy also is applicable regarding the College’s various technological resources.

E. Related Documents

Policy 1040, Equal Employment Opportunity,

Policy 1060 Americans With Disabilities Act Policy

Policy 1070 Employee Reasonable Accommodation Policy and Procedure

Policy 1091 Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence

Student Handbook

Student Code of Conduct

Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM), Policy 2.05, Employment Opportunity,

Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM), Policy 2.35, Civility in the Workplace,

F. General Provisions

This policy supersedes portions of the College’s former Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation Policy (which is now retitled Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence),  any and all previously adopted policies or procedures for the handling of discrimination, harassment, some forms of sexual misconduct, not covered the College’s Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence.

All allegations of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or failures to comply with any of the laws indicated above or other applicable federal or state laws, regulations, or policies relating thereto are governed by this policy.

Allegations of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, either on-campus or off-campus violations of this policy that involve a student should be reported to the Office of Student Success. Allegation of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, either on-campus or off-campus violations of this policy that involve a student should be reported to the Office of Human Resources.  Any allegation of sexual misconduct will should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator’s office so that an assessment can be determined of whether the allegations fall within the purview of the College’s Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence.  Allegations of harassment occurrences through the use of campus or personal technology depending on subject matter, should be reported as described above.

For allegations of sexual misconduct or harassment, the College, through its representatives, may utilize supportive measures, sanctions, and community resource referrals as detailed in the College’s Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence.

Any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation mentioned in this policy is Prohibited Conduct and is strictly forbidden and subject to investigation and sanctions.  Students who violate this policy may receive sanctions up to and including permanent removal from the residence halls and expulsion from Richard Bland College. Employees who violate this policy may receive sanctions up to and including employment termination.

I. Contacts


OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources(804) 862-6100, ext.
Student SuccessDirector of Student Success & Engagement(804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved August 21, 2020

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1091 Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence

Policy Number: 1091

Policy Name: Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence
Responsible Office: Human Resources Office

Effective Date: August 21, 2020

Last Updated: July 1, 2024

  1. Policy Statement

Richard Bland College (RBC or College) is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from harassment and discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, against otherwise qualified persons with disabilities, or based on any other status protected by law. Such an environment is necessary to a healthy learning, working, and living atmosphere because discrimination and harassment undermine human dignity and the positive connection among everyone on campus.  RBC does not discriminate on the basis of sex in education programs and activities, as required by Title IX.

Our community of trust requires that its members treat one another with respect, dignity, and fairness. This policy is designed to ensure a safe environment for the members of the Richard Bland College community. In pursuit of this goal, this policy prohibits specific forms of behavior that violate Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”); and/or the Virginia Human Rights Act. Such behavior also requires the University to fulfill certain obligations under the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (“VAWA”) and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”).

This policy also addresses complaints or reports of retaliation against those who have opposed practices prohibited by this policy, those who have filed complaints or reports under

  1. Reason for Policy

This policy helps RBC comply with federal and state laws, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (including sexual violence) in education programs or activities. It also helps RBC comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and with the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), which amended the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act) and requires institutions to prohibit dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. RBC also is committed to complying with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and the Higher Education Opportunity ACT (HEOA) relating to military and veterans’ issues.

  1. Applicability of the Policy   

This policy applies to on-campus conduct involving students, employees, faculty and staff, visitors to campus (including, but not limited to, students participating in camp programs, non-degree seeking students, exchange students, and other students taking courses or participating in programs at Richard Bland College), and contractors working on campus who are not Richard Bland College employees, and to students, visiting students, employees, faculty, and staff participating in Richard Bland College-sponsored activities within the United States. This policy is applicable to any conduct that occurs off campus that has continuing effects that create a hostile environment on campus. This policy also is applicable regarding the College’s various technological resources.

This Policy is effective August 14, 2020. This policy supersedes any and all previously adopted policies or procedures for Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence, except those that fall within the purview of the College’s Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation.  Allegations of either on-campus or off-campus violations of this policy should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator’s office as stated herein. Allegations of sexual and gender-based harassment occurrences through the use of campus or personal technology also should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator’s office.

Should an allegation of conduct not constitute “sexual harassment,” does not occur within an “educational program or activity,” or does not occur in the United States, the College must dismiss the complaint for purposes of Title IX. However, the College is permitted to address such allegations through its code of conduct or other disciplinary code or policy.

  1. Definitions
  2. Discrimination:Inequitable and unlawful treatment based on an individual’s protected characteristics or statuses—race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, disability, or any other status protected by law—that excludes an individual from participation in, denies the individual the benefits of, treats the individual differently or otherwise adversely affects a term or condition of an individual’s employment, education, living environment, or participation in an educational program or activity. This includes failing to provide reasonable accommodation, consistent with state and federal law, to persons with disabilities.
  3. Harassment: A form of discrimination in which unwelcome verbal, written, or physical conduct is directed toward an individual on the basis of his or her protected characteristics or statuses, by any member of the campus community. Harassment does not have to include intent to harm, be directed at a specific target, or involve repeated incidents.
  4. Prohibited Conduct: Any form of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation mentioned in this policy is Prohibited Conduct and is strictly forbidden and subject to investigation and sanctions. Students who violate this policy may receive sanctions up to and including permanent removal from the residence halls and expulsion from Richard Bland College. Employees who violate this policy may receive sanctions up to and including employment termination.
  5. Complainant: The individual, who is the alleged to the victim or survivor of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.
  6. Respondent: The individual, who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.
  7. Sexual Harassment: Under Title IX, there are three types of conduct which constitute sexual harassment. The types are:
  8. Quid pro quo harassment (by an employee);
  1. Unwelcomed conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the institution’s education program or activity; and
  2. Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.
    For these types of conduct to constitute Title IX sexual harassment, they must occur within an institution’s education program or activity against a person in the United States.
  1. Education program or activity: Any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity operated by the College. Educational program or activity also includes locations, events, or circumstances over which the College exercised substantial control as to both the respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment occurred.
  2. Supportive Measures: Individualized services reasonably available that are nonpunitive, non-disciplinary, and not unreasonably burdensome to the other party while designed to ensure equal educational access, protect safety, or deter sexual harassment.
  3. Formal Complaint: Any document filed by a complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator alleging sexual harassment against a respondent and requesting that the school investigate the allegation of sexual harassment.
  4. Quid Pro Quo: This type of sexual harassment occurs when the terms or conditions of employment, educational benefits, academic grades or opportunities, living environment, or participation in a Richard Bland College activity are conditioned upon, either explicitly or implicitly, submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or such submission or rejection is a factor in decisions affecting that individual’s employment, education, living environment, or participation in a Richard Bland College program or activity.
  5. Hostile environment: A hostile environment may be created by unwelcomed oral, written, graphic, or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that effectively denies a person to participate in or benefit from educational programs, services, activities and opportunities or the individual’s employment access, benefits, or opportunities. Mere subjective offensiveness is not enough to create a hostile environment. In determining whether conduct creates a hostile environment, the following factors will be considered:
  6. The degree to which the conduct affected one or more individuals’ education or employment
  7. The nature, scope, frequency, duration, and location of the incident(s)
  8. The identity, number, and relationships of persons involved
  9. The perspective of a “reasonable person” in the same situation as the person subjected to the conduct


  1. Sexual misconduct: includes sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
  2. Sexual assault is intentionally engaging or attempting to engage in nonconsensual bodily contact of a sexual nature. It includes sexual contact or sexual intercourse, or penetration achieved by the use of physical force, threats, intimidating behavior, or coercion or when an individual is incapacitated or otherwise incapable of providing consent. Sexual Assault is:
  3. Non-Consensual Sexual Contactis any intentional or attempted touching of a sexual nature. Non-consensual sexual contact includes, but is not limited to: any intentional or attempted touching of a person’s genitalia, groin, breast, or buttocks, or the clothing covering any of these areas without consent; any intentional or attempted touching of another with any of these body parts without consent; making another person touch you or themselves with or on any of these body parts without consent; or any intentional or attempted bodily contact of a sexual nature, though not involving contact with/of/by a person’s genitalia, groin, breast, or buttocks without consent.
    ii. Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse or Penetration is any penetration (anal, oral, or vagina) or attempted penetration (anal, oral, or vaginal), however slight, with any object (finger, tongue, penis, inanimate object, etc.) without consent or forcing someone to penetrate himself or herself with any object, however slight, without consent.
  4. Sexual exploitation occurs when a person takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for anyone’s advantage or benefit other than the person being exploited, and that behavior does not meet the definition of sexual assault. Sexual exploitation includes prostituting another person, non-consensual visual or audio recording of sexual activity, non-consensual distribution of photos or other images of an individual’s sexual activity or intimate body parts, non-consensual voyeurism, knowingly transmitting HIV or an STD to another, or exposing one’s genitals to another in non-consensual circumstances.
  5. Dating violence is violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. A social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature means a relationship which is characterized by the expectation of affection or sexual involvement between the parties. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. Dating violence can be a single event or a pattern of behavior that includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse. Dating violence does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence.
  6. Domestic violence is a felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed
  7. by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim;
    ii. by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common;
    iii. by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner;
    iv. by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner;
    v. by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner;

Domestic violence can be a single event or a pattern of behavior that includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse.

  1. Stalking: is engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to:
  2. fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or
    ii. suffer substantial emotional distress, meaning significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.
    A “course of conduct” means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveys, threatens, or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with a person’s property.
  3. Sexual Violence refers to physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent including the criminal acts of rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse, and sexual coercion as found under Virginia Law (Virginia Code Article 7 of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2).
  4. Consent is given by voluntary words or actions that communicate a willingness to engage in a specific sexual activity. The existence of consent will be inferred from all of the facts and circumstances. Consent may be withdrawn at any time. Silence, in and of itself, is not consent. Lack of protest or resistance is not consent.  Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity. A previous or current relationship does not imply consent to sexual activity. Past consent does not imply future consent. Consent cannot be obtained by the use of force, which includes physical violence, threats, intimidating behavior, and/or coercion.
  5. Physical Violence means that a person is exerting control over another person through the use of physical force. Examples of physical violence include, but are not limited to, hitting, punching, slapping, kicking, restraining, choking, strangling, and brandishing or using any object as a weapon.
    B. Threats are words or actions that would compel a reasonable person to engage in unwanted sexual activity. Examples include, but are not limited to, threats to harm a person physically, to reveal private information to harm a person’s reputation, or to cause a person academic or economic harm.
    C. Intimidation is an implied threat that menaces or causes reasonable fear in another person. A person’s size, alone, does not constitute intimidation; however, a person can use their size or physical power in a manner that constitutes intimidation (e.g., by blocking access to an exit.)
    D. Coercion is the use of an unreasonable amount of pressure to gain sexual access.  Coercion is more than an effort to persuade, entice, or attract another person to engage in sexual activity.  When a person makes clear that they do not want to participate in a particular form of sexual contact or sexual intercourse, that they want to stop, or that they do not want to go beyond a certain sexual activity, continued pressure can be coercive.  In evaluating whether coercion was used, the frequency of the application of pressure, the intensity of the pressure, the degree of isolation of the person being pressured, and the duration of the pressure are all relevant factors.

Consent can never be obtained from someone who is incapacitated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, or through the acts of others.  Consent cannot be given by the following individuals:

  1. Individuals who are asleep or unconscious;
  1. Individuals who are incapacitated due to the influence of drugs, alcohol, medication, or other substances;
  2. Individuals who are unable to consent due to a mental or physical condition; and
  3. Individuals who are minors.

If an individual knows or reasonably should know someone is incapable of giving consent, it is a violation of this policy to engage in sexual activity with that person.

  1. Incapacitation: An incapacitated person is incapable of giving consent. Incapacitation means that a person lacks the ability to make informed, reasonable judgments about whether or not to engage in sexual activity. An incapacitated person lacks the ability to understand the who, what, when, where, why, and/or how of the sexual interaction. A person is not necessarily incapacitated merely as a result of consuming alcohol, drugs, medications, and/or other substances. The impact of alcohol, drugs, medications, or other substances varies from person to person.
  2. Alcohol, Medications, and Other Drugs: The use of alcohol, medications, and other drugs by the Responding Party is not an excuse for being unable to assess if the Reporting Party gave consent.
  3. Complicity: is any act taken with the purpose of aiding, facilitating, promoting, or encouraging the commission of a violation of this policy by another person. Complicity is prohibited by this policy.
  4. Retaliation: is intimidation, threats, harassment, and other adverse action taken or threatened against (1) any Reporting Party or person reporting or filing a complaint alleging Prohibited Conduct or (2) any person cooperating in the investigation of an allegation of Prohibited Conduct including testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation pursuant to this policy. Action is generally deemed adverse if it would deter a reasonable person in the same circumstances from opposing practices prohibited by this policy.  Retaliation may result in disciplinary or other action independent of the sanctions or Supportive Measures imposed in response to the underlying allegations of Prohibited Conduct.
  5. Role of the Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator (Coordinator) oversees the assessment of allegations of sexual and gender-based discrimination and interpersonal violence as well as the investigation and resolutions of all reports and complaints made by all students, employees, and visitors to the campus of the alleged Prohibited Conduct in accordance with this policy. The Coordinator may delegate certain investigative responsibilities while maintaining oversight of the investigation.

The Coordinator does not serve as an advocate for either the Reporting Party or the Responding Party.

The Coordinator is charged with

  1. Coordinating RBC’s compliance with federal civil rights laws.
  1. Explaining to all identified parties the procedures for the investigation including required.
  2. Providing all identified parties with information about obtaining medical and counseling services.
  3. Providing information regarding making a criminal report.
  4. Providing information related to receiving advocacy services off-campus, and guidance on other RBC and community resources.
  5. Offering to coordinate with other RBC leadership, when appropriate, to implement Supportive Measures.
  6. Explaining to all involved parties the process of a prompt, adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation, including the opportunity for both Reporting Party and the Responding Party to identify witnesses and provide other evidence.
  7. Explaining to all identified parties the right to have a personal advisor present and to review and respond to the allegations and evidence.
  8. Explaining to the parties and witnesses that retaliation for reporting alleged Prohibited Conduct, or participating in an investigation of an alleged violation, is strictly prohibited and that any retaliation should be reported immediately and will be promptly addressed.
  9. Conducting annual training to students and RBC employees.

Allegations of Prohibited Conduct against the Coordinator should be made to the RBC Provost or President.

  1. Expectations

Under this policy, all parties can expect:

  1. Written notice of an investigation, including the potential policy violation and nature of the allegation;
  2. An academic record hold and academic transcript notation for alleged violations of this policy during the investigation when the Responding Party is a student. An academic transcript notation will remain if the sanction at the conclusion of the investigation is suspension or dismissal;
  3. The opportunity to offer information, present evidence, and/or identify witnesses relevant to the allegation;
  4. Reasonable notice of any meeting where the party’s presence is requested;
  5. The opportunity to have an advisor of choice for matters involving Sexual Misconduct, including the right to have that advisor attend any meetings where the party’s presence is requested;
  6. Timely and equal access to any information that will be used during the investigation and related meetings;
  7. A reasonable length of time to prepare any response;
  8. Notice of an investigation, including the potential policy violation and nature of the allegation;
  9. An academic record hold and academic transcript notation for alleged violations of this policy during the investigation when the Responding Party is a student. An academic transcript notation will remain if the sanction at the conclusion of the investigation is suspension or dismissal;
  10. The opportunity to offer information, present evidence, and/or identify witnesses relevant to the allegation;
  11. Reasonable notice of any meeting where the party’s presence is requested;
  12. The opportunity to have an advisor of choice for matters involving Sexual Misconduct, including the right to have that advisor attend any meetings where the party’s presence is requested;
  13. Timely and equal access to any information that will be used during the investigation and related meetings;
  14. A reasonable length of time to prepare any response;
  15. No tolerance for false information as stated in Section P; and
  16. Protection against retaliation, harassment, or intimidation.

Under this Policy, the complainant’s prior sexual behavior will be considered irrelevant, and any similar evidence will be inadmissible unless offered to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the alleged misconduct or offered to prove to consent.

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality

RBC is committed to protecting the privacy of any individual involved in the investigation and resolution of a report or complaint under this policy. With respect to any report or complaint under this policy, RBC will make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy of participants while balancing the need to gather information to assess the matter, take steps to eliminate the reported conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.

Privacy and confidentiality have distinct meanings under this policy.

Privacy: Privacy means that information related to a report or complaint will be shared with a limited circle of RBC employees identified as needing to know in order to assist the assessment, investigation, and resolution of the matter.  While not subject to a legal obligation of confidentiality, these individuals will respect the privacy of all individuals involved in the process and will not share information except as necessary to effectuate this policy or as required by law.

The privacy of student education records will be protected in accordance with RBC’s policy for compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The privacy of an individual’s medical and related records generally is protected by various federal and state laws depending upon the situation. Access to an employee’s personnel records in Virginia may be restricted in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and, where applicable, Department of Human Resources Management (DHRM) Policy 6.05.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality exists in the context of laws that protect certain relationships, including licensed health-care professionals and employees providing administrative support for such licensed health-care professionals, mental health providers, counselors, and ordained clergy, all of whom may engage in confidential communications under Virginia law.  These individuals cannot violate their obligation of confidentiality unless (i) given written consent to do so by the person who disclosed the information; (ii) there is a concern of serious physical harm to self or others; (iii) the conduct involves suspected abuse or neglect of a minor under the age of 18; or (iv) as otherwise required or permitted by law or court order.

Confidential Resources: The RBC’s Office of Counseling Services and the community resources listed in Section H are Confidential Resources.  Confidential Resources will not disclose information about a report of a possible violation of this policy to RBC (including the Coordinator’s Office or Campus Police) without the Reporting Party’s permission (subject to the exceptions listed above under Confidentiality).

Clery Act Reporting: Pursuant to the Clery Act, RBC includes statistics about certain offenses in its annual security report and provides those statistics to the United States Department of Education in a manner that does not include any personally identifying information about the individuals involved in the incident. The Clery Act also requires RBC to issue timely warnings to the RBC community about certain crimes that have been reported and may continue to pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus. Consistent with the Clery Act, RBC will ensure, to every extent possible, that personally identifying information of Reporting Parties is not included in timely warnings.

  1. Confidential Resources and Procedures for Anyone Who Has Experienced Sexual Misconduct   

In a supportive manner, RBC will assist anyone who has been a victim of Sexual Misconduct by implementing the procedures set out herein.  Due to the potential seriousness and sensitivity of the investigations involved, it is important to undertake these investigations properly.  Preserving the evidence is often a key step of successful investigation of alleged Sexual Misconduct.

  1. Recommended steps: For anyone who has experienced Sexual Misconduct, the following steps are recommended.
  1. Go to a safe place
    b. Off-Campus Confidential Resources (Medical Assistance): For your safety and confidential care, report promptly to one or more of the following Confidential Resources:

Southside Regional Medical Center

  • 200 Medical Park Blvd. Petersburg, VA 23805
  • (804) 756-5000
  • Physical evidence may be usable if proper procedures are followed for evidence collection within 72 hours of the assault.

  1. Confidential Resources (Support and Counseling):  For professional and confidential counseling support, the following on-campus and off-campus Confidential Resources can be contacted.
  2. On-Campus Confidential Resource:
  • RBC Office of Counseling Services
    (804) 862-6263

Ernst A127

  1. Off-Campus Confidential Resources:

District 19 Services Board

  • (804) 862-8000
  • Toll-Free: (866) 365-2130

The James House: Intervention and Prevention

  • (804) 458-2704
  • 24-Hour Hotline: (804) 458-2840

Virginia Family Violence and Prevention Hotline

  • 24-Hour Toll-Free number:

(800) 838-8238 

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • Counseling provided by all health plans offered to Commonwealth of Virginia employees and their dependents


  • COVA HealthAware:


  1. Contact a trusted friend or family member.
  2. Preservation of Evidence: It is your right to have evidence collected and retained anonymously by law enforcement while you consider whether to pursue criminal charges. Pending a decision to report, it is strongly encouraged that you take immediate steps to preserve all evidence that might support a future report.  Evidence preservation is enhanced in the following ways:
  3. Do not wash your hands, bathe, or douche. Do not urinate, if possible.
    ii. Do not eat, blow your nose, drink liquids, smoke, or brush your teeth if oral contact took place.
    iii. Keep the clothing worn when the assault took place. If you change clothing, place the worn clothing in a paper bag (evidence deteriorates in plastic).
    iv. Do not destroy any physical evidence that may be found in the vicinity of the assault.  The victim should not clean or straighten the location of the crime until law enforcement officials have had an opportunity to collect evidence.
    v. Tell someone all the details you remember and/or write them down as soon as possible.
    vi. Maintain text messages, voice mails, pictures, online postings, video, and other documentary or electronic evidence that may corroborate a report.

The Reporting Party shall have the right to file a report with law enforcement and the option to be assisted by the Coordinator’s Office and other College authorities in notifying the proper law enforcement authorities of the alleged Sexual Misconduct.

RBC officials (excluding Campus Police) receiving complaints or reports of possible Sexual Misconduct will follow the procedures listed in this policy.  Campus Police will follow departmental procedures in accordance with standard law enforcement policies.

  1. Resources for Anyone who has experienced Sexual Misconduct   
  2. Anyone who reports Sexual Misconduct to the Coordinator’s Office, the Office of Counseling Services, or Campus Police shall receive information outlining resources on and off campus and options.
  3. Anyone who reports Sexual Misconduct to the Coordinator’s Office, the Office of Counseling Services, or Campus Police shall receive information outlining resources on and off campus and options.
  4. Reporting to the Police

In an emergency, contact 911 or contact the Campus Police on campus at (804) 862-6111. Someone may also walk into the Department of Campus Safety and Police and speak directly to a RBC police officer.

The Coordinator will make all Reporting Parties aware of the right also to file a report with the Campus Police or local law enforcement. RBC will comply with all requests by the Campus Police or local law enforcement for cooperation in investigations. Such cooperation may require the Coordinator to temporarily suspend the fact-finding aspect of an investigation detailed in the procedures below while the Campus Police or other law enforcement agency gathers evidence. If the investigation is suspended, any Supportive Measures remain in place and available. The Coordinator’s Office will promptly resume its investigation as soon as notified by the Campus Police or other law enforcement agency that it has completed the evidence gathering process.  Otherwise, the investigation will not be altered or precluded on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been filed or that charges have been dismissed or reduced.

Some conduct in violation of this policy may also be a crime under Virginia law.  Individuals are encouraged to report incidents of Sexual Misconduct to law enforcement, even if the reporting individual is not certain if the conduct constitutes a crime. Crimes dealing with minors must be reported to law enforcement.

A Protective Order may be available and enforced through the appropriate law enforcement agency.  Protective Orders are legal documents issued by a judge or magistrate to protect the health and safety of a person who is alleged to be a victim of any act involving violence, force, or threat that results in bodily injury or places that person in fear of death, sexual assault, or bodily injury.

  1. Reporting to RBC
  2. The Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator are trained to help individuals find the resources they might need, explain all reporting options, and respond appropriately to conduct of concern, including retaliation.
  3. There is no time limit for filing a complaint or report under this policy. However, Reporting Parties should report as soon as possible to maximize RBC’s ability to respond.  Failure to report promptly may result in the loss of evidence and/or jurisdiction over the Responding Party if he/she is no longer affiliated with RBC and therefore limit the investigation.
  4. Any complaints or reports of Prohibited Conduct can be made to the Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Coordinator: The RBC Title IX Coordinator is responsible for overseeing all Title IX complaints and other allegations of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, and for identifying and addressing any problems that arise during the review of such complaints.

Title IX Contact Information: 

Bryan Shelly, Ph.D.

Chief Institutional Effectiveness Officer/Title IX Coordinator
11301 Johnson Road, South Prince George, VA 23805
McNeer Hall 126
(804) 862-6100 x6464 (Office) or

 Lisa Johnson
Financial Aid Director/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
11301 Johnson Road, South Prince George, VA 23805
Pecan Hall Room 117
Phone: (804) 862-6100 x4035

5.Responsible Employee (Mandatory Employee Reporting of Sexual Misconduct):

All RBC employees, including full-time, part-time, volunteers, and student employees, are

Responsible Employees for purposes of reporting Sexual Misconduct as defined in Section D.  Student employees are Responsible Employees when they receive information while acting in their capacity as an RBC employee.

Once in receipt of information regarding Sexual Misconduct, the Responsible Employee must directly report any information regarding the alleged incident to the Coordinator’s Office without delay and should otherwise respect the privacy of the individuals involved.  No RBC employee shall undertake any independent efforts to determine whether or not the report or complaint has merit or can be substantiated before reporting it to the Coordinator.

The report from the Responsible Employee should include all relevant details about the name of the alleged perpetrator (if known), the name of the person who experienced the alleged conduct, the name of others involved in the incident, and the date, time and location of the incident.  The Responsible Employee may directly contact the Coordinator’s Office.

Before someone reveals this type of information to the Responsible Employee, the   Responsible Employee should make every effort to ensure that the person understands the Responsible Employee’s obligation and that the person has the option to request confidentiality and share the information with a Confidential Resource either on campus or off campus as listed in Section H.

When a Responsible Employee fails to make a required report to the Coordinator’s

Office, RBC is unable to acquire the information necessary to stop, remedy, and prevent Sexual Misconduct.  As a result, the employee may face disciplinary consequences up to and including termination of employment.

6.Reports of Other Discrimination/Harassment Not Sexual Misconduct:

RBC administrators, supervisors, faculty, coaches, and assistant coaches should report other non-Title IX conduct in violation of College policy without undue delay after the incident.  Any such report may be made orally or in writing, including electronic mail to the Coordinator.

Reporting to External Agencies  

Inquiries or complaints concerning discrimination/harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex including sexual misconduct, age disability, or retaliation may be directed to the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the number, email and cite listed in the charts below.  

OCR National Headquarters  

U. S. Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Building
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.  20202-1100


OCR Regional Headquarters  

U.S. Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Building
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-1475




Inquiries or complaints concerning discrimination and harassment of employees may also be directed to the following:


EEOC National Headquarters  

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
131 Main Street NE, Washington, D.C.  20507
202-663-4900   Email:


EEOC Local Office  

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
400 N. Eight Street, Suite 350
Richmond, VA 23219


Commonwealth of Virginia / EEO Services  

Department of Human Resource Management
Office of Equal Employment and Dispute Resolution
101 North 14th Street, 12th Floor Richmond, VA 23219


I. Timely Warning

RBC is required by federal law, the Clery Act, to issue timely warnings for reported incidents that pose a substantial threat or danger to members of the campus community.  RBC will ensure, to every extent possible, that identifying information is not disclosed, while still providing enough information for members of the campus community to make decisions to address their own safety in light of the potential danger.

J. Initial Assessment

Upon the receipt of a complaint or report, the Coordinator will make an initial assessment of the reported information and respond to any immediate health or safety concerns.  The Coordinator will take steps to determine whether the matter falls within the purview of Title IX. Once the Coordinator has determined whether that the matter involves an alleged violation of this policy, jurisdiction over the matter will be conferred to the Coordinator’s Office.

If the Coordinator determines that the Coordinator’s Office does not have jurisdiction, the Coordinator shall forward the report to the appropriate office and notify the parties about other appropriate resources.

Following the initial assessment and a determination that the allegations fall within the jurisdiction of the Title IX Coordinator, the College’s Sexual and Gender-based Harassment and Interpersonal Violence Procedures Guideline will be followed by the Title IX Coordinator. These procedures will be followed to bring those prohibited acts that fall within this policy to resolution.

K. Academic Record Hold and Transcript Notation 

The College, pursuant to Virginia Code § 23.1-900, is required by law to notate the academic transcript of each student who has been suspended for, has been permanently dismissed for, or withdraws from the institution while under investigation for an offense involving sexual violence.

In those matters in which a student withdraws during the pendency of an investigation, the student’s transcript will be placed on administrative hold until the conclusion of the Title IX investigative, hearing and appeal process.

I. Request for Confidentiality and Anonymous Reporting 

Any requests for confidentiality concerning matters of possible Sexual Violence will be handled as stated in Section G.  All other requests for confidentiality will be handled as described below.

1. Request for Confidentiality or No Formal Action Be Taken: 

  1. If the Reporting Party requests confidentiality or that the report not be pursued, RBC may be limited in the actions it is able to take and its ability to respond while respecting the request. The Reporting Party will be asked to sign a statement indicating a desire for confidentiality or that an investigation not be pursued, and the Coordinator will take all reasonable steps to respond to the report consistent with the request.  The Coordinator will consider the reasons for the request, including concerns about continued safety of the Reporting Party and the members of the RBC community, but the ability to maintain or respect the request is expressly limited by the threat assessment required in Section M for reports of Sexual Violence.  The Coordinator may initiate consultation with appropriate RBC leadership concerning the request for confidentiality or no formal action be taken.  The Coordinator shall make the ultimate decision on whether to conduct an informal or a formal investigation or to respond in another manner, including use of Supportive Measures as stated in Section N.  If it is determined that an investigation must proceed, the Coordinator will inform the Reporting Party prior to notifying the Responding Party about the investigation, but in no event will the Reporting Party be required to participate in the investigation.

Confidential Resources:  The RBC Office of Counseling Services and the community resources listed in Section H are Confidential Resources.  Confidential Resources are not permitted to disclose information about a report of a possible violation of this policy to

RBC (including the Coordinator’s Office or Campus Police) without the Reporting Party’s permission (subject to the exceptions listed above under Confidentiality in Section H).

Reports or Complaints Involving Minors:  If the Reporting Party is (or was at the time of the incident) a minor (under 18), the Campus Police shall be notified.

2.Anonymous Report: The Coordinator’s Office may be limited in its ability to investigate an anonymous report unless sufficient information is furnished to enable the Coordinator’s Office to conduct a meaningful and fair investigation.

M. Threat for Sexual Violence

In addition to the steps taken during the initial assessment as stated in Section J, RBC shall submit every allegation of Sexual Violence that is alleged to have occurred (i) against any RBC student; or (ii) on campus, in or on a RBC building or property, or on public property that is within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus to the Review Committee pursuant to Virginia Code §23.1-806.

  1. Review Committee The Review Committee operates pursuant to Virginia Code §23.1-806 and has access, under Virginia law, to certain otherwise confidential information, including law enforcement records and criminal history information, as provided in Virginia Code §§19.2-389 and 19.2-389.1; health records, as provided in Virginia Code §32.1-127.1:03; College disciplinary, academic, and/or personnel records; and prior reports of misconduct maintained by the Title IX Coordinator.  The Review Committee shall have access to all available facts and circumstances, including personally identifiable information, and may seek additional information about the reported incident through any other legally permissible means.  The Review Committee shall consist of employees who have received appropriate training regarding this policy.
  2. Risk Factors: The Review Committee shall consider the following factors to determine whether there is an increased risk of the Responding Party committing additional acts of Sexual Misconduct or other violence, including, but not limited to:

a. Whether the Responding Party has prior arrests, reports, and/or complaints related to any form of conduct in violation of this policy or any history of violent behavior;
b. Whether the Responding Party has a history of failing to comply with any RBCNo-Contact Order, other RBC protective measures, and/or any legal Protective Order;
c. Whether the Responding Party has threatened to commit violence or any form of Sexual Misconduct;
d. Whether the alleged conduct involved multiple Responding Parties;
e. Whether the alleged conduct involved physical violence;
f. Whether the allegation reveals a pattern of conduct in violation of this policy (i.e., by the Responding Party, by a particular group or organization, around a particular recurring event or activity, or at a particular location);
g. Whether the alleged conduct was facilitated through the possible use of “date rape” or similar drugs or intoxicants;
h. Whether the alleged conduct occurred while the Reporting Party was unconscious, physically helpless, or unaware that the conduct in question was occurring;
i. Whether the Reporting Party is (or was at the time of the alleged incident) under the age of 18; and/or
j. Whether any other aggravating circumstances or signs or predatory behavior are present.

3. Review Committee Procedures and Determinations: Upon the Coordinator’s receipt of information of an alleged act of Sexual Violence, the Review Committee shall meet, either in person or via telephone, within seventy-two (72) hours to review the information and shall meet again as necessary as new information becomes available.

If the Review Committee determines that there is a significant and articulable threat to the health or safety of the Reporting Party or to any other member of the campus community and that disclosure of personally identifiable information is necessary in order to protect the health or safety of the Reporting Party or other members of the campus, the representative from Campus Police on the Review Committee shall immediately disclose such information to the law enforcement agency that would be responsible for  investigating the alleged act of Sexual Violence.  This determination will be based on the Risk Factors listed above in Section M.2.  If the Review Committee cannot reach a consensus, the representative of the Campus Police on the Review Committee shall make the determination.  This disclosure shall be for the purposes of investigation and other actions by law enforcement.  The Coordinator shall immediately notify the Reporting Party if such a disclosure is made.  The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply if the law enforcement agency responsible for investigating the alleged incident is located outside of the United States.

In cases in which the alleged act of Sexual Violence would constitute a felony violation under Virginia law (Article 7 of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2), the representative of the Campus Police on the Review Committee shall inform the other members and shall within twenty-four (24) hours consult with the appropriate Commonwealth Attorney and provide to him or her the information received by the Review Committee without disclosing personally identifiable information, unless such information was disclosed to a law enforcement agency pursuant to the paragraph above.  If such consultation does not occur and any other Review Committee member individually concludes that the alleged act of Sexual Violence would constitute a felony violation under Virginia law, that member shall within twenty-four (24) hours consult the appropriate Commonwealth Attorney and provide to him or her the information received by the Review Committee without disclosing personally identifiable information, unless such information was already disclosed to the Campus Police as allowed above.

The Review Committee also shall consider and recommend other appropriate or necessary actions beyond any already in place.

4. Actions Following Threat Assessment: At the conclusion of the Threat Assessment, the Coordinator and representative of the Campus Police shall each retain (i) the authority to proceed with any further investigation or adjudication allowed under state or federal law and (ii) independent records of the review committee’s determination considerations, which shall be maintained under applicable state and federal law.

N. Supportive Measures

RBC will offer and take reasonable and appropriate Supportive Measures to assist and protect the Reporting Party, the Responding Party, or a member of the campus community and facilitate the Reporting Party’s continued access to campus employment or education programs and activities during the initiation, investigation, and resolution of complaints or reports under this policy.  If, in the judgment of the Coordinator and other RBC leadership, the safety or well-being of any member of the campus community may be jeopardized by the presence on campus of the Responding Party, interim remedies may be provided to address the short-term effects of harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation and to prevent further violations.  These measures may be remedial (designed to protect the safety and well-being of all parties involved and continued access to educational opportunities), protective (involving action against a Responding Party), or both.  Remedial measures are available regardless of whether a Reporting Party pursues an investigation under this policy.

RBC will consult with the Reporting Party and Responding Party before taking Supportive Measures to the greatest degree possible.  Both parties will be notified in writing concerning the imposition of Supportive Measures that impact them.

Supportive Measures are not intended to be permanent resolutions.  They may be amended or withdrawn as additional information is obtained and upon final resolution of the report or complaint.

Supportive Measures may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Academic arrangements;
  2. Housing and dining arrangements;
  3. Work-related arrangements;
  4. Limitation on extracurricular or athletic activities;
  5. No-contact order, that serves as notice to both parties that they must not have verbal, electronic, written, or third party communication with one another;
  6. Limitations on access to campus, RBC facilities, and RBC events;
  7. Referral and coordination of counseling and health services;
  8. Training for students, faculty, and/or staff;
  9. Interim suspension/immediate restriction;
  10. Administrative leave with or without pay; and
  11. Any other measures that may be arranged by RBC (to the extent reasonably available) to ensure the safety and well-being of the parties.

O. Amnesty

RBC encourages the reporting of violations of this policy.  Alcohol or drug violations should not deter reporting an incident.  When conducting an investigation, RBC’s primary focus shall be on addressing the alleged Prohibited Conduct and not on alcohol and drug violations that may be discovered or disclosed.  RBC does not condone underage drinking or illicit drug use; however, except in compelling circumstances, RBC will extend limited amnesty from consequences related to drug or alcohol use to Reporting Parties, witnesses, and others who in good faith report alleged incidents of Prohibited Conduct and/or participate in an investigation. RBC may provide referrals to counseling and may require educational initiatives, rather than disciplinary sanctions, in such cases.

P. False Information 

RBC is a community grounded in honor; our Honor Code serves as a guide to our college experience.  It provides clarity on behavior expected of all members of the community.  Engaging in Prohibited Conduct is a serious offense against an individual and the community.  It requires every person’s efforts in order to address this unacceptable behavior.  Those efforts are undermined by the presentation of false information.

Any individual who knowingly provides false information, who intentionally withholds information or who intentionally misleads individuals who are involved in the investigation or resolution of a complaint or report of Prohibited Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action which can include dismissal or termination from RBC.  However, that an allegation of Prohibited Conduct cannot be proven by a preponderance of the evidence is not evidence of a false complaint or report.

Q. Violation of Law

Behavior that violates this policy also may constitute a crime under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the incident occurred.  For example, the Commonwealth of Virginia criminalizes and punishes sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual exploitation, stalking, and physical assault.  The criminal statutes that may apply in cases of Physical Assault and Dating/Domestic Violence are found in various sections of Chapter 4, Articles 1 (Homicide) and 4 (Assaults and Bodily Wounding), of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia.   The criminal statues relating to Sexual Assault are found in Sections 18.2-61 to 18.2-67.10 of the Code of Virginia.  Section 18.2-60.3 of the Code of Virginia defines and identifies the penalty for criminal stalking.  Finally, Sections 18.2-386.1 and 18.2-386.2 of the Code of Virginia provide for criminal penalties in some cases of Sexual Exploitation.

This compilation of criminal statutes is not exhaustive but is offered to notify the RBC community that, in some cases, the alleged conduct may also constitute a crime under Virginia law, which may subject a person to criminal prosecution and punishment in addition to any sanctions under this policy.

R. Education and Awareness

  1. For information, please visit the RBC Title IX page at
  2. The Coordinator together with other institutional leaders oversees education, training, and awareness programs on Prohibited Conduct for students and employees, including training on primary prevention, bystander intervention, risk reduction, consent, and other pertinent topics.

a. Incoming students and new employees shall participate in primary prevention and awareness programing as part of their orientation.
b. Returning students and employees shall have ongoing opportunities for additional training and education.

3. This policy shall be disseminated widely to the RBC community through electronic mail, publications, websites, new employee orientation, student orientation, and other appropriate channels of communication.

S. Academic Freedom and Free Speech  

This policy does not allow curtailment or censorship of constitutionally protected expression.  In addressing all complaints and reports of alleged violations of this policy, RBC will take all permissible actions to ensure the safety of students and employees while respecting the free speech rights of students and employees.  This policy does not in any way apply to curriculum and curriculum decisions or abridge the use of particular textbooks or curricular materials.

T. Documentation and Record Keeping  

The Coordinator shall maintain, in a confidential manner, for at least ten (10) years, paper or electronic files of all complaints and reports, witness statements, documentary evidence, written investigation reports, resolutions, and appeals and associated documents.

This policy is maintained by the Title IX Coordinator. The Coordinator shall review it on an annual basis to capture evolving legal requirements, evaluate resources available to the parties, and assess the effectiveness of the investigation and resolution process.  Any suggestions and comments shall be sent to the Coordinator throughout the year for consideration.  Any proposed amendments shall be submitted to the appropriate administrative body for further review and approval. This policy shall be amended in any manner deemed necessary without the need for further approval from the RBC Board of Visitors.

U. Related Documents  

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.


Virginia Code § 23.1-900. Academic transcripts; suspension, permanent dismissal, or withdrawal from institution.


Policy History
Approved August 21, 2020

1100 Designation, Appointment, and Termination of Administrative and Professional (AP) Employees

Policy Number: 1100
Policy Name: Designation, Appointment, and Termination of Administrative and Professional (AP) Employees
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    Administrative and Professional (AP) employee positions manage a department or sub-department of a major academic or administrative unit. Typically, AP positions: (1) require a high level of knowledge, discretion, independent judgment, and advanced education and/or prolonged, specialized experience; (2) are exempt employees under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and therefore not subject to the FLSA provisions governing the payment of overtime; and (3) report directly, or through one other person, to the President. Examples of such positions are: the heads of departments such as student life, athletics, human resources, campus safety and police, information and technology services, and capital assets and operations. AP employees are appointed by the President as at-will employees or, in some instances, for a specified or otherwise restricted (as by funding source) term.

    1. Appointments
      AP employees generally are employed through regular (continuing) appointments. Restricted and Specified-term appointments are used in certain circumstances, as described below. All appointment decisions must be approved by the President. All appointments are contingent upon availability of funds, including appropriation of funds by the General Assembly. This means that an appointment may be rescinded or terminated for budgetary reasons, as described below.   If a contract is provided, then the term of the contract shall apply unless the contract specifies otherwise. AP employees may also be terminated for cause, including unsatisfactory performance.

      1. Regular Appointments
        Regular appointments are defined as new or continuing full-time administrative appointments by the President.
      2. Restricted Appointments
        Restricted appointments are positions that are funded through sponsored contracts or grants. Restricted appointments terminate upon the expiration of the supporting funding source. The position may be continued if an additional funding source, such as a subsequent grant, is available. No additional notice beyond the termination date of the sponsored contract or grant is required for the employment to end. Failure to provide notice of termination will not prolong employment beyond the sponsored contract’s or grant’s funding period.
      3. Specified-term Appointments
        Certain AP appointments may be hired for a specified period or project. Such employees may include those employed in the Athletics Department. These specified-term appointments do not renew automatically, and terminate on the date specified with no notice or other action required unless otherwise specified in the contract. All part-time administrative appointments are considered specified term unless otherwise specified in the contract. Failure to provide notice of termination will not prolong employment beyond a specified term.
      4. Reassignments
        The President has complete discretion to reassign administrative duties and titles at any time. For example, an AP employee may be reassigned to work in a different department or office, or under a different supervisor. If the AP employee has a specified-term contract, the employee’s salary will not be reduced as the result of a reassignment. Additionally, the Provost may relieve instructional faculty members with tenure or a continuing academic appointment, who also hold an administrative appointment, from those administrative duties at any time. If an employee does not have a specified-term contract, the employee’s salary may be reduced only if the employee’s salary is out of alignment with comparable positions within the department or College. Any salary increase or decrease as the result of a reassignment must be reviewed by the Director of Human Resources and approved by the President. Reassignments, including demotions, are not subject to notice requirements, provided that a reduction in salary shall be effective no sooner than 90 days following the provision of written notice of the reduced salary to the affected AP employee.
    2. Termination and Other Forms of Involuntary Separation and Reduction; Certain Amicable Separation Agreements

      1. Abolition or Reduction of Position for Operational Reasons
        An AP position may be eliminated or reduced (changed from full-time to part-time, made seasonal, etc.) if the College determines that the services being performed are no longer required or can be reduced. This determination may be made at the College’s discretion for operational reasons.A position may be abolished or reduced at any time provided that the affected AP employee is given written notice at least 90 days prior to the effective date.. If the position is reduced in scope, the AP employee may decline to continue in the position. If the AP employee declines, it is still considered an involuntary separation eligible for any applicable severance. The notice will specify the severance benefits for which the AP employee is eligible. Unless otherwise negotiated, an employee is expected to perform his or her duties during the notice period. The professional may be placed on administrative (paid) leave pending the termination date, at the College’s sole discretion.If the AP position being abolished or reduced is one for which the incumbent has a specified-term appointment, the College and the employee may renegotiate the terms of the specified-term contract. In the absence of a renegotiated contract, the College will pay the AP employee severance in the amount of gross salary remaining under the specified-term appointment, subject to such withholding as may be required.
      2. Termination or Reduction of Position for Budgetary Reasons
        Inadequate funding or other fiscal constraints can result in termination or reduction of a position(s) by the College at its sole discretion. In implementing reduction and terminations necessitated by inadequate funding, the College will give due consideration to the effect of a position on the College’s mission and the need for efficient use of available resources.A position may be terminated or reduced at any time provided that the affected AP employee is given written notice at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the termination or reduction, unless a contract is ending prior to that time, in which case the contract end date will apply. The notice will specify any severance benefits for which the professional is eligible. Unless otherwise negotiated, an employee is expected to perform his or her duties during the notice period. If the position is reduced in scope for budgetary reasons, the AP employee may decline to continue in the position. If the AP employee declines, it is still an involuntary separation eligible for any applicable severance.If the AP position being abolished or reduced is one for which the incumbent has a specified-term appointment, the College and the employee may renegotiate the terms of the specified-term contract.
        1. Unethical conduct or dishonesty, including falsification of credentials or records, and misappropriation or misuse of College funds or property;
        2. Serious, knowing, or repeated violations of policy or law;
        3. Malfeasance;
        4. Serious or repeated insubordination;
        5. Inappropriate behavior that adversely affects College operations;
        6. Convicted criminal conduct occurring: (i) on the job; or (ii) off the job, if plainly related to or affects job performance, is detrimental to the College’s reputation, or is of such a nature that retention of the employee would be negligent in light of the College’s duties to itself, the public, students, or other employees;
        7. Inability, unwillingness, or refusal to perform functions of the job, including job abandonment; and
        8. Unsatisfactory performance in accordance with the applicable College policy on performance planning and evaluation for professionals and professional faculty.
        9. Termination for Cause
          An AP employee may be terminated immediately for cause. Termination for cause is for serious, willful, or repeated misconduct, or deficiencies in performance such as:


      3. Termination Without Cause
        1. Resignation
          AP employees who resign must do so in writing, delivered to the President. Such notice should provide at least 30 days’ notice before the effective date of the resignation.
        2. Separation
          The terms “separation” or “separated” means termination without cause. AP employees may be separated from the College at any time. Separation from the college implies no fault or cause for the ending of an appointment, but only can occur after the required notification period indicated below, unless a different notice period is otherwise specified in the contract. The decision to separate an AP employee is not appealable or grievable.

