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VI. Policies And Contractual Matters Affecting Teaching Faculty

RBC Dual Enrollment Up By 22 Percent

…particularly the principal, drives the program,” Clarke said. “When you have the buy-in, the vision of the school, and know what that school needs—[these are] are some of the biggest…

Grants and Marketing Help Advance Virginia’s Only Junior College

…for the second installment of its “Inside RBC-TV” program. The accolades and success were a byproduct of the invaluable partnerships the College established with Richmond, Va.-based media conglomerates, Lewis Media…


VII. Faculty Workload

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RBC To Host Public Hearing On Tuition & Mandatory Fees

…public comment. William & Mary’s Board of Visitors approved the RBC guidelines for receiving public comment at its February 2020 meeting. Richard Bland College is governed by the William &…

WEB Pharmacy_Signing_Ceremony-Richard_Bland_College-RBCV

School of Pharmacy Agreement

Inside RBC Magazine


Presidential Merit RBC’s largest merit-based scholarship is awarded to students invited to the Honors Program each fall and spring. This scholarship is based on merit, not financial need, and students…


Cyber Security Awareness Month Panel Discussion

20211006 @ 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

The issue of cyber security from virtual bullying, sexting, harassment, and other forms of online misbehavior has been a concern of individuals, families, secondary and postsecondary schools, and communities. With…

Richard Bland College Earns National Digital Learning Innovation Award

Richard Bland College of William & Mary has earned the 2017 Online Learning Consortium’s (OLC) Digital Learning Innovation Faculty-led Team Award for advancing undergraduate student success through the adoption of…

RBC Office of Research & Innovation Gets $694,000 Grant

…at home. Online classes are very challenging especially when the professors are not used to having their classes online.” RBC-GPS will support a minimum of 100 individuals. Through this program…

Final Approved_Procedures and Guidelines for Online Education


William & Mary Board of Visitors Endorses RBC-19

…at their meeting in Williamsburg. The William & Mary Board last approved a strategic plan for Richard Bland in 1997.   President Debbie L. Sydow, Ph.D. led development of the…

Disability Services

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