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5th Annual Pecan Festival

20211106 @ 11:00:00 - 17:00:00   We are excited to announce that Richard Bland College will be hosting the 5th Annual Pecan Festival in The Grove. After a two-year hiatus, we can’t wait…


On-site Admissions Fair

20210605 @ 10:00:00 - 12:00:00

What: Richard Bland College On-Site Admissions Fair When: June 5, 12, 26 from 10 am – 12 pm. Where: RBC campus Registration Form:…

Longwood University

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel pharetra purus. Aenean ex dui, luctus a ullamcorper efficitur, sollicitudin a turpis. Sed sit amet congue libero. Aenean molestie commodo…

Norfolk State University

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vel pharetra purus. Aenean ex dui, luctus a ullamcorper efficitur, sollicitudin a turpis. Sed sit amet congue libero. Aenean molestie commodo…


Student Success Seminars: Stress Relief, Living Happy & Healthy

20160411 @ 1458662400 - 1458666000

…these positives can also come with the negatives of stress and anxiety. Don’t let the negatives get the best of you! Come see what might trigger stress, and learn some…


Student Success Seminars: Stress Relief, Living Happy & Healthy

20160209 @ 1454677200 - 1454680800

…these positives can also come with the negatives of stress and anxiety. Don’t let the negatives get the best of you! Come see what might trigger stress, and learn some…


Campus-wide Halloween Costume Party

20171026 @ 21:00:00 - 12:00:00

Get your costumes ready! RBC students are invited dress up in their favorite Superhero or Supervillain costumes for this annual Halloween costume event. Prizes will be given for best costumes…


Campus-wide Halloween Costume Party

20181025 @ 21:00:00 - 12:00:00

Get your costumes ready! RBC students are invited dress up in their favorite Superhero or Supervillain costumes for this annual Halloween costume event. Prizes will be given for best costumes…

My Lunch With the Governor

By Amber Ange Richard Bland College of William & Mary ’17 I recently had the incredible opportunity to have lunch along with college students from across the Commonwealth with Governor…


Campus-wide Halloween Costume Party

20191025 @ 20:00:00 - 23:00:00

Get your costumes ready! RBC students are invited dress up in their favorite Superhero or Supervillain costumes for this annual Halloween costume event. Prizes will be given for best costumes…

M&T Funds Scholarship at Richard Bland College of William & Mary

…to obtain higher education,” said Cecilia Hodges, President of M&T Bank’s Central Virginia region. “We believe quality education is the cornerstone of strong communities. Creating the M&T scholarship at Richard…

RBC Representatives Selected to the William & Mary Board of Visitors

…earned her Master of Arts and Doctoral degrees from LaSalle (PA) University. Prior to joining RBC Dr. Birdsong worked as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in a variety of treatment settings….


Stress Relief, Living Happy & Healthy

20180918 @ 14:00:00 - 15:00:00

…these positives can also come with the negatives of stress and anxiety. Don’t let the negatives get the best of you! Come see what might trigger stress, and learn some…


Preparing for Finals: The End Is In Site

20181127 @ 14:00:00 - 15:00:00

…way you might feel about final exams come to this seminar in order to understand the best ways to get through your finals in a breeze and be well on…

Meet RBC Honors Student & Golf Captain, Sam Smith

…season include making it out of the region and to be more around par score-wise. He also wants the team to continue working hard and playing the best they can….


Student Success Seminars: Stress Relief, Living Happy & Healthy

20160209 @ 1454677200 - 1454680800

…these positives can also come with the negatives of stress and anxiety. Don’t let the negatives get the best of you! Come see what might trigger stress, and learn some…


Second Annual Black and White Affair, Formal Dance

20161117 @ 21:00:00 - 00:00:00

Ladies, pull out that little black dress, and gentlemen, find your best suit and join the Statesmen family in the Cafe on November 17 at 9:00pm for the Second Annual…

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