          1. Notification Period
            Except as otherwise indicated in subdivisions I.B(1) and (2) above, when calculating the required notification period, all years of continuous full-time service at the College in the current position, as well as in previous full-time positions at the College must be included (see chart below). The notification period can commence at any time and is independent of either the calendar or fiscal year. During this notification period, the supervisor may reassign duties or assign work on special projects. Supervisors must consult with the Director of Human Resources and receive approval from the President prior to initiating notification of separation. An AP employee may be separated from the College following the required notification period specified in the following chart, unless otherwise specified in the contract:
Notification of Separation for AP Employees
Years of Continuous College ServiceRequired Notification Period
Up to 1 Year30 Days (1 month)
More than 1 Year and up to 4 Years90 days (3 months)
More than 4 and up to 10 Years180 days (6 months)
More than 10 years270 days (9 months)
      1. Negotiated Separations
        The College, at its discretion and as an alternative to other methods of termination, may negotiate separation agreements with AP employees. Such agreements may be used where unsuccessful job matches, irresolvable conflicts, or other circumstances lead the parties to agree that a negotiated end to the employment relationship is in the parties’ best interests. If an agreement cannot be reached, the effective date of the AP employee’s termination is ninety (90) days from the date he or she was notified in writing that such termination was being considered or at the end of his or her contract term if one exists, whichever is longer.
      2. Access to Grievance Process
        AP employees who have been terminated under paragraph 3 of this policy have access to the College’s grievance procedure for AP employees. The grievance procedure is not available to AP employees who agree to a negotiated separation.
      3. Severance Benefits
        The College will provide severance benefits to AP employees who are involuntarily separated from the College.

        1. Eligibility
          Full-time AP employees hired on regular appointments who are subject to involuntary termination from the College shall be eligible for severance benefits. AP employees hired on restricted appointments funded from sponsored contracts or grants are NOT eligible for severance benefits unless otherwise provided for in their sponsored contract or grant. AP employees separated for cause are NOT eligible for severance benefits. In the absence of a renegotiated contract, AP employees on a specified-term appointment will be eligible for severance.
        2. Severance Benefit Calculation
          AP employees will receive formal written notice of involuntary separation indicating the effective date of separation. The severance benefit shall be the amount of gross salary remaining under the appointment, subject to such withholding as may be required. For those on specified-term appointments, the College will pay the severance benefit in the absence of a renegotiated contract.
  1. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to describe the conditions and procedures for the designation, appointment, and termination of AP employees. Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-2901, policies shall be established for the designation of administrative and professional faculty positions at institutions of higher education. “Those designations shall be reserved for positions that require a high level of administrative independence, responsibility, and oversight within the organization or specialized expertise within a given field as defined by the [Board of Visitors].” This policy provides guidance for, and authorizes, the President to designate AP positions in accordance with procedures set forth herein.
  2. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to the College’s AP employees.
  3. Related Documents
    Grievance Procedure for AP Employees
  4. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804)862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved February 5, 2016
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated June 11, 2018

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1110 Performance Evaluation of Administrative and Professional Employees

Policy Number: 1110
Policy Name: Performance Evaluation of Administrative and Professional Employees
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  • Policy Statement
    This policy establishes a system for: (1) setting performance goals and objectives, as well as career development goals; (2) monitoring employee progress, providing constructive feedback, and evaluating performance; and (3) aligning performance plans with the College’s mission and strategic goals, as well as budget, IT initiatives, and operational priorities
  • Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to establish a method for the evaluation of Administrative and Professional (AP) employees.
  •  Policy
    Administrative and Professional (AP) employees shall be subject to formal and periodic evaluations of their administrative performance.Written performance evaluations of administrative and professional faculty shall be conducted, and pay increases, when funds are available, shall be based on an objective analysis of the performance of each individual.By law, no RBC employee, whether faculty or staff, shall receive payment for work not performed unless authorized by law, such as paid holidays, vacation days, etc.Annual reviews of all administrators below the level of President will use the Richard Bland College Self-Evaluation Form to conduct a self-assessment. Supervisors will consider the self-assessment, as well as progress toward operational plan goals, and overall performance of duties as established in the position description for the job title.All affected AP employees whose beginning date of employment is no later than February 15 of the year being reviewed must complete a self-evaluation no later than April 1st of the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) being reviewed.
  • Related Documents
    • Annual Performance Evaluation – Administrative Staff (HR form)
    • Self-Evaluation (HR form)
    • Annual Administrative Performance Evaluation Schedule (HR form)
  • Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804)862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions 
    Upon completion of the performance review process, supervisors shall assign one of the following performance ratings to AP employees. Each rating is defined below:

    1. Consistently Exceeds Performance Expectations
      1. Demonstrates exceptional quality of work in all essential areas of responsibility.
      2. Always makes an exceptional or unique contribution in achievement of unit, department, and College objectives.
    2. Frequently Exceeds Performance Expectations
      1. Always achieves performance expectations and frequently exceeds them.
      2. Demonstrates performance of a very high level of quality.
      3. Significantly contributes to the success of the services and projects they support.
    3. Performance Expectations Fulfilled
      1. Consistently fulfills performance expectations and periodically may exceed them.
      2. Work is of high quality in all significant areas of responsibility.
      3. Any performance concerns are resolved through coaching, feedback, and self-initiative.
    4. Inconsistently Fulfills Performance Expectations
      1. The employee’s work does not consistently meet the most basic job requirements of the position. While the employee may have performed acceptably in some areas, overall job performance needs to be improved.
      2. The supervisor may place the employee on a performance improvement plan.
      3. Failure to demonstrate improvement may result in additional action up to and including employment termination for cause.
    5. Fails to Meet Performance Expectations
      1. The employee’s work is below the basic requirements and immediate and continued improvement is required.
      2. The supervisor shall place the employee on a performance improvement plan.
      3. Continued failure to show improvement may result in additional action up to and including employment termination for cause.
  2. Procedures 
      1. Roles and Responsibilities
        1. Employee
          1. Assists supervisor with developing annual operational goals and professional development goals, and makes suggestions for revising goals as necessary during the performance year;
          2. Has a clear understanding of supervisor’s expectations and requests clarification if necessary;
          3. Manages own performance to achieve annual operational goals, bringing to supervisor’s attention circumstances that may affect their achievement;
          4. Seeks performance feedback from supervisor during tri-annual performance reviews, or as needed;
          5. Fully participates in performance discussions during tri-annual review meetings and during the annual performance evaluation meeting; and
          6. Addresses aspects of performance identified as needing improvement.
        2. Supervisor
          1. Seeks input from employee regarding individual annual operational goals and professional development goals;
          2. Monitors employee performance during the performance year and communicates with employee on an ongoing basis about performance;
          3. Holds interim discussions with each employee in the form of tri-annual reviews in November, January, and April about performance; documents the discussions when appropriate;
          4. Addresses in a timely manner instances of poor performance or other significant performance issues;
          5. If appropriate, seeks feedback concerning employee performance from internal and external sources, including external peers, team members, coworkers, stakeholders, or others;
          6. Assists employees whose performance has been identified as needing improvement in one or more aspects to make the necessary improvement;
          7. Prepares annual performance evaluations, ensuring that all significant performance issues are documented; and
          8. Meets with employees individually to discuss their evaluations and development needs.
        3. Human Resources
          1. Provide for the training needed to increase supervisors’ effectiveness in performance management and evaluation;
          2. Ensure that all supervisors are knowledgeable about the processes and requirements of this policy and abide by it.
          3. Support employees and their supervisors in the performance management process; and
          4. Maintain up-to-date forms, files, and records.


    1. Performance Planning
      1. Planning
        At the beginning of the performance cycle (July-September), the employee, with input from the supervisor, will develop an operational/performance plan that includes measurable, target goals for the year. Employees will also review their position description for accuracy. While based on the employee’s job duties as stipulated in the position description and the long-term master plan goals of the unit, operational/performance plan goals will reflect measurable goals for the coming year, including those that support the College’s strategic plan. The operational goals for the unit should be prioritized by the supervisor and entered into AchieveIt.While the plan will establish the goals, objectives, and performance necessary to achieve the satisfactory level, supervisors and employees are encouraged to discuss the opportunity and effort needed to achieve higher performance levels.Supervisors will finalize their unit’s operational/performance plans for the upcoming year within 90 days of the new performance year and will meet individually with each subordinate to discuss the final operational/performance plans and expectations.An operational/performance plan for new employees must be established within 30 days of their start date. For employees whose start date is after March 1 of a given performance year, a performance plan will be established for the next performance year.
      2. Methods and Documentation
        In accordance with guidance from the Director of Human Resources, the supervisor will inform the employee at the beginning of the operational/performance year of the primary methods or bases the supervisor will use in evaluating the employee’s performance for the upcoming year.
    2. During the Performance Year
      If during the performance year there are significant changes to the employee’s core responsibilities, the employee and supervisor will review the operational/performance plan and revise as needed. If the supervisor changes during the performance period, the departing supervisor will complete a written interim performance evaluation of the employee, unless the supervisor is departing less than 90 days following the employee’s most recent annual performance evaluation or tri-annual performance evaluation.
    3. Performance Evaluation
      1. Schedule
        Employee performance shall be formally evaluated at the end of each performance year by the deadline established in the Performance Evaluation Schedule, which is maintained by the Director of Human Resources. Typically, the performance year is July 1 – June 30, but the Director may establish an alternate performance year if it is more suitable to the nature of the position. Employees who began work after March 1 of a performance year will not receive a formal performance evaluation for that performance year.
      2. Process and Documentation
        The performance evaluation should be completed using guidance from and forms provided by the Director of Human Resources. In addition, the supervisor must provide the employee with an opportunity to complete a self-assessment based on his or her performance plan.The supervisor is responsible for ensuring consistent and appropriate application of the evaluation process and for ensuring that the documents are included in the employee’s official personnel file.The supervisor will give the employee a copy of the final performance evaluation prior to meeting individually with the employee to discuss it.Supervisors who rate an employee’s performance as Inconsistently Fulfills Performance Expectations must provide guidance and, where appropriate, training to improve performance. Supervisors will provide both the employee and the Director of the Human Resources with documentation of the guidance given and of the training to be completed. The employee who is assigned such training shall provide the supervisor and the Director of Human Resources documentation of its completion.Supervisors who rate an employee’s performance as or Fails to Meet Performance Expectations must, in consultation with the Director of Human Resources, develop a performance improvement plan. The supervisor will re-evaluate the employee three months after the development of the performance improvement plan to determine whether performance has improved. Employees whose performance continues to be unsatisfactory at the end of the re-evaluation period are subject to termination for cause. (See the Designation, Appointment, and Termination of Administrative and Professional Employees Policy)
    4. Appealing Performance Evaluations
      An employee who disagrees with his or her performance evaluation should discuss the issue with the supervisor and, within ten (10) business days of having received the evaluation, may request that it be reconsidered. The supervisor may decline to reconsider the evaluation, or may reconsider it and either affirm or revise the original evaluation; such action must be taken within ten (10) business days of the employee’s request for reconsideration.Deadlines described above may be extended to accommodate vacations, absences, or other reasonable delays.

Policy History
Approved February 5, 2016
Updated January 11, 2017

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1120 Grievance Procedure for Administrative and Professional Employees

Policy Number: 1120
Policy Name: Grievance Procedure for Administrative and Professional Employees
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    It is the policy of the College to provide an environment where employees can raise and seek resolution to employment-related concerns and complaints, openly discussing them with supervisors without fear of intimidation or retaliation. The College promotes informal, timely, and efficient resolution of employment concerns and complaints by encouraging Administrative and Professional (AP) employees to discuss these matters and to address concerns as they are raised. The College also provides this process to ensure that complaints that rise to the level of a grievance are given thoughtful consideration and fair treatment.The College does not tolerate any form of retaliation against an employee who has filed a grievance or assisted another employee who is filing a grievance. Employees will not be penalized or disciplined for raising employment-related concerns, complaints, or grievances in good faith, or for assisting another employee who is filing a grievance.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy establishes a process by which AP employees may have concerns or complaints related to their employment addressed.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to the College’s AP employees and their supervisors. This policy does not apply to employment-related issues that are governed by other policies that provide a means of addressing violations, such as the Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
  4. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804)862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions 
    “Grievance” means a complaint made by an employee about a decision, action, lack of action, or the application of a College policy that directly and adversely affects the work activity or professional well-being of the employee and which can be remedied by the College.
  2. Procedures 
    1. Informal Resolution
      An employee who has an employment-related concern or complaint is encouraged to discuss it with his or her supervisor as soon as practicable, and in the spirit of problem solving. If the employee’s immediate supervisor is the subject of or cause of the complaint, the employee may request a meeting with the immediate supervisor’s manager. The employee should be mindful of the need for timely airing of the complaint as well as deadlines related to the filing of a grievance, should they become relevant.Although informal resolution does not require documentation, employees are encouraged to consider the information requirements set out below, and provide the supervisor with the background and details needed to resolve the matter.If no resolution is reached through informal channels, the employee may: (1) ask the assistance of the Director of Human Resources to mediate a resolution; or (2) file a formal grievance.
    2. Mediation
      Mediation is an alternative for resolving employment-related issues. Mediation is a voluntary process through which a neutral third party assists people in conflict to explore their differences and develop their own solutions to these issues. A decision to mediate does not prevent an employee from initiating a grievance. Where the parties have agreed to mediate, the time requirements of the grievance procedure may be extended by mutual agreement. The Director of Human Resources will coordinate the mediation.
    3. Grievance Process
      Exclusions: Although many complaints can be handled under this policy, the following issues can be grieved through the process outlined below only to the extent the decision, action, or lack of action is arbitrary or capricious, or involves an alleged violation of College policy or applicable law:

      • Reorganization;
      • Reassignment of duties;
      • Non-renewal of contract;
      • Performance evaluation;
      • Denial of promotion;
      • Compensation matters or benefits;
      • The contents of established policies, rules, procedures, regulations, ordinances, and statutes;
      • Work activity accepted by an employee as a condition of employment or that reasonably may be expected to be a duty of the job; or
      • Relief of employees from duties during emergencies.

      The following process is designed to provide a formal structure for handling a grievable complaint. AP employees and supervisors are encouraged to seek amicable resolution at any time during this process.

        1. Level One: If the employee has a concern or complaint that qualifies as a grievance, and which was not or could not be resolved to his or her satisfaction through the informal process, the employee may submit a written statement of the grievance. The employee will submit the grievance to the supervisor or, if the supervisor is the subject of the grievance, to the supervisor’s manager. If informal resolution was used, the employee must submit the written grievance within ten business days of receiving the supervisor’s (or the supervisor’s manager’s) response. If informal resolution is not used, the written grievance should be filed no later than thirty days after the decision or action being grieved occurred or the employee becomes aware of the decision or action.
          1. The employee will provide the following information in the written grievance:
            1. The issue being grieved, including a clear statement of the facts upon which the complaint is based;
            2. Any documentary or other evidence in the employee’s possession, and a list or description of requested records the employee believes pertinent to the grievance;
            3. An explanation of how the employee has been adversely affected;
            4. A copy of any pertinent College policies, contractual agreements, or other documents upon which the employee relies; and
            5. A statement of the specific relief sought.

            This information will constitute the grievance file. Failure to submit this information may result in the complaint being found non-grievable.

          2. Within ten business days of receiving the grievance (except as provided below), the supervisor (or the supervisor’s manager, as appropriate) will provide the employee with a written response indicating either that:
            1. The supervisor has determined that the grievance has no merit or is not grievable, and the relief sought is denied. The supervisor will indicate the reasons for the determination; or
            2. The supervisor has determined that the grievance has merit, the relief to be granted (which may differ from the relief requested by the employee), and the reasons for this determination. If the relief is beyond the authority of the supervisor to provide, the supervisor will notify the employee that further administrative approvals are necessary, and will consult with the appropriate College officers or other parties. Additional time will be required in these instances. The supervisor, with input from the employee, will establish a reasonable time by which the relief granted is in place.

            If the written response of the supervisor (or the supervisor’s manager) is satisfactory to the employee, the employee will provide written notification to indicate conclusion of the grievance. If not, or if the relief granted is not provided by the established time, the employee may proceed to the next level. If the supervisor is the President, or if the grievance was against the supervisor and the President performed the role of the supervisor under the Level One process, the President’s decision on the grievance is final.

        2. Level Two: If the employee is not satisfied with the resolution at Level One, and the President has not already decided the grievance, the employee may advance the grievance to the President. Using the original grievance form, the employee will describe his or her dissatisfaction with the Level One resolution, provide any new, relevant information the employee wants the President to consider, and forward it to the President along with the rest of the grievance file within ten business days of receiving the written response from the supervisor.The President will meet with the employee within ten business days following receipt of the grievance form. The President may request the employee’s supervisor to be present. The employee, similarly, may bring an observer of his or her choosing from among the College’s employees.The President may conclude that the issue is not grievable, which decision is final; or may make a determination on the merits. The President will communicate the decision in writing to the employee within ten business days of their meeting, except as provided below. If the President makes a decision on the merits and decides in favor of the employee, the President will also indicate the relief to be provided, as well as a reasonable time for it to be provided. The decision of the President is final.
        3. Any deadline may be extended by the Director of Human Resources for reason of absence due to vacation, illness, business travel, or other reasonable cause.


Policy History
Approved February 5, 2016
Updated January 11, 2017

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1130 Leave without Pay for Faculty, and for Administrative and Professional Employees

Policy Number: 1130
Policy Name: Leave without Pay for Faculty, and for Administrative and Professional Employees
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    Provided that they meet their primary duties to the College, full-time Faculty and AP employees may apply for leave without pay, or negotiate reduced responsibility contracts to pursue other professional work or to run for and/or hold political office. Such leave is granted at the sole discretion of the President.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy describes the circumstances under which Faculty and AP employees may be permitted to take leave without pay or reduced-responsibility agreements.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to full-time members of the teaching and research faculty (Faculty) and to Administrative and Professional (AP) employees. Leave without pay for College classified employees is governed by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policy 4.45.
  4. Related Documents
    DHRM Policy 4.45
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources(804)862-6100, ext.
  1. Procedures 
    1. Submission of Request
      Members of the Faculty or AP employees seeking to take leave without pay or reduced-responsibility agreements must present their request to the President, together with:

      1. A description of the reason for the leave, together with the precise dates proposed for the leave;
      2. If a reduced-responsibility agreement is proposed, a description of the partial work to be performed, and the percentage of work that will be performed.
      3. The recommendation of:
        • In the case of Faculty, the Provost; or
        • In the case of AP employees, the supervisor of the employee.
          The recommendation must describe how the work (or partial work) of the employee will be managed during the period of leave. The recommendation should describe any other proposed terms and conditions of such leave.
        • If the proposal for managing the work of the employee during the period of leave will include strategies that will require the expenditure of funds in excess of the savings resulting from not paying the employee during the period of leave, a proposed budget identifying the source of additional funds.
    2. Specific Terms and Conditions of Leave
      If leave without pay or reduced responsibility leave is granted, the particular terms and conditions of the leave will be set forth in writing.

Policy History
Approved February 5, 2016
Updated January 11, 2017

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1150 Hiring Incentives

Policy Number: 1150
Policy Name: Hiring Incentives
Responsibility for Maintenance: Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    It is the policy of Richard Bland College (RBC) to offer a hiring incentive to prospective employees when needed to enhance the College’s ability to attract high quality individuals.A hiring incentive is a one-time payment of up to $5,000 offered to individuals who are newly-appointed to eligible positions within RBC if it has been determined that the position is likely to be difficult to fill in the absence of an incentive and/or to offset the cost of moving and relocation expenses. Payments for this purpose require the recipient to return a signed repayment agreement requiring a specific term of employment and quality of work. The payments will not be made until employment has begun.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Hiring incentives serve as a critical compensation tool for attracting high quality individuals. This policy provides authority and guidance for such payments.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies only to employees hired as Instructional or Administrative & Professional Faculty on a full-time basis.
  4. Related Documents

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OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources804-862-6100 Ext.
  1. Procedures
    1. With consultation from the President’s Office and Human Resources, the College may offer a sign-on bonus as an incentive to prospective employees. The hiring department is responsible for funding sign-on bonuses. A sign-on bonus may be appropriate if at least one of the following criteria is met for a position that is critical to the mission of the institution:
      1. RBC is competing with another prospective employer, i.e. there is an active, competing offer from another organization.
      2. The candidate is uniquely qualified or will fill a highly technical or specialized role.
      3. RBC seeks to bridge any differences in base compensation, such as candidate salary expectations vs. what can be supported, that manifest during the search process.
      4. Moving and relocation expenses need to be offset (i.e. an individual is relocating from greater than 50 miles away).
      5. Standard industry practice dictates sign-on bonuses for the type of position.
    2. Requests to award a sign-on bonus should be submitted as part of the candidate’s Request to Offer paperwork by attaching the Sign-on-Bonus Agreement:
      1. The hiring department must complete all information listed on the Sign-on-Bonus Agreement.
      2. All sign-on bonuses require approvals from the hiring manager, respective unit head, Chief Business Officer, and the President.
      3. The Sign-on Bonus Agreement must be signed by all applicable parties and is required in order for Human Resources to process the bonus.
      4. Bonus installments will be included with salary payments in regularly scheduled pay periods.
      5. In order for the bonus payment to be made upon hire, the required new hire forms must be submitted to Human Resources in a timely manner.

Policy History
Approved August 1, 2019

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1060 Background Investigations

Policy Number: 1160
Policy Name: Background Investigations
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Reason for Policy
    Richard Bland College makes every effort to provide reasonable safeguards to protect the welfare and safety of its students, employees, visitors, and institutional resources. Background investigations are an important component of this protection, including a criminal history check.
  2. Policy Statement
    The RBC Department of Human Resources will require background investigations to be performed on all new and rehired employees. Background investigations will be conducted only on final candidates who have accepted a conditional offer and will be used to evaluate a candidate’s eligibility to be employed at the College. Background investigations also may be used in connection with certain transfers, promotions, and other business needs as determined by RBC. Based on the duties being performed, RBC also may conduct background investigations, including criminal history checks, for unpaid interns, volunteers, and affiliates. Background investigations also may be required for independent contractors. Background investigations will not be used to discriminate on the basis of gender, gender identity, disability, race, color, age, religion, national origin, veteran status, or any other basis protected by federal or state law.Once a final candidate has been identified and a conditional offer has been extended or, in the case of a current employee, Human Resources identifies another employment situation requiring a background investigation, the College’s Department of Campus Safety and Police will initiate criminal history checks with third-party vendors, the Virginia State Police, and/or other organizations at the College’s discretion. The Department of Human Resources, the applicable department head, or other designee will conduct other portions of the background investigation.Background investigations may include any or all of the following:

    • Criminal history check conducted nationwide as well as in all U.S. states, counties, or regions where the candidate has resided;
    • International criminal history check (when possible, for candidates who have resided outside the United States);
    • Employment verification;
    • References check;
    • Diploma/degree validation;
    • Sexual offender registry;
    • Consumer report;
    • Professional licensure or certification verification when applicable;
    • Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) records (typically only for positions that routinely operate vehicles owned by the Commonwealth);
    • If required by external funding agencies or for high-risk positions as determined solely by RBC, interviews with sources such as supervisors, associates, public record or various federal, state, and local agencies;
    • Examination of state debarment lists;
    • Examination of federal debarment lists, as required by federal law; and
    • Other screenings required by law or considered relevant by the College at the College’s sole discretion.

    Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. RBC supports an environment free from retaliation. Retaliation is prohibited against any employee who brings forth a good faith concern, asks a clarifying question, or participates in an investigation.

  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all current full-time and part-time RBC employees as well as candidates for employment; those seeking to volunteer on campus as well as to those whose affiliation with RBC requires the individual to work on campus; and RBC contractors. This policy is not applicable to student workers.
  4. Background Investigation Procedures
    1. Applicant Disclosure: Convictions or other information disclosed or discovered during the application process may influence the referral, selection, and final offer of an applicant where such information is job related.
    2. Fingerprinting Requirement:Fingerprinting is required for:
      • Newly hired or rehired employees (Exception: Employees who do not yet have a social security number and are on a new visa, issued within the past 30 days, screened by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security will not be required to undergo fingerprinting.)
      • Current employees seeking transfer or promotion into full-time, resource-critical positions will undergo an additional fingerprinting check.
      • Certain positions also may require additional checks after hire based on security, accreditation, or other agency requirements (e.g., RBC Campus Police staff).
    3. Condition of Employment: Written consent to the background investigation, including fingerprinting and the criminal history check, is a condition of employment at the College, including but not limited to part-time and volunteer employment. The College will review fingerprinting results as a condition of employment after a candidate has been extended a conditional offer of employment. Employment is subject to final review and evaluation of the criminal history check and the background investigation. Any person refusing to undergo the fingerprinting process in accordance with the Governor of Virginia’s Executive Order 41 (2015) may have his/her application removed from further consideration and the conditional offer of employment withdrawn. All background investigation activities will be conducted after the conditional offer of employment and prior to the selected candidate’s start date when possible. To ensure the most recent history is on file, criminal history checks and other background investigation activities should be completed no more than 30 days prior to the employee’s start date. Criminal history records will be received and processed as part of a confidential practice in Human Resources.
    4. Review Process: Criminal conviction(s) and other information obtained pursuant to this policy will be reviewed confidentially by Human Resources and other College officials, including but not limited to a representative from the Department of Campus Safety and Police.       The College may render the selected candidate ineligible for holding a specific position(s) or a current employee for continued employment based on the nature and gravity of the offense(s) or information, time that has passed since the conviction, completion of the sentence, and/or the occurrence of the actions that resulted in the information disclosed or discovered, and the nature of the job sought (e.g., the work environment, specific responsibilities of the position, access to and interaction with students and the public, etc.). The accuracy and completeness of the disclosure of prior law violations and other information revealed or identified during the background investigation process will be verified. Convictions related to drugs, violence, and/or sexual behavior are generally considered job related due to the nature of the RBC environment and the need to provide reasonable levels of protection for students, employees, visitors, and institutional resources. Any additional convictions that may be revealed from the fingerprinting process will be reviewed confidentially by Human Resources, the Department of Campus Safety and Police, and other College officials, and may be considered cause for rescinding the conditional offer and/or termination of employment based on the nature of the job and job relatedness of the conviction(s). Decisions regarding termination of employment or other action will be made in conjunction with the appropriate department head, the Provost, and/or President. If a final recommendation for termination of employment is made by the Director of Human Resources and the Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police, only the President can waive that recommendation and approve the department’s request to retain the employee.
    5. Investigations for Cause: When circumstances are identified that warrant further investigation, the College reserves the right to conduct a criminal history check (including fingerprinting) on an employee who is charged with any crime that reflects on or gives rise to questions as to his/her suitability for continued employment or during the course of an administrative investigation.       The results of the investigation will be reviewed as described above under “Review Process” and may be considered cause for termination of employment based on the nature of the employee’s job and the job relatedness of the charge(s)/conviction(s).
  5. Related Policy
    • Executive Order 41 – Ban the Box
    • State Policy 2.10 – Hiring
    • State Policy 1.05 – Alcohol and Other Drugs
  6. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved June 1, 2018

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1170 Clearance and Separation Procedures

Policy Number: 1170
Policy Name: Clearance and Separation Procedures
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Reason for Policy
    To ensure that all full-time, part-time, and hourly employees terminating their employment with the Richard Bland College of William & Mary have satisfied any obligations to the College and have the information and assistance necessary to facilitate smooth transitions.
  2. Policy Statement
    It is the policy of the College that an employee who terminates his or her employment with the College will return all property, pay all fees and fines, and complete all assignments due the College prior to departure. The employee and his or her direct supervisor will verify that all obligations have been met by completing a Separation Checklist.
  3. Procedures
    1. Notice of Separation: Upon learning of an employee’s separation, the employee’s direct supervisor will submit the online RBC Clearance Form. This form notifies Information and Technology Services as well as the Office of Human Resources of the separation.
    2. Separation Checklist: Upon receiving notice of the separation, HR will provide the supervisor and the employee with a Separation Checklist. The employee is responsible for obtaining the appropriate departmental signatures and submitting the completed form to the Office of Human Resources prior to his or her departure. Failure to comply with this policy could result in a hold being placed on an employee’s last paycheck until full compliance is achieved or until the costs of any missing items are determined and subtracted from the last paycheck.
  4. Related Policy & Documents
    • RBC Clearance Form
    • RBC Separation Checklist
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018

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1180 Internal Investigations Policy

Policy Number: 1180
Policy Name: Internal Investigations Policy
Responsibility: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College is committed to ensuring all complaints and potential violations of RBC policy and standards of conduct are reviewed in a fair, impartial, thorough, and thoughtful manner. It is the policy of the College to provide an environment where employees can file complaints without fear of intimidation or retaliation. While investigations should not be the first option, they are sometimes necessary and appropriate. However, they are not a tool for managing workplace conflict, nor should they be used to address minor matters that could be resolved using non-disciplinary options.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the processes to be followed when complaints are filed or information pertaining to potential misconduct is received by the RBC Office of Human Resources.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all Richard Bland College employees, including wage, adjunct, faculty, classified staff, and Administrative & Professional employees.
  4. Policy
    The Office of Human Resources will promptly review all alleged violations of policy and/or standards of conduct. The Director of Human Resources will have primary responsibility for investigating complaints relating to employee misconduct. In certain situations, other departments may assume responsibility for the investigation.These situations include:

    • Alleged criminal violations of the law. These will be investigated by the RBC Department of Campus Safety and Police.
    • Alleged violations of Title IX. These will be investigated by the RBC Title IX Coordinator.

    In some cases, College Counsel may be consulted. In such cases, the Director of Human Resources will follow Counsel’s instructions relating to communications and evidence to ensure that “attorney-client” and “attorney work product” privileges are preserved.

    1. Preliminary Assessments
      When a formal complaint is filed with the Office of Human Resources or information about a potential policy violation is received, the Director of Human Resources will conduct a Preliminary Assessment. The Preliminary Assessment will determine what the workplace issue is about, whether it has substance, and whether it justifies the commencement of a full investigation. A Preliminary Assessment is not an investigation; it is a means of determining how to proceed. The assessment will be conducted by the Director of Human Resources and may be as simple as considering the workplace issue and appropriate options for resolution, or it may extend to obtaining additional documents or records, talking to the complainant to clarify the issue(s), or perhaps talking to witnesses to obtain further information.The following factors will be considered during the Preliminary Assessment:

      • Whether there is sufficient information to determine how to handle the workplace issue(s) raised.
      • Whether alternative remedial action (e.g. an apology or mediation) is a satisfactory means of resolution.
      • How much time has elapsed since the workplace issue(s) occurred.
      • Whether criminal conduct has occurred.
      • Whether a Title IX violation has occurred.
      • If the workplace issue is serious, but the facts are known, whether the matter can be managed rather than investigated.
      • Whether other risks are identified (e.g. health and safety of employees and students, detriment to members of the RBC community, reputation of RBC, security of documents, etc).
      • What the complainant’s expectations are regarding actions and outcomes for themselves and other persons involved.
      • Whether the allegations are trivial, frivolous, or vexatious.
    2. When an Investigation Is Not Warranted
      In cases where the Preliminary Assessment determines an investigation is not warranted, the Director of Human Resources may attempt to resolve the matter by utilizing options such as counseling, training and education, performance management, or mediation.RBC Human Resources will not launch an investigation in cases where:

      • The workplace issue is minor and does not appear to amount to misconduct.
      • There is no evidence of a violation of RBC policy and/or standards of conduct.
      • The accussed fully admits to the misconduct and agrees there is no need to investigate.
    3. When an Investigation Is Warranted
      In cases where the Preliminary Assessment determines an investigation is warranted, the Director of Human Resources will commence investigative activities.The following list, while not all-inclusive, provides examples of the types of situations the Director of Human Resources will investigate:

      • Alleged conduct or intentional behavior that potentially violates RBC policy and/or standards of conduct.
      • Alleged conduct or intentional behavior that affects the safety or well-being of fellow employees, students, visitors, operations, or other RBC-related activities. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, threatening communication, physical injury, or potential physical harm to another, aggressive or hostile action, intentional damage to RBC property, or possession of any weapon, regardless of government licensing.
      • Alleged verbal or physical conduct that potentially denigrates or shows hostile feelings toward another RBC employee or student.
      • Creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
      • Unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance.
      • Claims relating to unfair labor practices.
    4. Investigative Timeline
      The Office of Human Resources will make all reasonable efforts to review complaints and communicate findings in a timely fashion. Human Resources will acknowledge the receipt of a complaint within two (2) business days. The investigative process will conclude within 14 business days of a filed complaint or receipt of information pertaining to potential violations of policy. In cases where the investigative process must exceed 14 business days, the Director of Human Resources will notify the complainant in writing.
StepAction by the Director of Human Resources
1.Complete a Preliminary Assessment.
2.If an investigation is not warranted, complete a Final Report and submit to Complainant.
3.If an investigation is warranted, commence investigative activities (obtain verbal and written statements from witnesses including the complainant and accused, review evidence, etc.)
4.Preserve all evidence and secure the evidence in a locked location. Document all evidence obtained. Determine if there is a potential for risk occurrence. If there is a potential, take all measures appropriate to protect employees, students, visitors, property, etc.
5.Upon conclusion of the investigation, complete a Final Report and submit to Complainant.
    1. Final Report
      Based on the Preliminary Assessment and/or Investigation, the Director of Human Resources will determine whether the allegation(s) was founded, unfounded, or inconclusive. This determination will be documented in writing as part of the Final Report.The determinations are as follows:

      • Violation Found. Where a violation of RBC policies, standards of conduct, or law is found to have occurred, the accused will be notified of the finding and of the specific or corrective actions to be taken. The accused employee’s supervisor also will be notified. No details about the nature or extent of disciplinary or corrective actions will be disclosed to the complainant(s) or witness(es) unless there is a compelling reason to do so (e.g., personal safety).
      • No Violation Found. In this situation, the complainant and, as appropriate, the accused will be notified that the Director of Human Resources investigated the allegation(s) and found that the evidence did not support the claim.
      • Inconclusive investigation. In some cases, the evidence may not conclusively indicate whether the allegation(s) was founded or unfounded. If such a situation occurs, notification will be sent by the Director of Human Resources to the complainant and, as appropriate, to the accused stating that RBC completed a thorough investigation but has been unable to establish the truth or falsity of the allegation(s). The Director of Human Resources will take appropriate steps to ensure that the persons involved understand the requirements of RBC’s policies and applicable law, and that the Office of Human Resources will monitor the situation to ensure compliance in the future.
    2. Confidentiality
      In most cases, privacy considerations will limit the ability of the Director of Human Resources to share confidential information with the complainant about personnel actions taken against the accused. However, in cases where legal action is required, or personal safety is a concern, disclosure of information may occur.
    3. Retaliation
      Richard Bland College prohibits retaliation, including verbal, written, or electronic threats against any individual who reports or provides any information concerning unlawful discrimination, harassment, or other violations of RBC policies, rules, or standards of conduct. Any employee found to be engaging in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
    4. Risk Assessment
      The Director of Human Resources will make a reasonable effort to ensure that the complainant or person(s) providing information during an investigation is not exposed to threats of violence, intimidation, or personal risk. If any such situations are identified or have occurred, RBC will proceed with the appropriate response, as advised by College Counsel and Campus Police. Any RBC employee found to have engaged in threatening behavior will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, in accordance with state and RBC policies.
    5. Retention of investigative Records
      Unless advised otherwise by College Counsel, RBC will retain records relative to an RBC-initiated investigation for the greater of a period of five years or the minimum retention period required by law.
    6. Release of investigative Records
      RBC will not release any investigative files, including interviews and findings, unless authorized by College Counsel or pursuant to a court-authorized request (i.e., subpoena, court order).
    7. Appeals
      Once written notification of the outcome of the investigation and sanctions has been provided, the Complainant and the Accused have seven (7) business days from the date notice is hand-delivered to the party or received into the party’s email account to file an appeal. All appeals will be reviewed and decided by at least one RBC senior administrator.An appeal is available only based on one or both of the following: (1) A procedural or substantive error in the process resulted in fundamental unfairness; and/or (2) New evidence unavailable during the original investigation that could substantially impact the original finding.The sufficiency of the evidence and the severity of the sanction are not available as grounds for an appeal.A request for an appeal must be submitted in writing to the Director of Human Resources and must set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based. The Director of Human Resources shall confirm that the appeal is timely and shall forward it within three (3) business days of receipt to the Provost or designee who shall assign the appeal to an appropriate RBC senior administrator within three (3) business days of receipt. The Director of Human Resources will notify both parties in writing of the date the appeal was assigned for review.If adequate grounds for appeal have been stated, the senior administrator will consider the merits of the appeal. In considering the merits of the appeal, he/she may review any pertinent materials in the record and meet with the parties and witnesses as needed. Any information included in the appeal that does not support one of the above two reasons for filing an appeal shall not be considered in the appeal process.Disciplinary actions, sanctions, and/or remedial and preventative measures, if any, taken as a result of the original complaint may be implemented and enforced even while an appeal is pending. Upon the request of the appealing party, the RBC senior administrator may temporarily suspend the imposition of the sanction(s) while the appeal is pending.The decision of the RBC senior administrator shall be final. It shall be provided in writing to the party who filed the appeal and to the Director of Human Resources within ten (10) business days from the RBC senior administrative receiving the appeal.If an extension beyond ten (10) business days is necessary, all parties will be notified in writing of the expected time frame. The non-appealing party shall be notified separately but concurrently of the decision. If an appeal is not filed within the appeal period, the findings of the investigation become final and are not subject to further review.Exceptions to Appeal Process: This appeal process is not available in addition to, or in lieu of, the processes already provided for Instructional Faculty and Classified Employees who are found responsible for a violation of this policy.
  1. Related Documents
    • Grievance Procedure for Administrative and Professional Employees
    • Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
  2. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources(804)862-6100, ext.

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1190 Conflict of Interests

Policy Number: 1190
Policy Name: Conflict of Interests
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to employees and officers relating to conflict of interests and to inform them of their duty to comply with the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (Virginia Code § 2.2-3100 et seq.).
  2. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all employees at RBC during the term of their employment with the College.
  3. Definitions
    1. Employee: All persons employed by Richard Bland College in any capacity.
    2. Immediate Family: An employee’s spouse or immediate family member who resides with the employee and is a dependent of the employee. Note that as the definition relates to public procurement (contracting), the following is the definition of “immediate family”: an employee’s spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters, and any other person living in the same household as the employee.
    3. Business (or external entity or organization): Any corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, firm, franchise, association, trust or foundation, or any individual or entity carrying on a business or profession, whether or not for profit. This definition excludes the College or any other entity controlled by, or affiliated, with the College.
    4. Personal Interest (as defined by the Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act):  a financial benefit or liability accruing to an officer or employee or to a member of his immediate family. Such interest shall exist by reason of (i) ownership in a business if the ownership interest exceeds three percent of the total equity of the business; (ii) annual income that exceeds, or may reasonably be anticipated to exceed, $5,000 from ownership in real or personal property or a business; (iii) salary, other compensation, fringe benefits, or benefits from the use of property, or any combination thereof, paid or provided by a business or governmental agency that exceeds, or may reasonably be anticipated to exceed, $5,000 annually; (iv) ownership of real or personal property if the interest exceeds $5,000 in value and excluding ownership in a business, income, or salary, other compensation, fringe benefits or benefits from the use of property; (v) personal liability incurred or assumed on behalf of a business if the liability exceeds three percent of the asset value of the business; or (vi) an option for ownership of a business or real or personal property if the ownership interest will consist of (i) or (iv) above.
  4. Policy Statement
    The citizens of the Commonwealth are entitled to be assured that the judgment of public officers and employees will not be compromised or affected by inappropriate conflicts. The State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (Virginia Code § 2.2-3100 et seq.) and the Virginia Public Procurement Act, § Virginia Code § 2.2-4367 et seq.), provide the body of law applicable to all Richard Bland College employees regarding such conflicts. The entire law is not summarized in this policy; however, employees should be aware that the following situations may represent violations:

    1. Soliciting or accepting money or gifts:
      • except allowable expenses, employee compensation, or other remuneration paid by the College;
      • for compensation for obtaining employment, an appointment, or promotion of any person with any government agency;
      • for consideration of the use of your public position to obtain a contract for any person/business with any government agency; or
      • that may tend to influence you in the performance of your official duties.
    2. Accepting any business/professional opportunity that is being afforded to your immediate family or you to influence you in the performance of your official duties.
    3. Using any confidential information for your or another party’s benefit that you have acquired by reason of your position and which information was not available to the public.
    4. Having a personal interest in a Richard Bland College agreement/contract other than your contract of employment, or any attempt by an immediate family member to have an interest in any such agreement/contract.
    5. Having a personal interest in a contract with another state agency that was not awarded through a competitive process.
    6. Involvement by you or a member of your immediate family in any manner in a Richard Bland College procurement transaction while at the same time negotiating/arranging for prospective employment with that bidder or offeror.
    7. While involved in any manner in a procurement transaction, soliciting or accepting any money, service or anything of value from any bidder or offeror, contractor or subcontractor, unless authorized by law.
  5. Related Documents
    • RBC Policy – Outside Employment
    • State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (Virginia Code § 2.2-3100 et seq.)
    • Virginia Public Procurement Act (specifically Virginia Code § 2.2-4367 et seq.)
  6. Contacts 
    The cited Code of Virginia sections should be consulted by any employee or officer who may be involved in any such situation as summarized above. The Code may be accessed at Employees who have questions should consult with the Office of Human Resources or with College Counsel. When in doubt, ask before you act. The consequences for failing to do so can be severe.

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2018
Updated July 1, 2020

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1200 Telework and Alternate Work Schedule Policy

Policy Number: 1200
Policy Name: Telework and Alternate Work Schedule Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    The purpose of this policy is to promote and implement procedures that allow eligible employees, when possible, the opportunity to telework or use an alternate work schedule. This policy allows opportunities for improved work performance; increased employee retention; reduced commuting costs; departmental cost reductions; temporary or permanent job modifications for Return-to-Work and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act compliance; and consideration of an employee’s quality of work life. Telework and Alternate Work Schedule agreements must comply with all applicable federal and state laws, and state and College and policies. Telework and/or an Alternate Work Schedule is not an employee benefit. Therefore, no College employee is entitled to or guaranteed the opportunity to Telework or use an Alternate Work Schedule and either party may terminate an existing agreement at any time.
  2. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all administrative and professional employees, classified staff, and non-student wage employees.
  3. Definitions
    1. Alternate Work Schedule: An acceptable schedule, agreed to by the supervisor and employee that differs from the standard workweek. The traditional forty (40) hours per week may be completed in fewer or more than five (5) full workdays. The schedule may include varying the time of day an employee works, the days of the week an employee works, or both.
    2. Alternate Work Site: An acceptable site for performing job duties and responsibilities outside the traditional Richard Bland College office.
    3. Telework: A work option where an employee of Richard Bland College works at an approved alternative work site for an agreed period of time with the remainder of the work time spent at the College work site.
  4. Quality Assurance Controls
    Department Heads are responsible for ensuring approved requests are within the scope of this policy and establishing the following quality assurance controls, where applicable:

    1. All work objectives and tasks must be clearly defined with measurable results for the telework position.
    2. The telework position should require minimal supervision or contact with customers. The employee should demonstrate work habits and performance suited to successful telework.
    3. Alternate work schedules, such as rotating shifts, compressed work week, etc., may be developed to allow departments to provide services outside traditional hours of work. Schedule adjustments will not result in an employee working less than his/her prescribed number of hours during a work week. Alternate Work Schedule arrangements will not necessarily result in compensatory time or overtime pay.
    4. Supervisors may require employees to report to a central workplace as needed for work-related meetings or other events or may meet with an employee in the alternate work location as needed to discuss work progress or other work-related issues.
    5. Teleworking and alternate work schedules are authorized only for employees whose annual performance evaluations indicate performance at a level of at least an “Achiever.”
    6. Telework or Alternate Work Schedule duties must be arranged so as not to alter the essential job responsibilities or compromise the level of service provided to the customer, either by the employee or the department.
  5. Compliance
    1. Approved Teleworkers and their supervisors must complete a DHRM Telework Agreement and submit it to the RBC Office of Human Resources before working from an alternate work site. Failure to do so may result in the inability to telework.
    2. Employees approved to have an alternate work schedule and their supervisors must complete an Alternate Work Schedule Agreement and submit the form to the RBC Office of Human Resources prior to working an alternate work schedule.
    3. Annual review of the agreements will be conducted thereafter during the annual evaluation cycle.
    4. All Richard Bland College policies, rules, and practices will apply at the approved alternate work site and/or an approved alternate work schedule.
    5. Failure to follow policies, rules, and practices may result in termination of the arrangement and/or disciplinary action.
    6. The Telework or Alternate Work Schedule Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party.
  6. Related Policy and Forms
    • DHRM Telework Policy 1.61 –
    • DHRM Telework Form
    • RBC Alternate Work Schedule Form
    • RBC Hours of Work Policy 1.25 –
  7. VII. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2018

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1210 Office Closing Policy

Policy Number: 1210
Policy Name: Office Closing Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    It is the policy of Richard Bland College (RBC) to operate in accordance with its approved College calendar and to maintain full operations unless specifically closed by the President (or designee). Richard Bland College will authorize campus closings or delayed openings when emergency conditions are predicted or occur that present a serious threat to the college’s safe and efficient operation and the well-being and safety of its students and employees.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Operations at Richard Bland College requires certain essential services be provided in emergency conditions. The purpose of this policy is to provide a uniform method of handling employee absences and pay continuity during emergency conditions and to allow managers to designate personnel to work when the college is officially closed.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all College employees. Employee refers to an individual who works for the College in a full-time, part-time, contractual or temporary capacity such as administrative and professional faculty, instructional faculty, adjunct faculty, classified staff, wage, temporary agency and contract employees.Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. RBC supports an environment free from retaliation. Retaliation against any employee who brings forth a good faith concern, asks a clarifying question, or participates in an investigation is prohibited.
  4. Related Documents
    Notification of Essential Employee Designation Template
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources804-862-6100 Ext.
  1. Definitions
    Closed: The College, including all departments, is closed; classes and all conditions are cancelled for that day and evening. Essential personnel are required to report on time for their regular work shift.Delayed Opening: The College will open at a later time than the beginning of its regular business hours. Essential personnel may be required to report on time for their regular work shift.Early Closing: The College will close at a specific time that is earlier than the end of then the end of its regular business hours. Essential personnel may be required to complete their regular work shift.Essential Personnel: Essential employees are exempt and non-exempt employees (full and part-time) who are required to work during an authorized closing because their positions have been designated as essential to agency operations during emergencies. Essential personnel must receive notification annually of their designation to work during an emergency closing.Non-Essential Personnel: Non-essential employees are those who are not required to work during an authorized closing because their position have not been designated as essential during emergency conditions.
  2. Procedures
    1. Closing Decisions
      1. The President (or designee), is authorized to make the decision to close the College, delay opening, or close early due to emergency conditions (natural or man-made). Department heads, directors, and supervisors are not authorized to make closing decisions in their areas of responsibility.
    2. Types of Closing Decisions
      1. Whenever it is necessary to close or delay opening due to emergency conditions, the closing decision will be for one day at a time. A new closing decision will be made each day and a new announcement will be issued for each succeeding day the College is affected by an emergency condition.
      2. The President will announce the closing decisions: close, delayed opening, or early
    3. Announcement of Closing Decisions
      1. If the President (or designee) authorizes an all-day closing, early closing, or delayed opening, the Department of Communications will make an announcement. Employees will receive notification via email and the RBC website ( The announcement will also be posted on the College’s Home Page and will provide full details on the closing. The announcement will be posted immediately upon final authorization.
      2. The Department of Communications is responsible for placing announcements with the appropriate media outlets. Media Advisories will include the specific time the College operations are affected by closing decisions and when essential personnel are to report to Media Advisories that address reopening the College will also include a specific time.
      3. The Department of Communications will communicate the College’s operations status to internal and external constituents through the following news media outlets:Television
        WTVR CH. 6
        WRIC CH. 8
        WWBT CH. 12
      4. The Department of Communications will use the following status codes for announcements of closing decisions to appropriate media outlets:
        1. Closed; Essential Personnel Report on time
        2. Hour Delay; Essential Personnel Report on time
        3. Evening Classes Cancelled
        4. All Conditions Cancelled
    4. Essential Personnel
      1. Designation as Essential Personnel
        1. When a closing decision is made, certain categories of employees, designated as “Essential Personnel”, are required to work their normally scheduled shifts and/or in excess of their normally scheduled shifts as required during an emergency natural or man-made condition to ensure continuity of essential operations. Each Department Head is responsible for preparing a list of employees designated as “Essential Personnel” and providing the list, annually, to the Director of Human Resources by July
        2. Supervisors of essential personnel are responsible for notifying their employees, in writing, of the designation as “Essential Personnel”, their assignment and the requirement to report to work on time for their regular work shift whenever the Office Closing Policy is in effect due to an emergency natural or man-made condition. Supervisors are responsible for notifying current employees of their “Essential Personnel” status on an annual basis and informing new employees when they accept employment offers. Employees in departments and role titles listed below may be required to report to
Facilities ManagementDirector of Operations & Capital Assets
Trades Manager
Trades Manager I
Equipment Service & Repair Technician
Trades Technician I, II, III, IV
Repair Technician I, II, III
Business Manager (as needed)
Housekeeping/Apparel Worker I, II
Housekeeping/Apparel Manager
Financial Service Specialist – Accountant (as needed)
Administrative Assistant (as needed)
Finance & AdministrationChief Business Officer
Chief of Police, Deputy Chief
Associate Director of Communications
Lieutenants, Sergeants, Police Officers, Dispatchers, & Security Officers
        1. Other categories of employees may occasionally be designated as “Essential Personnel” when circumstances require a change in status. Supervisors will notify the employee of this change in status as soon as
        2. Essential Personnel who fail to report to work may be subject to disciplinary action and required to charge the missed hours to leave with or without pay, as
    1. Transportation Difficulties
      1. When emergency conditions create transportation difficulties that result in late arrival of employees to work, such lost time need not be applied to leave balances nor should the employees otherwise experience loss of pay, if in the judgment of the immediate supervisor, such lost time was justifiable in view of an emergency condition.
    2. Compensation during Authorized Closing
      1. Essential Personnel
        1. Exempt and non-exempt salaried employees are paid their regular rate of pay for hours
        2. Employee are granted compensatory leave for hours worked during authorized closings not to exceed 8 hours of compensatory leave accrued.
        3. All hours worked in a workweek, including hours worked during an authorized closing, will be counted for purposes of determining if overtime pay is warranted for non-exempt
        4. Hourly employees will be paid for actual hours worked during authorized closing and are not granted compensatory leave for hours worked during authorized closings.
      2. Non-Essential PersonnelNon-Essential salaried personnel will be paid for the hours that he/she was scheduled to work during an authorized closing, if he/she worked or took paid leave the day before and the day after the authorized closing. Other non-essential employees are paid for the hours that they work only.
        1. Non-Essential personnel who have been on authorized pre-approved leave during the authorized closing will not be charged leave.
        2. All employees are required to adhere to the communication mediums during emergency conditions.
        3. Non-essential employees called in to work will be treated as essential personnel. Employees who report to work during an all-day closing because of not having heard the closing announcement or who choose to work during the authorized closing shall not normally receive compensatory leave, except in extenuating circumstances when the department head designates the employee as essential personnel. Therefore, non-essential personnel who work without the permission of the department head during periods of authorized closing shall not be credited with compensatory leave.
      3. Partial Shift Closing
        1. Partial shift closing occur when the College opens later than standard business hours, or closes earlier than standard business hours. Non-designated salaried employees will be paid for the hours s/he was scheduled to work during an authorized closing if s/he worked or took paid leave (1) the day before and (2) the day after the authorized closing. Other non-designated employees are paid for the hours that they work only.
        2. Any scheduled hours not worked by a non-designated employee while the College was open shall be charged to personal leave or leave without pay.

