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Dr. Kim Boyd

Vice President of RBC and Chief Research & Innovation Officer
Dr. Kim Boyd

Contact Information:

Maze Hall, Room 109 
(804) 863-1606 

Education & Publications:


 Spelman College (1991)


 GA School of Professional Psychology (1996), Virginia Commonwealth University (2002)


 Virginia Commonwealth University (2003)


 Boyd, K., Clark, V., Wilson and Miles, S., Utilizing Virtual Reality to Understand the Relationship between Toxic Stress and Mindfulness Practices. Under development.

Lawrence, K., Boyd, K., Clark, V., D. Owens, Denslinger, C., Williams, M. and Washington, C. (in press - 2020). Relax and Relate: The Interaction of Drugs and Relationships. Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships.

Mongkuo, M. & Boyd, K. (2019). Examining the Influence of Religiosity and Spirituality on Shame among African American College Women. Virginia Social Science Journal. 53: 79-86.

Carlton, K., Hopkins, R., Hill, O. and Boyd, K. (2019). Factors Contributing to Mental Health Help-Seeking among African American College Students. Journal of Black Psychology. JBP-19-05-052.R1.

Clark, V., Keen, L., Brooks, J., Boyd, K., and Watkins, B. (2019). Fish Preparation as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Activity in African American Men and Women. Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Food Chemistry. 1: 001. JCNFC-001.000001

Boyd, K., Lawrence, K., Brooks, J., Perkins. P. & Clark, V. (2018). Relationship Contingent Self-Worth: The Role of Happiness, Well-Being, Self-Esteem and Depression. Journal of Sexuality and Relationships 4(4).

Clark, V, Hopkins, R., Carson, B., Boyd, K., Miles, S. & Williams, M. (2017). The Ability of Eating Behaviors to Predict Obesity and Cardiovascular Hyperactivity. Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders, 6:1. DOI: 10.4172/2324-9323.1000216

Carlton, K., Hopkins, R., Boyd, K. & Hill, O. (2016). Sexual Orientation, Age and Safe-Sex Practices among Black Males. Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships, 3(1), 45-73.

Boyd, K., Clark, V., Brady, C., Brooke, J. & Perkins. (2016). Body Image and Body Weight Perceptions as Predictors of Health Related Risk Behaviors among African American College Students. EMS: EMS-5175671995551756719955. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention ManuscriptID :EMS-51756719955

McCall, S., Keen, Brady, Carlton, K. & Boyd, K. (2016). Condom Negotiation Efficacy and Condom Use Attitudes as Predictors of Condom use in African American College Students. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research. 7-563. doi:10.4172/2155- 6113.1000563

Perkins P, Boyd K, Brady C (2015) Examining the Link between Cigarette Experimentation and Continued Risk Practices among African American College Students. J Subst Abuse Alcohol 3(3): 1037.

Boyd, K., Perkins, P., Lawrence, K. & Sutherland, J. (2015) The Female Condom: Knowledge, Image and Power. Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships. 1 (3): 97-112

Boyd, K., Stevens, L. & Greenberg, B. (2014) Utilizing a Qualitative and Quantitative Approach to Examine Substance Use and Parental Communication among African American Youth. Journal of Psychology, Vol 5, 1743-1749

Clark, V, Boyd, K., Hill, O. & Serpell, Z. (2013). Cognitive Skills as a Mediator of BMI and Cardiovascular Reactivity to Stress. (JFND012-25) – Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders.

Boyd, K., Hill, O., Fife, J. & Whittington, M. (2011). The Dimensions of Religiosity on Health Risk Practices of American college students. Psychological Reports, Vol 108, 2, 528-536

Boyd, K.P., Belgrave, F.Z., Ashcraft, A., Plybon, L. (2006). The impact of Mother-Daughter and Father-Daughter Relationships on Drug Refusal Self-Efficacy among African American Adolescent Girls in Urban Communities. Journal of Black Psychologist, 32 (1), 29-42

Relevant External Funding:

Principal-Investigator, Department of Justice (2018-2021), Utilizing Virtual Reality to assist with training on Mental Health Awareness, Violence Prevention and Threat Assessment in Schools.

Principal-Investigator, USDA (2019-2020), Demonstrating the feasibility of evidence based virtual modules to increase nutrition, understand food science and obesity prevention in youth.

Principal-Investigator, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2013-2016), HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse Community Based Participatory Research Project

Principal-Investigator, Department of Homeland Security (2012-2013) - Evaluating Social and Cultural Factors that Influence Risk Communication and Response Related to Food Related Threats.

Principal-Investigator, Alliance Summer (STEM) – Building Undergraduate Research Teams (2011-2013).

Principal-Investigator, Morehouse Medical School & SAMSHA (2011-2012). Developing A New Media Campaign to Reduce Substance Use and Abuse and Risky Sexual Practices on Campus

Co-Investigator, Evaluation Team Lead, National Science Foundation (NSF). (9/2007 – 9/2010) P.I. - Dr. Oliver Hill, Building Bridges between Math, Science and Engineering.

Co-Investigator, Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation (6/2006 – 5/2008), P.I. - Dr. Faye Belgrave, VCU, Pathways to Smoking among African American Adolescents: Family, Contextual & Cultural Factors. Subcontract.

Co-Investigator, Office on Women’s Health (OWH). (2006 – 2008. P.I. - Dr. Faye Belgrave, VCU , HIV Prevention Program for Young Women Attending Minority Institutions.


Dr. Kimberly Boyd is the Chief Research Officer of Richard Bland College of William & Mary. She earned her B.A in psychology from Spelman College, a M.A. in counseling psychology from GA School of Professional Psychology and her second M.S. and PhD in Social Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. Before entering the academic arena, Dr. Boyd worked as a Deputy Branch Chief, Behavioral Scientist, Research Psychologist, Public Health Analyst and Grants Management Specialist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for over a decade. In her academic leadership roles, Dr. Boyd has served as the Interim Assistant Dean of the College of Natural and Health Sciences; Chairperson of the Psychology Department and Director of the Ph.D. Health Psychology, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences Program at Virginia State University; Chairperson of the Hampton University Psychology Department and Vice President of Administration at the VSU Research Foundation. Dr. Boyd has received grant funding from multiple federal government agencies to include the Department of Justice, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office on Women’s’ Health, United States Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation. Her research focus includes Efficacy towards STEM, positive psychology and mindfulness, HIV/AIDS, mental health (Stress and anxiety), substance abuse and violence prevention.

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