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Reporting to the Police

…strongly encourages individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct to preserve evidence to the greatest extent possible, as this will best maintain all legal options for them in the future. Below…

IV. Academic Freedom And Professional Ethics

…must perform their academic duties as a professional priority, given that Richard Bland College is primarily a teaching college. They also are required to comply with federal and state laws…

Leadership & Governance

…and throughout the nation, and not surprisingly, students rate Richard Bland College professors among the best in the region. Richard Bland’s academically rigorous programs are grounded in the liberal arts…

Why RBC?

…ranked among the best in the region, with over 80% of instruction delivered by full-time faculty. The College boasts a small and diverse student population on a picturesque 750+ acre…

XV. Academic Faculty Misconduct

…maintain standards consistent with recognized ethical best practices of the professoriate, and with the lawful obligations of the faculty; the responsibility of the faculty to the public, and to the…

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13th Annual RBC Student Film Festival

20160331 @ 1458824400 - 1458835200

Come in Costume as a Character from Anime, Film, or Manga/ Comics and compete in our Cos-play Competition! Even if you don’t submit anything, come join us for the fun…

RBC To Host Public Hearing On Tuition & Mandatory Fees

…members of the public can also comment on the proposed fee increase via an online form. Public comments will be shared with the Board of Visitors in advance of its…

About us

VI. Campus Engagement

Available Training

A vital part of Richard Bland’s anti-harassment/anti-sexual misconduct initiatives is ensuring that members of the College community understand the College’s policies and procedures, are aware of the various types of…

RBC Students Selected For Competitive Programs

For Immediate Release: March 21, 2024 Contact: Jesse Vaughan, Chief Communications & Marketing Officer/ Richard Bland College of William & Mary (RBC) students Kylie McCoy and Michael Mason have been…

Richard Bland College Foundation Announces Awards of Distinction Recipients

…Roy Smith, graduated from the Medical College of Virginia’s pharmacy school and started his own company, Physicians Products Company. He sold the company and joined A.H. Robins pharmaceutical company. Smith…


32nd Annual Shrimp Feast

20160518 @ 1463414400 - 1463425200

Live Music – For Your Comfort Bring Your Lawn Chair or Blanket Tickets $25 Tickets may be purchased at: Bank of Southside Virginia on Crater Road, Owen Printing Company, Walnut…


…679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website ( Accreditation is the method by which the higher education community regulates itself. It provides for public confidence, institutional effectiveness, and…

Net Price Calculator

…Education must receive your FAFSA by this date. We suggest you submit the FAFSA on-line at a few days before March 1st to ensure timely receipt. If you are…


Thank You For Your Interest In Richard Bland College

…If you have any questions or need to change any details of your registration, please visit our web site at or contact the Office of Admissions at (804)862-6249.  …

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