Policy History
Approved August 1, 2019

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1220 Wage Employment

Policy Number: 1220
Policy Name: Wage Employment
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Reason for Policy
    Richard Bland College has a continuing need for temporary employees. Wage employment covers seasonal or temporarily excessive workloads, interim replacements, and short-term projects or jobs that do not require classified or faculty employees. This policy defines wage employment and outlines job conditions and hour restrictions for these employees.
  2. Applicability of the Policy
    Wage employees and anyone who hires wage employees are responsible for knowing this policy and familiarizing themselves with its contents and provisions.
  3. Definitions
    1. Wage Employees: Wage employees are employees who perform similar work as classified staff but are paid an hourly rate and paid only for actual hours worked (rather than a fixed semi-monthly salary), and who are considered temporary and “at will.” Their employment status is part-time and they are limited to working 29 hours or less per week on average or 1,500 hours over the Manpower Control Act (MCA) Standard Measurement Period (to ensure compliance with the “29-hour limit”).
    2. Manpower Control Act (MCA) Standard Measurement Period: The 12-month period of May 1 through April 30 of the following year during which certain non-benefited employees cannot work more than 29 hours per week on average or 1500 hours per measurement period (the “29-hour limit”).
    3. Wage Employee: This term refers to both hourly and student workers who are paid by the hour.
  4. Policy
    1. Recruitment
      1. Equal employment opportunity policies apply to wage employment. The extent of wage employment in a department will depend on funding availability and justification for establishing such a position(s).
      2. Departments may make decentralized recruitment and hiring decisions regarding wage employees; however, the position must be advertised through the RBC recruitment management system.
    2. Classification and Compensation
      1. Wage employees are considered non-exempt under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and they are paid for hours physically worked (both regular and approved overtime).
      2. Wage employees are required to submit hours worked via TAL (Time & Leave system) for approval by their supervisors by the deadlines set by the Office of Human Resources to ensure prompt payment.
      3. Wage employees must obtain prior approval to work and be paid for overtime, if eligible, or to adjust work hours, as applicable, for FLSA compliance.
      4. Generally, wage employees are classified within the Career Group Roles of the state’s Classified Compensation System and are compensated similarly to classified staff performing comparable duties within applicable pay practices and considering applicable pay factors.
      5. Wage employees must possess the same qualifications as those required for similar classified positions.
      6. Regardless of funding source, total hours worked by wage employees at RBC are limited to 1500 hours or 29 hours or less per week, on average, over the Standard Measurement Period, including regular and overtime hours, and any other hours worked in an overload job.
      7. If the workload permits, departments are encouraged to schedule wage employees at 29 hours per week or less to allow for continuous employment.
      8. Supervisors are responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with the 29-hour rule.
      9. If hours worked in a single week exceed 29, supervisors must ensure that hours worked in other weeks are limited so that work hours average 29 or less per week over the Standard Measurement Period.
    3. Benefits
      1. Wage employees may participate in the College’s tax-deferred annuity and the state’s deferred compensation programs and are covered under the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act. However, they are not eligible for participation in the state’s health benefits program, life insurance, or employer-funded retirement or cash match programs.
      2. Wage employees can apply for full-time positions and they are eligible for College service awards. However, if hired into classified or faculty positions, wage service does not count toward any form of continuous state service for benefits or retirement purposes. If hired into a full-time position, they may purchase prior service credit, which can be credited to the Virginia Retirement System (“VRS”) for retirement purposes only. The purchase of prior service credit counts toward the five years needed to become vested in VRS.
      3. The provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act do not cover wage employees. Wage employees do not have access to the Employee Grievance Procedure because their employment is considered temporary and they serve at the will of the College. Wage employees may file employment complaints with the RBC Office of Human Resources.
      4. Wage employees may participate in the College’s tuition waiver program. To become eligible, wage employees must have worked a minimum of 1,000 hours in the prior year.
    4. New Employee Orientation
      1. Wage employees will be scheduled for New Employee Orientation and are strongly encouraged to attend this orientation program.
    5. Discipline and Separation
      1. Voluntary Separation: Normally, wage employees are expected to provide at least two weeks’ advance written notice to their supervisor when they intend to separate employment with RBC. If the employee is moving from one RBC department to another, a different notice period may be negotiated to continue services with minimal disruption.
      2. Failure to give adequate notice may adversely affect eligibility for re-employment with the College.
      3. Discipline and Involuntary Separation: Although wage employees are not covered by the Virginia Personnel Act, it is recommended though not required that they be given due process and progressive discipline to encourage satisfactory performance.
      4. Counseling memorandums should be used in place of written notices to document performance issues. In the case of employment termination, a letter should be addressed to the employee listing the reason(s) for the action(s) and the effective date. The employee also may be given the option to resign.
  5. Related Policy & Documents
  6. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2018

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1230 Employee-Student Consensual Relationships

Policy Number: 1230
Policy Name: Employee-Student Consensual Relationships
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    The purpose of this policy is to document Richard Bland College’s commitment to maintaining learning and work environments as free as possible from conflict of interests, exploitation, and favoritism. Therefore, employees, whether faculty or staff, shall not engage in consensual relations with students whenever the employee has a “position of authority” with respect to the student in such matters as teaching or in otherwise evaluating, supervising, or advising a student as part of a school program or employment situation.In cases where one person uses a position of authority to induce another person to enter into a romantic and/or sexual relationship, the likely harm to the induced person and to the College is clear. Even in cases where the relationship is deemed “consensual” by the involved parties, significant potential for harm remains when there is an institutional power differential between them. Clear examples of cases of power differential are romantic and/or sexual relationships between an instructor and student, an academic advisor and advisee, or an employer and student worker. Among other things, the existence of such relationships may cast doubt on the objectivity of any supervision and evaluation provided.This policy is directed specifically to employee-student relationships and recognizes that both employees and students bear responsibility to avoid a conflict of interests. The student-teacher relationship represents a special circumstance because maintaining (or preserving) the integrity of this relationship is of fundamental importance to the central mission of the College. Even allegedly “consensual” relationships that occur in the context of educational supervision and evaluation can give rise to serious ethical concerns and present significant conflicts of interests. It is, therefore, incumbent upon both the employee and the student involved in the relationship to disclose the relationship so that appropriate accommodations can be made to remove the conflict of interests.
  2. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all current employees and students of Richard Bland College.
  3. Definitions
    1. Consensual Relationships: Romantic and sexual relationships willingly undertaken by the parties.
    2. Employee: A person, faculty or staff, who holds a full-time, part-time, permanent, or temporary position at Richard Bland College, which includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Administrative professional employees;
      2. Instructional, or adjunct faculty;
      3. Classified staff; and
      4. Wage employees.
    3. Position of Authority: References and includes, but is not limited to, situations in which an employee is responsible for teaching, evaluating, supervising, or advising a student as part of a school program or employment situation or is in a position to influence any of these activities or processes.
    4. Student: Any person enrolled full-time or part-time in any program of Richard Bland College.
  4. Procedures
    1. Multiple Roles: There are occasions when an individual, initially classified as a student, faculty, or staff in his or her primary role, will take on another role. For example, if a staff member is enrolled in a course, the staff member will be considered a student for purposes of this policy if a consensual relationship develops with the instructor of the course.
    2. Acknowledgement of a Consensual Relationship: In the event a consensual relationship exists or develops between an employee having a “position of authority” with respect to a student in the College, despite this policy prohibiting such relationships:
      1. The employee immediately shall report the relationship in confidence to his or her immediate supervisor;
      2. The student has the responsibility of reporting the relationship in confidence to the Provost; and
      3. A plan for resolving the conflict of interests must be developed.

      The supervisor and the Provost shall make suitable arrangements for the objective evaluation of the student’s academic performance and/or work performance for the protection of individual and College interests. To the extent possible, these discussions and the subsequent plans will be held in confidence.

    3. Failure to Report Noncompliance: A faculty or staff member in a “position of authority” over a student with whom a consensual relationship exists, who fails to report him/herself, will be deemed to have created a conflict of interests and to have violated an ethical obligation owed to students, other employees, colleagues, and the College. Similarly, a student who fails to report a consensual relationship with an employee in a “position of authority” also may be subject to sanctions. Credible allegations of a faculty or staff member’s failure to report the existence of a relationship between a student and an employee in a “position of authority” with respect to the student obligates the immediate supervisor to conduct a prompt and thorough inquiry to determine whether there is any validity to the allegation. When it is concluded that a prohibited relationship exists, due to the existence of a “position of authority” as between the employee and the student, the immediate supervisor shall undertake a resolution to the conflict of interests, and sanctions may be imposed against the employee as indicated in Section IV.D. below.
    4. Sanctions: Persons in violation of this policy shall be subject to sanctions ranging from verbal warnings to termination or expulsion from the College depending upon the severity of the offense. Should it be determined that disciplinary action is appropriate, the action to be taken shall be determined in the case of:
      1. Faculty by the Provost after consultation with the Department Head;
      2. Staff by the appropriate Department Head, or the President in the event a Department Head or a staff member who reports directly to the President is involved, and;
      3. Students by the Provost after consultation with the Director of Housing and Residence Life.
    5. False Allegations: Persons who knowingly make false allegations that an improper relationship exists shall be subject to comparable sanctions.
    6. Resources for Assistance: Staff in the Office of Academic & Student Development and the Office of Human Resources are available to assist any party covered by this policy.
  5. Related Documents
    • State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Virginia Code 2.2-3100
    • Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct
    • Faculty Handbook, Paragraph XIV, “Consensual Amorous Relationships”
    • RBC Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Policy
  6. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2018
Revised August 1, 2019

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1240 Outside Employment Disclosure

Policy Number: 1240
Policy Name: Outside Employment Disclosure
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

    1. Reason for Policy
      The purpose of this policy is to document College policy regarding employment outside the College for salaried classified and administrative employees. In addition, this policy establishes guidelines to ensure that no employee shall engage in any other employment or conduct of a profession that affects his/her employment with the College or that may be deemed a violation of the Virginia Conflict of Interest Act.
    2. Applicability of the Policy
      This policy applies to all full- and part-time administrative and classified employees at RBC during the term of their employment with the College. This policy applies to all employment or work outside of the College for remuneration of any sort.
    3. Definition
      Outside employment is defined as compensated work for each and any other organization, business, person or agency that is not RBC.  Outside employment can include, but is not limited to, self-employment and self-initiated professional services such as consulting, private enterprise, workshops, seminars, conferences, institutes, or short courses provided to any entity or person other than the College.
  1. Policy Statement
    Prior to accepting additional employment, and annually thereafter for continuing employment, salaried full- and part-time classified and administrative employees must submit a completed Outside Employment Approval Form to the department head for review. Approval for permission to work outside the normal work schedule within or outside the College may be granted at the department head’s discretion. Full-time classified and administrative employees may work for the College outside of the normal work schedule on a wage basis in positions that are occasional and sporadic, for example as a game-day parking attendant. Classified and administrative employees must use approved annual or compensatory time if the additional work with an outside entity occurs during the normal work schedule of the employee’s regular full-time position.Some outside employment may pose a conflict of commitment, thereby compromising the employee’s effectiveness in his or her primary role with Richard Bland College.  The department head will determine if the additional employment may adversely affect the employee’s performance in the College salaried position and therefore should not be approved.  If the request is granted and job performance subsequently deteriorates, the department head may rescind approval for the outside employment.  Supervisors should contact Human Resources for guidance concerning performance issues.Certain outside employment opportunities or a business ownership interest may pose a real or perceived conflict of interest.  For example, employees may not accept employment with a firm or agency that is in competition with the College for providing goods or services without full disclosure and explicit advance approval.  Outside businesses owned by the employee or by a member of the employee’s immediate family also may pose a conflict if that business intends to sell a product or service to a College entity.  This is explicitly prohibited by state law and is intended to prevent an employee from receiving personal benefit for themselves or their family as a result of College employment.  Department heads should bring any requests for outside employment with the potential for conflict of interests to the attention of College Counsel so that the request may be assessed in relation to the Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Virginia Code § 2.2-3100 et seq. (see RBC Policy on Conflict of Interests).Guidelines for Participating in Outside EmploymentAdministrative or classified employees participating in outside employment are to adhere to the following set of guidelines:

    1. An administrative or classified employee’s primary responsibility is to the College; however, there are occasions when administrative or classified employees may engage in outside employment.
    2. Outside employment means work for any non-College entity whether or not such work is performed on campus, and includes self-employment.
    3. Administrative or classified employees may not engage in any other employment during the hours for which they are employed by Richard Bland College, except as authorized pursuant to subdivision III.C.7 below.
    4. An administrative or classified employee may not engage in other employment outside his or her Richard Bland College work hours if such employment is deemed to affect the administrative or classified employee’s work performance or is determined to be in violation of the Richard Bland College Conflict of Interests Policy, Code of Ethics, or the Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.
    5. No property or resources belonging to or under contract to the Commonwealth or Richard Bland College may be used for outside employment activities.
    6. An administrative or classified employee who engages in outside employment may not use the name of the College in such a manner as to suggest institutional endorsement.
    7. When authorized outside employment occurs during normal working hours for the College, annual, personal, compensatory, or recognition leave shall be submitted and charged for time away from normally scheduled duties.
    8. Administrative or classified employees are responsible for obtaining department head approval for outside employment before the work begins. Written documentation that describes the nature of the outside employment, the duration of the outside employment, and when the outside employment will be performed must be submitted for approval to the supervisor and the Provost.  The Richard Bland College Approval for Outside Employment Form must be used for this purpose.  Approval must be renewed annually, if applicable.
    9. The approved documentation must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources for filing in the employee’s personnel file, with a copy kept on file in the individual’s department.


    Failure to comply with this College policy and guidelines may lead to disciplinary action and could include termination of employment from the College.


    Participation in paid or for points military reserve drills and other military activities are not to be construed to be outside employment under this policy.

    This policy does not apply to work for which no compensation or other remuneration is received, unless such work interferes with the responsibilities of the employee to the College.

    Volunteer work performed without the expectation of, or without a prior intent of, receiving compensation is not considered to be “outside employment.” Additionally, earning investment income or ownership in a venture in which the employee performs no work is not considered to be “outside employment.” 

    1. Related Documents
    • RBC Policy – Conflict of Interests
    • State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, 2.2-3100 et seq.
    • Outside Employment Approval Form
    1. Policy Statement
      Prior to accepting additional employment, and annually thereafter for continuing employment, salaried full- and part-time classified and administrative employees must submit a completed Outside Employment Approval Form to the department head for review. Approval for permission to work outside the normal work schedule within or outside the College may be granted at the department head’s discretion. Full-time classified and administrative employees may work for the College outside of the normal work schedule on a wage basis in positions that are occasional and sporadic, for example as a game-day parking attendant. Classified and administrative employees must use approved annual or compensatory time if the additional work with an outside entity occurs during the normal work schedule of the employee’s regular full-time position.Some outside employment may pose a conflict of commitment, thereby compromising the employee’s effectiveness in his or her primary role with Richard Bland College. The department head will determine if the additional employment may adversely affect the employee’s performance in the College salaried position and therefore should not be approved. If the request is granted and job performance subsequently deteriorates, the department head may rescind approval for the outside employment. Supervisors should contact Human Resources for guidance concerning performance issues.Certain outside employment opportunities or a business ownership interest may pose a real or perceived conflict of interest. For example, employees may not accept employment with a firm or agency that is in competition with the College for providing goods or services without full disclosure and explicit advance approval. Outside businesses owned by the employee or by a member of the employee’s immediate family also may pose a conflict if that business intends to sell a product or service to a College entity. This is explicitly prohibited by state law and is intended to prevent an employee from receiving personal benefit for themselves or their family as a result of College employment. Department heads should bring any requests for outside employment with the potential for conflict of interests to the attention of College Counsel so that the request may be assessed in relation to the Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Virginia Code § 2.2-3100 et seq. (see RBC Policy on Conflict of Interests).
  • Guidelines for Participating in Outside Employment
    Administrative or classified employees participating in outside employment are to adhere to the following set of guidelines:
    1. An administrative or classified employee’s primary responsibility is to the College; however, there are occasions when administrative or classified employees may engage in outside employment.
    2. Outside employment means work for any non-College entity whether or not such work is performed on campus, and includes self-employment.
    3. Administrative or classified employees may not engage in any other employment during the hours for which they are employed by Richard Bland College, except as authorized pursuant to subdivision III.C.7 below.
    4. An administrative or classified employee may not engage in other employment outside his or her Richard Bland College work hours if such employment is deemed to affect the administrative or classified employee’s work performance or is determined to be in violation of the Richard Bland College Conflict of Interests Policy, Code of Ethics, or the Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.
    5. No property or resources belonging to or under contract to the Commonwealth or Richard Bland College may be used for outside employment activities.
    6. An administrative or classified employee who engages in outside employment may not use the name of the College in such a manner as to suggest institutional endorsement.
    7. When authorized outside employment occurs during normal working hours for the College, annual, personal, compensatory, or recognition leave shall be submitted and charged for time away from normally scheduled duties.
    8. Administrative or classified employees are responsible for obtaining department head approval for outside employment before the work begins. Written documentation that describes the nature of the outside employment, the duration of the outside employment, and when the outside employment will be performed must be submitted for approval to the supervisor and the Provost. The Richard Bland College Approval for Outside Employment Form must be used for this purpose. Approval must be renewed annually, if applicable.
    9. The approved documentation must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources for filing in the employee’s personnel file, with a copy kept on file in the individual’s department.
  1. Sanctions
    Failure to comply with this College policy and guidelines may lead to disciplinary action and could include termination of employment from the College.
  2. Exclusions
    Participation in paid or for points military reserve drills and other military activities are not to be construed to be outside employment under this policy. This policy does not apply to work for which no compensation or other remuneration is received, unless such work interferes with the responsibilities of the employee to the College. Volunteer work performed without the expectation of, or without a prior intent of, receiving compensation is not considered to be “outside employment.” Additionally, earning investment income or ownership in a venture in which the employee performs no work is not considered to be “outside employment.”
  3. Related Documents
    • RBC Policy – Conflict of Interests
    • State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, 2.2-3100 et seq.
    • Outside Employment Approval Form
  4. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Human Resources Director of Human Resources (804) 862-6100, ext.

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2018
Revised July 1, 2020

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1250 Mobile Communication Device Allowance

Policy Number: 1250
Policy Name: Mobile Communication Device Allowance
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

  1. Policy Statement
    The college recognizes that the performance of certain job responsibilities may be enhanced by the use of mobile communication devices. The purpose of the policy is to provide procedures for the qualification, authorization, deployment, and use of mobile communication devices for which authorized employees receive a monetary allowance.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Employees whose duties and responsibilities require them to maintain significant mobile communication device contact with the college while away from the office or to be accessible after normal working hours may be eligible for compensation in the form of a semi-monthly mobile communication device allowance to pay for the business portion of their plan. The college will not provide college-owned wirelesscommunication devices and related services for individual employees, unless approved by the President as an exception to this policy.Eligibility for a mobile communication device allowance is determined on a position by position basis by each department and approved by the President. A review of the rates contained in the COV Mobile Device Allowance Agreement Form (“The Agreement”) will be conducted annually as part of the annual contract renewal process.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    Any employee authorizing or using a communication device (for which the college provides a monetary allowance).
  4. Related Documents & Policy
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources804-862-6100 Ext.
  1. Procedures
    1. Mobile Communication Device Allowance: Qualified employees whose job duties require the frequent need for mobile communication device services may receive supplemental compensation (in the form of a mobile communication device allowance) to cover the business-related use of an employee’s personal mobile communication device. The policy assumes that for most employees, the device will be used for both business and personal use and it is therefore appropriate for the college and employee to share the overall costs. The amount of the allowance is not intended to cover the full cost of the employee’s monthly service plan.Qualified employees are eligible for a semi-monthly allowance for voice, text and data as outlined in the COV Mobile Device Allowance Agreement Form.The allowance may be increased, decreased, or eliminated should the nature of the employee’s job change and a modification to the allowance is required.Any device for which the College provides an allowance is subject to all College data access, management, and privacy policies and must be protected to the maximum extent when College data is involved.
    2. Eligibility for a Mobile Communication Device Allowance: It is the responsibility of the employee’s department head to determine whether the employee’s job duties and responsibilities require that an allowance should be granted. The college defines the following criteria to receive the allowance:
      • The position requires the employee to spend considerable time outside the office (travel, meetings, conferences, etc.) and use of a mobile device facilitates the effective maintenance of business operation while away.
      • The position requires the employee to be immediately accessible to receive and/or make calls or communicate information outside of working hours on a consistent basis.
    3. Authorization for Mobile Communication Device Allowance: The decision to incur a business expense for allowances must be carefully evaluated by the department head from a cost/benefit perspective. If the department head determines that the employee’s job duties and responsibilities meet the qualifications for an allowance, the department head must complete the Agreement. The Agreement must be completed objectively and should not result in a higher allowance to accommodate personal use. Department heads should determine a reasonable anticipated average usage of voice minutes and/or data service per month needed to conduct business and then select the lowest level to accommodate that need. Authorization by the President must be obtained before the allowance will take effect. Allowances will be included in the next regular payroll process after receipt in Human Resources (on the 10th or 25th of the month) and NO allowances will be processed retroactively.If the employee transfers to another RBC department, resigns or is terminated, the department head must submit timely notification to Human Resources so that the allowance can be terminated. If the employee transfers to another job within RBC and still qualifies for the allowance, the new department head must submit a new Agreement to add the allowance to the new job.Annual Review: Department heads are required to review allowances on an annual basis and determine whether the employee’s job requirements still justify continuing the allowance. All adjustments must be coordinated with Human Resources in a timely manner to properly adjust pay.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019

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1260 COVID-19 Face Covering/Mask Policy

Policy Number: 1260
Policy Name: COVID-19 Face Covering/Mask Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

I. Policy Statement
To ensure the health and safety of the RBC campus community and the public,  face coverings,  which cover the nose and mouth, must be worn by students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors and visitors while inside a College facility or on any College property when in the presence of others.  Noncompliance with this policy may pose a threat to the wellbeing of others, and  subject an individual to progressive remediation under College administrative and/or state conduct policy.

II. Reason for Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish the rules and procedures for the COVID-19 face covering requirement for all College properties.

This requirement is in accordance with federal and state workplace safety requirements and with state and local public health directives. This policy will remain in effect until otherwise communicated.

III. Applicability of the Policy

This policy is applicable to all employees and students of Richard Bland College as well as all vendors, contractors and visitors unless specifically exempt.

This policy does not solely replace or limit job-specific and task-specific personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, such as gloves and goggles. Refer to the Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 for job-specific PPE requirements.

IV. Related Documents
Richard Bland College Safe and Secure Plan 2020
OSHA and DHHS Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 –

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources(804)

IV. Procedures 

  • Individuals may provide their own face covering for personal use.
  • Richard Bland College will provide one cloth face covering for all students, faculty and staff.
  • Individuals are responsible for laundering and all other maintenance of their face coverings in accordance with CDC guidelines.
  • Face coverings and N95 masks that feature an exhalation valve must not be worn without prior approval from the appropriate authority at RBC.

VII. Exemptions from this policy
Face covers are not required when:

  • A person is eating or drinking at a food/beverage establishment on College property.
  • A person is hearing-impaired and uses facial and mouth movements as part of communication (should a clear mouth face covering not be available).
  • A person seeking to communicate with a hearing-impaired individual for which the mouth needs to be visible (should a clear mouth face covering not be available).
  • A person with an approved accommodation due to a health condition that keeps them form wearing a face covering.
  • A person has been advised by a medical professional that wearing a face covering may pose a health risk to them.
  • A person who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
  • Babies and toddlers under the age of two who should never wear cloth face coverings due to the risk of suffocation.
  • Face coverings are not required when (a) working in or spending time alone in a personal workspace or office, (b) operating a single occupancy College vehicle, (c) teleworking, (d) inside a private on campus residential room or suite if they are with members of their “family” group, under certain conditions when working a job that is outdoors with supervisory approval, and (f) exercising outdoors where at least a six-foot distance can be maintained.

Additional accommodations will be determined on a case-by-case basis with Human Resources or the Office of Disability Services.

VIII. Enforcement of this Policy
RBC will provide education regarding COVID-related health and safety measures, following that training employees, students and the RBC community will be expected to comply.

Employees:  Employees must wear face coverings to support the health and well being of themselves, their colleagues and the RBC community.  These requirements are a condition of employment.  Employees who do not comply must be reminded of the policy by their supervisor and provided additional education or training if needed.  If an employee fails to comply, supervisors must contact the Office of Human Resources for remedial or corrective action.  Employees who state that they are unable to wear a face covering due to health concerns must request a formal accommodation through the Office of Human Resources.

Students:  Students must comply with face covering requirements at all times when on a College property. If a student is seen without a face covering, a polite verbal request for compliance should be made and the student should be offered information about how to obtain a replacement covering on campus.  Students may not be permitted to attend in person classes without a face covering.  Students who are unable to wear a face covering due to health concerns must request a formal accommodation through the Office of Student Success.

Contractors, vendors, visitors and members of the public: Contractors, vendors, visitors, and members of the public are required to follow face covering requirements at all times when in a College property.  Those who are not following the College policy shall be greeted with a polite verbal request for compliance with this policy.  Contractors, vendors and others who fail to comply with this policy are to be reported to the Department of Campus Safety and Police.

Policy History
Approved August 14, 2020

1261 COVID-19 Employee Vaccination Status and Test Reporting

Policy Number: 1261
Policy Name: COVID-19 Employee Vaccination Status and Test Reporting

Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Human Resources

I. Policy Statement 
Executive Directive Eighteen (the Directive) was issued by the Governor of Virginia on August 15, 2021. The Directive, effective September 1, 2021, directs all Executive Branch Employees and state contractors who enter the work place or who have public-facing duties to disclose their vaccine status to the Richard Bland College (the College), Office of Human Resources. Further, the Directive requires all Executive Branch Employees who are not fully vaccinated or who refuse to disclose their current vaccine status to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing and to disclose weekly test results to the Office of Human Resources.

Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.  RBC supports an environment free from retaliation. Any retaliation against an employee who brings forth a good faith concern, asks a clarifying question, or participates in an investigation is prohibited. 

II. Reason for Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish the rules and procedures for all employees of the College to ensure compliance with the Directive.

III. Applicability of the Policy
This policy is applicable to all employees and student workers of Richard Bland College, including all vendors, contractors and visitors unless specifically exempt.

IV. Related Documents

Richard Bland College Safe and Secure Plan 2021 – Richard Bland College | Safe and Secure Plan 2021-2022 (

OSHA and DHHS Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 –

Governor’s Executive Directive Number Eighteen – Ensuring a Safe Work Place

V. Contacts

OfficeDirector of Human ResourcesTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Human ResourcesDirector of Human Resources(804)

VI. Procedures

  1. The Office of Human Resources will establish, implement and maintain a record-keeping procedure for submitting, receiving, reviewing, verifying and retaining documentation of each employee’s vaccination status.
  2. Any employee documentation received by the Office of Human Resources may be subject to verification, and additional information may be requested from the employee if, within the discretion of the Office, the documentation is incomplete or unclear.

Employees who are fully vaccinated and consent to disclosing their vaccine status must provide documentation of their COVID vaccine inoculation(s) and date(s) administered. Fully vaccinated employees are not subject to additional requirements per the Governor’s Directive. Employees may present the following information to satisfy this provision:

a. Vaccination card(s) [front and back] COVID vaccine inoculation cards provide all needed documentation. Cards may be hard copy or electronic.
b. Health Care Records – If employees do not have vaccination cards, they may provide documentation from their health care provider (physician or pharmacist) noting the dates the vaccination(s) was administered.
c. VDH Documentation- In the absence of a vaccination card or health care record, employees may provide documentation from the Virginia Department of Health or other public entity.
3. Employees who are partially vaccinated1 and consent to disclosing their vaccination status must report that they are not fully vaccinated. These employees are subject to additional requirements per the Governor’s Directive until they attain full-vaccination status. Additionally, partially vaccinated employees may present the following information to satisfy this provision:
a. Employees may submit their partial documentation and supplement with additional information as outlined in VI.2 above.
b. Once fully vaccinated (after satisfying required vaccination waiting period), the employee must update their records to demonstrate their inoculation status.
4. Employees who are not vaccinated and consent to disclose their vaccine status are subject to additional requirements per the Governor’s Directive.
5. Employees who do not wish to disclose their vaccine status, regardless of actual vaccine status, are subject to additional requirements per the Governor’s Directive.
6. Should an employee elect to be vaccinated after the effective date of the Governor’s Directive, and agree to disclose their vaccine status, that employee must update their record and submit documentation that they have successfully achieved full vaccination status as outlined under VI.2.
7. Employees who transfer from one state agency to another must fully disclose their vaccination status in accordance with the new agency’s procedures.
8. Records of the employee’s vaccination status will not be maintained in the employee’s personnel file but will be kept confidentially in a separate file. An employee’s vaccination status is not considered to be protected health information (PHI) as prescribed by the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); however, such information is deemed private and personal information subject to protection under the laws of the Commonwealth.
9. Access to an employee’s vaccination status shall be limited only to those individuals having a legitimate business reason to know.
10. Storage, access, and retention schedules will align with those for medical records.
11. Human Resources Staff to whom the documentation (vaccine card, health provider’s confirmation or other public health verification) is presented must attest to the vaccination status based on the information received.
12. Copies of the vaccine card or other relevant documentation may be retained at the discretion of the College.

VII.  Non-Compliance
Employees who fail to comply with Executive Directive Eighteen and applicable State and agency policies will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

VIII. Medical and Religious Exemptions
Employees may request exemption from the vaccination requirement for medical or religious reasons only. Please note that employees who are granted exemptions will be required to participate in mandatory weekly prevalence testing, similarly to those who are not fully-vaccinated or who do not consent to disclose their vaccine status.

1270 Teaching Faculty and Administrative & Professional Employee Compensation Guidelines

Policy Number:  1270
Policy Name:  Teaching Faculty and Administrative & Professional Employee Compensation Guidelines
Responsibility for Maintenance:  Director of Human Resources

The purpose of this policy is to explain the types of faculty appointments at Richard Bland College (RBC) and the guidelines to be followed in setting or modifying salaries and other compensation.

Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. RBC supports an environment free from retaliation. Any retaliation against an employee who brings forth a good faith concern, asks a clarifying question, or participates in an investigation is prohibited. 

The following are responsible for knowing this policy and familiarizing themselves with its contents and provisions.

  • Department Heads
  • Teaching Faculty (Tenured Faculty, Tenure-Eligible Faculty, Specified-Term Faculty, Full-Time; Specified-Term, Part-Time (Adjunct)
  • Administrative & Professional Employees with personnel responsibilities

The Office of Human Resources in collaboration with the College President officially interprets this policy and is responsible for obtaining approval for any revisions as required through the appropriate governance structure. Please direct policy questions to the Office of Human Resources.

Richard Bland College (RBC) offers the following full-time and part-time faculty appointments:

  • TEACHING FACULTY – Appointments within this category customarily require performance of work directly related to student instruction. These appointments are held under one of the following categories: tenured, tenure-eligible, part-time and specified-term faculty. These categories may include faculty rank designations as professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor.
    • Qualification Criteria – The minimum requirements for any teaching faculty appointment generally include a master’s degree and a minimum of eighteen graduate hours in the area of instruction. In exceptional cases, equivalencies may be considered and approved on the basis of unusual circumstances at the discretion of the Chief Academic Officer with concurrence from the President. Such arrangements will be delineated in writing at the time of the faculty member’s hiring, and documentation relating to the arrangement will be maintained in the faculty member’s professional file on deposit with the College, as well as by the Provost Office.


  • ADMINISTRATIVE & PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES (A&P) – Appointments within this category typically require performance of work directly related to the management of a department or sub-department of a major academic or administrative unit. Typically, A&P employees are exempt employees under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and are not subject to the FLSA provisions governing the payment of overtime; and report directly, or through one other person, to the President. A&P employees are appointed by the President as at-will employees or, in some instances, for a specified or otherwise restricted (as by funding source) term. Examples of such appointments are: the heads of departments such as student life, athletics, human resources, campus safety and police, information and technology services, and capital assets and operations.
    • Qualification Criteria – AP positions require a high level of knowledge, discretion, independent judgement, and advanced education, special training, and/or prolonged, specialized experience.


  • SPECIFIED-TERM, PART-TIME (ADJUNCT) – Qualified individuals may be appointed to part-time, short-term (generally one (1)-semester) contracts in which the appointees primary activity is to provide student instruction in specific courses. Adjunct faculty do not qualify for benefits and time served does not accrue toward tenure. Adjunct faculty can be full-time employees and retirees of the College.


  • RETIRED FACULTY (Emeriti) – Upon recommendation of the President, and following completion of ten (10) or more years of full-time, continuous service and retirement under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, retired members of the faculty may be awarded the rank of emeritus/a[1]. Professors in the ranks of assistant, associate, and full professor who receive emeritus/a status will be awarded their respective emeriti ranks upon retirement. Additionally, academic administrators who retire with a record of exceptional service and meet these criteria will be considered for emeritus/a Emeritus/a standing at Richard Bland College includes the following privileges: ID card, parking decal, library privileges, email account, and inclusion in all faculty listings.

RBC utilizes a search process that is administered by the Office of Human Resources. The intent of this process is to recruit the best possible faculty and staff to enhance efforts to increase the diversity of the workforce, to include women and minorities.

Teaching faculty and A&P appointments, or changes in status, will be specified in a written notice of appointment issued to the employee by the President.

In most cases, the notice will include the following information: rank (applicable to teaching faculty), academic/administrative unit(s) in which the appointment is made, type of appointment (teaching, A&P, adjunct), period of appointment, whether it is part-time or full-time, and salary. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook and Policy Number 1100 – Designation, Appointment and Termination of A&P Employees for additional information about teaching faculty and A&P employee appointments and changes in status.

All teaching faculty and A&P appointment letters are accompanied by a statement of Terms and Conditions of Employment, which is incorporated by reference into the appointment letter. This document details the policies and conditions to which faculty must adhere, including the Code of Conduct, provisions of the Faculty Handbook, as well as all College policies, procedures and regulations pertaining to teaching faculty and A&P employees. Any violation of these Terms and Conditions could result in disciplinary action, up to termination of employment.

It is a condition of employment that all new teaching faculty are required to submit documentation to Human Resources affirming that they have requisite academic qualifications for the position for which they have been hired. Failure to comply with this documentation requirement and/or misrepresentation of professional credentials may result in termination of the appointment. In most instances, the required documentation will be an original, official, seal-bearing transcript from the institution that awarded the faculty member’s academic degrees.

The Human Resources staff coordinates faculty benefits, which may, depending on appointment, include: health care, retirement, life insurance, disability insurance, flexible reimbursement accounts, tax-deferred annuities, leave (including the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program), workers’ compensation, and work/life resources. Additionally, Human Resources coordinates required deductions, manages direct deposits of salary, and other matters involving wage and salary payments to employees.

In 2021, a research-based RBC Compensation Plan was developed and implemented in accordance with the findings and recommendations of a higher education compensation specialist. The Plan serves as the framework for sound compensation practices that support the mission of the college. The basis of the plan ensures that salaries are internally equitable and aligned with competitive market data.

In addition to ensuring that employees are appropriately compensated for their work, a major goal of this plan is to attract, retain and increase a diverse faculty and staff who are prepared to deliver high-quality service commensurate with the expectations set forth in the mission and the strategic plan of the college. Additional goals of this Compensation Plan, and any future plans, are to:

  • Align RBC salaries overall within the appropriate competitive market for the job. For teaching faculty, competitive markets also include other similarly or slightly higher ranked schools in a comparable field.
  • Establish and maintain internal base pay equity by considering differences in skill, effort, experience, contribution, service and responsibility among incumbents in like jobs.
  • Pay for performance (base pay changes and promotions) based on sustained contribution.
  • Provide variable compensation (recognition award, annual bonus, incentive) for short-term contributions/achievements.
  • Offer a total rewards package viewed as valued by employees and flexible to accommodate changing business and market conditions.
  • Encourage value-added contributions to the College and careers by better linking career development, performance management and rewards.
  • Provide compensation and benefits within RBC’s financial ability to pay, which supports a performance-based culture.

The Human Resources Office will provide compensation advice and guidance to department heads to assist them in making salary recommendations, with final approval by the College president. This includes providing information on market data, internal alignment and up-to-date salary structures. HR will ensure that all pay actions are within established guidelines and are appropriately documented to ensure compliance with applicable Federal and State legislation.

[1] Approval of any recommendation of emeritus status may require approval by the Board of Visitors for the College of William and Mary.

Faculty Hiring Ranges
Associate Professor$58,160$78,983$99,805
Assistant Professor$51,450$70,083$88,176

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9 Month Teaching Faculty Ranges

[1] *Faculty hiring ranges will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Office of Human Resources.

FACULTY RANK (as defined in the Faculty Handbook)


A faculty member must:

  • Complete at least six (6) years as associate professor, or, in rare cases, be awarded consideration of an equivalency by the Chief Academic Officer.
  • S/he must have a minimum of twelve (12) years of college teaching experience (or equivalency), and a terminal degree in his/her field. The MFA can be considered a terminal degree for a faculty member whose field is theater or studio art. The MBA can be considered a terminal degree in business.



A faculty member must:

  • Complete four (4) years’ service as an Assistant Professor at the College, or, in rare cases, be awarded consideration of an equivalency by the Chief Academic Officer.
  • Have at least six (6) years in total of college-level teaching.


    The faculty member must:
    • Have completed two (2) years’ service as an instructor at the College, or in rare cases, be awarded consideration of an equivalency by the Chief Academic Officer;
    • Hold a master’s degree in the field of appointment, or, in rare cases, be awarded consideration of an equivalency by the Chief Academic Officer;
    • Demonstrate performance that reflects promise of the candidate’s being a strong addition to the College in his/her professional field, and
    • Submit a satisfactory portfolio for review prior to promotion, as described above.


    The faculty member must:

    • Hold/have a master’s degree and/or a minimum of eighteen (18) graduate hours in the area of instruction, or, in rare cases, be awarded consideration of an equivalency by the Chief Academic Officer.


Administrative & Professional Salary Range***
Position Classification***Minimum RangeMidpointMaximum Range

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*12 Month Administrative & Professional Salary Ranges

Salaries of RBC teaching faculty and A&P employees are established and approved through RBC’s Compensation Plan. Recommendations by the appropriate chair, director or department head will be reviewed by Human Resources with final approval by the College President.

Administrative salary supplements will be determined by the College President, in collaboration with the Office of Human Resources, and will be specifically identified in the appointment letter; it will be noted that should the duties no longer be performed, the supplement will be removed accordingly. Administrative salary supplements may be requested for increased responsibilities and/or changed job assignments (e.g. for department chairs). These supplements may also be requested for temporary duties, such as for an interim/acting appointment. All salary supplement requests are subject to final approval by the College President.

The standard conversion rate for teaching faculty who convert from a 9-month to a 12-month appointment is 122{5b2ffe48c25fcf1af74449cb013cf6cb1d7085e045a358d699fdbf39f60480b9} of the 9-month salary. The standard conversion rate for A&P employees who change from a 12-month appointment to a 9-month teaching appointment is 82{5b2ffe48c25fcf1af74449cb013cf6cb1d7085e045a358d699fdbf39f60480b9} of the 12-month salary. If a 9-month or 12-month employee has an administrative supplement, the supplement should first be removed before the salary is converted to either a 9- or 12-month base salary.

[3] **A&P salary ranges will be evaluated and updated on an annual basis by the Office of Human Resources.
[4] ***Position Classification will be determined by the Office of Human Resources in collaboration with the hiring manager based on the specific needs of the department and the College.

A promotion is defined as movement to a different role with significant increase to job duties and responsibilities. Promotions may or may not require a search and may allow for variable increases depending on the level of the new position. All salary increases are subject to approval by the College President.

Please refer to the Faculty Handbook for information about teaching faculty promotions in rank.

The President has complete discretion to reassign administrative duties and titles at any time. Additionally, the Chief Academic Officer may relieve teaching faculty members from teaching, or teaching faculty members who also hold an administrative appointment from those administrative duties, at any time. Please refer to Policy Number 1100 – Designation, Appointment and Termination of A&P Employees for additional information on reassignments.

A&P employees shall be subject to formal and periodic evaluations of their administrative performance. Written performance evaluations of A&P employees shall be conducted, and pay increases, when funds are available, shall be based on an objective analysis of the performance of each individual. All salary increases will be reviewed by Human Resources and compared to current market data/internal equity review to ensure internal alignment. Final approval by the College President is required. Please refer to Policy Number 1100 – Designation, Appointment and Termination of A&P Employees for additional information.

Teaching faculty whose original employment by the College is certified by the Board of Visitors, receive annual performance reviews from their department chairs and the Chief Academic Officer. If promotion in rank is at issue, subsequent Board approval of that change in status is required. To fund faculty salary adjustments, Richard Bland College uses money appropriated by the General Assembly. Depending on availability of funds, all faculty members are considered for annual salary increases. These increases will be geared toward reducing inequities, recognizing promotion, and merit. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook.

Bonuses may be awarded to those employees whose performance exceeds the normal expectations and requirements for their position, or for superior accomplishments or achievement. Bonuses are a one-time lump sum award for exceptional performance beyond the prescribed expectations of an employee’s duties. All bonus awards require prior approval by the College President.

Opportunities to receive additional compensation, such as a salary adjustment for an expansion of duties (permanent or temporary), may be considered for teaching and A&P faculty, which may or may not include a title change. Approved temporary changes in duties/job responsibilities are to be compensated on a temporary basis defined by the term of the additional responsibilities. Human Resources will review all salary increase recommendations, compare competitive market data, and conduct an internal equity review to ensure internal alignment, with final approval required by the College President.

