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Dr. David McCarthy

Associate Professor of History
Dr. David McCarthy

Contact Information:

Ernst Hall 137 
(804) 862-6100, ext. 6496 

Education & Publications:


 Dartmouth College, 1999


 College of William & Mary, 2003


 College of William & Mary, 2008


 Selling the CIA: Public Relations and the Culture of Secrecy (University Press of Kansas, 2018).


A native of Auburn, New York, David Shamus McCarthy is an Associate Professor of History at Richard Bland College of William and Mary. He graduated cum laude from Dartmouth College in 1999, and he received his M.A. (2003) and Ph.D. (2008) from the College of William and Mary. Under the direction of Professor Edward P. Crapol, he completed a master’s thesis entitled “The Making of a Tragedy: American Intervention In Lebanon, 1982-1984” and a dissertation entitled “The CIA and the Cult of Secrecy.” While the Lewis L. Glucksman Fellow at William and Mary (2006-2007), he developed a class on the history of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He published Selling the CIA: Public Relations and the Culture of Secrecy in 2018.

He serves on the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, and he is currently the faculty representative to the Board of Visitors. He regularly teaches History 201 (U.S. History to 1865), History 202, (U.S. History Since 1865), and History 250 (U.S. History Since 1945).

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