To prepare our students for a lifetime of endless potential.
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Richard Bland College offers many challenging courses and programs that will provide you with a solid foundation in the liberal arts as you begin or continue your pursuit of higher education. By attending Richard Bland College and completing the Associate Degree, you will have completed the first two years toward the Baccalaureate Degree.
We have guaranteed transfer agreements with four-year colleges and universities across the Commonwealth that will enhance your educational opportunities.
A high quality, affordable college education should be within the reach of every student. Our goal is 100% student success, and that begins with offering the first two years of your undergraduate education at a reasonable cost that can be paid without going into debt. Richard Bland College, Virginia’s only public, residential two year college, is also one of the Commonwealth’s most affordable
Richard Bland College of William & Mary is the only two-year residential college in Virginia. The residence halls were built in 2008 and offer apartment-style living with state-of-the-art amenities. Students are able to live and eat affordably starting at just $9,840 per year ranging up to $11,640 per year depending on their room assignment.
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…to selective colleges and universities after completing university-equivalent coursework and associate degrees in arts and science. The College enrolls more than 1,500 students—residential and commuter—on a picturesque campus located just…
…selective colleges and universities after completing university-equivalent coursework and associate degrees in arts and science. The College enrolls more than 1,500 students—residential and commuter—on a picturesque campus located just outside…
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…Come in Costume as a Character from Anime, Film, or Manga/ Comics and compete in our Cos-play Competition! Even if you don’t submit anything, come join us for the fun…
…Of the 34 U.S. colleges and universities, eight are community colleges and 13 are minority-serving institutions. The selected proposals will develop new international partnerships, train faculty and staff, internationalize curriculum,…
…William & Mary in the fall. RBC’s virtual commencement ceremony can be at DECEMBER 2019 & MAY 2020 GRADUATES (*denotes December graduate) ASSOCIATE IN ARTS Alexus Andrea Charity (Hopewell),…
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Watch the video below for a fantastic inside look at Richard Bland College of William & Mary. Start your journey by applying today. …
2020 Summer Teacher Recertification Course: 7/13/20 through 7/17/20 Course Number 60028 COMM 299-51 Effects of Social Media on Human Communication 3 Credit Hours = 90 Continuing Education Points $450* –…
Event Registration Please complete this form as soon as you begin planning your student program/activity….
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