Adjunct and overload contracts will not be issued before the last day to add a class. Adjunct and overload contracts will be emailed within 10 – 14 days after the add/drop period. Payment schedules, however, will be released prior to the start of each academic semester.

Adjunct faculty members, teaching faculty and A&P employees teaching overloads will be paid according to the following salary schedule as long as the class meets minimum enrollment. Adjunct rank is determined at the time of hire using the same criteria as full-time faculty.

Adjunct & Overload Salary Rates****
RankRate/per credit hour
Associate Professor$922.00
Assistant Professor$869.00

*Faculty Salary Schedule For Adjunct & Full-time Faculty Overload

****The Faculty Salary Schedule for Adjuncts & Overloads will be reviewed by Human Resources on an annual basis.

2000 Finance and Administration Policies

2010 Travel Authorization and Reimbursement

Policy Number: 2010
Policy Name: Travel Authorization and Reimbursement
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All travel authorization and reimbursement shall be managed in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The College follows The Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP) Manual that is written and published by the Department of Accounts (DOA) to provide authoritative guidance on the application of accounting policies, procedures, and systems pursuant to 2.2-803 Virginia Code This policy ensures compliance with the CAPP manual regarding travel authorization and reimbursement.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy governs all employee business-related travel and cost reimbursements. This also applies to reimbursable expenses of contracted work where the contract stipulates the payment of travel expenses.
  4. Related Policies, Procedures, and Documents
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Business OfficeChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions 
    Business Travel Expenses: Reasonable and necessary expenses incurred while traveling on Richard Bland College business.
  2. Procedures 
    This policy describes general guidelines for authorization and reimbursement of business travel expenses.Full travel policies, procedures, and forms are maintained at all times at: and travel with estimated expenses equal to or greater than $1,000, or out-of-state travel, must be pre-approved by the President or an authorized designee. Business Travel with estimated expenses ranging from $100-1,000 must be pre-approved by senior administrator of the department responsible for those expenses. Failure to obtain such approvals may result in non-reimbursement of the resulting expenses.Eligible expenses are processed through one of several processes – the procurement process, the Central BOA Visa Card, the BOA Visa IL Card, or out-of-pocket reimbursement. A travel advance may be requested. These requests are reviewed and approved by the Chief Business Officer. Reimbursement of out-of-pocket business travel expenses incurred occurs through the travel expense reimbursement voucher process. The submitting employee must complete the form along with the additional documentation. The documentation is then reviewed and approved by the department manager and routed to the Finance Office. Reimbursement is processed through accounts payable.For budgetary and quality control purposes, these procedures ensure that all business travel expenses always have at least one level of review (often multiple levels).

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2020 Cash Controls and Management

Policy Number: 2020
Policy Name: Cash Controls and Management
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All cash controls and management shall be managed in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    As part of the Richard Bland College (RBC) shared governance structure, the RBC committee reports to the William & Mary Board of Visitors.This policy is intended to ensure that adequate finance procedures are maintained.This policy provides the general guidelines for controlling cash items (checks, currency, and coin).
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All College employees should be familiar with this policy.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts
Policy NameOfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Cash Controls and ManagementFinanceChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions 
    Internal Controls Framework

    • Control Environment: sets the tone for the organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control.
    • Risk Assessment: the identification and analysis of relevant risks to the achievement of objectives, forming a basis for how the risks should be managed
    • Information and Communication: systems or processes that support the identification, capture, and exchange of information in a form and timeframe that enable people to carry out their responsibilities
    • Control Activities: the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out.
    • Monitoring: processes used to assess the quality of internal control performance over time.
  2. Procedures 
    It is College policy to minimize the number of departments collecting cash items. Each collection point may have different requirements for cash item collection and may use different numbers of employees. However, there are several basic rules of control that must be followed. All College employees involved with cash item collection should both be aware of, and comply with, these rules.The basic rules governing receipt of cash items are:

    • All cash items received must be recorded immediately and deposited as follows:
      • Deposit within 24 hours to Cashiers office is required for total receipts exceeding $100.
      • Weekly deposit is required for all receipts. Items must be properly secured—preferably in a departmental safe or in a locked file cabinet, desk, or cash box.
    • Cash items on hand and in the departmental account must be accurately stated and controlled by appropriate safeguards.
    • Departmental systems and procedures must provide adequate and appropriate controls over the receipt, storage, and deposit of cash items.
    • Only College employees, no volunteers or students, can handle cash.

    Note: All cash operations are subject to review by the Board of Visitor’s internal (William & Mary) and the College’s external auditors. Therefore, ensure that all receipts can be related to a deposit, and that all deposits can be directly traced to supporting documentation.

    Basic Controls for the Receipt of Cash Items

    • All cash collection locations must be approved by the Chief Business Officer.
    • Ensure all rates used for pricing are approved in advance by the appropriate senior administrator responsible for the area.
    • Ensure that responsibility for cash items from time of receipt to time of deposit is clearly defined and documented.
    • Only the minimum number of employees should handle cash from receipt to deposit.
    • Ensure proper separation of duties exists.
    • Cash item handling, record keeping, and reconciliations should be assigned to different people.
      • Pre numbered tickets should be used and reconciliation between beginning ticket and ending ticket for each event to cash collected. This must be auditable.
    • Issue a receipt for every currency transaction (and for checks, if possible) with either a College-approved, pre-numbered receipt or a cash register-generated receipt.
    • Ensure all transfers of cash items between persons—either within the office, between offices, or between the College and the bank—are documented (and signed by both persons, if possible).
    • Do not mail currency or coins to the College Cashiers Office. If locked bags are needed, contact the College Cashiers Office.
    • Do not make disbursements from undeposited receipts. Keep undeposited receipts intact.
    • Ensure the safeguarding of cash items. Cash storage guidelines are as follows:
Amount StoredPreferredAcceptableUnacceptable
Less than $100Locked desk, locked file cabinet, or secured cash register while in useLocked boxNot Secured
More than $100Deposited with Cashier’s officeDeposited with Cashier’s officeLocked desk, locked file cabinet, locked box, or not secured
      • Access to undeposited cash items should be restricted to the minimum number of persons.
      • Deposit College funds only into appropriate College accounts, not into accounts such as: Personal bank accounts, College checking accounts not authorized by the Chief Business Officer, or Petty cash accounts.
      • Keep College and personal funds separate.
      • Deliver deposits directly to the Cashiers Office. Intermediate stops, overnight layovers, and taking deposits home for next morning deposit are not allowed. Ensure employees are escorted when making large deposits ($500 or more).< /li>
      • Collect and report sales tax as appropriate.
      • Each individual department must document the entire departmental procedure for handling cash items for clarity and for training purposes. This document must be forwarded to the Finance Department for review.

Please adhere to the following policies and procedures in the administration of the petty cash fund. This policy will detail the authorized use of petty cash funds and restrictions on purchases.

      1. Petty cash funds must be held in a locked cash drawer or a locking cash box. The primary key to the locked storage should be held by the fund custodian. A secondary key to the box should be retained by the department head in the event of an absence of the primary custodian.
      2. The total amount of the petty cash fund must always be equal to the amount of cash on hand plus any unreimbursed amounts.
      3. Petty cash funds should always be kept away from any other financial transactions in the department. To discourage theft, avoid dispensing money from the cash box in the presence of persons requesting money. Petty cash funds should be counted on a daily basis if transactions to such have occurred.
      4. Locked box should be kept in a locked drawer, safe or filing cabinet. Funds must always be secured when the custodian leaves the office. Keys to the locked box should be kept in the possession of the custodian at all times and not left untended in desks or drawers overnight. The fund custodian and the department head can be held jointly liable for uninsured losses that occur as a result of failure to follow these procedures.
      5. In the event of a theft of the petty cash funds, the custodian should immediately notify the Department of Campus Safety and Police first, followed by the Chief Business Officer and Internal Audit at the College of William and Mary.
      6. In the event of a departure of the fund custodian or department head assigned to a petty cash fund, the keys to the secure cash box must be returned to the appropriate departmental authority. The appropriate person should conduct a final count of the petty cash funds, and the maintenance form should be completed and signed before a new custodian assumes control of the funds. This same process should be used in the event of an extended absence by either the fund custodian or department head and again when the custodian returns to duty.

An employee who makes authorized purchases on behalf of the College may be reimbursed for the purchase. Please adhere to the following policies and procedures on the authorized use of your petty cash funds:

      1. Typical allowable transaction types include office supplies, lab supplies, local parking reimbursements, mailing services, copy services and photo services.
      2. All employee purchases must first be authorized by the Chief Business Officer or his/her designee. The following types of transactions are not generally allowable:
        1. Payment of sales or excise taxes on any purchases made in Virginia, as the College is a tax-exempt organization.
        2. Cashing of any personal checks and/or personal loans.
        3. Purchases required to be reported in a specific manner such as personnel services, travel expenses, payroll advances, and business meals. These types of expenditures need to be reimbursed through the Accounts Payable Office.
        4. Meals or entertainment.
        5. Advertising
        6. Alcoholic beverages or tobacco of any kind or any type of controlled substance.
        7. Chemicals or other types of hazardous materials.
        8. Donations, flowers, letterhead, business cards, or envelopes
        9. Professional services.
        10. Telephones or cell phones.
        11. Weapons and ammunition
      3. Once the purchase has been made, the employee should submit the original receipt for the purchase to the fund custodian. This receipt should include the vendor’s name, the date of the purchase, the items purchased, the price per item, and the total price.
      4. The fund custodian should submit to the Accounts Payable Department a vendor payment request to replenish the fund. This process should be handled in a timely manner and should allow ample time for processing so that funds are not depleted before the reimbursement arrives. When processing the check request, ORIGINAL receipts must be attached to the Vendor Payment Request Form. Once processed, the Accounts Payable Department will return a check to the department for the amount of the request.

In the event that the department head determines that the petty cash fund is no longer desired, notification should be made to the Cashier’s Office. Final reimbursement requests should be processed and received from Accounts Payable. Once the checks have been received, the check along with any remaining cash on hand should be brought to the Cashier’s Office and receipted by the Cashier into the Banner fund. In the event of a shortage, the appropriate departmental fund must be charged to bring the balance to the full amount needed to close the fund.

Should you have any questions about these procedures, please contact the Chief Business Officer.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020


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2030 Purchases of Goods, Services, and Supplies

Policy Number: 2030
Policy Name: Purchases of Goods, Services, and Supplies
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All requests for goods, services, and/or supplies must comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA) found at, as well as applicable requirements from the Virginia Department of General Services.
  2. Reason for Policy
    To the end that public bodies in the Commonwealth obtain high quality goods and services at reasonable cost, that all procurement procedures be conducted in a fair and impartial manner with avoidance of any impropriety or appearance of impropriety, that all qualified vendors have access to public business and that no offer or be arbitrarily or capriciously excluded, it is the intent of the General Assembly that competition be sought to the maximum feasible degree, that procurement procedures involve openness and administrative efficiency, that individual public bodies enjoy broad flexibility in fashioning details of such competition, that the rules governing contract awards be made clear in advance of the competition, that specifications reflect the procurement needs of the purchasing body rather than being drawn to favor a particular vendor, and that the purchaser and vendor freely exchange information concerning what is sought to be procured and what is offered. Public bodies may consider best value concepts when procuring goods and nonprofessional services, but not construction or professional services. The criteria, factors, and basis for consideration of best value and the process for the consideration of best value shall be as stated in the procurement solicitation.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all employees of the College who purchase goods, services, and supplies for work-related purposes and/or with College funds.
  4. Related Documents
    Virginia Public Procurement Act, Virginia Code §§ 2.2-4300 et seq.
    Department of General Services, Division of Purchase and Supply
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone Number
FinanceChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100, ext.
  1. Definitions
    “Goods” means all material, equipment, supplies, printing, and automated data processing hardware and software.“Services” means any work performed by an independent contractor wherein the service rendered does not consist primarily of acquisition of equipment or materials, or the rental of equipment, materials, and supplies.
  2. Procedures 
    1. Requests for the purchase of supplies and equipment from outside vendors are submitted to the Business Office on a Requisition for Purchases form.
    2. The appropriate supervisor must approve all requests.
    3. Purchase authorization must be obtained for all purchases above $50, or they become the employee’s personal responsibility.
    4. Provide complete information as required by the form.
    5. See the Business Office for additional information and purchasing policies.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2040 Delegations of Purchasing Authority

Policy Number: 2040
Policy Name: Delegations of Purchasing Authority
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    This policy is structured to support the mission of Richard Bland College and to comply with the principals of the Virginia Public Procurement Act and are in compliance with the individually adopted, “Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction by a Public Institution of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy is to ensure the existence and maintenance of sound financial management procedures regarding purchasing.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All employees must abide by this policy.
  4. Related Documents
    eVA: Virginia’s eProcurement Portal:
    RBC Office of Finance and Administration:
    Virginia CAAP Topic 20360
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Business OfficeChief Business Officer(804) 862-6100 ext. 8560
  1. Definitions
    Procurement: The acquisition of goods, services or works from an external source.eVA: Virginia’s online, electronic procurement system. This web-based vendor registration and purchasing system allows state agencies, colleges, universities and many local governments to use eVA to conduct all purchasing and sourcing activities for goods and services.
  2. Procedures
    Richard Bland College procurement and surplus property policies are governed by the Virginia Public Procurement Act and policies and procedures established by the Department of General Services, Division of Purchases and Supply, as stated in the Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual. The Procurement Manager is responsible for the procurement functions and reports to the Chief Financial Officer. Goods are procured through EVA – Approval structures are maintained in eVA by Procurement Manager.Procurement forms, including purchase requisition, are maintained at Chief Financial Officer reviews and approves any requisitions greater than $50,000.Purchasing and Surplus Property Authority
    Richard Bland College has been delegated purchasing authority up to $50,000 for goods and printing services, and unlimited purchasing authority for services. All agency purchase orders and standard agency contracts shall be approved by the designated procurement manager, the Agency Head, or an authorized designee.Capital outlay projects and professional services are procured using the procurement policies set forth in the Construction and Professional Services Manual. These processes are managed by the Director of Capital Assets and Operations. The Director of Capital Assets and Operations reports to the President. All capital outlay or professional services contracts will be approved by either the President or the Chief Financial Officer.The Director of Capital Assets and Operations is responsible for maintenance, security, storage, and distribution of surplus property.Designated Procurement Personnel
    Athletics Coaches are authorized to make travel-related lodging and food purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. These charges are approved only for Athletics’ teams travel. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.Athletics Director is authorized to make travel charges in accordance with procurement guidelines for business travel with approval from the appropriate budget manager. Charge(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland college appointed Employee Paid (Individual Liability) Travel Card.Assistants to the senior administrators are each authorized to make purchases with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. Payment(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card, or requested through Accounts Payable by the use of a purchase order. Purchase orders generated for non-cash and carry transactions will be processed via eVA, or Banner. If the procurement is exempt from eVA, the requisition will be given to the Procurement Manager for processing. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Assistant to the Director of Capital Assets and Operations is authorized to make travel charges in accordance with procurement guidelines for business travel with approval from the appropriate budget manager. Charge(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland college appointed Employee Paid (Individual Liability) Travel Card.

    Enrollment Services Counselor is authorized to make travel charges in accordance with procurement guidelines for business travel with approval from the appropriate budget manager. Charge(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland College appointed Employee Paid (Individual Liability) Travel Card.

    Grounds Supervisor is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Maintenance Supervisor is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Maintenance Technician (Electrician) is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Maintenance Technician (General) is authorized to make cash and carry purchases using the Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card in accordance with procurement guidelines set forth in the APSPM with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

    Procurement Manager is authorized to make purchases with the approval from the appropriate budget manager. Payment(s) will be processed using a Richard Bland College appointed Procurement Card, or requested through Accounts Payable by the use of a purchase order. Purchase orders generated for non-cash and carry transactions will be processed via eVA, Banner, or MPO, if exempt from eVA. SPCC limit is on file in the SPCC Program Administrator’s Office.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2050 Signature Authority for Bank Accounts

Policy Number: 2050
Policy Name: Signature Authority for Bank Accounts
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All Signature authorities for bank accounts shall be managed in accordance with this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy is intended to ensure that adequate review and controls are in place around the disbursement cycle.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All Accounting and Finance employees must adhere to this policy.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
FinanceChief Business Officer(804)862-6100, ext. 8560
  1. Definitions
    Internal Controls Framework Control Environment-sets the tone for the organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control.Risk Assessment-the identification and analysis of relevant risks to the achievement of objectives, forming a basis for how the risks should be managed.Information and Communication-systems or processes that support the identification, capture, and exchange of information in a form and time frame that enable people to carry out their responsibilities.Control Activities-the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out.Monitoring-processes used to assess the quality of internal control performance over time.
  2. Procedures
    Authorized signatory listings for CARS and CIPPS Transaction Certification are maintained through DOA Form DA-04-121. Commonwealth and Auxiliaries checks are distributed at the VA Treasury.Local checks and backup are all reviewed and approved by the Chief Financial Officer.Signature authority for all Bank of Southside accounts is maintained through letter signature template. They are updated at the time of any changes.As an additional level of control, Foundation checks and backup all require dual review and approval. These checks are signed by the Chief Financial Officer and the RBC President.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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2060 Budget Management Policy

Policy Number: 2060
Policy Name: Budget Management Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Business Officer

  1. Policy Statement 

It is the policy of Richard Bland College of William & Mary to have a balanced budget each fiscal year. All budgetary organizations (as defined by the four-digit BANNER org code) must not have a deficit balance at fiscal year-end. Budgets with a deficit balance at year end may be reduced in the following year by a corresponding amount.  All employees should follow the Virginia Commonwealth Accounting Policy & Procedures (CAPP) Manual for any topic specifically not covered by this policy.  Any remaining budgeted funds at fiscal year-end do not roll over into the next fiscal year and revert back to the College.

A. Budget Process

  1. The Office of Finance will distribute Budget Development Packages, to include budget worksheets, instructions, and other necessary information to the established departmental Budget Managers during the fall semester.
  1. Budget Managers will create a budget request for the expenses needed within their budget organizations for the upcoming year using a zero-based budgeting approach. Requested budget expenses should have an explanation justifying how the item supports the College’s Strategic Plan. Departmental budget requests should be submitted to the Office of Finance by established due dates. Any budgetary organizations that do not submit a request may not have an operating budget loaded for that fiscal year, or the budget may be determined by the Office of Finance.
  1. The Office of Finance will compile and review all budget submissions and will work with various departments to analyze budget requests. Budget hearings will be held, if necessary, during the spring semester to determine what requests should be eliminated reduced to produce a balanced budget.
  1. The balanced budget is presented to the President and/or President’s Council to review. Once approved by the President, the budget it then submitted to the Board of Visitors for approval, usually in April.  Budget Managers will be notified of final approved departmental budgets, at which time no new budget submissions can be made.
  1. Budget Managers, Departmental Administrators, and Office of Finance staff should review budget and expense information in Banner for accuracy and to ensure sufficient expenditure budget is available to support the fiscal year activities.

B. Budget Deficit

  1. Budget deficits are prohibited unless the deficit has been pre-authorized by the Chief Business Officer.
  1. For all unauthorized deficits, the college department will be asked to identify funds that will be used to eliminate the deficit. Those funds can come only from other budget organizations that have excess budgeted amounts approved for similar expenditures.
  1. Budget Managers and/or Department Heads may transfer funds within or between budgets under their control, with the exception of salary lines or funds budgeted for a specific/restricted purpose (grants, debt service, etc.).
  1. For any budgetary organization that has a deficit balance at the end of the fiscal year, the budget for the next fiscal year may be reduced by a corresponding amount.

C. Budget Manager Responsibility

  1. Employees who have been assigned budget responsibility must ensure their budgets are utilized for the purpose intended.
  1. Budget Managers are not authorized to expend funds in excess of their total approved organizational budget.
  1. All Budget Managers must comply with state and federal regulations as well as adhere to the procedures and guidelines established by the Office of Finance.
  1. Budget Managers are responsible for approving expenses within their appropriate budget organizations. The Chief Business Officer has overall responsibility for ensuring that the College as a whole remains within authorized budget levels, and reserves the right to restrict expenses for cash flow management and overall budgetary purposes.
  1. Budget Managers are responsible for working with their appropriate Departmental Head in creating an operating budget request for submission to the Office of Finance during the yearly Budget Development process. Budget Managers are responsible for submitting their departmental budgets to the Office of Finance by established due dates.
  1. Budget Managers are responsible for reviewing information in Banner Finance for accuracy and ensuring that sufficient expenditure budget is available to support the fiscal year activities.

D. Budget Monitoring

  1. Department budgets are available for viewing by Budget Managers online via Banner. The Office of Finance provides training workshops covering the budget process and budget monitoring at least once a year. Individual training is also offered for new employees and as requested.
  1. The Office of Finance may conduct budget reviews monthly, in which time Budget Managers are informed of any budget having a deficit balance.
  1. For all unauthorized deficits, the Budget Manager will be asked to correct the deficit. If the excess budget is not managed by the same Budget Manager/Department Head, approval from both Budget Managers is needed on the Budget Transfer Form.

II. Reason for Policy

The Budget Management Policy outlines the responsibilities of college employees for monitoring and controlling operating budgets. This policy provides information to employees regarding the budget process, how to manage budget deficits should they occur, and establishes general guidelines for Budget Managers regarding the institution’s departmental operating budgets.  This policy is intended to facilitate cash flow management throughout the fiscal year and to help the College adhere to the expenses parameters approved by the Board of Visitors.

III. Definitions

Budget Deficit: when the total actual expenses are greater than the total budgeted

Budget Manager: an employee assigned the task of being responsible for the maintenance of departmental budgets

Zero-based Budget: a budgeting method in which all expenses must be justified and approved for each new period, not based on historical actual amounts

IV.  Applicability of the Policy

All RBC employees should be familiar with this policy, which is applicable to employees and Budget Managers who request and/or approve expenses to their appropriate budget organization code.

V. Related Documents

VI. Contacts 

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of FinanceBudget Office804-862-6100 ext.

VII. Procedures

Procedures can be found via Banner User Guides, the CAPP Manual, in the Budget Manager’s Handbook, and by contacting the Office of Finance.

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2020

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2070 Records Retention

Policy Number: 2070
Policy Name: Records Retention
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Policy Statement
    All College documents shall be managed in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy. Public records are to be adequately protected and maintained, and records that are no longer needed are to be discarded at the proper times in accordance with the applicable Records Retention Schedule. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the administration of these policies and schedules, and every RBC employee must comply.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Documents must be maintained in accordance with the applicable Library of Virginia Records Retention Schedule.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all College employees.
  4. Related Policies, Procedures, and Documents
    Library of Virginia general schedules provide detailed records retention guidance, including scheduled retention periods for state agencies:GS-101 Administrative Records Fiscal Records:

    GS-103 Personnel Records:

    GS-108 Fire, Safety, and Security:

    GS-111 College and University Student Records:

    GS-113 Information Technology:

  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Business OfficeProvost(804)
  1. Definitions
    “Public record” or “record” means recorded information that documents a transaction or activity by or with any College employee or contractor. Regardless of physical form or characteristic, the recorded information is a public record if it is produced, collected, received, or retained in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of public business. Electronic records, including email, are public records.“Records Retention Schedule” is the policy that depicts how long public records must be kept, as well as the disposal guidelines for these records.
  2. Procedures
    College documentation is typically maintained in administrative offices, and the length of retention depends on the type of document.Managers shall ensure that documents related to their functional areas are retained and maintained appropriately as required by the applicable schedules. Documents containing proprietary information shall be discarded through shredding. As an environmentally-friendly agency, documents that do not contain proprietary information are recycled when possible.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Revised July 1, 2020


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3000 Information and Technology Services Policies

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources

Policy Number: 3010
Policy Name: Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

1. Policy Statement 

Administrative data, third party proprietary information, and College information systems are critical business assets. Misuse or damage of administrative data, third party proprietary information, or College information systems may be as costly to the College as misuse or damage of physical property. College employees are responsible for the protection and proper use of College administrative data, third party proprietary information, and information systems according to the policy provisions set forth below.


Information technology resources include any of the following that are owned or supplied by Richard Bland College: usernames or computer accounts, hardware, software, mobile devices, audio visual equipment, communication networks and devices connected thereto, electronic storage media, and related documentation in all forms. Also included are data files resident on hardware or media owned or supplied by Richard Bland College regardless of their size, source, author, or type of recording media, including e-mail messages, document repositories, system logs, web pages, and software.

  • II. Reason for Policy

Richard Bland College considers information technology as a critical enabler in meeting its mission and has made significant investments in information technology assets and capabilities. Compliance with this policy contributes to the availability, protection, and appropriate use of the information technology resources of Richard Bland College.

III. Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all College employees and other persons that access, manage, and/or utilize Richard Bland College information technology resources.

IV. Related Documents


V. Contacts 

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Information and Technology ServicesChief Strategy & Innovation Officer(804)
  1. Procedures
    1. Restricted College administrative data and third-party proprietary information (e.g., licensed software and designated portions of vendor contracts) in the custody of College staff members shall be used only for official College business and as necessary for the performance of assigned duties. Restricted College information includes student records that are confidential under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), personnel records, and other data to which limited access is subject to prior administrative approval.
    2. College administrative data or third-party proprietary information shall not be altered or changed in any way except as authorized in the appropriate performance of assigned duties.
    3. College administrative data or third-party proprietary information shall not be divulged to anyone unless their relationship with the College as an employee, customer, vendor, or contracted temporary employee warrants disclosure and disclosure is authorized by College policy or required by law.
    4. Unless publicly available, College administrative data shall only be accessed by staff members who are specifically authorized to do so.
    5. College information systems shall not be used for personal economic benefit or for political advocacy. Occasional use (e.g., email, web) of College information systems for personal use is acceptable if it does not interfere with a staff member’s job performance.
    6. Any user IDs and passwords assigned to a staff member shall be used only by that staff member and shall not be divulged to persons not authorized by the College.
    7. The College strictly prohibits illegal use of copyrighted software and materials, the storage of such software and materials on College information systems, and the transmission of such software and materials over Richard Bland College network facilities.
    8. The College is providing staff members with access to shared resources. Staff members shall not knowingly engage in any activity harmful to the College’s information systems, administrative data, or third-party proprietary information. (e.g., creating or propagating viruses, overloading networks with excessive data, instituting or promulgating chain letters, or instigating unauthorized mass postings of any type).
    9. Richard Bland College information systems shall not be used to engage in any activity prohibited by College policies, or by state or federal law.
    10. College staff members shall not circumvent or subvert any College system or network security measures. They shall not use College email services to harass or intimidate another person. They shall not send email using or impersonating someone else’s user ID or password.
    11. The College does not routinely inspect, monitor, or disclose electronic mail. However, Richard Bland College may access electronic messages, documents, and other information for purposes including, but not limited to:
    12. Satisfying the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act or other laws or regulations;
    13. Allowing institutional officials to fulfill their responsibilities when acting in their assigned capacities;
    14. Protecting the integrity of the institution’s information technology resources and the rights and other property of the institution;
    15. Allowing system administrators to perform routine maintenance and operations and security reviews, and respond to emergency situations; or
    16. Protecting the rights of individuals working in collaborative situations where information and files are shared;
    17. The College will investigate and may pursue appropriate internal or external civil or criminal proceedings when misuse of College administrative data, third party proprietary information, or College computing resources is suspected.
    18. Failure to comply with any of the above stated policies may result in an RBC employee being disciplined or terminated from his or her position, in accordance with general employment policies and procedures that apply to respective categories of employees.
  2. Additional Background, Related Policies, and other References
    In addition to the general principles set forth in this policy statement, the use of information technology resources may be affected by a number of other legal requirements and ethical principles. While it is not possible to list all potentially applicable laws and regulations, the following are particularly likely to have implications for the use of RBC information technology resources:

    • The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – restricts access to personally identifiable information from students’ education records.
    • United States Code, Title 18, § 1030: Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Computers – Federal law specifically pertaining to computer crimes. Among other stipulations, prohibits unauthorized and fraudulent access to information resources.
    • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (Part of 18 U.S.C. § 1030) – Makes it a crime to access a computer to obtain restricted information without authorization; to alter, damage, or destroy information on a government computer; and to traffic in passwords or similar information used to gain unauthorized access to a government computer. 8. The Computer Abuse Amendments Act of 1994 (Part of 18 U.S.C. § 1030) – Expands the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 to address the transmission of viruses and other harmful code.
    • Freedom of Information Act
    • Federal Copyright Law – Recognizes that all intellectual works are automatically covered by copyright. The owner of a copyright holds the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the work.
    • Code of Virginia, 2.2-2827: Restrictions on state employee access to information infrastructure
    • DHRM Policy 1.75, Use of Electronic Communications and Social Media
    • DHRM Policy, Standards of Conduct Policy 
    • Digital Millennium Copyright Act – Signed into law on October 20, 1998, as Public Law 105-304. Created to address the digitally networked environment, the DMCA implements the WIPO Internet Treaties; establishes safe harbors for online service providers; permits temporary copies of programs during the performance of computer maintenance; and makes miscellaneous amendments to the Copyright Act, including amendments that facilitate Internet broadcasting.
    • Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 – Prohibits the interception or disclosure of electronic communication and defines those situations in which disclosure is legal.
    • Computer Software Rental Amendments Act of 1990 – Deals with the unauthorized rental, lease, or lending of copyrighted software.
    • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – Public Law 104-191, August 21, 1996. The final standards were published in February, 2003 and emphasize security management principles and broad management controls as primary vehicles for protecting patient health information.
    • Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), 44 U.S.C. § 3541, Public Law 107-296. Provides a framework for ensuring the effectiveness of information security controls over information resources that support federal operations and assets.

Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for understanding and complying with these and all other applicable policies, regulations, and laws in connection with their use of RBC’s information technology resources.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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3020 Employee Computing and Communications Networks Usage

Policy Number: 3020
Policy Name: Employee Computing and Communications Networks Usage
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    Computer and communications network resources of the College are provided to support and enhance the educational objectives of the College.Computing Resources

    • Computers are restricted to student and employee use unless designated as public use.
    • RBC-issued laptops and other computing devices are for official use ONLY by authorized staff.
    • Access to computer and network resources is restricted to authorized individuals as defined by the appropriate organizational unit unless designated as public use. Public wireless networks are available to anyone on campus.
    • Accounts and passwords, when required, are assigned to specific individuals and may not, unless properly authorized by Information Technology Services, be shared with, or used by, other persons within or outside the College.
    • Bandwidth-intensive or disruptive activities that access the campus network or the on-campus Internet connection may be prohibited or blocked in computer labs, classrooms, and public areas when they consume scarce resources or otherwise disrupt operations.
    • Limited personal use of the College’s computer and network resources for other purposes is permitted when it does not interfere with the performance of the user’s job or other College responsibilities, and otherwise is in accordance with this policy. However, College-related uses take priority over personal uses when resources are inadequate to meet both demands. Further limits may be imposed upon personal use in accordance with accepted management principles and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
    • All employees are reminded not to store institutional data, especially those containing personally identifiable information or tax identification numbers, on their wireless communication devices. And, use of any such information must be for legitimate College business reasons and must be temporary. Any device for which the College provides an allowance is subject to all College data access, management, and privacy policies and must be protected to the maximum extent when College data is involved. All devices that are used to connect to the College’s network or technological assets (on premise and cloud) are bound by all applicable College network and computer policies, RBC Acceptable Use Policy, and the Social Media Policy.

    RBC Email for Official Communications

    • All College employees are required to use RBC email accounts when conducting business via email on behalf of the College.
    • RBC official use only email shall be marked confidential in Outlook.
    • When sending email communications to students, faculty and staff must use official student college email accounts (
    • Confidential or private information should not be sent via email.

    In addition, the following activities are specifically prohibited:

    • Transmitting unsolicited messages that contain obscene, indecent, lewd or lascivious material, or other material that explicitly or implicitly depicts, encourages, or solicits illegal or indecent sexual conduct;
    • Transmitting unsolicited messages that contain profane language or that pander to bigotry, sexism, or other forms of discrimination;
    • Transmitting unsolicited messages that constitute harassment or threats;
    • Communicating any information concerning any password, identifying code, personal identification number, or other confidential information without the permission of the controlling authority of the computer facility to which it belongs;
    • Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to, or making unauthorized use of, a computer facility or software. This includes creating, copying, modifying, executing, or retransmitting any computer program or instructions with the intent to gain unauthorized access to, or make unauthorized use, of a computer facility or software.
    • Creating, copying, modifying, executing, or retransmitting any computer program or instructions intended to obscure the true identity of the sender of electronic mail or electronic messages, collectively referred to as “messages,” including, but not limited to, forgery of messages and/or alteration of system and/or user data used to identify the sender of messages;
    • Accessing or intentionally destroying software in a computer facility without the permission of the owner of such software or the controlling authority of the facility;
    • Making unauthorized copies of licensed software;
    • Communicating any credit card number or other financial account number, or any social security number without the permission of its owner;
    • Effecting or receiving unauthorized electronic transfer of funds;
    • Using College information systems for commercial gain;
    • Using the computer facilities in a manner inconsistent with the College’s license agreements or contractual obligations to suppliers or with any published policy;
    • Illegally using copyrighted software and materials, storing such materials on College information systems, or transmitting such materials over Richard Bland College network facilities;
    • Knowingly engaging in any activity harmful to the information systems (e.g., creating or propagating viruses, overloading networks with excessive data, instituting or promulgating chain letters, or instigating unauthorized mass postings of any type);
    • Circumventing or subverting any system or network security measures.
    • Using college computing devices or communications networks in the violation of any laws or participating in the commission or furtherance of any crime or other unlawful or improper purpose;

    Policy Violation Response
    Enforcement and application of these policies shall normally be handled by Information and Technology Services personnel in conjunction with the Director of Human Resources and/or other appropriate College officials. In addition, cases may be referred to the Department of Campus Safety and Police.

    Guidelines for Attempted Violations
    The following guidelines will be used when employees are accused of violating computer policies:

    • An attempt to violate policy will be considered the same as an actual policy violation.
    • An “attempt” is any act beyond mere preparation carried out with the intent to engage in conduct that is in violation of policies.

    Disciplinary Actions
    Depending on the nature and severity of the violation, the College may take one or more of the disciplinary actions listed below. The College may also temporarily deny access to the server and/or may refer the case to the Department of Campus Safety and Police for further disposition.

    1. Written warning.
    2. Restitution for damages.
    3. Loss of computer privileges for a period of time specified by college officials.
    4. Dismissal from employment.
    5. Other sanctions as deemed appropriate by College officials.
    6. Referral to the judicial system: This could include local, state, or federal authorities, as determined by the RBC Department of Campus Safety and Police.

    Privacy and Data Searches
    Communications, data, and information initiated by College employees using College systems are the property of the College. The College may monitor, inspect, or search electronic activities, data files, and communications of employees.

    Electronic information and data transmitted by employees using College systems or communications networks or kept on College servers or systems may be searched by College authorities for violation of College rules and regulations if there is a reason to believe that an employee is using the College’s computer resources in a manner that violates rules or regulations and written authorization has been issued and signed by the Director of Human Resources and the Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer. Such written authorization shall state the source of the information, the violation, the material to be searched, and the name(s) of the person(s) authorized to conduct the search. The foregoing does not apply to searches conducted by local or Campus Police or other authorized law enforcement agencies. All such law enforcement searches are governed by state law.

    Employees: All full- and part-time RBC employees, including but not limited to classified and administrative staff, full-time faculty, and adjunct faculty.
    Computer Systems: The term ‘computer systems’ includes all computing devices as defined below.

    Computing devices: Any and all devices and systems used to access, retrieve, store, or manipulate information, such as traditional computers, tablet computers, telephones, smartphones, or other such devices whether or not Internet-enabled.

    Communications Networks: Communications networks include College provided or maintained wired and wireless voice and data networks. These include data networks, cellular and traditional telecommunications networks, and all media and devices, protocols, and services required to access, connect, monitor, or maintain such networks.

    Routine security scans: Security scans, audits, or processes performed by the College as required by federal or state law and regulations, College security policies, or industry best practices. Examples include anti-virus scans, anti-malware scans, intrusion detection/prevention systems, vulnerability scanners, security monitoring devices, botnet trackers, anti-spam and anti-phishing systems, and security procedures/audits, etc.

    In addition, electronic records may be searched in order to respond to requests for records under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, or in order to perform or respond to an investigation by an authorized official or agency, or in the course of litigation (e.g., responding to a subpoena).

  2. Reason for Policy
    Richard Bland College provides both wired and wireless network access to its students, staff, and faculty in classrooms, offices, and common areas. The purpose of this policy is to govern the rights and responsibilities of employee use of College computing devices and electronic communications (1) on school networks, (2) using school-provided email accounts or other applications such as the course management system, and (3) using school-provided technology such as computers, tablets, and phones.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all Richard Bland College employees and official College computing devices and communications networks.
  4. Related Documents
    Copyright policy
    Policy on Records Retention
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
ITSChief Strategy & Innovation Officer(804)
  1. Procedures 
    Department supervisors and academic department chairs are responsible for providing information regarding RBC’s policies and procedures regarding use of the College’s computing devices and communications networks to all full-time and part-time employees and to encourage and monitor compliance.Employee Network Accounts:
    Department supervisors and chairs are responsible for requesting network accounts and system/network access for new RBC employees. The office of Information and Technology Services creates the approved accounts and provides new employees with account login information for network access, email, and other systems as required by job function such as: network file shares and printers, student and financial information systems (Banner), learning management systems (Canvas), and any other systems to which access is required.
    Account Security
    Employees are responsible for safeguarding their login information and passwords and any subsequent activity using their accounts. As a result, account sharing of any kind is a violation of College policy and expressly forbidden. If an employee forgets his/her password, it must be reset. This activity will only be performed if the identity of the account owner is verified with a valid ID number. To reset a password, an employee may access the Statesman Account Management self-service website SAM enables faculty, staff, and students to unlock their accounts and/or reset their passwords. An employee may also contact the Statesman Technical Assistance Center at

    1. Website:
    2. Location:  McNeer Hall 110
    3. Telephone:  804-862-6401

    Employees may log into various technology services on computing devices. However, employees must lock or log off before leaving the device. Unscrupulous persons may take advantage of unwary users, accessing their email or Banner account information.

    Account Privacy
    No computer security system, no matter how elaborate, can provide 100% security. Therefore, while ITS makes every effort to provide a reasonable level of confidentiality for information stored on the network, we cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of that stored information. Therefore, users should not store confidential, financial, or personal information on a computer network whenever possible.

    Email Privacy
    It is important to understand that email has no inherent mechanisms to ensure privacy. Therefore, employees should have no expectation of privacy and be aware that the system is not private. Information passing through or stored on Richard Bland College email servers (including cloud-based, externally hosted systems) may be monitored using routine security best practices to prevent security incidents and to ensure adherence with Richard Bland College policies and guidelines. RBC reserves the right to monitor, access, and disclose email information as appropriate and to prevent certain protocols to maintain security, prevent unauthorized access, and protect the system from viruses and other potential risk factors.

    Retiree Continued Access to RBC Email
    Upon request, RBC may grant retirees in good standing the privilege and benefit of using the RBC email system. This is extended to employees retiring from full-time, permanent positions and who have worked for RBC for at least ten years unless otherwise authorized by the RBC President. Retirees who meet these qualifications must sign a Retiree Email Account Request Form and comply with the procedures specified on the form.

    General Guidelines for Email Usage
    Electronic mail (email) is a widely used communications tool to facilitate College business. The following guidelines are intended to help ensure productive use of this technology:

    1. Email users should exercise good housekeeping techniques on their mailbox in accordance with the Virginia Records Retention Act and the College’s Policy on Records Retention.
    2. Email is not private and is easily forwarded on to others. Do not send unencrypted, confidential information by email.
    3. Laws, regulations, and policies that apply to copyright, discrimination, harassment, defamation, and privacy for written communication apply to email as well.
    4. Do not forward chain messages or reply to spam email. Be wary of hoaxes and phishing attempts.
    5. The email system has the capability to automatically append a “signature” at the end of each email. Your signature contact data should include name, institution (Richard Bland College), position/title, phone number, and email address.
    6. Consider whether email is the correct medium for your message as opposed to face-to-face meeting, telephone, regular mail, etc.
    7. RBC Faculty and Staff shall regularly review messages in the Junk Email folder, and use junk mail features to release legitimate messages and/or senders that were incorrectly classified as junk.

    Accessing Electronically Stored Information of a Deceased Person
    The College will not grant access to data from a deceased user’s electronically stored information in the custody of the College without the prior written consent of the deceased individual concerned or unless allowed or required by law (e.g., Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act).

    Mass Electronic Mailings

    Policy Purpose: To ensure the appropriate use of College electronic mailing capabilities by limiting mailings to large numbers of individuals or groups—either within or outside the College—only to communications that are essential and relevant to the mission of the College and do not adversely affect normal performance of the College’s email delivery system. Although Richard Bland College does provide specific distribution lists for the convenience of approved senders, the policy included herein applies to all such communications, regardless of whether defined lists are used.

    Definition of Mass Electronic Mailing: Either (1) a single electronic mailing received by 50 or more email addresses; or (2) multiple electronic mailings of the same content received by a total of 50 or more email addresses.

    Policy Statement:

    1. Mass electronic mailings must be used only for the distribution of information and not as a forum for discussion, unless prior written approval is obtained from the Director of Information and Technology Services authorizing such discussions.
    2. Mass electronic mailings must comply with relevant federal and state laws, regulations, and policies, as well as College policies, including those governing public computing resources, security considerations, and ethics in computing
    3. Mass electronic mailings sent to individuals or groups within or outside the College by faculty, staff, enrolled students, and others assigned College email accounts using college-owned or contracted resources must be related to the College’s mission.
    4. Mass electronic mailings may be approved and sent by any active member of the President’s Council ( or authorized designee(s).
    5. Emergency or alert notifications sent by delegated agents as defined by the Department of Campus Safety are exempt from approval.

    General Guidelines:

    Email is a powerful business and communication tool.  To ensure its effective use, Richard Bland College recommends the following guidelines for sending mass electronic messages:

    1. Do not include attachments when possible because unsolicited messages with attachments are always considered suspect no matter the source. Documents, pictures, and video files are often very large, slow to deliver, and resource intensive.
    2. Ensure that the subject line is unique and meaningful and properly represents the message content.
    3. Be clear and concise in content by placing the substance of the message in the first few lines; this will ensure maximum effectiveness.
    4. Include an active point of contact to receive questions and verify that contact information is correct.
    5. Always place email addresses, including distribution list addresses, in the BCC field to mitigate unnecessary Reply to All responses.
  2. Forms/Online Processes
    Technology Access Request Form

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019
Revised July 1, 2020

Return To Top

3030 Access Control Policy

Policy Number: 3030
Policy Name: Access Control Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    It is the end user’s responsibility to ensure he/she is accessing/utilizing the latest version of the Technology Resources Information Security Standard. Questions should be directed to the Richard Bland College Information Security Officer / Enterprise Architect.Information and technology related systems owned and maintained by the College are vital assets that need to be available for authorized users with a legitimate need. These assets must be maintained in a consistent, accurate state; preserved and protected by all appropriate means. In order to ensure reliable and accurate data is provided to the College community, information resources must be protected from natural and human hazards.  Policies and practices are hereby established to ensure risks are eliminated or mitigated using the best practices validated by security professionals.  Employees accessing data must observe requirements for confidentiality and privacy, must comply with protection and control procedures, and must accurately present the data in use.It is the policy of Richard Bland College to use all reasonable technology resources and security control measures to:

    1. Protect College information resources against unauthorized access, manipulation, modification, use, or destruction;
    2. Maintain the integrity of College data;
    3. Ensure College data residing on any Technology Resources system is available when needed; and
    4. Comply with the appropriate federal, state, legislative, regulatory, and industry requirements;

    Protecting information resources includes:

    1. Physical protection of information processing and storage facilities, equipment, and media
    2. Assurance that application and data integrity are maintained
    3. Assurance that information systems perform their critical functions correctly, in a timely manner, and under adequate controls
    4. Protection against unauthorized access to protected data through logical access controls
    5. Protection against unauthorized disclosure of information
    6. Assurance that systems continue to be available for reliable and critical information

    Additionally, information entered, processed, stored, generated, and/or disseminated by Richard Bland College information systems must be protected from internal data or programming errors and from misuse by individuals inside or outside the College.  Specifically, the information must be protected from unauthorized or accidental modification, destruction, or disclosure.  Proper account management procedures are required to provide this type of protection of data.

    The entire campus community must comply with the requirements found in the Access Control Procedures.

    Definitions The definitions found in the Access Control Procedures shall apply to this policy.

  2. Reason for Policy
    The Richard Bland College (RBC) Information and Technology Services (ITS) Access Control Policy (ITS-ACP) defines RBC ITS compliance with Commonwealth of Virginia (COV) Information Security Control Family: Access Control (AC). The function of this policy is to enhance and define the policies and procedures of the Richard Bland College Information Security Program to protect technology and information systems and data from credible threats, whether internal or external, deliberate or accidental.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy documents the formal access control policy for RBC Information Technology. This policy applies to all academic and operational technology at Richard Bland College. The policies and procedures provided herein apply to all College faculty, staff, students, visitors, and contractors.This policy governs all elements and levels of the Access Control Family, including, but not limited to the physical and logical access to all College systems and applications that protect the privacy, security, and confidentiality of College systems; especially highly sensitive systems, and the responsibilities of institutional units and individuals for such systems.
  4. Related Documents
    Access Control Manual
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
ITSInformation Security Officer/Enterprise Architect(804)
  1. Procedures
    The compliance procedures found in the Access Control Procedures shall apply to this policy.

