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Student Success

Earn a prestigious degree at Richard Bland College of William & Mary!

Financial assistance is based on the student’s cumulative high school GPA and overall Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by FAFSA.


  • All funding is limited
  • Student must be admitted to Richard Bland College
  • Student must be enrolled full time (at least 15 credit hours per semester)
  • Student must complete the FAFSA and submit all required verification documents (if requested) by March 1st
  • Student must be Virginia resident
  • Scholarship is given out on a first-come-first-serve basis


*out-of-pocket is tuition & fees at 15 credits, housing in double room plus minimum meal plan


*out-of-pocket is tuition & fees at 15 credits

To talk with an Enrollment Counselor, please contact the Office of Admissions
at 804-862-6249.

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High School GPA 3.5 & Above
EFC $0 to $5,300 80% out-of-pocket cost covered by grants and scholarships*
EFC $5,301 to $12,000 50% out-of-pocket cost covered by grants and scholarships*
EFC $12,000 and above Limited funding


High School GPA 3.0 to 3.49
EFC $0 to $5,300 50% out-of-pocket cost covered by grants and scholarships*
EFC $5,301 to $12,000 30% out-of-pocket cost covered by grants and scholarships*
EFC $12,000 and above Limited funding


Student Success

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