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Return To Top

3040 Information & Technology Services Document Retention and Destruction Policy

Policy Number: 3040
Policy Name: Information & Technology Services Document Retention and Destruction Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    All College employees, including faculty and part-time personnel, shall comply at a minimum with applicable state requirements regarding records retention for emails and other electronic documents, as well as for paper and other forms of documents. The specific requirements are located at the following websites: and RBC ISO/Enterprise Architect will review email and other electronic accounts semi-annually to determine if the state’s record retention policy authorizes an account to be purged. Email and other electronic document accounts will not be deleted until the Director of Information & Technology Services certifies that any retention periods have passed and there is no litigation, audit, investigation, or request for records pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§2.2-3700 et seq.). The Director of Information & Technology Services will consult with College Counsel and any applicable supervisors prior to any such deletions.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy provides guidance for retention and destruction of electronic documents, including email. It is designed to comply with federal and state policies and guidelines, including but not limited to Library of Virginia GS-113, GS-111, and GS101.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This Policy applies to all RBC employees.
  4. Related Documents
    Commonwealth of Virginia E-Mail Management Guidelines:
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
ITSChief Strategy & Innovation Officer(804)

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Return To Top

3050 Telephone and Voice Mail Usage

Policy Number: 3050
Policy Name: Telephone and Voice Mail Usage
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

  1. Policy Statement
    Telephone and voicemail systems are resources and tools provided by RBC for the facilitation of communication in order to conduct College business. All employees must behave in a responsible, professional, ethical, and legal manner when using these resources and tools. Appropriate use, in general, means respecting the rights of other users and the integrity of the physical facilities, as well as all pertinent license and contractual agreements. Employees must use good judgment in personal use of these tools, and such use must not interfere with work.The College telephone and voicemail systems are to be used for College business. Personal calls and personal voicemail messages are permitted, so long as such personal use is reasonable in duration and frequency, does not interfere with an employee’s work performance, does not reflect poorly on the College (such as use of phones and voicemail to gossip, slander, or speak negatively about RBC or its employees), and does not result in violations of law, regulations, or other College policies.Use of College telephones or voicemail in a manner inconsistent with the requirements below may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination for employees and expulsion for students if such misuse is repeated, chronic, excessive, or in violation of law, regulations, or other College policies.
  2. Reason for Policy
    To ensure that telephone and voicemail resources are consistently used in an effective manner for conveying accurate and timely information both internally and externally in support of the College’s enterprise, as well as a community-relations tool that helps to promote the College’s character, mission, and priorities.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This Policy applies to all RBC employees.
  4. Related Documents
    Richard Bland College Acceptable Computer Use PolicyRichard Bland College Email Usage Policy
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
ITSChief Strategy & Innovation Officer(804)
  1. Procedures
    Department supervisors and academic department chairs are responsible for providing information regarding RBC’s policies and procedures regarding telephone and voicemail systems usage to all full-time and part-time employees and encouraging and monitoring compliance.Examples of misuse of College telephone and voicemail facilities include:

    • Inappropriate use of voicemail as a substitute for human contact;
    • Failure to update voicemail greetings to better assist those we serve;
    • Inappropriately lengthy voicemail greetings;
    • Other uses or misuses of communication technologies that compromise the effectiveness and efficiency of College operations.

    Telephone and Voicemail Usage Guidelines

    A phone conversation may be the first contact a person has with Richard Bland College. A professional attitude on the telephone or voicemail reflects a positive image of the College.

    Telephone Guidelines

    The following guidelines should be used when using the telephone:

    • Answer your phone when you are available to take calls.
    • Always identify yourself and your department.
    • Speak clearly; put a smile in your voice.
    • If the caller has not identified him/herself, ask, “To whom am I speaking?” and use his/her name during the conversation.
    • Focus your full attention on the caller.
    • Be as helpful as possible. Personally handle as much of the transaction as you can. If you can’t address the caller’s needs, connect the caller to the appropriate individual.
    • Always return calls within 24 hours. Failure to return calls is unprofessional and harmful to College relations.

    Speakerphone Etiquette
    Always ask permission of the other person before talking to him/her on the speakerphone, and always identify other people in the room.

    Transferring Calls
    You own the call placed on your line until you find the right party who can handle the caller’s request. When transferring calls observe the following:

    • Transfer callers only if you are certain that you cannot help the caller, and you are reasonably sure the person to whom the caller is being transferred can help the caller. Become familiar with the functions of other departments and individual responsibilities to aid in a correct transfer the first time.
    • Always give the caller the phone number and name (person and/or department) of the person to whom you are transferring him/her.
    • Do not blindly transfer calls. Stay on the line until someone answers and advise that person about the name and nature/reason of the call transfer. If that person cannot handle the caller’s query, then ask for the caller’s name and contact information so you can call back with the correct department and contact within that department.
    • If the caller seems annoyed about being transferred, suggest a callback rather than risk poor customer service.

    Voicemail Guidelines
    To utilize voicemail as an effective means of communications, be succinct when recording your personal greeting and when leaving a message in another mailbox. Proper use of the telephone and voicemail system can result in a more productive working environment.

    • Check voicemail messages regularly. Return calls within 24 hours.
    • Voicemail should not be used to screen calls.
    • Calls should not be forwarded to voicemail unless absolutely necessary.

    Voicemail Greeting

    When recording a greeting, the following guidelines are suggested:

    • Identify yourself and your department.
    • Indicate whom to call for immediate assistance. This should be a live person and not another voicemail box. Please indicate your name and the hours of operation for the department.
    • Notify callers when on vacation or on extended leave. When appropriate, let the caller know whom to contact in your absence.
    • Greetings should not include personal “tag” lines containing messages of a spiritual, philosophical, or a personal (non-business related) nature.
    • To achieve a uniform presentation to the public, voicemail greetings should begin with:
      “You have reached (your name) in the (department) of Richard Bland College of William & Mary.”
    • The remainder of the greeting can be tailor-made for each individual employee/department. The following is a suggested greeting:
      “I am not available to take your call right now, but your message is important to me. Please leave your name and number with a brief message (that will help me to handle your request or to reply more quickly, etc.).”

    If it’s a recording for a department function, i.e. transcript request, faculty questions about report deadlines dates, etc., then a customized message should be made to give callers more information or direct callers to another extension, or perform another step to accomplish their goals.

    To maximize the features of our voicemail system and keep us in a positive light, no caller should be left in doubt about the disposition of his/her call. Reassurance should be given that each call to this campus is being taken seriously and handled efficiently.

    To withstand scrutiny, voicemail should be accessed each day and acted upon quickly. If one is on vacation, or away from the phone for an extended period of time, a clear message to that effect should be placed on the phone and then changed immediately upon your return.

    Leaving a Message
    When leaving messages (voicemail or otherwise) consider the following:

    • Speak clearly and identify yourself (name and department).
    • Keep messages brief. Requests for information that are complete and concise allow the recipient to quickly and accurately respond to your call.
    • When leaving a voicemail message, keep content of the voicemail appropriate for business.
    • State the date and time the message is left.
    • Always leave a direct call back number and repeat numbers slowly. This will allow the recipient to more easily and correctly return the call.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Return To Top

3060 Internet Privacy Policy

Policy Number: 3060
Policy Name: Internet Privacy Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

  1. Policy Statement 
    It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia that personal information about citizens will be collected only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; that only appropriate information will be collected; and that the citizen shall understand the reason the information is collected and be able to examine their personal record which is maintained by a public body. As a public college in the Commonwealth, Richard Bland College adheres to this policy.The Richard Bland College website:

    • Does not require that any personal information be supplied in order to download publicly available files or reports.
    • Does not collect personal information without the knowledge and consent of the visitor. Any information collected will be used only for the purpose indicated and will not be shared with any other organization.
    • Will only use “cookies” to collect traffic data on the RBC website site. None of this information is associated with you as an individual and is used strictly for statistical reporting purposes in order to assess demands and usage for planning purposes.
    • Does not make available any personally identifying information relating to students, except as authorized by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, and companion regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 99.

    The RBC Enrollment and Communications departments use email addresses and IP addresses to communicate and send announcements, materials, and re-targeting advertisements.

    Though personal information may be required in order for RBC to provide a requested service, in doing so we shall comply with the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act, Chapter 38 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia (

    Accessing Electronically Stored Information of a Deceased Person:
    The College will not grant access to data from a deceased user’s electronically stored information in the custody of the College without the prior written consent of the deceased individual concerned or unless allowed or required by law (e.g., Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act).

  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy is intended to ensure that the College’s website is consistent with Commonwealth of Virginia laws and regulations pertaining to websites run by state agencies. The policy is further intended to ensure users of the College website are aware of the way in which personal information is collected and used.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to the College’s public-facing websites: and This policy does not apply to other Internet-facing or accessible sites, systems, forms, or data stored on or retrieved from third-party sites or systems linked to or from the main site.All College employees must comply with the requirements of this policy in the performance of their duties.
  4. Related Documents
    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g
    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 99
    Department of Human Resource Policy 1.75 – Use of Electronic Communications and Social Media
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
ITSChief Strategy & Innovation Officer(804)
  1. Definitions
    College websites: Richard Bland College’s public-facing websites located at: and


Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated February 26, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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3070 Software Usage Policy

Policy Number: 3070
Policy Name: Software Usage Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

  1. Policy Statement 
    Violations of authorial integrity, including plagiarism, invasion of privacy, defamation, unauthorized access, and trade secrets and copyright violations may be grounds for sanctions against students or employees of Richard Bland College.

    1. Richard Bland College licenses the use of computer software from a variety of outside companies. Richard Bland College does not own this software or its related documentation and, unless authorized by the software developer, neither the College nor its students has the right to reproduce it.
    2. Regarding use on local area networks or on multiple machines, Richard Bland College students and employees shall use the software only in accordance with the license agreement.
    3. Richard Bland College students and employees learning of any misuse of software or related documentation within the College shall notify the Director of Information and Technology Services.
    4. According to the U.S. Copyright Law, persons involved in the illegal reproduction of the software or related documentation can be subject to substantial civil damages and criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment. Richard Bland College prohibits the illegal duplication of software or related documentation. Richard Bland College students or employees, who make, acquire, or use unauthorized copies of computer software or related documentation shall be disciplined as appropriate under the circumstances.

    Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to all works of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy, and right to determine the form, manner, and terms of publication.

    Because electronic information is easily reproduced, respect for the work of others is especially critical in computer environments.

  2. Reason for Policy
    Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to all works of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy, and right to determine the form, manner, and terms of publication.Because electronic information is easily reproduced, respect for the work of others is especially critical in computer environments.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all College employees and students.
  4. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Information and Technology Services Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer(804)

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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3080 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Policy

Policy Number: 3080
Policy Name: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

  1. Policy Statement 
    Approved Richard Bland College employees and authorized third parties (customers, vendors, etc.) may utilize the benefits of VPNs, which are a “user managed” service. This means that the user is responsible for selecting an Internet Service Provider (ISP), coordinating installation, installing any required software, and paying associated fees.Additionally,

    1. All Richard Bland College staff shall access the VPN on Richard Bland College owned equipment ONLY.
    2. It is the responsibility of employees and/or authorized contractors with VPN privileges to ensure that unauthorized users are not allowed access to Richard Bland College internal networks.
    3. VPN credentials are issued to a single individual and may not, under any circumstances, be shared.
    4. When actively connected to the corporate network, VPNs will force all traffic to and from the PC over the VPN tunnel: all other traffic will be dropped.
    5. Dual (split) tunneling is NOT permitted; only one network connection is allowed.
    6. VPN gateways will be set up and managed by Richard Bland College Information & Technology Services (ITS) Information Security Officer or assigned designee.
    7. All computers connected to Richard Bland College internal networks via VPN or any other technology must use the most up-to-date anti-virus software that is the corporate standard, this includes personal computers.
    8. VPN users will be automatically disconnected from Richard Bland College’s network after thirty minutes of inactivity. The user must then logon again to reconnect to the network. Pings or other artificial network processes are not to be used to keep the connection open.
    9. The VPN concentrator is limited to an absolute connection time of 24 hours.
    10. Preauthorized Users of computers that are not Richard Bland College-owned equipment must configure the equipment to comply with Richard Bland College VPN and Network policies.
    11. By using VPN technology with non-College owned equipment, users must understand that their machines are a de facto extension of Richard Bland College’s network, and as such are subject to the same rules and regulations that apply to Richard Bland College-owned equipment, i.e., their machines must be configured to comply with all state and local Information Security Policies.
    12. While connected to the Richard Bland College VPN, the authorized user will limit their activity to mission related traffic, refraining from personal email or web traffic.

    VPN Type

    Richard Bland College provides two types of VPN Clients:

    • VPN User:
      • VPN client will have access to the same technical resources as on campus connection, and
      • VPN client requires renewal annually.
    • Elevated Privilege VPN User:
      • VPN client with elevated privileges dedicated to authorized system administrators,
      • VPN client requires renewal semi-annually, and
      • VPN client requires Director of Information & Technology Services AND RBC ISO approval.


    Quarterly Global Protect VPN Client Updates

    VPN Client software is updated quarterly, as needed. Each VPN Client user will be notified of scheduled updates. Upon notification of a VPN client update, the VPN user will contact STAC to schedule their laptop upgrade within five (5) business days of the notification.

    During this upgrade process, STAC will complete a VPN device check.

    Failure to comply with this update requirement will result in VPN access termination.


    Any employee or authorized VPN account holder found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or contractual relationship.

    Richard Bland College provides a secure remote access method for staff and authorized contractors that need to connect to certain secure resources and applications from outside of the Richard Bland College network. The VPN technology discussed here is client based and can be used from any remote location. The VPN is not necessary for access to systems such as RBC Statesman Email or to Canvas Learning Management System.

  2. Reason for the Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to provide requirements for use of Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections to the Richard Bland College network.
  3. Applicability of The Policy
    This policy applies to all Richard Bland College employees, contractors, consultants, temporaries, and other workers including all personnel affiliated with third parties utilizing VPNs to access the Richard Bland College network. This policy applies to implementations of VPN that are directed through the Richard Bland College Firewall.
  4. Related Documents
    Request for Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Information and Technology Services Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer(804)

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Return To Top

4000 Communications Policies

4010 Social Media Policy

Policy Number: 4010
Policy Name: Social Media Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

  1. Policy Statement
    Official Use of Social Media
    Unless specifically authorized by Campus Communications, with authority from the RBC President, no Richard Bland College staff, faculty, or student may create an “official” Richard Bland College presence on any form of website or social media now in existence, or created in the future, or represent themselves as a spokesperson or authorized representative of Richard Bland College. This includes the use of the College name or logos in any manner that suggests a College connection or oversight.Some staff or faculty of Richard Bland College may be required to use social media as part of their employment and/or academic responsibilities.If so, such status shall be clearly stated and shall be approved in writing in advance by Campus Communications, with authority from the RBC President.Campus Communications may utilize social media to present information and content to the public and receive feedback from the public and the College community.Content and information released on social media is equivalent to content and information released to the media and the public in any other format, including news releases, letters, etc. Care must be taken that content and information released to the public over social media is accurate, does not violate applicable laws (including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, privacy, and defamation laws), or Richard Bland College policies.Official Richard Bland College social media may allow members of the public to comment or react to posted content and information. Individuals, including staff, faculty, and students of Richard Bland College acting in their personal capacity, may post or comment as long as they identify themselves. Anonymous postings are unauthorized.In general, the College invites discussion of important ideas and issues through social media. However, Richard Bland College reserves the right to remove posts or comments that are obscene, defamatory, threatening, abusive, spam, advertisements, private information, or unrelated to the content or information. Richard Bland College also reserves the right to remove posts or comments that violate applicable laws including, but not limited to, copyright and trademark, or those that violate the use policies promulgated by the applicable social media provider.Richard Bland College’s use of social media is governed by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides a safe harbor for internet service providers and websites for activity that takes place on said sites, provided that the site or domain takes certain actions when legally required. RBC also complies with the “Use of Electronic Communications and Social Media” policy.
  2. Reasons for Policy
    Richard Bland College encourages the appropriate use of all social media as a method for communicating ideas and information, and as part of the educational mission of the College. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that College social media usage is authorized.
  3. Application of the Policy
    This policy governs all RBC staff, faculty, and students. This policy governs behavior of individuals as they utilize all social media technologies for College purposes and is not limited to any specific media format.
  4. Related Laws and Policies
    Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S.C § 230.
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
CommunicationsChief Marketing & Communications Officer(804)
  1. Definitions
    “Social media” means those Internet or Mobile digital tools and systems used to share and/or receive information, including any social media outlets in which an individual or group of individuals might post information anonymously. The term is limited to those social media accounts that are utilized by the College for its purposes.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Updated August 15, 2023

Return To Top

4020 Proper Placement of Postings

Policy Number: 4020
Policy Name: Proper Placement of Postings
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

  1. Policy Statement
    Consistent with Richard Bland College’s Facilities Master Plan, postings are not allowed to be placed directly on windows, doors, display cases, stair rails, walls of public corridors, or other surfaces. The College will make appropriate devices available for standard communications (e.g., bulletin boards, insert sleeves, cork boards, digital screens, etc.).The walls inside faculty offices as well as faculty office doors and common areas within office suites, considered an extension of classroom communication tools, are exempt from this policy.
  2. Reasons for Policy
    The posting policy is necessary to maintain a safe, comfortable physical environment that is non-threatening and conducive to learning, to promote a positive image of the College, and to avoid residual adhesive that damages surfaces.
  3. Application of the Policy
    This policy applies to the entire College community and visitors.
  4. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
CommunicationsChief Marketing & Communications Officer(804)
  1. Definitions
    “Postings” include but are not limited to: flyers, signs, paper cutouts, handouts, advertisements, notices, manuals, artwork, booklets, brochures, circulars, folders, leaflets, pamphlets, and instructions.

Policy History
Approved March 15, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

Updated August 15, 2023

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4030 Official Student Email Policy

Policy Number: 4030
Policy Name: Official Student Email Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

I. Policy Statement

The College provides students with an email account upon matriculation to the institution. This account is free of charge and remains available at minimum while the student is enrolled or is active in their degree program.

The College-assigned student email account is the College’s official means of communication with all students. The College has the right to expect that such communications will be received and read in a timely fashion.   Students are responsible for all official information sent to their College-assigned RBC email account. If a student chooses to forward messages to another account, the student is still responsible for all information, including attachments.

II. Reason for Policy

Email is the primary method of communication between students and the College. It is imperative that students understand that information will be communicated to them via their College-assigned RBC email account while they are students. New students are informed that their College-assigned RBC email account is the primary means of communication from the College community and that they will be held responsible for the information in the email.

III. Applicability of the Policy

This policy is intended to ensure quick and efficient communication of RBC-related information. Faculty will determine how electronic forms of communication (e.g., email) will be used in their classes, and will specify their requirements in the course syllabus.  This “Official Student Email Policy” will ensure that all students will be able to comply with email-based course requirements specified by faculty.  Faculty can therefore make the assumption that students’ official accounts are being accessed, and faculty can use email for their classes accordingly.

IV. Related Documents
RBC Student Handbook

V. Contacts

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Academic and Student DevelopmentProvost(804)

Policy History
Approved July 1, 2020

4040 Filming and Photography on Campus

Policy Number: 4040
Policy Name: Filming and Photography on Campus
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

1. Policy Statement 

 The College allows the use of some of its facilities and parts of its campus for filming and photography.  Filming and photography covered by this policy must be approved by the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises, must occur subject to a written agreement, and generally requires payment of location fees.  Everyone involved with filming and photography on property owned, leased, or rented by Richard Bland College must comply with all applicable policies found in the College’s Policy Manual, including but not limited to the Weapons on Campus Policy and the Open Flames Policy.

II. Reason for Policy

Richard Bland College encourages the appropriate use of the College as a method for professional photographers and videographers to capture the beauty of the grounds and buildings.  This policy ensures that the photographers/videographers and their subjects are authorized to be on campus.

III. Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to all filming and photography on the campus of the Richard Bland College of William & Mary, except for:

  • Non-commercial academic filming and photography, such as activities or projects done by Richard Bland College students or faculty in the context of a course of study. These activities may be subject to student policies, including the Use of Campus Facilities.  Filming and photography by non-Richard Bland College students or faculty are covered by this policy, even if academic in nature.
  • Casual, unobtrusive filming and photography for personal (non-commercial) use only, such as a tourist taking photographs or home videos.
  • News filming and photography, which is coordinated by the Communications Department at 804-862-6210 /

VI. Related Documents
Filming and Photography Request Form
Filming and Photography Permit Application and Fees
Professional Photography Application

V. Contacts

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
CommunicationsAssociate Director of Communications(804)

VI. Definitions

The following terms shall be used in the context and for the purposes of this Policy only:

Filming: the capturing of moving or still images of Richard Bland College property by any means on any media now known or that may be invented in the future including, but not limited to, film, videotape, digital disk, or any electronic transmission to another medium or to the Internet.

Photography: the capturing of still images onto any compatible medium, or posting to the Internet, by any means or devices now known or that may be invented in the future including, but not limited to, film cameras, digital cameras, electronic devices such as personal computers (PC), mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), etc.

VII. Procedures

  1. Prior Approval Required – Making Requests.  All requests for filming and photography must be submitted to the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises.  In addition, written agreements relating to filming/videotaping/photography must be signed by both parties in advance of activity.  Requests must be submitted in writing, along with a script and/or shot list indicating in detail the subject of the project and how that subject will be handled.  Please use the online form, or send your written inquiries to: (preferred) or,

Richard Bland College of William & Mary
Office of Communications
Attn: Filming Request
11301 Johnson Rd
Prince George, VA 23805

The filming request and script should be submitted no fewer than 15 business days in advance of the desired shooting dates.  Allow a minimum of two full weeks for review of the request.  Additional time may be required for script review.  Photography requests require 72-hours advance notice.

Before a shoot is confirmed, the production company must decide on specific dates and locations.

  1. Processing Requests. Projects regarded as educational or documentary in nature receive priority, but Richard Bland College reviews all proposed projects in detail to determine if they are compatible with the College’s mission and purpose and other scheduled College activities.  Confirmation is also dependent on the consent of the RBC official responsible for each desired location, availability of parking space and security or police personnel, and the schedule of College events.
  2. Location Fees and Contractual Requirements.

Location fees apply for filming and photography at Richard Bland College. See the current permit and fees sheet.

A shoot date will be considered confirmed when a contract is signed and a permit has been issued. This must occur a minimum of three (3) business days prior to the filming date.

  1. Additional and Special Requirements; Exceptions. 

Projects identifying the grounds as that of Richard Bland College of William & Mary and/or including words, names, symbols, or imagery associated with RBC require additional approval.

Certain requirements of this policy may be waived for specific projects at the sole discretion of the College.

Permit and Fees:

The College requires authorization to perform any professional portrait photography and/or video services on the campus grounds.  Permit requests must be submitted a minimum of 72 hours in advance of a photography session date. Portrait sessions may be booked online via the Professional Photography Application.

Two levels of photography permits are available:

Commercial Shoot – professional photography for graduation, wedding, engagement, homecoming, family sessions, or other portrait photos ($30 per two-hour session).

Commercial Photography Annual Pass – Available for professional photographers: allows unlimited bookings for 1 calendar year.  Individual booking dates must be scheduled through the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises at ($300).

Amateur photography process:

Non-commercial shoot – amateur photographers filming family or friends must wait until a professional photography or video session has cleared an area prior to entering the area unless they have scheduled their session in advance to be approved and placed on the photography calendar.  The photography calendar generally is as follows, though exceptions may be pre-approved by the Office of Auxiliary Enterprises:

10am-7pm, April-September
10am-5pm, October-March
No weekend sessions booked from April-October. Limited weekend sessions available November-March, which must be booked no more than one month in advance.

Policy History
Approved March 30, 2018
Updated July 1, 2020

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4050 Privacy Statement

Policy Number: 4050
Policy Name: Privacy Statement
Responsibility for Maintenance: Associate Director of Communications

It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Richard Bland College (RBC) that personal information about citizens will be collected only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; that only appropriate information will be collected; that the citizen shall understand the reason the information is collected and be able to examine any personal record maintained by a public body. As a public college of the Commonwealth of Virginia, RBC adheres to this policy.

Though personal information may be required either by law or in order for RBC to provide a requested service, in doing so the agency is subject to the requirements for administering information systems as established in the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act of Virginia (Code of Virginia, §§ 2.2-3800 through 2.2-3809).

This website:

Collects information, including email addresses, only when additional information is requested. This information is used solely to provide the information of services requested and is not shared with other organizations or used in any other way.

Does not require that any personal information be supplied to download publicly available files or reports.

Uses “cookies” only in specific applications that allow for registering for programs or requesting additional information about programs or courses. These are temporary cookies, designed to enhance the user’s experience, are automatically removed when you exit the site and do not remain on your computer. None of this information is associated with you as an individual and is used strictly for statistical reporting purposes to assess demands and usage for planning purposes.

Collects no personal information without the knowledge and consent of the visitor. Any information collected will be used only for the purpose indicated and will not be shared with any other organization without consent.

The IP address, pages browsed, and date and time of your visit is collected for internal statistical purposes only.

This web site includes links to other websites which are governed by their own policies and procedures.


Policy History
Approved March 8, 2022
Updated March 8, 2022

5000 Campus Safety and Police Policies

5010 Use of Identification Cards

Policy Number: 5010
Policy Name: Use of Identification Cards
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    All RBC employees, including adjunct faculty and wage staff, and students enrolled for one or more credits are required to obtain a valid RBC ID card. Students residing on campus must have a valid RBC ID card to enter the residence halls. If an RBC employee or student is found to be using an RBC ID inappropriately or using an RBC ID card that does not belong to them they will be subjected to sanctions.
  2. Reason for Policy
    To ensure the safety of the campus community.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy is applicable to all employees and students of Richard Bland College.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Procedures
    Employee or student information must be available in the campus ID Card Office database prior to a card being issued. The employee or student must sit for a photo of his/her face taken from the front. The facial image must be unobstructed (i.e., no sunglasses, headwear that obscures the face, etc.; the only exceptions are items worn for cultural or religious reasons, except the face must be unobscured). The ID Card Office staff will produce the ID card and issue it to the employee or enrolled student.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019

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5020 Campus Parking, Vehicle Registration, and Traffic Rules

Policy Number: 5020
Policy Name: Campus Parking, Vehicle Registration, and Traffic Rules
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    This policy establishes parking and traffic rules and imposes the requirement of vehicle registration for faculty, students, and staff to park their vehicles on the College campus. All motor vehicles are subject to College traffic rules and Virginia traffic laws while on campus. The College assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to private property. All traffic signs must be obeyed. The operation of any motor vehicle in such a manner as to create excessive noise or smoke, or operation of any vehicle in a parking lot in an unsafe manner, will result in revocation of parking privileges. Pedestrians shall have the right-of-way at all times. The maximum speed for a vehicle on Johnson Road and Carson Drive is 25 miles per hour when classes are in-session.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The College parking and traffic rules are designed to allow safe pedestrian and vehicular movement, to ensure emergency vehicles and personnel access to buildings and spaces, to provide orderly parking of vehicles on campus, and to provide for an equitable distribution of parking spaces with appropriate priorities.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all College employees and students in the Richard Bland College community.
  4. Related Documents
    Richard Bland College Student Handbook
  5. Contacts
Policy NameOfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Campus Parking and Vehicle RegistrationSafety & PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Procedures 
      1. Registration of Vehicles
        Richard Bland College is a decal-controlled community. As such, all motor vehicles, including motorcycles and scooters, operated on campus by a person associated with the College must be registered for the current academic year with the College’s Department of Campus Safety and Police.

        1. Parking decals will be available at the Campus Safety & Police Department:
          1. For students – upon enrollment and annually thereafter.
          2. For full and part-time College staff – upon hire and annually thereafter.
          3. For faculty – upon hire and annually thereafter.
        2. Parking decals will be issued to students, faculty, and staff once they provide a valid operator’s license and the vehicle registration card of the primary vehicle and secondary vehicle they plan to use on campus. If there are any changes of the vehicles being used on campus, the student, staff or faculty member must notify the College Department of Campus Safety & Police immediately.
        3. All parking decals must be obtained and displayed by the beginning of the semester.
        4. Failure to obtain or display a parking decal is a violation of the Code of Conduct (students) and a violation of this College policy.
      2. General Parking Rules
        1. All students, faculty, and staff must display an RBC parking decal.
        2. Decals shall be displayed on the backside of the rearview mirror located inside the vehicle.
        3. Students, faculty, and staff not obtaining or displaying their parking decal will be subject to a parking citation.
        4. All parking signs shall be obeyed.
        5. Generally, parking is prohibited:
          1. On grass plots,
          2. On tree plots,
          3. On construction areas,
          4. On sidewalks,
          5. On any place that will mar the landscaping of the campus,
          6. Any area that will create a safety hazard, and
          7. Any area that will interfere with the use of College facilities.

          Parking is prohibited at all times on all campus roads, at crosswalks, and in all fire lanes whether marked by painting in the lane or by signage.

        6. A vehicle must be parked in one space only and in designated parking areas, with marked spaces and lanes, leaving clear access to adjacent spaces, and without blocking driving lanes or creating a hazard for other drivers.
        7. Any motor vehicle or trailer parked in violation of College parking rules or abandoned on-campus is subject to removal and impounding at the expense of the owner or operator.
      3. Parking Lots
        1. Parking rules will be enforced from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session, and citations will be issued to students, faculty, and staff for parking violations.
        2. Students and visitors are not authorized to park in Faculty/Staff parking areas, unless prior approval is received from the Campus Safety and Police Department.
        3. Parking is provided in the following parking lots as indicated below:All students:
          • East side of Johnson Road at Maze Hall, and
          • West side of Johnson Road at the Soccer Field.

          Residential Students:

          • Student Village parking lots at Freedom and Patriot Halls.


          • SSHE parking lot,
          • McNeer parking lot,
          • Statesman parking lot,
          • Commons parking lot, and
          • Maze parking lot.


          • Commons parking lot.
      4. Residence Hall Parking
        1. The Student Village provides parking to residential students, Residence Life staff, and approved visitors.
        2. Students must display a residential parking decal or proper visitor’s parking pass issued by the Office of Residence Life (ORL) or the Department of Campus Safety and Police for all parking, including any handicapped parking spaces.
        3. Residential students who are hosting guests must bring their guest(s) to the ORL Office during normal business hours to obtain a visitor parking pass. After normal business hours, the host may contact the on-duty Residence Hall Director to obtain a visitor parking pass. The visitor pass must be prominently displayed on the front dashboard of the vehicle so that it is visible through the front windshield of the vehicle. Parking citations will be issued for parking without the proper passes and are subject to fines and sanctions for violations.
        4. Visitors with approved visitor passes are permitted to park in the spaces designated for visitor parking.
        5. Students who are unable to obtain a student decal because it is after hours must contact the on-duty Residence Hall Director to obtain a visitors pass.
        6. Failure to have either a RBC decal or residence life visitor pass will constitute a parking violation.
        7. Residential students are permitted to use the visitor pass until the next available business day.
      5. Violation Sanctions
        1. All parking violation fines are assessed at $30.
        2. An additional delinquency penalty of $10 will be assessed for failure to pay fines within two weeks.
        3. Faculty and staff violations constitute a violation of College policy.
        4. Students that fail to pay fines will be sanctioned by:
          1. No academic credit.
          2. No transcript or grades issued.
          3. No re-admittance until settlement of the account.
          4. Repeat offenders (three or more violations in a semester) and failure to pay fines (beyond a two-week delinquency period) can result in student discipline hearings.
      6. Appeals
        1. The appeal of a citation for a parking violation must be made in writing within fourteen (14) days of the issuance of the citation, and must be submitted to the Business Office.
        2. Appeals must be made by the person to whom the ticket is written.
        3. The Student Conduct Board will review and render a decision for all student violations. Decisions of the Board are final.

        Faculty and staff violations will be reported to the violator’s department head for personnel action.

    Policy History
    Approved February 26, 2018
    Revised August 1, 2019

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5030 Restrictions on Skateboard, Bicycle, Hoverboard, Rollerblade, and Similar Wheeled or Hover Transportation Use

Policy Number: 5030
Policy Name: Restrictions on Skateboard, Bicycle, Hoverboard, Rollerblade, and Similar Wheeled or Hover Transportation Use
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    This policy is to provide regulations for a safe environment for the RBC Campus Community and visitors to RBC by restricting bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, and related wheeled or hover transportation on campus (e.g., in-line skates, hoverboards, etc.), while at the same time providing for the safety of all members of the campus community. These regulations do not apply to transportation for persons with disabilities (e.g., wheelchairs).
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy helps ensure the safety of RBC students, employees, and visitors.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy governs the use of bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, and other wheeled or hover transportation by students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the College.
  4. Related Documents
    Richard Bland College Student Handbook
    National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Hoverboard Safety Warning
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Safety & SecurityDirector of Campus Safety & Chief of Police(804)
  1. Policies
    Bicycle policy: All bicycle users must adhere to state law relating to bicycles. Bicycle racks are provided by RBC for students to secure their bikes. Locking or leaning bicycles against poles, buildings, benches, trees, signs, porch railings, or other campus property is prohibited.
    Skateboard and other wheeled policy: The College permits the use of skateboards other similar wheeled equipment on the campus sidewalks only. Skateboards and other similar wheeled equipment may not be used on the streets, campus roads, the building porches, or on the walkway between the campus and the Student Village.
    Hoverboard and other hover equipment policy: Hoverboards, hovering equipment and other self-balancing electrical wheeled equipment are prohibited on any campus-owned or controlled property.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised July 1, 2020

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5040 Missing Persons Policy

Policy Number: 5040
Policy Name: Missing Persons Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    If a member of the College community has reason to believe that any member of the College community is missing, he/she must immediately notify the Department of Campus Safety and Police at 804-862-6111. The Department will initiate an investigation and generate a missing person report, as required by the Code of Virginia. The reporting member of the College community shall provide as much information as possible about an incident, especially if a description is available of the suspect, victim, and/or a vehicle. The Department of Campus Safety and Police will send out an alert via shared crime information networks with surrounding law enforcement agencies (Prince George and Dinwiddie Counties).If a member of the College community becomes aware or has reason to believe that a student who resides in residential housing is missing, he/she immediately shall contact Department of Campus Safety and Police at (804) 862-6111. The Department will initiate and investigation and generate a missing person report, as required by the Code of Virginia. If during the investigation it is determined that the student may have been missing for at least 2 hours or there is formidable information prompting immediate action, the Department will notify the student’s confidential emergency contact. Pursuant to the federal Higher Education Opportunity Act, if the missing student residing in residential housing is under the age of 18, the Department will notify the student’s parent or legal guardian immediately after it is determined that the student has been missing for at least 2 hours or there is formidable information prompting immediate action.Students residing on campus have the option to register a confidential emergency contact with the Office of Student Life. The confidential emergency contact will be notified by the Office of Student Life, Campus Police or other authorized campus official if the student is determined to be missing. This confidential contact information will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers and it will not be disclosed outside of a missing person investigation.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy was established, in compliance with state and federal law, to provide procedures for timely response and investigation of missing persons’ reports.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy is applicable to the entire Richard Bland College community.
  4. Related Laws
    Higher Education Opportunity Act, 110 P.L. 315, 122 Stat. 3078
    Virginia Code § 15.2-1718
    Virginia Code § 52.32
    Higher Education Opportunity Act, 110 P.L. 315, 122 Stat. 3078
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety & Chief of Police(804)

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Updated July 1, 2020

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5050 Weapons Policy

Policy Number: 5050
Policy Name: Weapons Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    All weapons are prohibited on any RBC-controlled property unless prior written approval is obtained pursuant to this policy.

    1. Prohibition
      The possession, carrying, storage, or maintenance of any weapon by any member of the campus community, except law enforcement officials and other individuals authorized under this policy, is prohibited on College property. Any individual who is reported or discovered to possess a weapon on College property or maintains or stores a weapon on College property in violation of this prohibition will be asked to remove it immediately. The presence of a prohibited item will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination from employment for employees or expulsion from college for students.
    2. Authorized Exceptions
      Exceptions to the weapons prohibition may be made only with appropriate written authorization as described below.

      1. Work-Related Weapons Use, Possession, etc. An employee may be granted authorization to possess, carry, store, or maintain a weapon on college property if it is:
        1. Required as part of the employee’s job duties; or
        2. Connected with training received by the employee in order to perform the responsibilities of his or her job with the College.

        Request for the authorization of an exception first must be endorsed by the head of the employee’s department or other college unit – typically a College senior administrator. Final authorization shall be made in writing by the Richard Bland College Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police.

    3. Prop Weapons
      Due to the risk of being identified as a real weapon, any toy, prop, or other item that looks like a weapon and is used for any purpose on college property must be reported to and approved by the Richard Bland College Department of Campus Safety and Police prior to being used in any activity. Examples of activities for which prop weapon use may be approved include plays and class presentations.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to help provide a safe and secure working, living, and learning environment for the campus community by restricting weapons possession on College property.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to Richard Bland College. It applies to all visitors, students, contractors, and College employees, including faculty, hourly and wage employees, contract workers, and volunteers, (collectively, members of the campus community) on any property owned, leased, rented, licensed, or otherwise under the control of the College (College property).   Violating this Weapons Policy or the Weapons on Campus regulation found at 8 VAC 115-30-20 of the Virginia Administrative Code is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including employment termination for employees and expulsion from college for students.
  4. Related Documents
    8 VAC 115-30-20 of the Virginia Administrative Code
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Definitions 
    “Police Officer” means law-enforcement officials appointed pursuant to Article 3 (§ 15.2-1609 et seq.) of Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 (§ 15.2-1700 et seq.) of Title 15.2, Article 3 (§ 23.1-809) of Chapter 8 (§ 23.1-800 et seq.) of Title 23.1, Chapter 2 (§ 29.1-200 et seq.) of Title 29.1, or Chapter 1 (§ 52-1 et seq.) of Title 52 of the Code of Virginia or sworn federal law-enforcement officers.“Members of the campus community” means all College employees regardless of status (e.g. full-time, part-time, temporary, faculty, adjunct, volunteer), students, contractors, and visitors.“College property” means any property, vehicle, or vessel owned, leased, or controlled by Richard Bland College.“Weapon” means any instrument of combat, or any object not designed as an instrument of combat but carried for the apparent purpose of inflicting or threatening bodily injury. Examples include but are not limited to:

    1. firearms, including any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, air-pistol, paintball gun, or other weapon designed or intended to propel a bullet, cartridge, or missile of any kind by action of an explosion of any combustible material;
    2. knives, including any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, butterfly knife, sword, machete, razor, spring stick, or other bladed weapon with a blade longer than four inches;
    3. razors or metal knuckles;
    4. blackjacks, foils, or hatchets;
    5. bows and arrows, crossbows, and slingshots;
    6. nunchuks, including  any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may also be known as a nun chakhas, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain;
    7. throwing stars, including any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as an oriental dart
    8. stun guns, including any device that emits a momentary or pulsed output that is electrical, audible, optical, or electromagnetic in nature and that is designed to temporarily incapacitate a person;
    9. any explosive or incendiary device, including fireworks or other devices relying on any combination of explosives and combustibles to be set off to generate lights, smoke, or noise; or
    10. any other weapon listed in §18.2-308(A) of the Virginia Code.

    “Weapon” does not include items:  (1) knives or razors commonly used for domestic or academic purposes; or pen or folding knives with blades less than three inches in length; or (2) mace, pepper spray, and other such items possessed, stored, or carried for use in accordance with the purpose intended by the original manufacturer.

  2. Procedures
    To request an exception to the weapons prohibition, interested personnel must complete the Request for Permission to Bring Unauthorized Items on Campus form and forward it to the Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police for approval.

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Revised August 1, 2019

Return To Top

5060 Open Flames on Campus

Policy Number: 5060
Policy Name: Open Flames on Campus
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    The policy establishes the limitations on the presence of open flames in College buildings or on College property, and imposes the requirement for a permit for certain activities involving open burning or open flames.
  2. Reason for Policy
    To provide safety policies, guidelines, and structure that minimize the dangers of fire and to prevent dangerous smoke or odor emissions.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to any College employee, student, or contractor in the Richard Bland College community.
  4. Related Documents
    23.1-1301.A.1 of the Virginia Code
  5. Contacts
Policy NameOfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Open Flames on CampusSafety & PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Definitions
    The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:“Open Flame” means any activity or device producing a flame, including, but not limited to candles, tiki torches, oil lanterns, butane burners, incense, campfires, bonfires, grills, and fire pits.“College Property” means any property, vehicle or vessel owned, leased or controlled by Richard Bland College.
  2. Procedures 
    1. Open flames are prohibited on all College property, including within College buildings and facilities, except pursuant to a permit issued by the College.
    2. Exceptions to the requirement for a permit are:
      1. Activities taking place within the scope of academic coursework when under the supervision of the relevant faculty member;
      2. Flames created for the transient purpose of lighting a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or similar smoking article or device, provided such activity is in an authorized location, is otherwise lawful, and the burning or smoking elements are safely and responsibly disposed; and
      3. Small celebration candles used briefly and in an appropriate quantity in connection with a celebration, provided such activity is not left unattended, is in an authorized location, is otherwise lawful, and the smoking or burning elements are safely and responsibly disposed.
    3. Persons seeking to ignite an open flame must apply to the Department of Campus Safety and Police for a permit to perform the activity. Permits may be issued for a one-time event or activity, or on a recurring or on-going basis.
    4. Applicants must apply at least five (5) working days in advance of the activity to ensure consideration. An applicant’s history of compliance with previous permits will be considered in a decision to grant a permit.
    5. Persons granted a permit are required to comply with all conditions of the permit.
    6. In addition to individuals authorized by College policy, Richard Bland College police officers and representatives of the Department of Campus Safety and Police are lawfully in charge for the purposes of forbidding entry upon or remaining upon College property of those who are in violation of this prohibition.
    7. Persons who fail to obtain a permit or to comply with its conditions are subject to arrest and to prosecution under the laws of the Commonwealth. Members of the College community are also subject to disciplinary action, including termination or expulsion.
  3. Appendix
    1. Open Flame Permit

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019

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5070 Violence Prevention Committee and Threat Assessment Team

Policy Number: 5070
Policy Name: Violence Prevention Committee and Threat Assessment Team
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College is committed to promoting a safe and secure campus community. The RBC Violence Prevention Committee and Threat Assessment Team are hereby established to help prevent violence on RBC-owned or controlled property and at any RBC-sponsored event.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The policy was established in compliance with current Virginia law.
  3. Related Laws
    Virginia Code § 23.1-805
    Virginia Code § 19.2-389
    Virginia Code § 19.2-389.1
    Virginia Coe § 32.1-127.1:03
  4. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety & Chief of Police(804)
  1. Procedures
    The RBC President shall appoint the members of the Violence Prevention Committee and the Threat Assessment Team pursuant to the requirements of Virginia Code § 23.1-805 detailed below.Each Violence Prevention Committee shall include representatives from the Office of Residence Life, Campus Safety and Police, the Office of Human Resources, RBC counseling services, Student Success, College Counsel, and other constituencies as needed. The Violence Prevention Committee shall develop a clear statement of mission, membership, and leadership. Such statement shall be published and made available to the RBC Campus Community.The RBC Violence Prevention Committee shall (i) provide guidance to students, faculty, and staff regarding recognition of threatening or aberrant behavior that may represent a physical threat to the community; (ii) identify members of the campus community to whom threatening behavior should be reported; (iii) establish policies and procedures that outline circumstances under which all faculty and staff are required to report behavior that may represent a physical threat to the community, provided that such report is consistent with state and federal law; and (iv) establish policies and procedures for (a) the assessment of individuals whose behavior may present a threat, (b) appropriate means of intervention with such individuals, and (c) sufficient means of action, including interim suspension, referrals to community services boards or health care providers for evaluation or treatment, medical separation to resolve potential physical threats, and notification of family members or guardians, or both, unless such notification would prove harmful to the individual in question, consistent with state and federal law.The RBC Threat Assessment Team shall include members from the Department of Campus Safety and Police, mental health professionals, representatives from Student Success and Human Resources, and the College Counsel. The Threat Assessment Team shall implement the assessment, intervention, and action policies set forth by the Violence Prevention Committee.The Threat Assessment Team shall establish relationships or utilize existing relationships with mental health agencies and local and state law-enforcement agencies to expedite assessment of and intervention with individuals whose behavior may present a threat to safety. Upon a preliminary determination that an individual poses a threat of violence to self or others or exhibits significantly disruptive behavior or a need for assistance, the threat assessment team may obtain criminal history record information as provided in Virginia Code §§ 19.2-389 and 19.2-389.1 and health records as provided in § 32.1-127.1:03.No member of the Threat Assessment Team shall redisclose any criminal history record information or health information obtained or otherwise use any record of an individual beyond the purpose for which such disclosure was made to the Threat Assessment Team.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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5080 Freedom of Speech and Assembly on Campus

Policy Number: 5080

Policy Name: Freedom of Speech and Assembly on Campus

Responsible Office: Department of Campus Safety and Police (NOTE: sections IV.B through IV.F. are shared responsibilities with the Department of Capital Assets and Operations)

Effective Date: August 23, 2024

Last Updated: Initial


I. Policy Statement

The college fosters an environment that thrives on the exchange of ideas, diverse perspectives, and intellectual exploration. Committed to upholding the freedom of expression, the college supports the exercise of constitutionally protected speech across all programs and facilities, while also ensuring a safe environment free from significant disruptions and any safety concerns. To maintain these freedoms, the University adheres to established policies and guidelines governing freedom of speech and assembly on campus, aimed at preserving its mission, safeguarding its community, and achieving its operational goals.

II. Purpose

The college recognizes and supports free speech and the expression of ideas as fundamental to fulfilling its academic mission. The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with the Code of Virginia and maintain a safe and effective educational environment and administrative operations. It aims to protect the constitutional rights ofindividuals who wish to express those rights and organize peacefully while also ensuring there is no disruption towards regular campus operations, nor obstructing free access tobuildings, or unreasonably infringe upon the rights of others. Additionally, this policy establishes standard procedures and guidelines for reserving college property and buildings for such purposes.

III. Definitions

Event: An occurrence at a specific location for a designated period of time, involving a gathering of 10 or more people. This excludes routine academic events, training, and athletic activities sponsored by the college.

College-Affiliated Persons/Groups: Any individual or group, including currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, foundation, or college-recognized groups or clubs.

Non-Affiliated Persons/Groups: Any individual or group not consisting of currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, or college-recognized groups or clubs.

Campus Property: Any property owned, leased, or controlled by Richard Bland College. This includes, but is not limited to, residential dorms or housing, academic buildings, administrative buildings, support buildings, athletic facilities, roadways, sidewalks, parking lots, and green spaces (including the Pecan Grove and ponds).

IV. Policy and Procedures
A. Speech

Richard Bland College is committed to upholding the constitutional freedoms of all individuals, including students, employees, and guests. However, Richard Bland College prohibits the following types of expression which are not protected by the U.S. Constitution or the Code of Virginia:

1. Defamation
2. Incitement to unlawful conduct
3. Imminent threats of actual violence or harm
4. Obscenity
5. Fighting words: Expressions that, by their very utterance, may cause injury orprovoke an immediate breach of the peace.
6. Copyright or trademark violations
7. Criminal or civil harassment, including harassment based on sex, race, religion, orAffiliation
8. Trespassing
9. False advertisements
B. Activities and Events

No individual or group shall cause, incite, or participate in conduct that is prohibited by local, state, or federal law that may or may not be otherwise covered in this section or other sections of this policy manual. To ensure that individuals and groups engaging in expressive activities do not interfere with the operation of the college, state or federal law, or the rights of others, the following provisions shall apply:

1. Events, persons, or their belongings must not block or unreasonably interfere with the free flow of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic. The right of way on streets and sidewalks must be maintained.
2. Events, persons, or their belongings must not block or unreasonably interfere with ingress and egress to and from campus buildings.
3. Events, persons, or their belongings must not obstruct or attempt to force the cancellation of any event or activity sponsored by the college or authorized users of college facilities.
4. Persons must not engage in harassing, physically abusive, threatening, or intimidating behavior toward any individual.
5. Persons must comply with the directions of any college official acting in the performance of their duties.
6. Administrative activities, classes, or other scheduled events must not be disrupted.
7. The use of sound equipment must be specified at the time of the event request on the event registration form. The use of such equipment must not unreasonably interfere with classes or other scheduled activities. See section C (Campus affiliated or Dnon-campus affiliated).
8. When an invited speaker is the subject of protest, individuals may demonstrate and/or distribute leaflets outside the building where the speech is taking place. Those wishing to enter the building must do so as members of the audience, paying any applicable admission fees, and must give the speaker a respectful hearing. Obstructing, disrupting, or attempting by physical force to cancel or discontinue speech by any speaker or the observation of speech by any person intending to see or hear a speaker is prohibited and failure to adhere to this directive will result in removal from the premises.
9. All affiliated persons, student groups/organizations, and non-affiliated persons may engage in posting on College property in compliance with the following conditions; Exterior posting on College property is permitted on designated boards. Materials may not be placed on areas or surfaces not intended for posting including, but not limited to: trees, columns, lampposts, bollards, walls, trash receptacles, railings, construction fences, and bicycle racks. Also, flyers publicizing or advertising events must prominently display the event name; the sponsor’s name; contact information; and the date, time, and place of the event. Individuals are prohibited from removing/talking down a posting, unless they or a group they are associated with are responsible for the posting. If an individual believes that a posting violates this or other College policy, they should report the posting to an administrator of the specific building or to
10. Only affiliated persons and student groups/organizations may engage in chalking on College property. Affiliated persons and student groups/organizations may engage in chalking in compliance with the following conditions: Chalk may be used on exposed (not below roofs or other overhangs) exterior concrete or asphalt sidewalks or walkways. Use of chalk on brick, slate, other stone surfaces, buildings, or other structures of any kind is strictly prohibited. Only non-permanent sidewalk chalk may be used. No paint, spray/adhesive chalks, markers, or inks are allowed.Defacing or intentionally erasing existing chalking is prohibited by anyone other than the person or organization who initiated the chalking display, except that College facility and maintenance personnel are allowed to clean and wash sidewalks and other outdoor areas at any time in the course of their usual and ordinary maintenance activities.
11. All applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including local ordinances regarding demonstrations on public streets, as well as all relevant college policies, must be observed and followed.
C. Event Request and Facility Usage by College Affiliated Persons/Groups

Students, employees, and college-affiliated groups or organizations must submit event requests to Campus Engagement using the Campus Engagement Event Request Form, available at Requests must be submitted at least 30 days before the event date in order to ensure that enough staff are available to assist in event set up and/or for security purposes (including having to hire temporary staff to assist). Late submissions may be denied. The Event Request Form must include the following information:

1. Event organizer
2. Organizer contact information (email & phone number)
3. Event category
4. Proposed event date and time
5. Proposed event location preference
6. Name of event
7. Goals or learning outcome of event
8. Description of event
9. Estimated number of attendees
10. Outside support needs, such as technology, catering, facilities, Communications, security
11. Procurement needs.

The event request will be reviewed by the designated event coordinator, who will verify the needs with the event organizer to ensure all relevant information is understood. The event coordinator will then present the event request to the event team, which includes representatives from student engagement, police and security, and facilities. This team will evaluate the activity, campus property usage, support requests from various departments, as well as the setup and recovery of the event.

If necessary, a safety and security assessment may be conducted to address any safety concerns. This may include, but is not limited to:

1. Adjusting the event location, time, or date
2. Determining the need for additional police/security support
3. Implementing security checkpoints or access restrictions
4. Limiting vehicular access
5. Establishing safety zones around the venue
6. Once approved, the event will be added to the College Event Calendar.
All events must have an institution-affiliated sponsor. The sponsor must have someone onsite or immediately available throughout the event.
Please see additional requirements in IV.E. below
D. Event Request and/or Building Use from Non-Affiliated College Persons/Groups

Non-affiliated groups or individuals wishing to host an event on campus property or rent college facilities/buildings must submit a Facility Rentals Form, available at . This site provides Facility Request Forms for various purposes, including wedding venues, athletic events, facility use, and summer camps. The Events Manager is responsible for collecting and managing all information related to external event requests on campus.

The Facility Rentals Form must be submitted at least60 days before the event date in order to ensure that enough staff are available to assist in event set up and/or for security purposes (including having to hire temporary staff to assist). Late submissions may be denied. The form must include the following information:

1. Event organizer and/or organization
2. Organizer contact information (email & phone number)
3. Event category
4. Purpose of event
5. Proposed event date and time
6. Proposed facility, building, or area that event will occur

The Events Manager will review all request and gather further information, as needed, which may include but not limited to:

1. Clarification on event purpose
2. Estimated number of attendees
3. Outside support needs, such as technology, catering, facilities, communications, security
4. Procurement needs
5. If alcohol is present at event (ABC license needs)
6. Proof of insurance, as needed

The Events Manager will collaborate with the Business & Operations Manager and the Chief of Police to review the event and ensure it does not conflict with other scheduled college activities.

The Director of Campus Safety & Police will assess each request to determine if any safety precautions or police/security presence is required. This assessment may include, but is not limited to:

1. Number of anticipated attendees at the event.
2. Any significant effect on the college safety & security
3. Any significant effect on college services
4. Type of attendees or speakers, such as political figures, famous individuals, or controversial figures
5. Type of event, such as concert or dance
6. If alcohol is present during event
7. If cash or money will be exchanged, such as selling goods or ticket sales

After the approval process, the Events Manager will discuss any identified issues or necessary changes with the event organizer, including any limitations on event activities or facility usage. Once final approval is granted, the Events Manager will issue a Facilities Use Agreement for the event, which the organizer must sign. The Events Manager will also be responsible for collecting any applicable fees and obtaining any required certificates of insurance.

E. Additional Event Requirements for Affiliated and Non-Affiliated Individuals or Groups
1. No structures (including tents) are allowed without permission. The bringing, leaving, or dumping of furniture, mattresses, or other large household items, defined as anything that cannot be reasonably carried on the person or reasonably used for personal purposes, is also prohibited unless prior written permission has been given by the Department of Campus Security and Police.
2. Constructing shelters/tens outside on College-owned or operated properties is prohibited unless pre-approved in writing by the Department of Campus Security and Police.
3. All permitted structures, signs, and litter resulting from the activity/event must be removed from the area at the end of the event.
4. Use of security apart from the school police department is prohibited.
5. By submitting the required event registration, the reserving person and associated persons and/or group agree to comply with federal, state, local laws, College facility use rules, and applicable policies in the Student Handbook (if a student-related event).
6. Persons shall comply with the directions of any College official acting in the performance of his/her duties.


F. Event Termination

Events, whether organized by campus-affiliated persons/groups or non-affiliated individuals/groups, may be terminated for reasons including, but not limited to:

1. Violation of state or federal law
2. Violation of College policy
3. Violation of terms set in the facilities Use Agreement
4. Damage to property
5. Imminent or threats to safety & property (to include weather related events)
6. Disruption or obstruction of the administrative and/or educational environment
G. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015

Updated January 11, 2017

Updated January 22, 2020

Updated August 15, 2023

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5090 Clery Act Compliance Committee

Policy Number: 5090
Policy Name: Clery Act Compliance Committee
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    The Clery Act Compliance Committee (CACC) is hereby created to ensure the College’s compliance with its obligations under the Clery Act, a federal law that requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to compile and disclose information about crime on and near their campuses. The United States Department of Education monitors compliance, and can impose civil penalties up to $54,789 per violation against institutions for each infraction and can suspend institutions from participating in federal student financial aid programs. The members of the Emergency Management Team shall serve as the standing CAAC. The CACC shall work closely with College Counsel.The CACC shall review updates to law, policy, and procedures connected to the Clery Act in order to ensure awareness of and compliance with these obligations. Clery Act obligations include but are not limited to: (1) implementing policies and procedures; (2) compiling crime statistics; (3) publishing the annual security and fire safety report; (4) maintaining a 60-day crime log; (5) issuing timely warnings and emergency notifications; (6) identification and training of Campus Security Authorities; (7) and identification of Clery geography.The CACC shall ensure College compliance with Clery Act obligations, and shall engage other College employees and offices as appropriate.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Establishing the Clery Act Compliance Committee (CACC) is necessary to ensure Richard Bland College’s compliance with the Clery Act.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy establishes the Clery Act Compliance Committee and sets forth its duties. Members of the CACC are expected to perform these duties to the best of their ability, and all members of the College community (students, faculty, and staff) shall cooperate with the CACC in the performance of its duties.
  4. Related Documents/Websites
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Definitions 
    “Annual Security and Fire Safety Report” means the annual report required by the Clery Act, which includes crime statistics for the three previous calendar years, as well as various policies, procedures, and program disclosures about security and safety on campus. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report must be disseminated to all College students and employees by October 1 each year, as well as made available to prospective students and employees.“Campus Security Authorities” include campus police personnel, campus security, individuals identified as persons to whom students or employees should report criminal offenses, and officials who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities (such as the Office of Residence Life and the Student Conduct Board).“Clery Act” means the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, §20 USC 1092(f).“Clery geography” includes: (1) Buildings and property that are part of the institution’s campus; (2) The institution’s non-campus buildings and property; (3) Public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus; and (4) other areas within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police or the campus security department.
  2. Procedures 
    The CAAC Chair shall be chosen by the Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police. The CACC shall meet as directed by the CAAC Chair, or as requested by the President.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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5100 Transmittable Diseases

Policy Number: 5100
Policy Name: Transmittable Diseases
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    Virginia law requires medical care providers to notify public health officials of newly confirmed cases of certain communicable diseases so that testing of contacts can be pursued. Members of the Richard Bland College of William & Mary community who have been diagnosed with these reportable diseases are encouraged to self-disclose their diagnosis with the appropriate College official, and to cooperate with the College and the local health department to take such appropriate steps as will minimize the further transmission of the disease.The College will not unlawfully discriminate in policy or practice, including admissions and employment policies, against individuals who have, or are considered to be at risk for, reportable diseases. The College will be in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it relates to those students and employees who have reportable diseases. Any College decision ensuing from individuals’ health-related circumstances will be made in light of each unique instance, applicable confidentiality considerations, and relevant medical facts
  2. Reason for Policy
    The College is committed to providing, to the extent possible, a healthy and safe educational environment for all students and employees. The purpose of this policy is to help prevent the spread of communicable and reportable disease through measures that focus on safety, prevention, and education while prohibiting discrimination against persons afflicted with communicable and reportable diseases.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to students, faculty, and other RBC employees.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police (804)
  1. Definitions 
    The following definitions are taken from the Commonwealth of Virginia State Board of Health, November 2018, Regulations for Disease Reporting and Control.“Communicable disease” means an illness due to an infectious agent or its toxic products which is transmitted, directly or indirectly, to a susceptible host from an infected person, animal, or arthropod or through the agency of an intermediate host or a vector or through the inanimate environment.“Reportable disease” means an illness due to a specific toxic substance, occupational exposure, or infectious agent, which affects a susceptible individual, either directly, as from an infected animal or person, or indirectly through an intermediate host, vector, or the environment, as determined by the State Board of Health.
  2. Procedures 
    Students diagnosed with a communicable disease that requires the College to report to the Virginia Department of Health are asked to notify the Director of Housing and Residence Life or the Director of Student Success. Employees with a communicable disease that requires the College to report to the Virginia Department of Health are asked to notify the Director of Human Resources. The Director of Housing and Residence Life, the Director of Student Success, and the Director of Human Resources shall notify the Director of Campus Safety and Police, who shall inform the Emergency Management Team and the Virginia Department of Health, as appropriate, of such diagnoses. The Emergency Management Team shall maintain the confidentiality of the student(s) or employee(s) to the extent such confidentiality does not interfere with the College’s ability to respond to an actual or potential public health concern.In the event of a communicable disease occurrence within the surrounding region or state that is clearly in excess of normal expectancy or reaches the outbreak classification, the College will monitor the situation by maintaining continual communication with local and state health officials to provide timely and appropriate updates to the College community. Depending on the severity or categorical aspect of a specific event, less serious communicable disease occurrences will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The College also will consult with local and state health officials to provide specific instructions for individuals returning to the College following being infected by a reportable communicable disease.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019

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5110 Pets on Campus

Policy Number: 5110
Policy Name: Pets on Campus
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    Faculty, staff, and students must not bring pets onto the campus while the College is in session. (Exceptions to this policy are authorized service animals and assistance animals, and when authorized in writing by the Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police utilizing the form: Request for Permission to Bring Unauthorized Items on Campus.) Pets that are kept under control (for dogs, this means on a leash) may be brought on-campus when the College is not in session. Pets are not permitted inside College buildings without the authorization of the Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police. If a pet poses a risk to the health or safety of others, the Owner may be asked to remove the pet from campus. Pets must be well-groomed and free of pests such as fleas.Pets must be in good health and current on vaccinations and immunity shots as recommended by a veterinarian. The Owner must provide the Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police a copy of the veterinarian’s statement regarding the pet’s health and vaccination status, signed by the veterinarian within the last 12 months. A valid vaccination tag must be worn by the pet at all times.The Owner shall be responsible for removing the pet’s waste, which must be placed in a closed container and removed to an outdoor trash bin. The Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police may make exceptions to this policy in exceptional cases.The Owner is responsible for any damage caused by the Owner’s pet. In the event of significant or repeated damage caused by a pet, the Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police may rescind permission for the Owner to have the pet on campus.The Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police may rescind an Owner’s permission to have a pet on campus if the Owner fails to comply with the terms of this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The presence of pets on campus can result in health, safety, or maintenance issues.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
  4. Related Documents
    Form: Request for Permission to Bring Unauthorized Items on Campus
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Definitions
    “Owner” means the individual who has brought a pet to campus. The Owner may be a student, faculty member, staff member, or visitor.“While the College is in session” means the consecutive period of time between the first day of classes in a semester until the last day of the exam period of a semester. The term does not include the period of time between the semesters in the winter and summer.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019

Return To Top

5120 Bloodborne Pathogens

Policy Number: 5120
Policy Name: Bloodborne Pathogens
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Polic

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for employees. In pursuit of this goal, the following exposure control plan (ECP) is provided to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “Bloodborne Pathogens.
  2. Reason for Policy
    To provide safety policies and guidelines for the protection of Richard Bland College employees and students who have a potential for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, such as Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), among others.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to any employee who may have occupational exposure to Blood or other potentially infectious materials.
  4. Related Documents
    OSHA “Bloodborne Pathogens” Standard, 29 C.F.R. 1910.1030
    Exposure Control & Hazard Communications Plan
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Procedures
    The Exposure Control & Hazard Communications Plan provides the policies and procedures required regarding occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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5130 Chemical Spill Response/Laboratory Safety

Policy Number: 5130
Policy Name: Chemical Spill Response/Laboratory Safety
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College has developed a Chemical Hygiene Plan to describe the policies and procedures that will promote the safe operation of the College science laboratories. This Chemical Hygiene Plan satisfies the requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
  2. Reason for Policy
    Some safety policies and practices adopted at Richard Bland College may not be required to be included in the Chemical Hygiene Plan, but the policies and practices may be critical to the planning process for maintaining a safe environment for employees and students. Setting the minimum physical space per student is an example of a policy that affects the establishment of a safe environment, but is not required by the 29CFR1910 to be included in the Chemical Hygiene Plan.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This regulation is enacted for the protection of all employees, public and private. However, the College extends the provisions of the Chemical Hygiene Plan to our students as well.
  4. Related Documents
    OSHA  Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories Standard,  29 C.F.R. Part 1910.1450
    Exposure Control & Hazard Communications Plan
    Richard Bland College Chemical Hygiene Plan
    Richard Bland College Biological Lab Safety Plan
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. ProceduresThe procedures are found in the Exposure Control & Hazard Communications Plan.


Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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5140 Hazard Communications and Right to Know

Policy Number: 5140
Policy Name: Hazard Communications and Right to Know
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Policy Statement
    The Richard Bland College Hazard Communication Program is based on the requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.
  2. Reason for Policy
    To ensure that information about the dangers of all hazardous chemicals used by Richard Bland College is known by all affected employees, the following hazardous information program has been established.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    Under this program, you will be informed of the contents of the OSHA Hazard Communications standard, the hazardous properties of chemicals with which you work, safe handling procedures, and measures to take to protect yourself from these chemicals. This program applies to all work and teaching operations at Richard Bland College where you may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal working conditions or during an emergency situation. All staff, faculty, and students will participate in the Hazard Communication Program. Copies of the Hazard Communication Program are available in the Richard Bland College Human Resources Office for review by any interested employee. The Richard Bland College Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police is the program coordinator, with overall responsibility for the program, including reviewing and updating this plan as necessary.
  4. Related Documents
    OSHA Hazard Communications Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200
    Exposure Control & Hazard Communications Plan
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety & Chief of Police(804)
  1. Definitions
    Refer to Exposure Control & Hazard Communications Plan
  2. Procedures
    Refer to Exposure Control & Hazard Communications Plan

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019

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5150 Lost and Found Center and Unclaimed Property

Policy Number: 5150
Policy Name: Lost and Found Center and Unclaimed Property
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police

  1. Reason for Policy
    To ensure the proper handling of personal property that is lost or found, or personal property that has been abandoned by its owner.
  2. Policy Statement
    1. Lost and Found Center Collection of Lost or Abandoned Tangible Personal Property
      The Department Of Campus Safety and Police is the host for the College’s Lost and Found Center (“Center”), which is located on the east side of the campus at 510 Carson Drive, South Prince George, Virginia. This is the only lost and found location authorized on campus. Any item of tangible personal property that appears to be lost or abandoned on the Richard Bland College Campus will be hand delivered to the Department of Campus Safety and Police and placed in a secure area.  The Campus Police will maintain a record of all tangible personal property that has been transferred to them. No lost or abandoned property shall be sent to the Center through interoffice mail. If hand delivery is not possible or practical, anyone finding lost or abandoned property shall call the Campus Police at 862-6111 and a campus police officer will retrieve the property.Efforts to Identify Owners of Lost Tangible Personal Property
      The Campus Police shall make reasonable efforts to identify the owner of the lost or abandoned property. Such efforts will continue for at least 120 days. In the event that the owner is found, the Campus Police may charge the owner a reasonable fee to defer the costs of storing the property. Campus community members should never attempt to identify or contact the owner as this may cause confusion. In order to release recovered property to an owner, the owner must show valid government-issued identification and sign a release document.Lost Property Report
      People who have lost property may complete a Lost Property Report (“Report”) at the Lost and Found Center. This Report shall be used to cross-reference and match any property that may have been delayed in reaching the Center.
    2. Unclaimed PropertyTangible Personal Property Other Than Registered Motor Vehicles
      At the end of the Fall and Spring Semesters, the Department of Safety and Campus Police may sell unclaimed property to the highest bidder at public auction or by sealed bid at whatever location the College reasonably determines affords the most favorable market for the property. The College may decline the highest bid and reoffer the property for sale if it considers the price bid insufficient. The net proceeds of any such sale shall be held for at least 90 days, and if no claim is made on the property within that time, such funds shall be credited to the College’s operating fund. If the College determines that the probable cost of sale of property will exceed the sale proceeds, the property is inherently dangerous, or the property may not lawfully be sold or used, the College may provide for any such property, as appropriate under the circumstances, to be destroyed or discarded at an appropriate location, retained for use by the College, or donated to an appropriate charitable organization.Any sale pursuant to this subsection shall be preceded by reasonable notice of the sale, taking into consideration the type and value of the property. Such notice shall include at minimum the posting on a student bulletin board and publication in a school newspaper or similar publication. The College, by the same time, shall mail notice of the sale to the last known address of any person that the College determines to reasonably appear to be the owner.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all persons who find or who have lost personal property on the RBC campus or other locations owned, operated, or leased by the College.
  4. Related Documents
    Virginia Code § 23.1-104
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
  1. Definitions
    Tangible Personal Property: For purposes of this policy, tangible personal property is defined as any property, other than a registered motor vehicle, that has physical form and characteristics.

Policy History
Approved August 16, 2018

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5160 Emotional Support and Service Animal Policy

Policy Number: 5160
Policy Name: Emotional Support and Service Animal Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: ADA Coordinator

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College is committed to providing accommodations for individuals with disabilities. There are two types of assistance animals: (1) service animals, and (2) other animals that do work, perform tasks, provide assistance, and/or provide therapeutic emotional support for individuals with disabilities. This policy provides information for employees, students, and visitors who have the legal right to bring assistance animals to the Richard Bland College campus or onto college property. Specifically, information is provided about:

    • Service Animals
    • Emotional Support Animals (ESA)
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy provides guidance and clarity regarding service animals (as permitted by the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA]) and the Fair Housing Act.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all employees, students, and visitors to the Richard Bland College Campus or college property.
  4. Related Documents
    ADA Requirements: Service Animals ( Department of Housing and Urban Development Guidance on Emotional Support Animals (
    RBC HCA Form Psychological
    RBC HCA Form Non-Psychological
    Assistance Animal Housing Contract Addendum
    Voluntary Service Animal Registration
    Emotional Support Animal Request Form:
  5. Contacts
Policy NameOfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Emotional Support and Service AnimalsADA CoordinatorADA Coordinator(804) 862-6100
Student LifeAssistant Director of Housing(804) 862-6100 x1665
Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police804-862-6100
  1. Definitions
    “Owner” means the individual who has brought an animal to campus. The Owner may be a student, faculty member, staff member, or visitor.“While the College is in session” means the consecutive period of time between the first day of classes in a semester until the last day of the exam period of a semester. The term does not include the period of time between the semesters in the winter and summer.Service Animals
    A service animal as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) refers to “a dog individually trained to do work for the benefit of an individual with a disability including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair or fetching dropped items.” Virginia law extends these rights to dogs in training that are at least 6 months of age.  Revised ADA regulations have a new, separate provision about miniature horses that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

    Emotional Support Animals
    An emotional support animal is any animal with a primary role of providing a person, student, employee or visitor, with a disability emotional comfort. These animals are not required to undergo specialized training. Emotional support animals are not the same as service animals in that they are not individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Emotional support animals are not pets.

    A pet is a domestic animal kept for pleasure or companionship.  Pets are not covered as part of this policy. RBC maintains a separate policy regarding pets on campus. See and select the “Pets on Campus” policy.

VII. Guidelines, Procedures, and Requirements

A. Service Animals
Service animals, as defined above, are permitted on campus in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act, as a reasonable accommodation for a disability. Under the ADA, individuals with disabilities may use service animals in any public area unless doing so would pose a danger to the health or safety of others or cause undue burden. Richard Bland College welcomes the presence of trained service animals (or those in training) assisting people with disabilities on its campus, in areas open to the public, consistent with this policy and with applicable law.

Under guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Justice, a service animal must be trained to do work or perform tasks “directly related to the person’s disability.”

ADA regulations set out four assessment factors to assist entities in determining whether miniature horses can be accommodated in their facility. The assessment factors are (1) whether the miniature horse is housebroken; (2) whether the miniature horse is under the owner’s control; (3) whether the facility can accommodate the miniature horse’s type, size, and weight; and (4) whether the miniature horse’s presence will not compromise legitimate safety requirements necessary for safe operation of the facility. Under §51.5-44 of the Code of Virginia (Virginia Code), persons who are experienced trainers of service dogs may be accompanied by dogs that are at least 6 months of age and in training to become a service dog provided that various statutory provisions are satisfied.

Any person who knowingly and willfully fits a dog with a harness, collar, vest, or sign, or uses an identification card commonly used by a person with a disability, in order to represent that the dog is a service dog or hearing dog to fraudulently gain public access for such dog may be found guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor under Virginia law.

B. Emotional Support Animals (ESA)
ESAs are not permitted in RBC residence halls unless an accommodation has been granted. ESAs are not permitted in any other campus building. ESAs may be allowed to live with a student in on-campus housing.

ESAs are an accommodation covered by the Fair Housing Act and can be any type of animal. Decisions about ESAs in campus buildings or living in campus housing are made on a case-by-case basis. Students wishing to have ESAs on campus must provide documentation to the RBC Residence Director and to the RBC ADA Coordinator. See Section VII Procedures subsection G below and follow procedures for requesting and registering an ESAs.

C. Expectations Pertaining to Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals on Campus

  1. Service animals and ESAs are the full responsibility of the individual with the disability. The animal must be under the owner’s control at all times.
  2. Service animals and ESAs must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In such cases, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. Exceptions may be granted in an emergency situation when the animal is in the owner’s private residence, when the animal needs to perform a task requiring it to travel beyond the length of the restraint, or when the owner is unable to retain an animal on a leash due to a disability.
  3. The owner is responsible for removing or arranging for the removal of the animal’s waste. Animal waste must be placed into a closed container and the closed container must be removed to an outdoor trash bin. Owners who live in RBC housing may need to designate an individual to help with clean up, however the owner is fully responsible for cleanup of the animal’s waste.
  4. Owners are responsible for any damage that is caused by their animal(s).
  5. Service animals generally permitted to be anywhere on campus where the animal’s owner is permitted to be; however, there may be areas where animals are prohibited due to health and safety concerns. Such areas include but are not limited to research laboratories, mechanical rooms, custodial closets, food service preparation areas, areas where protective clothing is necessary, or areas where there is a danger to the service animal.
  6. Virginia law requires all dogs to be licensed. Proof of vaccination is required to obtain a license. See Virginia Code Title 3.2, Chapter 65, Article 5.
  7. College employees may not request proof of a disability or certification of a service animal’s certification, licensure, or training from an individual with a service animal. Employees are only permitted to ask two questions of someone with a service animal:
  • Is this animal a service animal that is required because of a disability?
  • What work or tasks has this service animal been trained to perform?

Generally, these questions may not be asked about a service animal when it is readily apparent than an animal is trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability (e.g., the dog is observed guiding an individual who is blind or has low vision).

  1. Animals cannot be left on campus property unattended overnight, including times when the residence halls close for breaks.
  2. Removal:
    If any of the following occur, the college may ask an individual to remove an animal from campus:
  • The animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others including past or present aggressive behaviors or injuries, or causes or has caused substantial damage to college property or the property of others that cannot be reduced or eliminated by another reasonable accommodation, such as re-assignment of rooms.
  • The animal’s presence results in or requires a fundamental alteration of a college program;
  • The animal is not housebroken or creates an unmanageable disturbance or disruption to the college community (e.g. repeated, incessant barking, destruction of property, making significant mess or odor). Removal is considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the person’s individual circumstances and the context in which the problematic incidents occurred. In emergency situations, the college reserves the right to contact Animal Control to remove the animal.

Students can appeal removal decisions directly to the Provost.  The animal will remain removed pending any appeal.

D. Planning for Service Animals
Employees and students are encouraged to register service animals with the RBC ADA Coordinator. This will allow RBC to account for the service animal in emergency planning and make any appropriate accommodations for other students, faculty, or staff who may have allergies, phobias, or service animals of their own.Prospective and current students planning to reside and who wish to register their service animal with the college may do so by completing the Service Animal Registration Form (

E. Licensing
According to Virginia law, any animal that has reached a proper level of maturity must be licensed and must display a license on its collar at all times.

F. Health
Animals on campus must have an annual clean bill of health (including vaccinations and immunity shots against rabies and/or other diseases common to the type of animal) that is signed by a licensed veterinarian. A valid vaccination tag must be worn by the animal at all times. Owners need to make sure that the animal is kept as clean as possible. Regular bathing/grooming and pest control measures also need to be performed by the owner.

G. Conflicting Disabilities
Some students may have serious allergic reactions to animals causing substantial impairment which qualifies as a disability.  RBC will consider the needs of both the person with the animal related allergy and the owner of the service or emotional support animal. RBC will make reasonable accommodations for all disabilities and resolve the problem as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. Any student requesting animal related allergy disability accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services. Those employees seeking a similar accommodation should contact the College’s ADA Services representative.

H. Procedure for Requesting Service Animal or ESA in RBC Housing

  1. Current or prospective RBC students requesting an emotional support animal (ESA)  on campus who currently reside or wish to reside in RBC housing must submit an Emotional Support Animal Request Form as part of the housing application process.
  2. ESA animals are not permitted in residence halls unless the ESA Request Form has been approved. If approved, ESA animals are permitted in the designated student room only. ESA animals are permitted in the common/kitchen area of student housing only when the student to whom the animal belongs is present in that area.
  3. ESA animals are not permitted in other campus buildings. Complete the Emotional Support Animal Request Form (
  4. If the request is approved, students are required to complete the “Addendum to Student Housing Contract: Contract for Service and Assistance Animals on Campus”.

I. Emergency Situations
In the event of an emergency evacuation, Owner, if present in their residence hall at the time of the evacuation, is responsible for safe removal of their Service animal or ESA. College personnel shall not be required to provide care or food for any service animal or ESA, including, but not limited to, removing the animal during emergency evaluation for events such as a fire alarm. Emergency personnel will determine whether to remove the animal and may not be held responsible for the care, damage to, or loss of the animal. If an emergency occurs when the student is not present in their residence hall, the situation may necessitate leaving the service or ESA behind until the areas is deemed safe for return by proper authorities.

J. Appeals Process
Any student who disagrees with an accommodation decision made by SAS may appeal under the Student ADA/Rehabilitation Act Grievance and Appeal Procedure. If the Compliance and Policy Office denies your appeal, then you may not use the animal for the requested service.

If you have already signed a contract for university housing when a request for use of an animal is denied or, if you are a first-year student and you wish to be released from the requirement of living on campus during the first year, you may request to be released from contract.

Policy History
Approved August 1, 2019
Revised July 1, 2020

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5170 Unlawful Masking

 Policy Number: 5170 Policy Name: Unlawful Masking Responsible Office: Department of Campus Safety and Police 

Effective Date: August 23, 2024 

Last Updated: Initial 

I. Policy Statement The policy establishes the limitations on unlawful masking on campus property. Consistent with Va. Code § 18.2-422, any individual who is present on College property or attending a College event who is wearing a mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, must present an identification document when requested by an authorized College employee or otherwise establish their identity to the satisfaction of the authorized College employee. 

II. Reason for Policy To provide guidelines to ensure the safety of the Richard Bland College community. 

III. Applicability of the Policy This policy applies to any College employee, student, visitor, or contractor on the Richard Bland College campus. 

IV. Related Documents § 18.2-422. Prohibition of wearing of masks in certain places 

V. Contacts 

Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)

6000 Capital Assets and Operations Policies

6010 Use of State-owned Vehicles

Policy Number: 6010
Policy Name: Use of State-owned Vehicles
Responsibility of Maintenance: Director of Capital Assets and Operations

  1. Policy Statement
    The Richard Bland College state-owned vehicle use policy mandates compliance with the Department of General Services state-owned vehicle policies.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements and procedures for ground transportation.
  3. Applicability of Policy
    This policy applies to the use of any use of College vehicles by employees of the institution for College business or College-related activities.
  4. Related Documents
    DGS Office of Fleet Management Services Policies and Procedures Manual
    Sustainability Plan Policy E.4
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Capital Assets and OperationsDirector of Capital Assets and Operations(804)
  1. Definitions
    College Business: Actions undertaken by College employees (including faculty and student employees) or volunteers acting within the scope of their employment or authorization. Examples of College business include running errands for a department, attending a meeting off campus, and advisory service trips (in accordance with RBC’s mission). Examples of travel that do not constitute College business include commuting to work or driving to voluntary social events hosted by the College.College-Related Activities: Those events, trips, and activities that are (1) organized by College faculty or staff and required or mandatory elements of the related course, activity, or program, which may include travel for academic research; (2) organized by a recognized student organization and formally approved by a College official; (3) field work as part of sponsored research; or (4) directly funded by the College.
  2. Procedures
    Richard Bland College employees must send an email to to schedule a vehicle unless a state vehicle has been assigned specifically to one individual person.Exception: Employees must obtain prior written approval from their immediate supervisor to keep a state vehicle parked in their assigned building parking lot.Pick Up and Return:

    1. Vehicles must be picked-up one day prior to use between the hours of 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. only.
    2. Vehicles will be fueled up with gas prior to use by the Facilities Department
    3. Only facilities personnel will have access to fuel pumps for ALL vehicles whether or not assigned to an individual.
    4. An inspection of all vehicles will be made before and after each use by the employee and facilities personnel to ensure the vehicle is returned in the same condition as when signed out.
    5. Vehicles will be signed out by the employee along with logging the beginning mileage and ending mileage after each use.
    6. Any warning lights or other signs of problems or concerns must be reported when returning the vehicle.
    7. Vehicles shall be clean of all trash when returned.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017

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6020 Maintenance and Repairs

Policy Number: 6020
Policy Name: Maintenance and Repairs
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Capital Assets and Operations

  1. Policy Statement
    Except for extreme situations, all requests for maintenance or repairs to RBC- owned or controlled locations must be submitted by email to Department of Capital Assets and Operations (“Facilities”) will respond to work order requests in the order in which they are received (for non-emergencies). Once the work has been completed, an email will for forwarded to notify the requestor of completion of work. If parts need to be ordered for repairs, Facilities will notify requestor. Once parts are received, the work will be completed as soon as possible.The Director of Capital Assets and Operations has the authority and responsibility to alter maintenance or repair priorities when appropriate.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy details the procedures for requesting maintenance or repairs of RBC-owned or controlled property.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all RBC employees seeking maintenance or repairs of RBC owned or controlled property.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Capital Assets and OperationsDirector of Capital Assets and Operations(804)

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017

Return To Top

6030 Use of College Facilities

Policy Number: 6030
Policy Name: Use of College Facilities
Responsible Office: Department of Capital Assets and Operations (NOTE:
sections V. through XI. are shared responsibility with the Department of Security and Police)

Effective Date: February 26, 2018

Last Updated: August 23, 2024

  1. Policy Statement 
    1. General Availability
      College facilities are designed and constructed primarily for College functions; therefore, College officials, administrative units, and groups have first priority for their use. Second priority is for College-related organizations. Third priority is for non-College-related organizations.  The use of buildings and grounds for commercial purposes without RBC consent and the payment of fees is prohibited.
    2. Fees
      See the Facilities Use Agreement and Fee Schedule.
    3. All events and activities must occur in compliance with applicable College policies and rules, such as those relating to alcohol, smoking, weapons, and parking.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This purpose of this policy is to set priorities for facilities usage, define scheduling procedures, and establish the College policy for charges associated with scheduled events.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to the scheduling and conduct of events and activities on College property, including in College facilities. Examples of such events or activities include, but are not limited to, meetings and group activities of student organizations, facility rental for private events, and College activities other than scheduled courses and meetings of academic and administrative employees performing work duties.
  1. Definitions

Event: An occurrence at a specific location for a designated period of time, involving a gathering of 10 or more people. This excludes routine academic events, training, and athletic activities sponsored by the college.

College-Affiliated Persons/Groups: Any individual or group, including currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, foundation, or college-recognized groups or clubs.

Non-Affiliated Persons/Groups: Any individual or group not consisting of currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, or college-recognized groups or clubs.

Campus Property: Any property owned, leased, or controlled by Richard Bland College. This includes, but is not limited to, residential dorms or housing, academic buildings, administrative buildings, support buildings, athletic facilities, roadways, sidewalks, parking lots, and green spaces (including the Pecan Grove and ponds).

  1. Trespassing
  2. False advertisements
  1. Activities and Events

No individual or group shall cause, incite, or participate in conduct that is prohibited by local, state, or federal law that may or may not be otherwise covered in this section or other sections of this policy manual. To ensure that individuals and groups engaging in expressive activities do not interfere with the operation of the college, state or federal law, or the rights of others, the following provisions shall apply:

  1. Events, persons, or their belongings must not block or unreasonably interfere with the free flow of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic. The right of way on streets and sidewalks must be maintained.
  2. Events, persons, or their belongings must not block or unreasonably interfere with ingress and egress to and from campus buildings.
  3. Events, persons, or their belongings must not obstruct or attempt to force the cancellation of any event or activity sponsored by the college or authorized users of college facilities.
  4. Persons must not engage in harassing, physically abusive, threatening, or intimidating behavior toward any individual.
  5. Persons must comply with the directions of any college official acting in the performance of their duties.
  6. Administrative activities, classes, or other scheduled events must not be
  7. The use of sound equipment must be specified at the time of the event request on the event registration form. The use of such equipment must not unreasonably interfere with classes or other scheduled activities. See sections VI and VII below (Campus affiliated or non-campus affiliated).
  8. When an invited speaker is the subject of protest, individuals may demonstrate and/or distribute leaflets outside the building where the speech is taking place. Those wishing to enter the building must do so as members of the audience, paying any applicable admission fees, and must give the speaker a respectful hearing. Obstructing, disrupting, or attempting by physical force to cancel or discontinue speech by any speaker or the observation of speech by any person intending to see or hear a speaker is prohibited and failure to adhere to this directive will result in removal from the premises.
  9. All affiliated persons, student groups/organizations, and non-affiliated persons may engage in posting on College property in compliance with the following conditions; Exterior posting on College property is permitted on designated boards. Materials may not be placed on areas or surfaces not intended for posting including, but not limited to: trees, columns, lampposts, bollards, walls, trash receptacles, railings, construction fences, and bicycle racks. Also, flyers publicizing or advertising events must prominently display the event name; the sponsor’s name; contact information; and the date, time, and place of the event. Individuals are prohibited from removing/talking down a posting, unless they or a group they are associated with are responsible for the posting. If an individual believes that a posting violates this or other College policy, they should report the posting to an administrator of the specific building or to
  10. Only affiliated persons and student groups/organizations may engage in chalking on College property. Affiliated persons and student groups/organizations may engage in chalking in compliance with the following conditions: Chalk may be used on exposed (not below roofs or other overhangs) exterior concrete or asphalt sidewalks or walkways. Use of chalk on brick, slate, other stone surfaces, buildings, or other structures of any kind is strictly prohibited. Only non-permanent sidewalk chalk may be used. No paint, spray/adhesive chalks, markers, or inks are allowed. Defacing or intentionally erasing existing chalking is prohibited by anyone other than the person or organization who initiated the chalking display, except that College facility and maintenance personnel are allowed to clean and wash sidewalks and other outdoor areas at any time in the course of their usual and ordinary maintenance activities.
  11. All applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including local ordinances regarding demonstrations on public streets, as well as all relevant college policies, must be observed and followed.
  1. Event Request and Facility Usage by College Affiliated Persons/Groups

Students, employees, and college-affiliated groups or organizations must submit event requests to Campus Engagement using the Campus Engagement Event Request Form, available at Requests must be submitted at least 30 days before the event date in order to ensure that enough staff are available to assist in event set up and/or for security purposes (including having to hire temporary staff to assist). Late submissions may be denied. The Event Request Form must include the following information:

  1. Event organizer
  2. Organizer contact information (email & phone number)
  3. Event category
  4. Proposed event date and time
  5. Proposed event location preference
  6. Name of event
  7. Goals or learning outcome of event
  8. Description of event
  9. Estimated number of attendees
  10. Outside support needs, such as technology, catering, facilities, Communications, security
  11. Procurement needs.

The event request will be reviewed by the designated event coordinator, who will verify the needs with the event organizer to ensure all relevant information is understood. The event coordinator will then present the event request to the event team, which includes representatives from student engagement, police and security, and facilities. This team will evaluate the activity, campus property usage, support requests from various departments, as well as the setup and recovery of the event.

If necessary, a safety and security assessment may be conducted to address any safety concerns. This may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Adjusting the event location, time, or date
  2. Determining the need for additional police/security support
  3. Implementing security checkpoints or access restrictions
  4. Limiting vehicular access
  5. Establishing safety zones around the venue
  6. Once approved, the event will be added to the College Event Calendar.
  • All events must have an institution-affiliated sponsor. The sponsor must have someone onsite or immediately available throughout the event.

Please see additional requirements in VIII below

  • Event Request and/or Building Use from Non-Affiliated College Persons/Groups

Non-affiliated groups or individuals wishing to host an event on campus property or rent college facilities/buildings must submit a Facility Rentals Form, available at . This site provides Facility Request Forms for various purposes, including wedding venues, athletic events, facility use, and summer camps. The Events Manager is responsible for collecting and managing all information related to external event requests on campus.

The Facility Rentals Form must be submitted at least 60 days before the event date in order to ensure that enough staff are available to assist in event set up and/or for security purposes (including having to hire temporary staff to assist). Late submissions may be denied. The form must include the following information:

  1. Event organizer and/or organization
  2. Organizer contact information (email & phone number)
  3. Event category
  4. Purpose of event
  5. Proposed event date and time
  6. Proposed facility, building, or area that event will occur

The Events Manager will review all request and gather further information, as needed, which may include but not limited to:

  1. Clarification on event purpose
  2. Estimated number of attendees
  3. Outside support needs, such as technology, catering, facilities, communications, security
  4. Procurement needs
  5. If alcohol is present at event (ABC license needs)
  6. Proof of insurance, as needed

The Events Manager will collaborate with the Business & Operations Manager and the Chief of Police to review the event and ensure it does not conflict with other scheduled college activities.

The Director of Campus Safety & Police will assess each request to determine if any safety precautions or police/security presence is required. This assessment may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Number of anticipated attendees at the event.
  2. Any significant effect on the college safety & security
  3. Any significant effect on college services
  4. Type of attendees or speakers, such as political figures, famous individuals, or controversial figures
  5. Type of event, such as concert or dance
  6. If alcohol is present during event
  7. If cash or money will be exchanged, such as selling goods or ticket sales

After the approval process, the Events Manager will discuss any identified issues or necessary changes with the event organizer, including any limitations on event activities or facility usage. Once final approval is granted, the Events Manager will issue a Facilities Use Agreement for the event, which the organizer must sign. The Events Manager will also be responsible for collecting any applicable fees and obtaining any required certificates of insurance.

  • Additional Event Requirements for Affiliated and Non-Affiliated Individuals or Groups
  • No structures (including tents) are allowed without permission. The bringing, leaving, or dumping of furniture, mattresses, or other large household items, defined as anything that cannot be reasonably carried on the person or reasonably used for personal purposes, is also prohibited unless prior written permission has been given by the Department of Campus Security and Police.
  • Constructing shelters/tens and camping or sleeping outside on university-owned or operated properties is prohibited unless pre-approved in writing by the Department of Campus Security and Police.
  • All permitted structures, signs, and litter resulting from the activity/event must be removed from the area at the end of the event.
  • Use of security outside school police department is prohibited.
  • By submitting the required event registration, the reserving person and associated persons and/or group agree to comply with federal, state, local laws, College facility use rules, and applicable policies in the Student Handbook (if a student-related event),
  • Persons shall comply with the directions of any College official acting in the performance of his/her duties.
  1. Event Termination

Events, whether organized by campus-affiliated persons/groups or non-affiliated individuals/groups, may be terminated for reasons including, but not limited to:

  1. Violation of state or federal law
  2. Violation of College policy
  3. Violation of terms set in the facilities Use Agreement
  4. Damage to property
  5. Imminent or threats to safety & property (to include weather related events)
  6. Disruption or obstruction of the administrative and/or educational environment
  1. Related Documents
    Facilities Use Agreement and Fee Schedule
  2. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Department of Capital Assets and OperationsChief Operating Officer(804)
  1. Procedures
    See Facilities Use Agreement.

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018

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6040 Smoking Policy

Policy Number: 6040
Policy Name: Smoking Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Capital Assets and Operations

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College will adhere to state laws and policies that ban smoking in public higher education facilities and state vehicles, and establish limitations on outdoor smoking. Faculty, staff, student, and visitor smokers are required to comply with all policies and procedures relating to smoking found herein and in the RBC Student Handbook. Anyone inviting a smoker onto campus must advise the visitor regarding the smoking policies.Interpretation of this policy is at the full discretion of the College President, campus safety officials, and the Director of Capital Assets and Operations.
  2. Reason for Policy
    Richard Bland College is committed to providing a safe, healthful, and pleasant learning and working environment for RBC students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The purpose of this policy is to address the use of all tobacco products and electronic cigarettes and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act (VICAA), Virginia Executive Order 41 (2006), and the associated guidance issued by the Virginia Secretary of Administration, by providing a healthy and safe environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors and to preserve the right of choice regarding smoking.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to

    1. All College facilities.
    2. All vehicles owned, leased, or rented by the College.
    3. All other property owned, leased, or controlled by the College, such as the campus grounds, sidewalks, malls, etc; and
    4. All members of the campus community as well as contractors and visitors, and other College agents.
  4. Related Documents
    Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act (§§15.2-2820—15.2-2833)
    Virginia Executive Order (EO) 41 Banning Smoking in State Offices and Vehicles
    Department of General Services (Guidance on Executive Order 41)
    Student Handbook
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Capital Assets and OperationsDirector of Capital Assets and Operations(804)
  1. Definitions
    The carrying or holding of any lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, of any kind, or other lighted smoking equipment of any kind or the lighting or inhaling or exhaling of smoke from a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind. The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs), also known as vaping, shall follow the same policies as the use of all tobacco products and shall, under this policy, be included in the definition of “smoking.”
    College Facilities: All buildings owned, rented, or leased by the college including residence halls, leased housing, and student activity buildings.
  2. General Prohibitions 
    The College seeks to promote the health of the college community through the following regulations pertaining to smoking.

    1. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings, facilities, and enclosed structures owned, leased, or rented by the College. Smoking is prohibited in all College owned, leased, or rented vehicles.
    2. Smoking is prohibited in all College owned, leased, or rented vehicles.
    3. Smoking within 25 feet of a campus building is prohibited.
    4. Smokers are required to dispose of their smoking material waste and shall not litter on state-owned property with smoking material waste.
    5. Smoking locations must not impede traffic flow in or out of buildings and shall be in a location where smoke cannot drift into office, classrooms, or living spaces.
    6. The sale or promotional distribution of tobacco products on campus is prohibited.
    7. Smoking is prohibited in outdoor areas during University events or activities scheduled in those outdoor areas, including but not limited to bleachers or row seating at Commencement or athletic events.
    8. The College offices may designate outdoor areas as smoking areas, with the approval of the President and the Director of Capital Assets and Operations.

    VI. Enforcement

    Non-compliance should be reported to the facility’s building coordinator. In instances where there is no designated building coordinator, non-compliance should be reported to the Director of Capital Assets and Operations.No person shall smoke in any prohibited area on or in campus facilities of vehicles.  Any person who is notified and continues to smoke in such area or place after having been asked to refrain from smoking shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $25 for each incident.In addition to the enforcement mechanism set forth in VICAA, cases involving students who have violated the Policy will be handled through the Student Disciplinary Policy detailed in the RBC Student Handbook.VII. Related Laws, Policies, and Guidance Documents
    Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act (Virginia Code §§15.2-2820—15.2-2833)
    Virginia Executive Order 41 – Banning Smoking in State Offices and Vehicles
    Department of General Services Guidance for Executive Order 41: Smoking Ban in State Offices and Vehicles
    RBC Student Handbook
    Use of College Facilities Policy


    Policy History
    Approved November 20, 2015
    Updated January 11, 2017
    Revised July 1, 2020

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6050 Sustainability Plan

Policy Number: 6050
Policy Name: Sustainability Plan
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Capital Assets and Operations

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College supports the integration of sustainability throughout campus operations. Members of the campus community are expected to follow the guidelines established in this policy for operating the College in a sustainable manner in order to meet the goals of the Presidents’ Climate Commitment. The College will work to promote (A) Sustainable Purchasing, (B) Green Cleaning, (C) Sustainable Transportation, (D) Solid Waste Management and Recycling, (E) Green Building, (F) Energy Conservation, and (G) Sustainable Landscaping.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to support operational efficiency and sustainable practices throughout the operations of Richard Bland College.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all facilities and grounds at Richard Bland College and College-affiliated organizations, to all employees and students, and to all campus departments. Sections of this policy may apply to particular individuals and departments as outlined below.
  4. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Capital Assets and OperationsDirector of Capital Assets and Operations(804)
  1. Definitions
    Construction and Demolition Debris: This includes waste and recyclables generated from construction and from the renovation, demolition, or deconstruction of preexisting structures. It does not include land-clearing debris, such as soil, vegetation, and rocks.Green Building Principles: The efficient management of energy and water resources, management of material resources and waste, protection of environmental quality, protection of occupant health and indoor environmental quality, reinforcement of natural systems, and integrating the design approach.Green Cleaning: Green cleaning is the use of cleaning products and practices that have less harmful environmental and health impacts than conventional products and practices.Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED): A third-party green building certification program administered by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).Presidents’ Climate Commitment: The American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment is a pledge made by presidents of campuses throughout the country to reduce and eventually eliminate greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy use, commuting, air travel, and other sources.
  2. Procedures
    1. Sustainable Purchasing
      1. This section applies to all departmental purchases made by Richard Bland College.
      2. Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines: Richard Bland College will strive to purchase products that promote sustainability. Preference will be given for products that are reused or contain recycled content; are durable, repairable, or recyclable; have low toxicity; have minimal packaging; come from local sources; have environmentally and socially responsible production processes; and are energy efficient. Preference will be given for working with local businesses and historically underrepresented businesses whenever possible.
      3. Paper: Office paper for printing and copying must contain 30% minimum recycled content paper whenever possible.
      4. Electronic Equipment and Appliances: Electronic equipment and appliances must be Energy Star labeled for equipment that is eligible for an Energy Star label. Electronic equipment should also meet the standard for Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Silver or Gold rating whenever possible.
    2. Green Cleaning
      1. This section applies to all facilities and all staff.
      2. Preference for Green Cleaning Products: Richard Bland College shall implement sustainable cleaning procedures and sustainable cleaning purchasing practices whenever possible. Preference will be given to purchasing cleaning products that meet Green Seal, EcoLogo, or the Environmental Protection Agency’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines. The Department of Capital Assets and Operations must track cleaning product purchases to indicate whether products meet these criteria.
      3. Green Cleaning Training: All custodial staff will be trained on green cleaning procedures and the relevant contents of the Sustainability Policy. The training will include information on how to use cleaning products and cleaning equipment, proper cleaning procedures (including application and disposal), and the environmental and health issues associated with cleaning products and equipment.
    3. Sustainable Transportation
      1. This section applies to all employees and departments at Richard Bland College.
      2. Idling Reduction: No vehicle on campus may idle for more than 5 consecutive minutes. Each driver will be responsible for ensuring that the vehicle he or she is operating does not idle unnecessarily. Vehicles should be turned off when parked and should not be restarted until loading or unloading is complete and the vehicle is ready to depart.
      3. Vehicle Operation: College employees should drive College-owned vehicles in a manner that maximizes fuel efficiency by observing speed limits, minimizing idling, and minimizing rapid acceleration and braking.
      4. Minimize Vehicle Miles Traveled: Alternate meeting methods, such as conference calls, or other technology, should be used when feasible to reduce the number of driving trips. Meetings should be held at centralized locations, when possible, to reduce distances traveled. Where applicable and reasonable, employees should use alternative modes of transportation, such as public transit, walking, biking, and carpooling. In general, travel routes should be planned to optimize efficiency. When feasible, trips should be chained together to reduce required travel time and distance.
      5. Maximize Efficiency Through Maintenance: Regularly scheduled preventive and other maintenance shall be performed promptly on all fleet items to maximize fuel efficiency and minimize emissions.
      6. Optimize Fleet Size: Vehicles that are used infrequently should be considered for removal from the fleet. Vehicle share agreements among departments, community car-share programs, or vehicle lease contracts should be explored to reduce the number of fleet vehicles needed.
    4. Vehicle Purchasing:
      1. Departments should identify the most fuel-efficient vehicles with maximum emission reduction available that meet the department’s operational needs whenever possible.
      2. Vehicles of a smaller class size and vehicles such as neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs) and bicycles should be considered to achieve increased miles per gallon and lower emissions.
      3. Preference will be given to purchasing electric, hybrid or alternative/renewable-fueled vehicles and equipment when (A) they meet the operational needs of the Department, (B) their fuels and relevant parts are available or could easily be made available, and (C) they show a reduction in or equivalent emissions or life-cycle per-mile costs (including maintenance), when compared with similar gas or diesel vehicles.
      4. “Clean” fuels (such as electricity, biodiesel, compressed natural gas, ethanol, and others) shall be used when feasible.
      5. All passenger vehicles acquired will be selected based on minimum greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and maximum fuel efficiency. Vehicles that achieve a combined 30 mpg or greater will be given preference.
      6. Work trucks, cargo vans, and special purpose and emergency response vehicles and equipment shall be purchased or leased to comply with the requirements of this policy whenever possible.
      7. The most fuel efficient vehicles that will meet departmental needs shall be purchased whenever possible.
      8. Sustainable Campus Transportation: Richard Bland College will encourage employees, students, and visitors to utilize alternative transportation options in order to reduce commuting emissions. Educational programs, incentives, and infrastructure improvements will be explored in order to promote alternative transportation such as walking, biking, public transportation, carpooling, and alternative fueled vehicles.
    5. Solid Waste Management and Recycling
      1. This section applies to all campus facilities and all students and employees at Richard Bland College.
      2. The entire campus community is expected to actively participate in Richard Bland College’s recycling program and waste reduction efforts through source reduction, reuse of materials, and recycling. This includes following the provisions of Richard Bland County’s mandatory recycling law.
      3. Source Reduction: All members of the college community are responsible for implementing operational practices that prevent waste from being produced whenever possible. Examples include printing reports and documents on both sides of paper; reducing the number of documents printed when possible; using email rather than printed correspondence; and using products that are reusable, refillable, repairable, non-toxic, and recyclable. Items requiring the least possible packaging should be purchased when practical. Every effort should be made to prevent excess or unneeded materials from being purchased. All members of the campus community should identify additional waste reduction opportunities within their units.
      4. Reuse of Materials: All members of the college community are responsible for reusing products whenever possible. Examples include obtaining office furniture from the College department of central stores; sharing office supplies when feasible; and using mugs, dishes, glasses, and reusable flatware rather than disposable paper and plastic ware. All members of the campus community should identify additional reuse opportunities within their units.
      5. Recycling: All members of the college community are responsible for separating identified recyclable materials and placing them in appropriate recycling containers. Recyclable materials include all items listed by the Richard Bland County Resource Recovery Agency such as office paper, mixed paper, newspapers, magazines, catalogues, craft paper, corrugated cardboard, paperboard, glass, metal, plastics, and beverage cartons. Additional ongoing consumables, such as toner cartridges, will be recycled to the maximum extent possible. Batteries and mercury containing light bulbs will be recycled to the maximum extent possible. Durable goods will be recycled, donated, or otherwise diverted from disposal to the maximum extent possible.
      6. Composting Food Waste: Pre-consumer food waste from dining services will be collected for composting using the appropriate containers. Dining services staff is responsible for separating food waste and placing it into the appropriate containers. Additional opportunities for composting will be explored in order to further reduce food waste entering the waste stream.
      7. Implementation: The Department of Capital Assets and Operations is responsible for providing recycling bins throughout campus to facilitate recycling; managing the collection of recyclables including training custodial and grounds staff regarding proper recycling collection; and tracking recycling and trash volume. The Department of Capital Assets and Operations is also responsible for identifying additional opportunities to reduce waste and implementing programs and practices to reduce waste. The Department of Capital Assets and Operations is responsible for educating campus community members about recycling and waste reduction through signage, events, and other methods. The Department of Capital Assets and Operations, with guidance from the Director of Sustainability, is responsible for coordinating periodic waste stream audits to determine waste diversion rates.
    6. Green Building
      1. This section applies to all facilities at Richard Bland College and College-affiliated organizations.
      2. Achieve LEED Silver Certification for Building Construction and Renovations: All new construction of buildings must meet LEED silver standards. All major renovations of buildings over 5,000 square feet must meet LEED silver standards when reasonably practicable.
      3. Utilize Energy Efficient Equipment: For new construction and building renovations, all appliances, heating and/or air conditioning equipment, or other systems that use energy shall be Energy Star qualified, if Energy Star equipment is available. When equipment needs to be replaced in existing buildings due to maintenance, Energy Star qualified equipment shall be used, if Energy Star equipment is available. The Department of Capital Assets and Operations will identify and implement additional energy efficiency improvements and other sustainability measures throughout campus facilities.
      4. Monitor Building Energy Consumption: All new and existing buildings shall monitor ongoing energy use with the EPA Building Portfolio Manager or equivalent energy monitoring software. This will allow the College to monitor energy usage, identify potential energy saving opportunities, and benchmark buildings against similar buildings throughout the country.
      5. Divert Construction and Demolition Debris from Disposal: At least 50% of waste tonnage from construction, demolition, and renovation projects shall be diverted from disposal whenever possible. The Department of Capital Assets and Operations should work with contractors and waste haulers to ensure construction and demolition debris is recycled whenever possible.
      6. Implementation: Project managers will ensure that the strategies specified in the Sustainability Policy are communicated to design and construction firms in the bidding process. Project managers will consider the green building competency of the firms in determining the contractors to hire. Project managers will ensure that the project specifications incorporate the strategies outlined in the Sustainability Policy and that the strategies are implemented throughout each project. Project managers and building maintenance personnel will ensure that energy efficient equipment, such as Energy Star qualified products, is utilized for new construction, renovations, and routine equipment replacement.
    7. Energy Conservation
      1. This section applies to all facilities at Richard Bland College and all employees.
      2. Temperature Set Points:
        1. Indoor temperature settings in all spaces during occupied periods will be:
          1. heated to a target temperature of 68° F during the winter; and
          2. cooled to a target temperature of 74° F in centrally air conditioned spaces during the summer.
        2. These will be set by the Department of Capital Assets and Operations in centrally controlled systems. Occupants who control their own thermostats are required to adhere to these settings.
        3. Temperatures may fluctuate within the building around these set points and every effort will be made to stay within 2° F of this range.
      3. Supplemental electric heaters shall only be issued in the case of long-term system malfunctions and as authorized and provided by the Department of Capital Assets and Operations.
      4. No other use of electric heaters is allowed and unauthorized heaters will be removed.
      5. Building Occupant Responsibilities: Individuals are expected to conserve energy wherever possible in their departments in order to save college resources and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Individuals should:
        1. Turn off lights when exiting rooms that are no longer occupied.
        2. Turn off office equipment (including monitors, task lights, personal computers, and other equipment where possible) when leaving a workspace for more than 30 minutes and at the end of the day.
        3. Set computer power management settings so that computer monitors turn off and CPU enters hibernate or standby mode after extended periods of time.
        4. Enable power management features on laser printers and copiers and power them down whenever possible, particularly on evenings and weekends.
        5. Utilize Energy Star equipment whenever possible.
        6. The Department of Capital Assets and Operations shall identify and implement additional energy conservation opportunities throughout campus facilities.
    8. Sustainable Landscaping
      1. This section applies to all campus grounds and the Department of Capital Assets and Operations.
      2. Sustainable Landscaping Guidelines: Richard Bland College shall manage campus grounds and landscaping in a sustainable manner, shall implement the Sustainable Landscape Master Plan to the fullest extent possible, shall utilize the Environmental Protection Agency’s four-tiered approached to Integrated Pest Management for all campus grounds whenever possible, and shall utilize native plants for landscaping on campus whenever possible.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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6060 Tents and Camping

Policy Number: 6060
Policy Name: Tents and Camping
Responsible Office: Department of Capital Assets and Operations

Effective Date: August 23, 2024

Last Updated: Initial

  1. Policy Statement 
    1. Constructing or occupying tents on College-owned or operated properties is prohibited unless approved in advance by the College. Tents shall include any structure, enclosure, or shelter with or without sidewalls or drops that is constructed of canvas or pliable material supported in any manner except by the contents it protects.
    2. Tent approval requests should specify the time, location, and duration for which the approval is sought.
    3. All approved tents require a College-affiliated sponsor who agrees to be responsible for ensuring that all College rules are followed, including compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. A contractual agreement for hosting an event between a College entity and an external individual, group, or organization is considered a form of sponsorship for the purpose of this Policy. Such contract will require a responsible individual to be on site to ensure compliance with all public laws and College rules.
    4. Approved tents must be removed at the end of the day and will not be permitted between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.
    5. Approved tents must comply with College requirements to avoid disrupting or obstructing College functions, including impeding pedestrian or vehicular traffic, blocking ingress/egress, creating unsanitary conditions, limitations on amplified sound, or other specified disruptive activity. Any tents or other structures must also comply with safety requirements imposed by federal, state, and local law.  If the actual use of the tents or other structures is in violation of any of these requirements, the approval is revoked.
    6. The construction or occupation of camping tents is prohibited. “Camping Tent” means any collapsible tent or structure, typically having as its basic components a flexible material supported by a framework, designed, intended, or used as temporary shelter while camping or on recreational outdoor outings.  Camping Tents may include tents known as “pup tents,” “dome tents,” “cabin tents,” “hiker tents,” and “backpacking tents.”  A Camping Tent does not include a tent with all sides entirely open and where there is an unobstructed view into such tent from the outside at all angles.
    7. Camping on College property is prohibited. Camping shall include : the act of using any part of the campus for living accommodation purposes, such as establishment of temporary or permanent living quarters, sleeping outdoors overnight, making preparations for overnight sleeping (including the laying down of bedding), storing personal belongings, using any tent, shelter, or similar structure regardless of size for sleeping, sleeping in, on or under parked vehicles, or setting up temporary or permanent sleeping areas outdoors or in structures not designated for human occupancy. Camping does not include the use of College real property that has been wholly or partially designated as sleeping areas or the use of temporary hammocks used in recreation or studying activities outside during non-overnight hours.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This purpose of this policy is to establish the College policy for the use of tents.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to any individual, group, or organization, regardless of their affiliation with the College. With the exception of the prohibition on camping tents, camping, and compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations, this policy does not apply to the College itself or tents erected for College use.
  4. Related Documents
    Facilities Use Agreement and Fee Schedule
  5. Contacts 
Department of Capital Assets and OperationsChief Operating Officer(804)
  1. Procedures
    See Facilities Use Agreement.

6070 Safety and Protection of Minors on Campus

Policy Number: 6070

Policy Name: Safety and Protection of Minors on Campus

Responsible Office: Department of Capital Assets and Operations & Department of Campus Safety and Police

Effective Date: February 14, 2025

Last Updated: Initial

  1. Policy Statement and Purpose


Richard Bland College of William & Mary (RBC or the College) is committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all individuals in the College community and emphasizes, in particular, the importance of the safety and protection of Minors who participate in RBC related programs, on or off campus.

The College conducts its operations and maintains its facilities in a manner consistent with its mission ofservice and access. Programs involving Minors are integral to the College’s dedication to the success andwell-being of the community.

This policy applies to all Programs in which any non-matriculated Minor participates. Such Programs areconducted either (1) by the College on or off College property or (2) by others authorized by the College to operate on College property. Such Programs include, but are not limited to, camps, clinics, workshops,conferences, and other educational activities.

This policy sets requirements for the screening, supervision and training of individuals working with Minors – to comply with applicable law protecting the safety of Minors and to promote safe, educational experiences for Minors participating in College and non-College Programs. The requirements of this policy are also designedto minimize the potential risks to adults organizing, operating and participating in Programs in which Minors areparticipants.

Programs involving Minors under age 13 may be required to obtain state licensure as a “child day program,” or apply for an exception with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Program Supervisors must make that determination and consult the VDOE Office of Child Care Health and Safety for questions. Inaddition, all RBC employees are required to report suspected child abuse and neglect.


Responsibility: Responsibility for notification of the policy rests with RBC’s Event Manager. Compliance withthis policy rests with the Program Supervisor.

Screening: Both RBC and non-RBC Program Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all Program Staff have satisfied the criminal background requirements of this policy. Non-RBC Program Supervisors are responsible for all screening costs. The Event Manager is responsible for obtaining screening results from the Program Supervisor and managing the data for at least 36 months.

Placement and Removal: Program Supervisors are responsible for informing Program Staff of their dutyunder this policy to report any activity that occurs prior to or after participation in an RBC Program or non-RBC Program that may disqualify the individual from responsibility in Programs involving Minors.

Training and Supervision: Program Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that Program Staff are trainedat a level appropriate for their level of interaction with Minors. When participating in an RBC Program or non-RBC Program, Minors must be within sight and sound of trained Tier I or II Program Staff until the Minor isreleased to a parent, legal guardian, or Chaperone, unless specific written consent is received from a parentor legal guardian.

Code of Conduct and the Protection of Minors: Employees and volunteers of RBC Programs, as well as third party employees and Volunteers of non-RBC Programs working with Minors on campus, are required toadhere to the RBC Code of Conduct.

While any Program in which a Minor participates must register under this policy, section 2 of the PolicySpecifics and Procedures describes certain exceptions from the other requirements of this policy.

Noncompliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. RBCsupports an environment free from retaliation. Retaliation against any employee who brings forth a good faith concern, asks a clarifying question, or participates in an investigation is prohibited.

Who Should Know this Policy


All College employees serving as departmental leadership or Program Staff (defined below) for Programsinvolving Minors are responsible for knowing this policy and familiarizing themselves with its contents,provisions, procedures and exceptions.

  1. Definitions


  1. Minor

For the purpose of this policy, a Minor is an individual under the age of 18 except for when any suchindividual is participating in a course as a Matriculated Student. No degree-seeking student is considered aMinor. As provided in the Code of Virginia § 63.2-1509, mandatory reporting responsibilities remain in placefor all Minors.

  1. Tier I Individual (Including Program Supervisor and Point Person)

A Tier I Individual is an adult of 18 years or older who is trained and authorized to engage in One-on-OneInteraction with Minors, and to supervise the interactions of Tier II and Tier III Individuals with Minors.

  • Program Supervisor

A Program Supervisor is a Tier I Individual with primary responsibility for the program. While programs may havevarious individuals who serve in a supervisory capacity, this individual has the authority to make the ultimatedecisions concerning the program, including placement and removal of relevant Program Staff. A ProgramSupervisor of a College Program is an RBC employee, and a Program Supervisor of a Non-College Program isnot an RBC employee or agent but the agent of the non-RBC entity operating the Non-College Program.

  • Point Person

A Point Person is a Tier I Individual and RBC employee who grants permission to a non-RBCindividual or organization to use RBC specific property for a Non-College Program or another designated RBC employee, who is responsible for ensuring that a Non-College program complieswith this policy.

  1. Tier II Individuals

A Tier II Individual is an adult of 18 years or older who is trained and authorized to engage in One-on-OneInteraction with Minors, and to supervise the interactions of Tier III Individuals with Minors. Tier II Individuals may include full-time employees; part-time employees or hourly seasonal staff; interns; or mentors.

  1. Tier III Individuals (typically Volunteers)

A Tier III Individual is typically a Volunteer and is authorized to engage in interaction with Minors on RBCproperty only under the Direct Supervision of a Tier I or II Individual at all times. Tier III Individuals mayinclude service-learning students, interns, RBC hourly employees, and RBC employees using theircommunity service-leave hours or who have not completed training and background checks required for TierII status.

  1. Campus Visit

A Campus Visit is defined as a Minor or Minors being on RBC property for a temporary visit while accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or authorized Chaperone [examples: participation in a prospectivestudent tour or a field trip with authorized Chaperones, e.g., K-12 personnel. Campus guests under the age of16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

  1. Chaperone

A Chaperone is an individual authorized by a Minor child’s parent or legal guardian to accompany andsupervise a Minor. A Chaperone should not be an RBC employee or otherwise connected with orresponsible for the Program. RBC will not take responsibility for verification of Chaperones.

  1. Direct Supervision

Direct Supervision means monitoring by sight and sound of interactions with Minors by a Tier I or IIIndividual.

  1. Events Manager

For the purpose of this policy, the Events Manager is the RBC employee accountable for the College’s responsibilities as specified in an event agreement. Duties may include planning, coordinating, and overseeing the event and ensuring that the event runs smoothly and meets expectations of event organizers and participants.

  1. Matriculated Student

A Matriculated Student, for the purposes of this policy, is one who has applied for, been admitted andarrived (regardless of modality) at the start of orientation or for the start of the school year, whichevercomes first.

  1. Non-College (non-RBC) Program

For the purpose of this policy, a non-College (non-RBC) Program is a Program in which one or more Minorsparticipates that is administered by a non-RBC person or entity authorized to operate on College property or using the College’s facilities, such as virtual platforms, for that purpose. Examples include a sports campconducted by a local high school coach at a College field or an on-campus student

organization’s program for which no College employee is a Program Supervisor.

  1. One-on-One Interaction

One-on-One Interaction is unsupervised interaction between any Program Staff and a Minor without at leastone other Program Staff, parent, legal guardian, or Chaperone present.


  1. Point Person

See Tier I Individual

  1. Program

A Program is an event or series of events or activities.

  1. Program Staff

Program Staff means the employees and Volunteers conducting either a College Program or a Non- CollegeProgram. In the case of Non-College Programs, Program Staff are not RBC employees or Volunteers butthe employees or Volunteers of the non-RBC organization that is operating the Non- College Program atRBC.

  1. Program Supervisor

The Point-Person for non-RBC events and the Events Manager for RBC events. See Tier I Individual for further information.

  1. Registration

The Program Supervisor for a College Program or Non-College Program must complete a registration form that is managed by the Events Manager or designee. Registration includes completing the registration form and filing the form with the Events Manager. The Point Person for a Non-College Program is responsible for notifying the ProgramSupervisor about the requirement to register.

  1. Shadowing

Shadowing (also known as “job shadowing”) is an educational experience wherein an individual has anopportunity to learn about a particular occupation or profession by accompanying an employee as theyperform the targeted job. Under this policy, shadowing is a one-time event lasting eight hours or less, thatis not connected to an organized program. Shadowing activities must be conducted within sight and soundof other adults. One-time shadowing is exempt from the requirements of this policy except for the requirement to register.

  1. College Program

For the purpose of this policy, a College Program is a Program administered by the College regardless of location or platform and in which one or more Minors participates under College supervision.

  1. Volunteer

For the purpose of this policy, a Volunteer is a person who willingly and without pay helps RBC in aprogram or activity involving Minors. A Volunteer does not have supervisory authority of a program. Thisperson can be a Tier I, II or III Individual. Volunteers may also be RBC employees acting outside of theirstandard employment capacity.

III.            Policy Specifics and Procedures


  1. Minimum Requirements for Program Staff

Minimum requirements for individuals engaged in Programs with Minors include screening,monitoring and supervision, and training. Minimum requirements are outlined below. RBCdepartments and units may adopt additional requirements. The Program Supervisor for a CollegeProgram or Non-College Program is charged with ensuring compliance with these requirements,including maintaining documentation demonstrating compliance. Documentation for minimumrequirements includes all background screening forms and certificates for training.

  1. Screening
  1. All Tier I and Tier II Individuals must undergo the biennial screening process linked in this Policy, which includes at least both a multi-state criminal background check and National Sex Offender Registry
  2. All Tier II Individuals must immediately disclose to the Program Supervisor any updatesto their relevant background, such as those described below, if they occur at any time since their background Relevant updates include, but are not limited to arrests, criminal convictions, and relevant reports to Child Protective Services (CPS).Tier I Individuals must also report any such updates to their immediate supervisor.
  • Tier I and II Individuals must successfully pass the biennial screening process in order to interact with Minors on RBC’s campus or as part of RBC Individuals whodo not successfully pass the screening process are prohibited from interacting withMinors in a College or Non-College Program.
  1. The Program Supervisor for a College Program or – through the Facility UseAgreement – a Non-College Program, is charged with maintaining appropriatescreening documentation for all Tier I and II
  1. Monitoring and Supervision
  1. For College and Non-College Programs, only Tier I and II Individuals are authorizedto conduct One-on-One Interactions with Minors. Shadowing

Activities as defined above are not considered One-on-One Interactions.

  1. Tier I Individuals are responsible for ensuring that Tier II and III Individuals comply withprocedures established to promote the protection and safety of Minors in the
  • Tier II Individuals may engage in Program-related activities without DirectSupervision only with specific permission from the Program
  1. Tier III Individuals may interact with Minors only under Direct Supervision of a Tier I or II
  2. For Campus Visits with any Minor unaccompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or authorized Chaperone, two or more Tier I, II or III Individuals must be present.
  1. Training
  1. Mandatory Policy Tier Training

□ All Tier I and II Individuals must annually read and understand this policy. They must acknowledge reading and understanding by filling out a sign-off form that is managed by the Events Manager. The sign-off form is maintained for at least 36 months.

□ All Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III individuals associated with an RBC program must attend at least one pre-program meeting with the Events Manager, or her designee.

 □ The Events Manager will keep a record of attendees to the pre-program meetings for at least 36 consecutive calendar months after the completion of the program.

  1. Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training

All Tier I and II Individuals are identified as CSAs. At a minimum, annual Clery training must be completed by CSA’s. The training specifics including format will be delegated annually by the RBC Chief of Police. A record of training completion must be maintained by the Events Manager, or her designee, for a minimum of 36 months.

  • Transportation (if applicable)

Any driver of an RBC vehicle is required to be licensed in the State of Virginia.   Drivers of vehicles that carry 16 or more people are required to have earned a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). Please refer to the most recent revision of Virginia’s VDOT requirements for further information:  Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL) | Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles

  1. Program Requirements

The registration requirement of this policy applies to every Program in which a Minor participates.Those Programs listed in “exceptions” below do not need to meet the other requirements of thispolicy. Those Programs that do not qualify as an exception must complete the procedures andprocesses listed below before the College or Non-College Program begins. This is in addition to the minimum requirements for Program Staff listed above.

  1. Exceptions
    1. Events on College property that are open to the general public (Minors may be presentbut are not under the care, custody and control of College employees).
    2. Campus Visits as defined in definitions above.
  • Minors enrolled for academic credit or who have been accepted for enrollment;including dual enrollment students and traditional underage students.
  1. Research programs that are subject to the Institutional Review Board guidelines,policies, and oversight for research involving human subjects; and
  2. Minor Employees

Also excluded from this policy are Minors visiting siblings who are enrolled students, aswell as groups of Minors visiting College real property for the purpose of tours, fieldtrips, or as patrons of educational or entertainment events in which the visit is notovernight and the minors are in the custody of the visiting staff.

On rare occasions there are special circumstances that may require an exception not listed in this policy to be granted. Requests for an exception to this policy should be made in writing and require the approval of the Chief of Operations and Director of Campus Safety and Chief of Police.

  1. Program Registration

The registration form is managed by the Events Manager. Registration by non-College                entities is encouraged no later than 30 days prior to the first scheduled date of participation. All minor attendees must file a registration form with the Events Manager or her designee. The completed form must be on file before the start of programming.

  1. Facilities Rental Agreement

Facilities Rental Agreements must be signed by the COO, or his designee, and the Point Person for the event. The Point Person must coordinate with the Events Manager between theCollege and the person or entity operating the Non-College Program. The Program Supervisorof a Non-College Program is required to comply with this policy, including the responsibilities ofthe Program Supervisor.

In addition to a signed Facility Rental Agreement, the Event Manager must also have on file:

  1. a copy of the operator’s certificate of insurance (COI) wherein RBC is named as an additional insured.
  2. a provision assuring that the Program Staff involved with Non-College Programs willcomply with the requirements in this policy.
  1. Parent/Legal Guardian Consent

The Program Supervisor shall obtain written or electronic permission from the parent/legal     guardian of any Minor to participate in the Program. If the signature is electronic, the signatory must acknowledge their electronic mark serves as a valid signature.

  1. Communication and Notification Plans

The College or Non-College Program must establish an appropriate procedure for the notification of any Minor’s parent/legal guardian in case of an emergency, including medical orbehavioral problems, natural disasters, or other significant Program disruptions. Program Staff,as well as participants and their parent/legal guardian, must be advised of this procedure inwritten or electronic form prior to a Minor’s participation. The College or Non-College Programmust notify any Minor participant’s parent/legal guardian of the College’s Clery Act timelywarnings. This can be accomplished by encouraging them to sign up for RBC’s text messagealert system. Program Supervisors should notify Minor participants of a specific timely warningonly if Program Staff need to take responsive action.

  1. The Events Manager maintains a list of all Program participants and all Program This list shallinclude each participant’s name; local room assignment (if applicable); age, address, any ADAaccommodations and medical needs, and phone number(s) of parent or legal guardian to be reachedthroughout the duration of the Program, as well as emergency contact information. Information about a participant’s gender is required for overnight programs only, although it may be collected by Programs if necessary.
  1. Program Supervisors must inform Program participants and the parents or legal guardians of all MinorProgram participants about safety and security procedures, applicable College policies, rules, andguidelines established by the Program, and behavioral Program Staff are responsiblefor following and enforcing all rules; providing information to Program participants; and responding to emergencies in compliance with this policy.
  1. Overnight
    1. At least two Tier I or II Individuals, who are on-call, are required to supervise Minorsfor overnight Adults who are 18+ must stay overnight in separate roomsfrom Minors unless the adult/Minor is a parent/child.
    2. In group/cabin sleep settings, it is permissible for Tier I or II adults to sleep in the same room as Minors, as long as at least two Tier I or II Individuals are in the
  • Each Minor must have and remain in their own bed. Minors are not to sleep in the samebed as other Minors or
  1. When staying overnight in RBC facilities, any applicable RBC policies/proceduresestablished by Residence Life & Housing also
  1. Virginia Department of Education Licensure Requirements

Program Supervisors must determine if their Program is subject to the VDOE licensure requirements for a “child day program.” EAS and, if needed, legal counsel may be able toassist. As defined in Virginia Code § 22.1-282.02, “child day program” means a regularlyoperating service arrangement for children where, during the absence of a parent or guardian,a person or organization has agreed to assume responsibility for the supervision, protection,and well-being of a child younger than 13 years of age for less than a 24-hour period. Per8VAC20-780-10, “Child day program” does not include programs such as drop- in playgroundsor clubs for children when there is no service arrangement with the child’s parent.”

  1. Mandatory Reporting (Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect)

As provided in the Code of Virginia § 63.2-1509, any RBC employee, Volunteer or third party who has a reason to suspect that a child is an abused or neglected child, must report the matter immediately to the local department of the county or city wherein the child resides orwherein the abuse or neglect is believed to have occurred. See also 22VAC40-705-40. If youare unsure which county or city to report to, then report to The Virginia Department of SocialServices’ toll-free child abuse and neglect hotline at 1-800-552-7096.

  1. College Employees and Volunteers Serving College Programs

College employees are also required to comply with the College’s Duty to Report policy, whichincludes reporting the knowledge or suspicion as soon as possible, but not longer than 24 hours after having reason to suspect by reporting to the following:

  1. Program Supervisor (unless the Program Supervisor is alleged to have committed the abuse, in which case reporting should be made to the Program Supervisor’s manager),
  2. RBC Police Department at 804-862-6111, and
  • The local department of the county or city wherein the child resides or wherein the abuse or neglect is believed to have occurred or to the Department’s toll-free child abuse andneglect hotline. If you are unsure which county or city to report to, then report to TheVirginia Department of Social Services’ toll-free child abuse and neglect hotline at 1-800-552-7096.
  1. Contacts


Department of Campus Safety and PoliceDirector of Campus Safety and Chief of Police(804)
Capital Assets and OperationsChief Operating Officer(804)

III. Forms


  1. Criminal Background Check and Sex Offender Search


IV. Related Documents


  1. Code of Virginia 63.2-1509 (requirement that certain injuries to children be reported)
  2. Additional Sex Offender Search Resources at no cost:
    1. FBI Sex Offender Resources

  1. American Camp Association Standards at a Glance

7000 Enrollment and Admissions Policies

7010 Honor Code

Policy Number: 7010
Policy Name: Honor Code

The Richard Bland College Honor Code policy is located in the RBC Student Handbook.

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7020 Student Records and FERPA

Policy Number: 7020
Policy Name: Student Records and FERPA
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Records and Registration

  1. Policy Statement 
    The College protects the privacy of student records and provides students with access to their own records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a Federal law which requires that a written institutional policy be established and that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available. The law provides a student the right to inspect and review information contained in his/her education record, to challenge the contents of the education record, and to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory. The student may submit explanatory statements for inclusion in the files if the student feels the decision of the hearing panel to be unacceptable.

    1. Student Rights
      The law provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student education records. Richard Bland College accords all the rights under the law to students in attendance at the College.

      1. Right to Inspect and Review: Students have the right to inspect and review their own education records within 45 days after the day the College receives a request for access. Education records available for inspection include, but are not limited to admissions, personal, academic, and financial files, as well as academic and placement records. Refer to the definition of Education Records in Section VI for more information. Students may have copies made of their records with certain exceptions (e.g., copy of the academic record for which a financial hold exists, or a transcript of an original or source document that exists elsewhere).
      2. Right to Request Amendment: If a student believes that information contained in the student’s education record is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise violates the student’s right to privacy, the student may request that the College amend the records(s). Initial requests for amendment of an education record should be made to the College Director of Records and Registration and may be resolved informally. If the College Director of Records and Registration decides not to amend the records as requested, the student will be notified of the right to request a formal hearing. Procedures for both informal and formal resolution of a request for amendment are outlined below in Section VII.
      3. Rights Concerning Disclosure: Students have the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information from their education records except to the extent that FERPA or superseding law authorizes disclosure without consent of the student. Consent to disclose education records must be written, signed, and dated. Valid written consent must also specify the records that may be disclosed, the purpose for which they may be disclosed, and the persons or class of persons to whom the information may be disclosed.
    2. Disclosure of Student Education Records without Consent
      1. In general, the College will not disclose personally identifiable information from education records without prior written consent of the student. The College may disclose an education record or information from an education records when all personally identifiable information has been redacted, such that a reasonable person in the school community without special knowledge of the relevant circumstances would not be able to identify the student from the record. FERPA permits disclosure of education records in the following circumstances:
      2. Disclosures to school officials with legitimate educational interests. In general, such disclosures include those made to members of the Faculty or personnel in the Office of Records and Registration, the Office of the Provost, the Financial Aid Office, the Office of Student Success, Office of Residence Life, the Office of the President, and other College personnel as necessary for them in the exercise of their official duties. (See Section VI for the definition of school official.)
      3. Disclosures of directory information. At its discretion, the College may provide directory information in accordance with the provisions of FERPA and Va. Code §23.1-405.C. Students may withhold directory information from disclosure by notifying the Director of Records and Registration in writing within two weeks after the first day of class for each term. (See Section VI for the definition of directory information.)
      4. Disclosures to a Transfer Institution. The College may make disclosures of students’ education records to another educational institution where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
      5. Disclosure to the student him/herself.
      6. Disclosures to parents of dependent students. The College may disclose personally identifiable information from education records to parents of a student considered a dependent for federal income tax purposes. The College may not presume tax dependency and musts obtain either a copy of the parents’ most recent tax return (financial information may be redacted) or an acknowledgment from the student that the student is in fact a dependent. This exception is generally not available for international students, whose parents generally do not file U.S. tax returns.
      7. Disclosures made in connection with a health or safety emergency. The College may disclose personally identifiable information to appropriate parties if the disclosure is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
      8. Disclosures to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena.
      9. Disclosure to a court in connection with a lawsuit. If the student brings a lawsuit against the College, the College may disclose information from education records that is relevant to the action and does not relate to other students not involved in the lawsuit.
      10. Disclosure to parents of a student who has violated drug and alcohol rules. The College may disclose information from education records to parents of a student, who is under 21 at the time of the disclosure, if that information relates to the College’s determination that the student has violated the College’s rules regarding drugs or alcohol.
      11. Disclosure of the “final results” of a disciplinary proceeding. If the College determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of College policy or rules, then the College may disclose the final results of the disciplinary proceeding to the public. The final results are limited to the name of the student, the basic nature of the violation the student was found to have committed, and a description and the duration of any sanction the College imposed against the student.
      12. Disclosure to a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense. The College may disclose the final results of a disciplinary hearing to such a victim and may make such disclosure regardless of the outcome of the proceeding. The final results are limited to the name of the student, the basic nature of the violation the student was found to have committed, and a description and the duration of any sanction the College imposed against the student.
      13. Disclosure in connection with financial aid that the student has applied for or received. The College may make disclosures in connection with financial aid if the disclosure is for the purpose of determining the student’s eligibility for, the amount of, the conditions for the aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
      14. Disclosure to authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U. S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the university’s State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision may be made in connection with an audit or evaluation of Federal- or State-supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs.       These entities may make further disclosures of personally identifiable information to outside entities that are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation, or enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf.
      15. Disclosures to accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions.
      16. Disclosures to organizations conducting studies for education institutions to develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; administer student aid programs; or improve instruction. Disclosures to these organizations are permitted if the studies are conducted in a manner that prevents personal identification of parents and students by anyone other than representatives of the organizations, the information is destroyed when no longer needed for purposes of the studies, and the institution enters into a written agreement with the organization specifically limiting its use of the information in these ways.
      17. Disclosures concerning sex offenders. The College may make certain disclosures that consist of information provided to the institution pursuant to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (commonly known as the Wetterling Act).
  2. Reason for Policy
    FERPA is designed to protect the confidentiality of the records that educational institutions maintain on their students, give students access to those records, and assure the accuracy of those records. This policy has been established to inform students of their rights under FERPA, to inform employees, student workers, third party contractors and volunteers of Richard Bland College’s obligations under FERPA, and to describe the circumstances under which the College may disclose student education records.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to students in attendance at and employees of Richard Bland College. This policy governs the treatment of records directly relate to students and maintained by Richard Bland College.
  4. Related Documents
    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Records and RegistrationDirector of Records and Registration(804)
Tim BlackstonFERPA
  1. Definitions
    “Attendance” includes but is not limited to attendance in person or by paper correspondence, videoconference, satellite, internet, or other electronic information and telecommunications technologies for students who are not physically present in the classroom. The College defines, in accordance with FERPA, the first day of class as the date when a student is first considered to be “in attendance.”“Directory Information” means information that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed, including, but not limited to:

    • Student name
    • Photograph
    • Date and place of birth
    • Major field of study; grade level
    • Enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate, full-time or part-time)
    • Dates of attendance
    • Degrees and awards received
    • The most recent previous education agency or institution attended by the student
    • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
    • Height and weight of members of athletic teams

    “Education Records” means those records that are directly related to a student and maintained by the College or an agent for the College. Records may include documents, files, or other media in electronic or tangible form. Education Records do not include sole possession records, law enforcement records, certain employment records, treatment records, alumni records, or peer grades. For a full list of what the definition of education records specifically excludes, see title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 99.3.

    School Official” means a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel, College Counsel, and health staff); a person serving on the Board of Visitors; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the College who performs an institutional service or function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of personally identifiable information from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the College.

  2. Procedures
    Requests for Inspection and Review:The law provides a student the right to inspect and review information contained in his/her education record, to challenge the contents of the education record, and to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory. The student may submit explanatory statements for inclusion in the files if the student feels the decision of the hearing panel to be unacceptable. The Director of Records and Registration at Richard Bland College has been designated by the institution as the individual responsible for coordinating the inspection and review procedures for student educational records. These records include admissions, personal, academic, and financial files, as well as academic and placement records. Students wishing to review their education records must make written requests to the Director of Records and Registration listing the item or items of interest. Only records covered by the Act will be made available within forty-five days of the request. Students may have copies made of their records upon receipt by RBC of $0.15 per page within certain exceptions (e.g., copy of the academic record for which a financial hold exists, or a transcript of an original or source document that exists elsewhere). Education records do not include records of instructional, administrative, and educational personnel who are the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any individual except a temporary substitute, records of the law enforcement unit, student health records, employment records, or alumni records. Physicians designated by the student may review health records.

    Students may not inspect the following as outlined by the Act:

    • Financial information submitted by their parents
    • Confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment, or job placement honors to which they have waived their rights of inspection and review
    • Records containing information about more than one student

    In such cases, the institution will permit access only to that part of the record that pertains to the inquiring student.

    Requests for Amendment and Right to a Hearing:

    A student who believes an educational record contains information that is inaccurate or misleading or is otherwise in violation of privacy or other rights may discuss the problem informally with the Director of Records and Registration. If the Director of Records and Registration agrees with the student’s request, the appropriate record will be amended. If not, the student will be notified within a reasonable period of time that the record will not be amended, and the student will be informed by the Office of Records and Registration of the right to a formal hearing. A student request for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the Provost who, within a reasonable period of time after receiving such request, will inform the student of the date, place, and the time of the hearing. A student may present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearing by one or more persons of their choice, including attorneys at the student’s expense. The hearing panel that will adjudicate such challenges will be the Provost, the Chief Development Officer, and the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee.

    The decision of the hearing panel will be final, and will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. Notification will consist of written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions. The decision will be delivered to all parties concerned. Education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the decision of the hearing panel if the decision is in favor of the student. If the decision is unsatisfactory to the student, the student may place in the education records statements commenting on the information in the records, or statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the hearing panel. The statements will be maintained as part of the student’s record and released whenever the record in question is disclosed. Students who believe the adjudication of their challenges was unfair or not in keeping with the provisions of the Act may submit written requests to the President of the College for assistance. Students who believe their rights have been abridged may also file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education, Family Policy Compliance Office, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20202-8520, concerning the alleged failures of Richard Bland College to comply with the Act. Revisions and clarifications will be published as the law and RBC’s policy warrants.

    Copies of the College’s policy and procedures are available to students (and authorized parents of students) upon request at the Office of Records and Registration.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Revised August 1, 2019

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7030 Financial Aid Policies and Procedures

Policy Number: 7030
Policy Name: Financial Aid Policies and Procedures
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Financial Aid

  1. Policy Statement
    The purpose of this policy is to ensure full federal and state compliance regarding the delivery of financial aid at Richard Bland College.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy is intended to ensure that the College’s financial aid decisions are based upon sufficient information and are rendered in a manner consistent with applicable law.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All College personnel who have a role in the financial aid process, and all prospective applications for financial aid, should be familiar with this policy.
  4. Related Documents
    Richard Bland College Financial Aid Office Policies and Procedures Manual
    Department of Education’s website (IFAP)
    Federal Registers
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Financial AidDirector of Financial Aid804-862-6100 ext.
  1. Definitions
    FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid)
    SAR (Student Aid Report
    EFC (Expected Family Contribution)
  2. Procedures
    Please refer to the Richard Bland College Financial Aid Policies and Procedures Manual.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019

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7040 Recruitment and Admission Activities Performed by Independent Contractors or Agents

Policy Number: 7040
Policy Name: Recruitment and Admission Activities Performed by Independent Contractors or Agents
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Admissions

  1. Policy Statement
    Any independent contractor or agent who engages in recruitment or other admission activities on behalf of the College shall comply with all applicable College policies, including but not limited to the Richard Bland College Code of Ethics. Independent contractors and agents must accurately represent the practices, policies, and accredited status of Richard Bland College at all times. All recruitment materials utilized by an independent contractor or agent that are not prepared in full by College employees must be approved by the President of the College or her designee prior to use.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to ensure that independent contractors and agents involved with College recruiting or admission activities are governed by the same principles and policies as College employees.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all independent contractors and agents used for College recruiting purposes or admission activities.
  4. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
EnrollmentDirector of Admissions804-862-6100 ext.

Policy History
Approved February 26, 2018
Updated August 1, 2019

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8000 Academic, Student Development & Athletics Policies


8010 Academic Calendar

Policy Number: 8010
Policy Name: Academic Calendar
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Policy Statement
    RBC shall set an academic calendar and include it on the College website and in the College Catalog.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The policy is designed to ensure that the Academic Calendar, which provides useful dates to help navigate through the semester, is available to students and faculty. Important dates include days to register and withdraw from classes, examinations, college closings, and breaks. The Academic Calendar must include the requisite number of class meetings for each academic course exclusive of holidays and other closings.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All members of the College community should be familiar with this policy.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Academic and Student DevelopmentProvost(804)
  1. Procedures
    The Provost, in consultation with the Faculty Assembly and the department chairs, will set the Academic Calendar. Changes to the Academic Calendar will be posted online.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019

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8020 Approval of Curricula

Policy Number: 8020
Policy Name: Approval of Curricula
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Policy Statement
    RBC College curricula shall be changed in accordance with this policy.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The policy is designed to ensure that changes to RBC curricula are made with due consideration of academic, college, and administrative concerns.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All members of the College community involved in formulating changes to academic curricula should be familiar with this policy.
  4. Related Documents
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Academic and Student DevelopmentProvost(804)
  1. Procedures
    Procedure for Adding a Course to the Curriculum

    1. The faculty member proposing the addition of a new course will fill out a Proposal for New Course form and sign it.
    2. Copies of the proposal will be distributed to all members of the Department where the course will be taught, and a Department meeting will be held to discuss the proposal.
    3. After the proposal has been discussed in the Department, the faculty member will submit it to the Instructional Program/Curriculum Committee.
    4. The Instructional Program/Curriculum Committee will set a meeting date and distribute a copy of the Proposal for New Course form to all members of the faculty as part of the agenda for the meeting.
    5. The Instructional Programs Committee will approve or disapprove the proposed course and submit such recommendation to the Faculty Assembly.
    6. The Faculty Assembly will submit their recommendations to the President’s Council.
    7. The President’s Council will recommend to the President either approval, with any appropriate modifications, or disapproval of the course.

    Procedure for Adding a Program to the Curriculum

    1. The faculty member proposing the addition of a new program will fill out a Proposal for New Program form and sign it.
    2. Copies of the proposal will be distributed to all members of the Department where the program will be offered, and a Department meeting will be held to discuss the proposal.
    3. After the proposal has been discussed in the Department, the faculty member will submit it to the Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee.
    4. The Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee will set a meeting date and distribute a copy of the Proposal for New Program form to all members of the faculty as part of the agenda for the meeting.
    5. The Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee will approve or disapprove the proposed program and submit such recommendation to the Faculty Assembly.
    6. The Faculty Assembly will submit their recommendations to the President’s Council.
    7. The President’s Council will recommend to the President either approval, disapproval, or approval with appropriate modifications.
    8. All new programs are subject to approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and any substantive changes are recorded with the Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
    9. All programs leading to an Associate Degree will contain a minimum of 60 credit hours. All programs leading to a Certificate will contain the minimum number of hours necessary to ensure competency in the area as defined by academic or industrial standards.
    10. The process for adding a new course is similar. SCHEV approval is not required and no substantive change is recorded with SACSCOC when a course is added to the curriculum.

    Procedure for Prioritization of Academic Disciplines for Curtailment or Discontinuance
    During times of financial and enrollment constraint, it is essential that institutions of higher education periodically review their academic disciplines in order to make reasonable and educationally sound decisions regarding the overall allocation of funds and personnel for their particular institution.

    Decisions of this nature that affect the viability and financial well-being of the institution may be necessary due to a substantial decline in student enrollment, a reduction in State allotments or appropriations, loss of other income received from non-State sources, or an internal reallocation process.

    Guidelines for the Review of Academic Disciplines:
    Listed below are several broad areas that shall be used for the purpose of making decisions involving academic discipline curtailment or discontinuation. Each of the areas is followed by questions illustrating some specific kinds of inquiry that should be developed.

    1. Mission
      1. What is the relationship of the discipline to the mission of the College?
      2. How is it related to the mission of the Department?
    2. Quality
      1. What is the overall quality of the discipline at present in terms of instruction?
      2. What is the performance of the students currently enrolled in the discipline?
      3. What is the quality of the faculty affiliated with the discipline in terms of their academic preparation, teaching, and professional service?
      4. What is the quality and quantity of library holdings for the discipline and how do they compare with established standards?
      5. What is the quality of equipment, facilities, and laboratories dedicated to the program?
    3. Cost and Revenues:
      1. What are the direct and indirect costs associated with the discipline per year/biennium?
      2. How much revenue does the discipline generate from tuition, fees, and other sources of funding?
      3. What is the cost effectiveness of the discipline?
      4. What resources will be required to maintain the discipline at its present level or to raise it to a desired level of excellence within a reasonable period of time?
      5. What is the cost per student credit hour in the discipline? How does it compare with the College average and similar disciplines at other institutions?
      6. What revenue loss will be anticipated if the discipline is discontinued?
      7. What is the cost of continuing employment for faculty members, both tenured and non-tenured, as well as for clerical and other non-faculty personnel directly associated with the discipline for the next two biennia?
      8. What is the significance of the discipline’s curtailment or discontinuation on the College’s financial situation?
    4. Enrollment and Productivity:
      1. What is the pattern of the discipline’s current and past (5 years) enrollment in terms of numbers and types of students?
      2. What are the enrollment projections for the discipline for the next five years?
      3. Can the discipline’s enrollment be improved by some simple efforts?
      4. What has been the discipline’s retention rate over the past five years?
    5. Relationship with Other Programs:
      1. How does the discipline relate with others offered or planned by the College?
      2. To what extent is the discipline’s faculty involved with those of other disciplines in joint instructional activities?
    6. Distinctive Program Features:
      1. Is the discipline unique in concept, design, or implementation?
      2. Does the discipline address specific local or regional needs that cannot be met in any other manner?
      3. Does the discipline have a demonstrable significant value to the area and population served by the College?
    7. Comparable Disciplines:
      1. Are there disciplines comparable to the one being considered for curtailment or closure offered by other institutions in Virginia?
      2. If such disciplines are offered by other institutions in Virginia, can they respond adequately to the needs of the College’s service area residents?
    8. Impact of Discontinuation:
      1. What would be the impact of the discipline’s curtailment or discontinuation on other College units and programs?
      2. What will be the effect of curtailing or closing the discipline on the educational opportunities available in the College’s service area?
      3. Will the curtailment or closure of the discipline have an adverse effect on the recruitment efforts of the College?
      4. How will the discipline’s curtailment or closure affect the College’s affirmative action goals?
    9. Alternatives to Curtailment or Discontinuation:
      1. As an alternative to the discipline’s curtailment or closure, what are the possibilities of cost reduction, merger with another discipline, or development of a joint or cooperative offering with another institution?
      2. Is there a viable educational or fiscal alternative to discipline curtailment or closure that can be recommended?
      3. Have any of the following been considered: voluntary early retirements, voluntary reductions in salary, outside funding, or summer teaching as a part of regular load?

    The procedures detailed below shall be followed in the review of academic disciplines for the purpose of possible curtailment or discontinuance:

    1. The Provost shall charge the Instructional Program/Curriculum Committee to undertake the review of any discipline or disciplines that may fall under the purview of this policy.
    2. After a thorough review, the Instructional Program/Curriculum Committee recommendations shall be communicated to the Faculty Assembly and the Provost.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated February 26, 2018

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8030 Determination and Assignation of Academic Credit

Policy Number: 8030
Policy Name: Determination and Assignation of Academic Credit
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Scope:
    This policy defines academic credit hours awarded by Richard Bland College of William & Mary (RBC) at all levels and in all programs. This policy does not address non-credit instruction.
  2. Purpose:
    This document provides general definition and school-specific requirements for the awarding of academic credit hours. It includes requirements articulated by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
  3. Policy:
    Federal Definition of the Credit Hour (from USDOE): For purposes of the application of this policy and in accord with federal regulations, a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:

    1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
    2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

    In the document “Regulations Governing Certification of Certain Institutions to Confer Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates,” the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) further notes: “Emerging delivery methodologies may necessitate determining a unit of undergraduate … credit with non-time-based methods. These courses shall use demonstration of competency, demonstration of proficiency, or fulfillment of learning outcomes to ensure these courses are equivalent to traditionally delivered courses.”

    RBC adopts the federal and state definitions of credit hour as outlined above, regardless of the mode of delivery including, but not limited to, self-paced, online, hybrid, lecture, seminar, and laboratory. RBC further acknowledges credit-hour stipulations required by accrediting agencies for specific schools and levels.

  4. Responsibilities:
    1. The Provost and department chairs are required to ensure that credit hours are awarded appropriately in accordance with this policy and federal guidelines.
    2. In the process of approving courses, faculty committees governing educational policy shall ensure that the proposed instruction, required learning activities, and stated learning outcomes meet this credit-hour standard.
    3. In the process of building the schedule, the Provost and department chairs are responsible for ensuring that credit hours are accurately established.

Policy History
Approved May 2, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019

Return To Top

8040 Substantive Change Policy

Policy Number: 8040
Policy Name: Substantive Change Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Institutional Accreditation and Compliance

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College’s accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires that it report substantive changes in accordance with the Commission’s substantive change policy ( Substantive change is defined by SACSCOC as “a significant modification or expansion in the nature and scope of an accredited institution.”
  2. Reason for Policy
    Richard Bland College requires this policy and accompanying procedures to remain in compliance with accreditation standards.
  3. Applicability
    The policy applies to all employees of the College who are in a position to institute applicable programs, degrees, credentials, procedures, or to propose or implement changes to same.
  4. Related Documents
    SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy:
  5. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Institutional Effectiveness and ComplianceSACSCOC Institutional Accreditation Liaison(804) 862-6000


  1. Definition of Substantive Change
    Richard Bland College’s accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires that it report substantive changes in accordance with the Commission’s substantive change policy. Substantive change is defined by SACSCOC as “a significant modification or expansion in the nature and scope of an accredited institution.”  These modifications, as they apply to a 2-year college, include the following:
    • Substantially changing the established mission or objectives of the College or its programs.
    • Changing the legal status, form of control, or ownership of the College.
    • Changing the governance of the College.
    • Merging/consolidating the College with another institution or entity.
    • Acquiring another institution or any program or location of another institution.
  • o Initiating/establishing, relocating, or closing off-campus instructional sites, including a branch campus, where at least 25% of a program is offered.
    • Offering courses or programs at a higher or lower degree level than currently authorized.
    • Changing the way the College measures student progress, whether in clock hours or credit hours; semesters, trimester, or quarters, or time-based or non-time-based methods or measures.
    • Adding a program that is a significant departure from the existing programs, or method of delivery, from those offered when the College was last evaluated.
    • Initiating programs by distance education or correspondence courses.
    • Adding an additional method of delivery to a currently offered program.
    • Initiating programs or courses offered through contractual agreement or consortium
    • Entering into a contract by which an entity not eligible for Title IV funding offers 25% or more of one or more of the accredited institution’s programs
    • Substantially increasing or decreasing the number of clock hours or credit hours awarded or competencies demonstrated, or an increase in the level of credential awarded, for successful completion of one or more programs.
    • Adding competency-based education programs.
    • Adding each competency-based education program by direct assessment.
    • Adding programs with completion pathways that recognize and accommodate a student’s prior or existing knowledge or competency.
    • Awarding dual or joint academic awards.
    • Re-opening a previously closed program or off-campus instructional site.
    • Adding a permanent location at a site at which the College is conducting a teach-out program for students of another institution that has ceased operating before all students have completed their program of study.
    • Closing an institution, a program, a method of delivery, an off-campus instructional site, or a program at an off-campus instructional site.
    • Participating in the federal Prison Education Program providing Pell Grant access to confined or incarcerated students.

Questions about whether a proposed change/academic action represents substantive change may be directed to the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison. For further information about what constitutes substantive change, please see the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy.

  1. Responsibilities and Procedures
    • Responsibilities
      An academic department or unit that is considering what may possibly be a substantive change or program modification must discuss the potential changes with the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison as soon as possible when the potential changes are being contemplated, as changes typically cannot be implemented prior to SACSCOC approval. Some examples of potential changes include:

      1. significant on-line program delivery;
      2. development of a new credential (i.e., degree programs, certificate program, etc.)
        • new credentials   may or may not require a substantive change, depending on whether or not it represents a significant departure from current offerings
        • new credentials may also impact the status of off-campus sites, i.e. whether or not they exceed certain thresholds (25% or 50% of courses toward a credential).
      3. addition of one or more courses to the offerings at an existing or new off-site location; and
      4. items directly related to any of the requirements specified in Section VI of this policy and as laid out in the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy.

When adding one or more courses to the offerings at an existing or new off-site location, special attention must be paid to maintain compliance with the accreditation standards. Departments and units considering this type of change must follow the procedure as outlined in Procedure 4 of the Procedures section of this Policy.

Depending on the specific substantive change, notification to SACSCOC must be made between 3 and 9 months before the change is implemented. Many substantive changes will require the preparation of a comprehensive prospectus and prior approval from SACSCOC before implementation of the change may occur. Should an implementation be desired for the beginning of a fall semester, it should be expected that the substantive change prospectus is submitted to SACSCOC prior to January 1 prior to the fall of the desired implementation.

The SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison is responsible for ensuring that all such proposed changes comply with SACSCOC regulations regarding substantive change, for reviewing proposed changes in a timely fashion, for assisting academic departments and other units in identifying the best way in which to meet the regulations, and for ensuring that the College’s unit leaders, department chairs, and senior administrators) meet their responsibilities regarding substantive change.

In turn, the College’s administrators and the leaders of the academic departments and other units should:

  1. be familiar with the basic tenets of substantive change;
  2. understand how their areas and decisions might impact accreditation; and
  3. keep the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison informed of any potential substantive changes on the horizon to maintain compliance with the Commission’s Principles of Accreditation.

The SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison is responsible for notifying the president and others as appropriate about any changes in the SACSCOC policy on substantive change and regularly reports on such changes to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee.

    • Procedures:
  1. The SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison will be notified by the appropriate personnel of potential substantive changes such as those listed above that are under consideration, well in advance of when such changes shall need to be implemented, by appropriate College personnel. The SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison will determine if the proposed change is one that falls under the definition of Substantive Change
  2. If the proposed change meets the definition of a substantive change according to SACSCOC policy, the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison will determine, in consultation with the College’s SACSCOC Vice President and the SACSCOC Substantive Change policy, whether the substantive change requires submission of a full prospectus or whether the Commission simply needs to be notified of the substantive change.
    • If a substantive change does notrequire a full prospectus, the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison will notify the department or unit proposing the change and will assist with preparing a letter of notification for submission, following the appropriate SACSCOC procedure.
      • The department or unit will submit the letter of notification to the Accreditation Liaison for review, who will submit the letter of notification to the President for final review. The Accreditation Liaison will upload the letter of notification to the SACSCOC portal.
  • If a substantive change is of the type that doesrequire a full prospectus, the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison will notify the department or unit proposing the change. That department or unit will complete the primary work in preparing the prospectus. The Accreditation Liaison is available to consult and assist during this process.
  1. The prospectus will be submitted to the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison for review, who will forward it to the President for final review. The Accreditation Liaison will upload the prospectus and other required materials to the SACSCOC portal.
  2. For all proposed changes related to off-site locations,including adding one or more courses to the offerings at an existing or new off-site (including dual enrollment) location, the Program Director and the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison must be consulted as soon as a change request is received.

Process Flow:

  • Request related to off-site offerings is received by Provost/Academics.
    • If off-site item is a new initiative that begins with RBC and is not initiated by the off-site location partner, the Program Director and the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison should be included in the project discussion from the onset.
  • Request presented to Program Director as soon as possible
  • Program Director to evaluate SACSCOC Degree/Program limit impacts (25% or more; 50% or more thresholds)
    • Program Director consults with SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison
    • Two-week turnaround time for decision
    • Program Director reports to Chief Academic Officer on the impact of course addition

Policy History
Approved June 7, 2016
Revised January 23, 2019
Revised July 1, 2020

Revised August 15, 2023

Updated July 1, 2024

Revised September 1, 2024





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8050 Reporting and Use of Assessment Results

Policy Number: 8050
Policy Name: Reporting and Use of Assessment Results
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Policy Statement
    Academic programs and support services at Richard Bland College are evaluated to ensure their quality. In addition, students are surveyed to obtain information on their satisfaction with faculty and staff. Faculty members are evaluated on teaching methodologies and effectiveness annually. Students are surveyed upon graduation to measure their satisfaction with the College. The results of this process are used internally and are reported to the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools periodically. All data collected for assessment is held under strict confidence and is never used to evaluate or identify individual student performance.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy is intended to ensure efficient and productive use of outcome assessment data.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All members of the College community should be familiar with this policy.
  4. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Academic and Student DevelopmentProvost(804)

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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8060 Faculty Handbook

Policy Number: 8060
Policy Name: Faculty Handbook
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Policy Statement
    Policies and procedures relating exclusively to teaching faculty at Richard Bland College are located in the Faculty Handbook.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The Faculty Handbook sets forth the College’s expectations regarding its teaching faculty and provides procedures that apply to instructional staff and related matters.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All full- and part-time teaching faculty are covered by the Faculty Handbook.
  4. Related Documents
    Faculty Handbook
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Academic and Student DevelopmentProvost(804)
  1. Procedures
    Amendments to the Faculty Handbook can be made in accordance with the procedures outlined in that document.

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8070 College Off-Campus Trips or Classes

Policy Number: 8070
Policy Name: College Off-Campus Trips or Classes
Responsibility for Maintenance: Provost

  1. Policy
    The College may sponsor off-campus trips or classes to enrich the learning experiences of students. Such experiences should be provided as economically as possible, while maintaining fiscal accountability. Students may be charged fees to cover costs of off-campus trips or classes sponsored by the College.  However, students will be informed at the time of registration if any off-campus trip or classes fees are required for participation in a course.
  2. Procedures
    A member of the College faculty or staff, designated as the coordinator of the trip or class, must accompany the group off campus. The coordinator and applicable department chair/director, as well as the Chief Business Officer, are responsible for facilitating the off-campus trip or class for students.Coordinator Responsibilities:

    1. Secure permission from the organization in charge of the facilities to be visited, when applicable.
    2. Secure prior written authorization from the appropriate RBC senior administrator, with concurrence from the RBC President, to conduct the off-campus trip or class.
    3. For field trips, arrange for class and/or office coverage while on the field trip when applicable.
    4. Arrange for transportation and for authorization for the students to be absent (if necessary) from classes in order to make the trip. A list of participating students shall be left with the Director of Student Success or Department Chair.
    5. Require all participants to sign a waiver and release, as well as the applicable Notice and Warnings to Participants.
    6. Orient participants concerning the objectives of the off-campus trip or class, possible hazards, and highlights directly after they sign the Notice and Warnings to Participants.
    7. If using funding approved by the Student Assembly, follow the Campus Engagement Financing Guidelines available in the Office of Campus Engagement.
  3. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of Academic and Student DevelopmentProvost(804)

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated July 1, 2020

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8080 Use of Copyrighted Works

Policy Number: 8080
Policy Name: Use of Copyrighted Works
Responsibility for Maintenance: Head Librarian

  1. Policy Statement
    All members of the College community must respect and comply with U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17 of the United States Code). This obligation exists whether the original work is in a fixed, tangible medium, or consists of digital materials or software. Works protected by copyright include writings, recordings, photographs, videos, movies, digital works, and software.It is against College policy for an employee (faculty or staff) or students to use College equipment or services to access, use, copy or otherwise reproduce, or make available to others any copyright-protected materials (tangible, digital, or software) except as permitted under copyright law (especially with respect to “fair use”).
    Responsibility for the determination of the copyright status and securing permission rests with those persons wishing to reproduce, distribute, adapt, perform, or display the materials.Generally, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. Fair use requires a fact-specific analysis that should be considered carefully whenever deciding whether or not permission is required.
  2. Reason for Policy
    This policy exists to prevent copyright infringement. The exceptions to a copyright owner’s exclusive rights provided by law, especially the fair use provision, are integral to the balance between exclusive rights and productive, socially beneficial new uses of works.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    All College employees and students must comply with this policy.
  4. Related Documents
    Employee Computing and Communications Networks Usage Policy
    Student Computing and Communications Network Usage Policy
  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Library ServicesHead Librarian(804) 862-6100
  1. Definitions
    “Copyright” means the rights granted to the author of an intellectual or artistic creation. The author of the work has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, adapt, perform, or display the work.“Fair Use” provides a limited exception to the obligation to obtain permission of the copyright owner in order to use the copyrighted work. Whether a particular use is a fair use is a fact-specific judgment, and not a bright-line test.
  2. Procedures.
    Allegations of violations of this policy should be reported to the Policy Contact listed above. If the alleged violator has made use of the College’s information technology network, the College reserves the right to remove the material prior to any determination that a violation has occurred.Repeat violations of this policy making use of the College’s information technology network may result in a loss of privileges. (See policies on Employee Computing and Communications Network Usage and Student Computing and Communications Network Usage.)

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017
Updated August 1, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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8090 Protection of Human Subjects Committee (PHSC)

Policy Number: 8090
Policy Name: Protection of Human Subjects Committee (PHSC)
Responsibility for Maintenance: RBC PHSC Chair

  1. Policy Statement
    This policy establishes and provides guidance for the College’s Protection of Human Subjects Committee.
  2. Reason for Policy
    According to the Code of Federal Regulations, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) has mandated that HHS-related research that involves human subjects must be approved by an Institutional Review Board to ensure the safety and the appropriate use of humans as subjects in research studies.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy applies to all employees, students, and external researchers who seek to conduct research involving human subjects at Richard Bland College.  ALL protocols involving human subjects must be submitted to the Protection of Human Subjects Committee at Richard Bland College for exemption or approval.
  4. Related Documents
    Protection of Human Subjects, 45 C.F.R. 46
    Guidelines and Procedures for the Richard Bland College Protection of Human Subjects Committee (PHSC)
  5. Contacts


OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
AcademicsChair, RBC

Policy History
Approved August 1, 2019
Revised August 23, 2019
Updated July 1, 2020

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8100 Honorary Degrees

Policy Number: 8100
Policy Name: Honorary Degrees
Responsibility for Maintenance: The President of Richard Bland College of William & Mary

  1. Policy Statement 
    Awarded by the Board of Visitors, the honorary associate degree is the highest form of recognition offered by Richard Bland College to persons of exceptional distinction.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to honor demonstrated meritorious and outstanding service to Richard Bland College, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and/or to the community at large, and to recognize persons whose lives serve as examples of the College’s aspirations for its students.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    Nominees shall meet one or more of the following Criteria:

    • Individual who has made a significant, noteworthy contribution to Richard Bland College, the Commonwealth of Virginia, or the community at large.
    • Individual who has demonstrated an enduring commitment of commendable service to Richard Bland College.
    • Current faculty, staff, and members of the Board of Visitors are not eligible. Faculty, staff, and board members who have been separated from the College for at least five years are eligible.
    • Generally, the College will award no more than two honorary degrees in any academic year.
  4. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
PresidentAssistant to the
  1. Procedures
    Honorary degrees are awarded based on a recommendation from the RBC President. Coordination of the selection and nomination process for honorary degree recipients is the responsibility of the President, who may consult with representatives from the faculty, students, administrative staff, alumni, and other friends of the College.For awards to be made at Commencement, nominations should be received by the Richard Bland College Committee by the April meeting date and considered for action at the April Board of Visitors meeting.Honorary degrees are generally conferred at Commencement.

Policy History
Approved April 22, 2016

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8110 Dual Enrollment Policy

Policy Number: 8110
Policy Name: Dual Enrollment Policy
Responsibility for Maintenance: Program Manager for Dual Enrollment

I. Policy Statement
This policy provides guidelines and information related to high school student eligibility to participate in dual-enrollment (DE) classes through Richard Bland College.

II. Reason for Policy
These guidelines, which clearly establish qualifications and eligibility for enrollment in dual enrollment courses at RBC, provide clear expectations and consistency to RBC’s dual enrollment programming, in accordance with the Principles of Accreditation of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

III. Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to RBC employees, RBC’s high school dual enrollment partners, and students enrolled or wishing to enroll in dual enrollment coursework at Richard Bland College.

IV. Related Documents

Dual Enrollment Policy Details.pdf

 V. Contacts

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
AcademicsDual Enrolllment Program

Policy History
Approved November 1, 2019

8120 Intercollegiate Athletics Participation Responsibility for Maintenance: Director of Athletics and Recreation

I. Policy Statement
• The Athletics Department is committed to supporting the College’s mission by making a difference in the lives of student athletes. Athletics is an educational opportunity and experience that complements a student’s formal classroom education. Athletic participation helps to facilitate the development of young adults by teaching and reinforcing life skills. Collegiate athletics requires a special commitment and willingness to accept greater expectations and responsibilities. First and foremost, the College expects its student-athletes to be successful in the classroom. Additionally, student-athletes are expected to compete at the highest level while learning valuable life lessons by participating as part of a team and living, learning, and contributing to a diverse community. Participating in RBC athletics is a privilege, not a right.

• The College shall be recognized as having a nationally competitive athletics program dedicated to positively influencing the academic, personal, social, and athletic development of its student-athletes. The athletics program shall compete to win while teaching life lessons, reinforcing healthy behaviors, and providing opportunities to learn new skills and develop positive habits that collectively assist student-athletes in reaching their full potential.

II. Reason for Policy
This policy clarifies the nature of intercollegiate athletics participation as a privilege, not a right, and describes behavioral expectations for student athletes. This policy is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to limit coaching staff discretion as to team membership, participation, playing time, and similar decisions, subject to compliance with the specific minimum standards set forth above.

III. Applicability of the Policy
All Athletic Department staff, actual and prospective student-athletes, and Richard Bland College athletics boosters shall become familiar with this policy.

IV. Related Documents
NJCAA Handbook/Casebook
Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Guidance: The Three-Part Test
Office of Civil Rights & Title IX Enforcing info from US Dept. of Ed

V. Contacts

OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Athletics DepartmentDirector of Athletics and Recreation(804)

VI. Procedures
Student athletes and members of the RBC Athletic Department, when applicable, must comply with:

  • Applicable federal, state, and local laws
  • Richard Bland College Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures
  • National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) rules and regulations
  • Athletic Department procedures, rules, and regulations
  • Team rules and coaching instructions

Each individual involved in intercollegiate athletics is obligated to know and act in full compliance with these requirements; and to report any violation of NJCAA, conference, and/or College policies or rules of which he or she is aware to his or her head coach or the Athletics Director.

If a student-athlete is involved in conduct that violates any or all of these requirements, he or she will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action to be determined at the discretion of the team’s Head Coach and/or the Athletic Director (or a designee). Such disciplinary action may include, without limitation, temporary or permanent revocation of athletic privileges, and is in addition to any other consequences that may apply pursuant to applicable laws and/or College policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Updated January 11, 2017


9000 General Administration Policies (FOIA)

9010 Policy Maintenance, Availability, Amendments, and Renewal

Policy Number: 9010
Policy Name: Policy Maintenance, Availability, Amendments, and Renewal
Responsible Office: Office of the President

Effective Date: November 20, 2015

Last Updated: July 1, 2024

I. Policy Statement
Personnel responsible for creating, updating, and distributing College policies must comply with the procedures described in this policy, which details the procedures for formulating, approving, issuing, and amending policies.

II. Reason for Policy
Richard Bland College requires regular maintenance of policies to ensure ongoing compliance with applicable laws, to facilitate optimal efficiency and effectiveness in fulfillment of mission and goals, and to promote a common understanding of the fundamental framework that guides our actions.

III. Application of the Policy

This policy applies to all policies included in the official Richard Bland College Policy Manual (Policy Manual) and available on the Richard Bland College website.

IV. Definition
Policy Manager is an RBC employee who is identified within this policy manual as having responsibility for maintenance for one or more of the policies contained herein.

V. Contacts

Policy NameOfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Policy MaintenancePresident’s OfficeProgram Manager (Executive Assistant to the President)(804)

VI. Procedures

RBC senior administrators are responsible for ensuring that all necessary policies relating to their areas of responsibility are included in the Policy Manual.  If a policy already exists, then the senior Policy Manager responsible for that policy shall ensure that the policy is kept updated. Senior administrators, Policy Managers, and other RBC leaders will work with the President’s Office to determine, in consultation with College counsel, if any legal updates have impacted a policy or if new policies are appropriate.

The Program Manager will send out the inventory of current policies no later than July 15 each year. On or before September 15, each Policy Manager shall send to the Program Manager final comments regarding revisions or additions to policies. All revisions to the Policy Manual will be compiled by the Program Manager and submitted to the President for review by November 1. After review, revision, and approval of any changes to the Policy Manual by the President (typically no later than December 15), the program manager shall work with appropriate College personnel to ensure that all revisions to the policy manual are uploaded to the College’s website in a timely manner. While the Policy Manual review is an annual process, the Program Manager will also work with Policy Managers outside the review cycle to ensure that new policies are created or policies in need of revision are updated in a timely manner and uploaded to the RBC website.

Policy History
Approved November 20, 2015
Revised January 7, 2019
Updated August 1, 2019
Revised, July 1, 2020

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9020 Freedom of Information Act Policy (FOIA)

Policy Number: 9020
Policy Name: Freedom of Information Act Policy (FOIA)
Responsible Office: Office of the President

Effective Date: November 20, 2015

Last Updated: July 1, 2024

  1. Policy Statement
    Richard Bland College acknowledges the rights of requesters and the responsibility of the College under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) guarantees citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records held by public bodies, public officials, and public employees. The purpose of FOIA is to promote increased awareness by all persons of governmental activities. In furthering this policy, FOIA requires the law to be interpreted liberally, in favor of access, and that any exemption allowing public records to be withheld must be interpreted narrowly.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    This policy is to be understood and applied by the College’s FOIA Officer. This policy applies to any public records held by Richard Bland College.
  4. Related Documents Virginia Freedom of Information Act

    , Code of Virginia § 2.2-3700 et seq

  5. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of the President Chief FOIA Officer(804)862-6100, ext. and/or
  1. Definitions
    Public record: A public record is any writing or recording—regardless of whether it is a paper record, an electronic file, an audio or video recording, or any other format—that is prepared or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its officers, employees, or agents in the transaction of public business. All public records are presumed to be open, and may only be withheld if a specific, statutory exemption applies. Requestor: Those who are entitled to inspection and copying of records under FOIA are limited to citizens of the Commonwealth, representatives of newspapers and magazines with circulation in the Commonwealth, and representatives of radio and television stations broadcasting in or into the Commonwealth.
  2. Procedures Your FOIA Rights
    1. You have the right to request to inspect or receive copies of public records, or both.
    2. You have the right to request that any charges for the requested records be estimated in advance.
    3. If you believe that your FOIA rights have been violated, you may file a petition in district or circuit court to compel compliance with FOIA.  Alternatively, you may contact the Virginia FOIA Council for a nonbinding advisory opinion(please see below for more information about the Virgina FOIA Council, including their contact information)

    Making a Request for records from Richard Bland College

    You may request records by U.S. Mail, e-mail, in person, or over the phone.  FOIA does not require that your request be in writing, nor do you need to specifically state that you are requesting records under FOIA. However, from a practical perspective, it may be helpful to both you and the person receiving your request to put your request in writing. This allows you to create a record of your request. It also gives RBC a clear statement of what records you are requesting, so that there is no misunderstanding over a verbal request. However, RBC cannot refuse to respond to your FOIA request if you elect to not put it in writing.

    Your request must ask for existing records or documents. FOIA gives you a right to inspect or copy records; it does not apply to a situation where you are asking general questions about the work of Richard Bland College, nor does it require Richard Bland College to create a record that does not exist.

    Your request must identify the records you are seeking with “reasonable specificity.” This is a common-sense standard.  It does not refer to or limit the volume or number of records that you are requesting; instead, it requires that you be specific enough so that RBC can identify and locate the records that you are seeking.

    You may receive electronic records in any format used by Richard Bland College in the regular course of business. For example, if you request records maintained in an Excel database, you may receive those records electronically, via e-mail, on a computer disk, or as a printed document.

    Please cooperate with staff’s efforts to clarify the type of records you are seeking, or to attempt to reach a reasonable agreement about a response to a large request. Making a FOIA request is not an adversarial process, but RBC staff may need to discuss your request with you to ensure that we understand what records you are seeking.

    To request records from Richard Bland College, you may direct your request to the FOIA Officer by email at by regular mail at 11301 Johnson Road, South Prince George, VA 23805; or by phone at 804.862.6221. You may also contact the RBC Chief FOIA Officer with questions you have concerning requesting records from Richard Bland College.

    Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council

    The Freedom of Information Advisory Council is also available to answer any questions you may have about FOIA. The Council holds regular public meetings related to FOIA that can be attended in-person or online. The Council may be contacted via e-mail at, by phone at (804) 698-1810, or by U.S. Mail at General Assembly Building, 201 North 9th Street, 4th Floor, Richmond VA 23219. For more information about the Council’s services please visit the organization’s website at

    Richard Bland College’s Responsibilities in Responding to Your Request

    Richard Bland College must respond to your request within five working days of receiving it. “Day One” is the working day after your request is received. The five-day period does not include weekends, holidays, or other days the College is closed.

    The reason behind your request for public records from Richard Bland College is irrelevant, and you do not have to state why you want the records before we respond to your request. FOIA does, however, allow Richard Bland College to require you to provide your name and legal address.

    FOIA requires that Richard Bland College make one of the following responses to your request within the five-day time period:

    4. We provide you with the records that you have requested in their entirety.
    5. We withhold all of the records that you have requested, because all of the records are subject to a specific statutory exemption. If all of the records are being withheld, we must send you a response in writing. That writing must identify the volume and subject matter of the records being withheld and state the specific section of the Code of Virginia that allows us to withhold the records.
    6. We provide some of the records that you have requested but withhold other records.  We cannot withhold an entire record if only a portion of it is subject to an exemption. In that instance, we may redact the portion of the record that may be withheld and must provide you with the remainder of the record. We must provide you with a written response stating the specific section of the Code of Virginia that allows portions of the requested records to be withheld.
    7. We inform you in writing that the requested records cannot be found or do not exist (we do not have the records you want). However, if we know that another public body has the requested records, we must include contact information for the other public body in our response to you.
    8. If it is practically impossible for Richard Bland College to respond to your request within the five-day period, we must state this in writing, explaining the conditions that make the response impossible. This will allow us seven additional working days to respond to your request, giving us a total of 12 working days to respond to your request.

    If you make a request for a very large number of records, and we feel that we cannot provide the records to you within 12 working days without disrupting our other organizational responsibilities, we may petition the court for additional time to respond to your request.  However, FOIA requires that we make a reasonable effort to reach an agreement with you concerning the production of the records before we go to court to ask for more time.


    A public body may make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested records. No public body shall impose any extraneous, intermediary, or surplus fees or expenses to recoup the general costs associated with creating or maintaining records or transacting the general business of the public body. Any duplicating fee charged by a public body shall not exceed the actual cost of duplication. All charges for the supplying of requested records shall be estimated in advance at the request of the citizen as set forth in subsection F of § 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia.

    You may have to pay for the records that you request from Richard Bland College. FOIA allows us to charge for the actual costs of responding to FOIA requests. This would include items like staff time spent searching for the requested records, copying costs, or any other costs directly related to supplying the requested records.  It cannot include general overhead costs. Please be advised that costs will be recovered by RBC for any request that requires more than four hours of staff time to fulfill. For those requests, costs are calculated using the hourly rate minus benefits of the lowest paid personnel with the expertise to search for, access and review responsive records for potential redaction or withholding.

    If RBC estimates that it will cost more than $200 to respond to your request, RBC may require you to pay a deposit, not to exceed the amount of the estimate, before proceeding with your request. The five days that RBC has to respond to your request does not include the time between when RBC asks for a deposit and when you respond.

    You may request that RBC estimate in advance the charges for supplying the records that you have requested.  This will allow you to know about any costs upfront or give you the opportunity to modify your request in an attempt to lower the estimated costs.

    If you owe RBC money from a previous FOIA request that has remained unpaid for more than 30 days, RBC may require payment of the past-due bill before responding to your new FOIA request.

    Commonly Used Exemptions

    The Code of Virginia allows any public body to withhold certain records from public disclosure. Federal law also requires certain records to be withheld. Richard Bland College commonly withholds records subject to the following exemptions:

    9. Personnel records (§ 2.2-3705.1 (1) of the Code of Virginia)
    10.Records subject to attorney-client privilege (§ 2.2-3705.1 (2)) or attorney work product (§ 2.2-3705.1 (3))
    11. Vendor proprietary information (§ 2.2-3705.1 (6))
    12. Records relating to the negotiation and award of a contract, prior to a contract being awarded (§ 2.2-3705.1 (12))
    13. Student records (§ 2.2-3705.4 and The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)

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9030 Intellectual Property

Policy Number: 9030
Policy Name: Intellectual Property
Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Academic Officer

Effective Date: November 20, 2015

Last Updated: July 1, 2024

  1. Policy Statement 
    This policy governs the respective ownership rights of the College and its employees in copyrightable material produced within the scope of employment and student ownership rights. The “work-for-hire” rule in the Copyright Act gives the College ownership of the copyrights to works produced by its employees within the scope of their employment. The College cedes copyright ownership to the author(s) of scholarly and academic works (such as journal articles, books, and papers) created by academic and research faculty who use generally available College resources. However, the College asserts its right of copyright ownership if significant College resources (including sponsor-provided funds) are used in the creation of such works, and: (a) the work generates royalty payments; or (b) the work is of commercial value that can be realized by College marketing efforts. Use of the College’s name in connection with the commercialization of a faculty work must be approved in advance by the RBC President. Even in cases where the College retains copyright ownership under this policy, it may cede such ownership to the work’s author(s) by written agreement signed by the RBC senior administrator (those personnel reporting directly to the President) with supervisory oversight over the employee(s) involved and approved by the RBC President. The College retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free right under any and all circumstances to use for non-commercial purposes works produced by its employees while acting within the scope of their employment even if copyright ownership is ceded to the author or authors. The College may assign its copyright ownership for purposes of commercialization to licensees, publishers, or other parties.

    1. Sponsors and Contracts:
      When under the terms of a contract with the College a sponsor obtains copyright ownership in any copyrightable work that may result from the sponsored effort, that contract takes precedence over this policy. If the sponsor in the contract does not assert an ownership interest, copyright ownership is vested with the College as provided in this policy.
    2. Grants:
      The College may vary the terms of this policy when it provides or administers a grant if it provides notice in, or at the time of, the grant application. In the absence of that notice, the following paragraphs generally will apply: Ownership of intellectual property created under a grant from the College is the same as ownership of intellectual property not covered by a grant: i.e. it is described in this policy. Ownership of intellectual property created under an outside grant that is administered by the College is not completely within the College’s control. Therefore, this policy governs unless in conflict with any term or condition of the grant. Whenever the granting agency retains ownership of intellectual property if the College does not elect to claim it, the College will elect to retain ownership and either keep it or transfer it to the employee according to the provisions of this policy.
    3. Contracts:
      The College sometimes has copyrightable or patentable work performed on contract with third parties who are not employees or students. Rights in these situations are governed by a combination of federal and state law and the contract.
    4. Consulting:
      Employees who perform consulting work for outside organizations do not act as College employees when they do so, and the terms of this policy are therefore inapplicable. Outside employment must be approved beforehand by the College, as specified in the Faculty Handbook and/or state policy.
    5. Ownership of Intellectual Property (Students)
      Students will own intellectual property resulting from their classroom assignments unless the intellectual property has been created as a result of employment with RBC, an administrative activity, or an assigned duty, or involved a significant use of general funds, in which case the College will own the intellectual property. Students own any intellectual property resulting from their own initiative and not required by the College or a faculty member, such as a paper written for an essay contest.
  2. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to define the ownership rights to copyrightable works of authorship and inventions which may be patented that are created by employees and students of Richard Bland College.
  3. Applicability of the Policy
    Applicability of the Policy – This policy applies to all employees and students of the College.
  4. Contacts 
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Office of the Chief Academic OfficerChief Academic Officer(804)
    1. Definitions 
      Definition of Terms in Statement:
    1. Administrative Activity – an activity that relates to the management or administrative functions of the College. Such activity is typically found in other organizations not involved with teaching or scholarship. Administrative activities include, for example, preparing budgets, developing policies and contracts, maintaining a personnel system, keeping inventories of equipment, developing long-range plans, and preparing brochures. Administrative activities also include activities that are not found outside of educational institutions, but which support teaching and scholarship indirectly, such as preparing a database of student information, printing a catalogue of course descriptions, designing and constructing classrooms, or writing a patent and copyright policy. There is no hard and fast line between administrative activities and teaching or scholarship activities. The question is whether an activity is predominantly one or the other, not whether it is entirely one or the other.
    2. Assigned duty – is narrower than “scope of employment,” and is an undertaking of a task or project as a result of a specific request or direction. A general obligation to do research, even if it results in a specific end product such as a vaccine, a published article, or a computer program, or to produce scholarly publications, is not a specific request or direction and hence is not an assigned duty. In contrast, an obligation to develop a vaccine or a request or direction to write an article or produce a computer program is a specific request or direction and is therefore an assigned duty.
    3. “College” means Richard Bland College of William & Mary.
    4. “Creator” means either an inventor in the context of patentable invention, or an author in the context of copyrightable works of authorship.
    5. Copyright – A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, whereby copyright owners may claim, for a limited time, certain exclusive rights to specified works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works and gives the copyright owner the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, sell, perform, display, or prepare derivatives of the work, and to protect a copyright against infringement. Copyright protection does not extend to an idea, procedure, process, slogan, principle, or discovery.
    6. Employee – Any individual employed by the College, including full- and part-time faculty, 12-month faculty, classified and operational employees, and professionals and professional faculty. Employee also includes adjunct professors; visiting faculty; visiting scientists; and students who receive salaries or assistantships, or College work-study funds, stipends, or hourly wages while they are acting within the scope of their employment at the College.
    7. Intellectual Property – A collective term identifying College work that may be protected by copyrights, trade secrets protections, trademarks, and/or patents, irrespective of whether formal protection is sought.
    8. Significant College Resources – The use of College resources is “significant” when it entails substantial and dedicated use of College equipment, facilities, or personnel. The use of a computer in a faculty office, incidental supplies and occasional use of College personnel or shared facilities would typically not be considered significant use. In contrast, utilization of College laboratories or special instrumentation, dedicated assistance by College employees, special financial assistance, or extensive use of shared facilities would constitute significant use.
    9. Sponsor–Provided Resources – Funds and facilities provided by governmental, commercial, industrial, or other private organizations which are administered and controlled by the College shall be considered College resources.
    10. Work–for–Hire Rule – The “work-for-hire” rule, defined in the Copyright Act, provides that when an employee produces a copyrightable work within the scope of employment, the copyright to that work belongs to the employer and not to the author.
    1. Procedures
    1. Administrative Responsibilities: The Chief Academic Officer is responsible for the implementation and administration of this intellectual Property policy, with the concurrence of the RBC President, and will:
      1. Promptly consider all notifications of intellectual property and determine the circumstances of creation to establish whether significant use of College facilities, personnel, and resources is involved;
      2. Determine whether to apply for a patent or register a copyright on behalf of the College;
      3. Determine whether the intellectual property in which the College holds an interest is marketable, and if so, take appropriate steps on behalf of the College for marketing the property, including transferring the College’s rights to the Richard Bland College Foundation or another entity, as authorized by law and this policy;
      4. Distribute royalties as a result of the implementation of this policy;
      5. Advise the creator in writing whenever the College does not claim ownership of intellectual property of which the creator has notified the College.

    The RBC President has sole discretion to reassign responsibility for administering this policy as deemed appropriate or necessary.

    1. Employee Responsibilities
      Employees will promptly notify the Chief Academic Officer in writing of all intellectual property of marketable value that the College owns. Notifications will go through the appropriate administrative head to the Chief Academic Officer for the purpose of determining whether, and to what extent, the College has a proprietary interest in the material and determining the use of State general funds in its development. If more than one individual participated in the development, the notification should identify the percent of each participant’s interest and should be signed by all participants. The participants will furnish additional information and execute documents from time to time as the Provost may reasonably request. Responsibility for timely and responsible notification of intellectual property rests with the creator. Notification forms will be available in the Chief Academic Officer. Guidance is available from the Chief Academic Officer on the steps to be taken to protect the interests of the creator and the College. The Chief Academic Officer will so advise the creator in writing if the College claims no ownership of the intellectual property. The determination of ownership will typically occur within thirty (30) days after the creator submits a completed notification to the Chief Academic Officer. The creator and all participants will cooperate in the application for a patent on the invention or in registering the copyright to the work, whether requested by the College or an agent or assignee of the College, such as the Richard Bland College Foundation. If at any point in the process the College decides that no further current action is desirable for intellectual property that the College owns, it will so notify the creator within thirty (30) days. In this case, the College may transfer full or limited ownership to the creator, or reserve ownership until a subsequent date.
    2. Protection and Commercialization
      Nothing in this policy requires the College to sell, license, or use any intellectual property. The Chief Academic Officer and the President must approve institutional agreements between the College and any outside patent management firm. The President will determine whether the agreement is in the College’s best interest.
    3. Distribution of Royalties
      Generally, the creator(s) and the College will share the gross royalties that are received from intellectual properties for which the College obtains a patent or holds a copyright. The creator will receive 50% of the gross royalties received on the first $10,000, then 20% of the gross royalties received over $10,000 and up to $100,000, and 10% thereafter of the gross royalties that exceed $100,000. Under special circumstances the creator or the College may propose an alternate arrangement. The royalties to the College will be used to fund faculty development, general research, and intellectual property development expenses unless the Board of Visitors or the President directs otherwise. Individual grants or contracts for sponsored research with a granting agency may specify a different assignment of patent or copyright ownership or a different distribution of royalties.
    4. Appeal of Action by the Chief Academic Officer
      A creator who claims to be adversely affected by an action of the Chief Academic Officer may appeal in writing within ten (10) calendar days of notification of the action to the RBC President. Grounds for appeal include an alleged failure of the Chief Academic Officer to comply with this Intellectual Property Policy. The creator will submit his or her appeal to the President and demonstrate that the creator has made a reasonable effort to resolve his or her complaint with the Chief Academic Officer as a preliminary matter. Proceedings will be informal, and all parties will have adequate notice and opportunity to be heard. After considering all relevant information, the President will decide the merit of the creator’s grievance and advise the Chief Academic Officer and the creator of his or her decision. Review of appeals will take no longer than thirty (30) days from the date they are filed unless both parties mutually agree upon an extension or if additional time is authorized by the President for cause.
    5. Reporting Requirements
      The Chief Academic Officer shall be responsible for compiling information and submitting reports to external bodies as required by law or applicable policy.

9040 Official Enrollment Census Dates for Fall/Spring Terms

Policy Number: 9040
Policy Name: Official Enrollment Census Dates for Fall and Spring Terms
Responsible Office: Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance

Effective Date: July 1, 2020

Last Updated: July 1, 2024

  1. Policy Statement
    Official census numbers for Richard Bland College will be recorded on the following dates:

For the fall semester: October 1
For the spring semester: March 1

  1. Reason for Policy
    The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the official, reported enrollment numbers are accurate and are based on a consistent timeline.

III.  Applicability of the Policy
This policy applies to the official census enrollment statistics per term. It does not govern reporting statistics that require rolling numbers for reasons of compliance. The data points reported will include:

  • Headcount
  • Full-time equivalents (FTE)
  • Credit hours

Any statistical analysis that include these points in calculations or breakdown should use official census values.

  1. Contacts
OfficeTitleTelephone NumberEmail
Institutional Effectiveness & ComplianceChief Institutional Effectiveness Officer804-862-6100